Does Being A Girl Get You More Robux On Pls Donate?

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recently there's been a debate and please donate if girls or boys get more Robux than each other and today I'm here to settle that debate with bacon boy and bacon girl both will be playing please donate for an hour straight and with that said let's see what happens as soon as I claim to stand the timer starts and then we gotta see how long it takes to get our first donation and uh looks like we already got our first potential customer he says I would Dono that is unfortunate so far the only two people we've gotten on our sand so far is one person who doesn't have any Robux and one person that is begging for Robux so it's kind of unfortunate so far okay so there's another person in my stand right now he just said hi to me and maybe he'll donate he might be our first donation who knows I'm gonna do the art of conversation to potentially get Robux from him so hopefully it works he just asked me how much Robux do I want okay so this is gonna be our first donation I think guys all right I just asked them how much do you want to give we're gonna have him name a price because maybe he'll name the highest price possible who knows he said depends what does it depend on he said if I can do him a favor I asked him what favor now we're just awaiting his response okay he said come over here what does he want from me where is he taking me oh no he just asked me to donate one of these three people I don't have Robux he said okay so does that mean we're gonna get donated all right I'm gonna go all in I just said are you able to donate me it's either a yes or no from here this is a very in intense conversation he said okay I said what does mean he said take me to your booth okay it's all the way over this way this is gonna be our first donation on the bacon boy account he's looking my passes right now I think he's about to donate guys I can't tell if he's gonna donate or not it's been like 30 seconds unclaim your stand okay okay I just unclaimed my stance since he told me to and I don't know what he's trying to get me to do put yours next to mine okay I guess I'll follow his instructions okay he told me to put my booth next to his and I'm a little confused to be honest Now read my sign donate to him which points to me or him which points to that person or me I guess I just officially joined a please donate gang I'm not sure how this works do I work for him now all right well unfortunately it's been about seven minutes and we got zero donations so I think it's time we switch servers alright so I'm in a new server now and there's a group of about five people right there so I'm gonna claim my booth next to them and we're gonna try to get a donation from them as soon as I started talking they all left except this guy maybe this guy will be nice to me all right so after getting completely ignored I made a new server and I just cleared my booth at the best spot in the game all right I just walked up to this crowd over here and I said hey how are you all right I've engaged in conversation with another individual please donator so I'm not sure if we're both just socially awkward but none of us had said anything besides hi uh in fact it's been 30 seconds since the first message and I'm very upset oh he said how are you doing I am doing great okay he said good same now I'm not sure how to take a conversation from there so I'll just let him talk again I can donate he said I can donate he said I can do conversation but you know what let's do it I said okay that's really cool do you want me to take you to my booth this awkward conversation might have just led to my first donation he said I recognize it from Acron it's not a chrome okay you know what I gotta cover oh he just joining me five Roblox guys that's the first five Roblox in the video oh oh my goodness okay another person just walked out to my booth I'm gonna engage in an awesome conversation with him okay we both said hi now I'm just waiting for him to say something and he said sorry I got no Robux okay all right well it's officially been a little over 30 minutes and we still have yet to get another donation so I just joined a new server and there's a very rich person in it so hopefully we can get donated by them okay there's a big group of people right here including the rich person let's see if we can get donated by any of them okay I just asked them are you guys new to the game also basically what I'm trying to make them think is that I'm brand new to the game and they donate me okay this guy right here just said he'll give me four Robux is it oh okay follow me unfortunately my lowest is five so I might just need to change that okay guys this is gonna be my second donation I think let me just change the game path oh oh we just got done adren from the rich [Music] person oh my God thank you what and a 25 oh my goodness and another ten what is that I didn't even say anything to them wow I owe my end more they just bought every single game pass on my booth the five the ten the 25 then someone else just bought ten what just happened and they all just went away what just happened all right I just told them hey guys and one said yo do you want a Robux or surprise okay I said I like surprises since he said do you want one Robux or a surprise and I said I like surprises so let's see where this goes where's your stand oh okay he's looking at the passes right now he's climbed on the booth I think he's about to donate all right he just told me to add 100 000 so I'm gonna believe him and I'm gonna do it okay I just made the hundred thousand Game Pass as you can see and I think he's about to buy it he said ready and I said yes ready come on please buy it he said my boy I think he's about to buy it you are going to get headless yes awesome [Music] all right there's officially five minutes left in bacon boys hour and unfortunately we haven't been donated since and we've been server hopping so many times all right I just walked up to this group of three people and I said hey guys let's this is not my servers all right I'm now in a new server I just played my booth and fortunately there's a lot of active people around here and I'll leave three minutes and 30 seconds to get them to donate to me all right I just went into this group of three people and said hey can one of you donate I'm new I'm trying to get donated as fast as possible because now we only have two minutes and 30 seconds left in bacon boys timer all right I only have about a minute left I'm trying to get donated as fast as I can all right I just told this person hello oh he said hi back uh he ran away we didn't get much on bacon boy but now it's time to become bacon girl all right now that I'm baking girl it's time to get some Robux first things first I'm gonna go ahead and try to talk to the people around me all right said hi are any of you have Robux unfortunately absolutely no one responded to us so we're just gonna go ahead and get into another server all right we're in the server and it looks like a lot more people have Robux in the server so hopefully we're able to get some donations all right I claim my booth next to this seemingly rich person let's see if they donate I said Hi how are you to them let's see if we can start a little conversation all right I had a little conversation with them and it went pretty well but I don't think they have Robux to donate right now okay there's a person in front of our booth right now just kind of looking at our passes so we might get a donation here soon and unfortunately just like everyone else he walked away from us all right we joined a new server since that one sucked and we're gonna try to make some conversation over here all right said does anyone want to check out my booth it looks cool and uh yeah let's uh let's see if anyone wants to all right so we're once again a new server since the other one sucked and uh luckily we got a big crowd right here let's see if we can get a donation I said hi can anyone donate me I'm new let's see if we get a donation I also added on my booth is right here if anyone wants to donate but it looks like none of them are paying attention to me alright so as usual every single person ran away from me and uh yeah I guess we just go to them unfortunately it seems This Server sucks too and we got no donations so we're gonna move on to the next one all right we're once again another server and there's a person right here with a pretty cool looking Avatar maybe you'll donate I said hi guys I'm new to the game can anyone help me let's see if anyone indeed helps me and donates oh this person just said he can donate to me let's see how much he donates and come on come on how much he's gonna donate oh and he donated 50. thank you so much we got all right so we got 50 so far oh my goodness all right we're in a new server once again and there's three people talking right here so let's see if we can get a donation real quick I said hi I'm new or you guys too let's see what they say oh they said yes oh and that guy's spamming can you donate me for poor bacon um I just loaded into a new server and a fish stole my stand how okay we just loaded into a literal brand new server which means everyone is active so hopefully we can get some donations from this I said hey guys I'm new to the game can you help me out by donating let's see if anyone is generous and we got someone in front of our stand right now let's see if he'll donate he's looking at the booth he knows he wants to donate he uh he did not donate all right and once again in a new server I didn't get a good Booth spot but we're still gonna run around and see if we can get people to donate to us I said hey guys I'm really new can you donate me all right I just got into a new server and claimed my booth let's see if we can go ahead and get some more donations alright I said hi guys I'm new does anyone want to donate a little doesn't have to be a big amount at the moment it seems we're getting ignored but don't worry I have very good conversation tactics okay that guy got donated did five now it's my turn to get donated five million okay I'm lagging for some reason that's okay though all right I said hey can you help me get to 300 I'm new let's see if we get donated okay they got donated four Now where's our Robux all right there's a person standing in front of me right now I think we're about to get donated I said hi and they said H oh no they said hi oh they're going up to our booth I think I think both of them might actually be about to donate no they said no sorry all right I said hi can you donate to this guy and he's just spamming dots for some reason I don't really understand but you know what that's fine he's still putting dots all right we got into a new server and there's a few people over here so we're gonna try and get a donation I said my booth is on the right side can anyone donate I'm new and so far no one oh wait someone took me over oh a core Block's leg is coming over okay once again I'm in a new server again I said hi guys my booth is near the shop can anyone donate I'm new to Roblox and so far oh hello oh wait don't go don't go oh he's he come back oh no he goes oh no he come back oh I think he's about to donate looking at our booth come on oh he's only in five yes I said thank you so much OMG thank you okay we just got into a really rich server we're gonna go ahead and claim our booth and I believe we might be able to get a donation in This Server hi guys cab Abby have you dalknate and uh unfortunately none of them are donating me for some reason one just two boosts over just just come on walk over here all right so we're now 40 minutes into the hour and we got barely any donations so we gotta start speeding things up all right that guy right there is core blocks on both of his legs so let's see if we can get him to donate I said hey guys I'm new to Roblox can you help out by donating so I can get a cool Avatar and I'll say my booth is right here oh that guy just got donated 15. come on donate to me next I said hey I'm new to Roblox can you help me buy an avatar no he got donated again please donate me instead oh look how many people have Robux in This Server I think we're definitely gonna get donated I just gotta find a good Booth this person might be donating me they're just never mind this person might be donating me oh someone over there just got five Roblox please me next me next you new Jen what is nugen all right well they said never mind and now they're looking at my booth so I think they might be about to donate I think they uh they didn't dummy instead I think they took over my booth I learned a new server with only six minutes left we're gonna try to beg some people and see if we can get some quick Robux uh now I just need to find someone to beg I said hi can I have even just five I'm saving for my first avatar let's see if anyone believes me oh wait I think we're about to get donated come on come on please oh we got ten yay okay well at least we got ten you know what that's that's all that matters we got ten I'm very thankful very thankful he said thank you so much that was my first donation in a long time and they said no problem so uh what do I uh what do I do now okay the final effort I'm gonna put some random items on from this thing actually I'm just gonna put all of it on at once and see what happens all right this guy right here is looking at our booth we might be about to get donated oh he said where's your stand and I said it's this one let's see if we're about to get donated come on come on he said 100 I said sorry do you want me to lower it no he said I need Roblox sorry no I think we gotta swap the servers all right with only two and a half minutes left I disclaimed the booth it's time to start begging people I said hi guys I'm new to the game please donate me let's see if anyone well please donate me uh they seem to be arguing with each other right now so I'll uh I'll just go over here all right we have one and a half minutes left and unfortunately nothing was happening so I had to swap servers but there's a ton of people over here I said hey guys can you donate me I'm new and want a new Avatar I'm saving for the first big Avatar let's see if anyone donates me please all right we have 10 seconds left oh no five four three two and one unfortunately just like bacon boy we didn't really get much Robux in conclusion after one hour both of them got barely any Robux so to answer the question do boys or girls make more Robux on please donate well neither it's based on the strategies you use also my new game ball tag is officially releasing July 8th so if you want to have fun with me and many others click the games link in the pin comment favorite it and write down the release date so you're ready to play when it's out
Channel: ItsMeAKrow
Views: 594,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pls Donate, Roblox, Robux, Free Robux, Roblox Pls Donate
Id: OjVNryX7eLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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