I Became The STRONGEST BABY Ever... | Who's Your Daddy

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today i'm gonna become a weirdly super strong baby yeah those are some big arms hello everybody i'm kindly keen and welcome back to who's your daddy i'm once again joined by dak blake and we're gonna get into all kinds of trouble because we're baby troublemakers and that's kind of what we do hopefully i don't eat my brother what's up bro how's it going you look uh you look rather nice thank you thank you i dressed for the occasion yes i like to dress up in the pinwheel hat ready to go of course you jump higher see farther yeah be faster and be the parents favorite i know yes mom and dad's favorite i i got to tell you though i got to tell you something i've been working out i've been lifting yeah i got this new perk makes me super strong and i want to put it to the test dude arm wrestling is that what we're doing we're doing it let's go arm wrestling okay uh still kind of figuring out how to use our arms you know because we're babies looks like we're rubbing cheeks together yeah that's how babies are wrestle exactly yep there you go okay okay well i win and uh good game good game actually there's a pair over here i think it's a pair oh um you want to play catch yeah sure all right okay let me stand back here all right see if you can throw it all the way over here i gotta do some like like stretches i gotta stretch the shoulder muscles you know ligaments and whatnot okay whatever i'm just gonna throw it yeah oh that is so fast i thought it was gonna like at least like drop like right here like where i'm standing it like smashed into the into the wall look i i smashed it it i smashed it in half does that work with like everything i don't really know i kind of hope so here i have the perk on as well we're both strong babies you know isn't it all right once right you've been working out too you've been working out all right watch this oh my gosh it's like a bullet terrible wait throw that pair and it not break no no broke all right brother we have a lot in store here today we have a lot to discover um as you can see i have seen something about these vents while you were sleeping i did a lot of uh lookie louis not only you've been working out and you've been like exploring i have a lot of time in the day i'm a baby you know yeah parents let you do anything you want because you're the favorite all right but now that all the batteries are out of the way i really got to show you something so you see these vents they are very dangerous mom and dad did not want us to go through it but if you do oh legit just fly you're crying you're now in the kitchen now if you jump through it go go go go go go okay okay okay okay i'm gonna try okay here it go you broke all the dishes i somehow managed when i jumped out like i lit oh all i see is your propeller head in the floor now bro bro are you okay really can you see me i'm right here oh gosh okay you were in the floor for a second i was very worried that that vent did more to you than me don't worry i'm a resilient baby nothing could ever happen to me i mean who else could like live like running around and hitting their head crazily that's true also i'm green throw that out there you want the anti-green pills you're uh you're turning into hulk actually you know what exactly i'm super strong i'm green i'm hulk baby hear me roar i like this but uh today i have discovered something very interesting brother mom and dad may have left us home with a lot of dangerous stuff right they didn't anticipate one thing breaking out of here that's what we're gonna do you're gonna be strong and you're gonna be the muscle and i'm going to be the brains and we're going to break out of this place okay does it involve a blender uh yes okay 100 i just want to bring it along i love this thing his name is greg here i'll plug it in for you because i'm such a helpful guy look at me i'm just gonna just plug it in right there right yep you need to like climb right yep and then and then and then you just get inside of it right you're gonna hurt me you're trying to eat me aren't you no no oh wait did you die i'm good no i'm just taking a nap i think i don't know what's happening i'm scared what happened to me where are you i'm underground i have you in my hand right i just put you in my pocket i'm in your pocket where am i in your diaper you don't have pockets oh my god that's just you i don't know what's happening what i'm not here i'm i'm i think i did die i think i i oh my gosh okay okay well all right happens the best of us i guess fair enough did you just eat me i blended you and you still are here that's impressive anyways brother before you go and eat me again i see you you're trying to blend me up you look at me like i'm a snack huh you see me and you go tasty well no it's just because of the colorful hat you look like candy you just look like candy are you saying i'm sweet uh thank you brother yes when i eat you you are rather sweet so i think what you're supposed to do is you climb on this hold on i gotta like angle it towards this this is far too complicated for my little baby brain okay you gotta walk me through it man okay so you climb on the blender and then you just get off okay it like lets you get outside oh i'm going i'm going no no it didn't climbing it as you're climbing it as i'm climbing oh no oh i messed it up i messed it up okay so i need to position it yeah no not like that okay grab it with the r and then push it towards the thing okay there we go and then just gotta so i need to aim so adorable you're just like walking slowly playing with a blender to try to escape the family home we're trying to escape this like prison right yeah yeah house prison house prison baby edition okay okay i'm very bad at this i might need you to come back bro oh no i'm not trained in the arts of of blender escapes i open the door what i i open the door i just walk out can you no oh do you think this is good do you think this is a good spot yeah try it so so i i press e to get in the blender but as i'm climbing i press space bar to jump out of it yeah okay okay i think you have to angle it to where you're grabbing on has to be like positioned over here i'm trying it's very finicky hey brother having a tough time with your strong arms over there look at how intelligent i am i'm able to break out of here damn this is so embarrassing no wonder your mom and dad's favorite maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay here okay nope not quite okay maybe i need to wait a little bit longer oh that felt close maybe if i push it maybe i can push nope the blender has no collision okay that's fine who needs it oh my gosh it felt like i was there like when i when i come like oh hello you're sticking your head half of my head is out how's it going there you go gosh it feels so close okay bro thanks for coming back for me because clearly i'm not as skilled as you with the art of blender escapes i just you know i gotta take care of my brother yeah and you are older by like 30 seconds so yes right but i am slightly older therefore i will be the wise very wise i i'm the strong one right usually you'd be questioning this situation right now you'd be like should we be doing this should we be escaping but no i'm all for this you know we've been around each other for long enough you know like two months and i i've learned to trust you you know you're you're a trustworthy brother you've only blended me a couple of times there we go you know get out of the house okay all right okay pretty e and then e okay e and then e e e no you have to you have to get off the i guess e and then space maybe e and then space yeah yeah okay but immediately like especially nope nope it's not it's not doing it it's not doing it man it i can't do i'm so sad i just want to be outside with you bro i just want to be out there i want to be free oh my gosh i felt like it was there i it was right there come on come on get in there no i'm so mad i'm so mad being outside is just it's so magical you could walk over here by the pool it is it's a very nice hot day it feels good yeah i'm just gonna go over here and stand by the pool must be great this is video i don't even i can't even see you anymore you must be having so much fun i can't even see you this is so cool i'm standing right now on the pool water what i literally just my brother can walk on water whoa look at this this is so cool oh wait i see your propeller head i see oh yeah i see you in the pool your fresh air out here doesn't look like you're standing on water here because it looks like you're like please brother let me mom and dad love me they like they give me a propeller hat they let me outside in the pool it looks like you're just standing under water from my perspective yeah rather i'm here i'm living life through your eyes because of our twin brain connection yes now i can expect even though i couldn't physically get out there i can see your perspective on this this twin brain telepathy yes we've connect yeah weird twin powers anyways this is super weird the ground seems to be made of some kind of strange marshland it is it is very weird but seeing the world outside it's crazy you know our house seems to be kind of a lie as you know right like the outside of that is not real it's an experiment where there were babies in an experiment this whole time where are we living this is terrifying oh wow that is weird look at the house hey there's the basement i've been there before on april look upstairs actually exists and stuff like that's crazy yeah oh yeah i'm updating the game like pretty soon so we'll see if we can go up there yeah maybe they'll add that to our fake house in our team which house do you want to claim any house they're all empty i like the yellow one um okay i'll get the one right over there okay we'll grow first together we'll have yeah we'll be neighbors oh wait whoa you've gotten out of the ground sort of you made it to the driveway hold on what's what's the driveway like what does it feel like oh yeah it feels very rocky yeah yeah i can't breathe but i'm very happy i mean you're a happy baby and that's truly what counts oh wow okay wait let's drop you off at your yellow house i have no energy as a baby i am very hungry very thirsty where's mom and dad i'm going to find them myself where did they go i know look at this it's just a baby like crawling through the stream across the street yeah dad where are you oh it's so sick with his little hey but he's he's got that like childlike wonderment you know everything's new everything's everything's exciting look at these trees look at this house amazing we'll just knock on this door and see what they're doing that's my house i'm moving in so this is the house we've been wondering about this is your house yes knock knock is anybody in here does it look like on the inside i want maybe i should have thought about that before oh oh no it was never real the whole time oh they tricked us we're in a simulation brother this is terrifying you can never escape no take me home i want to go back to my crib all right now it is time for me to see your true baby strength i will become the dad put it to the test i want to see if i can bench press my dad yeah that's gonna be the thing you know i gotta i gotta test out the skills of my son to see if he's truly as strong as he says he's i mean let's be honest i'm trying to impress you because i'm not the favorite child yeah where's my favorite kid okay so where is he don't okay don't worry about propellerhead kid right we all know why you love him more he has the same fashion sense as you but uh okay just don't worry just let things happen i am gonna throw this right at your face okay that didn't work okay i'm gonna throw this one on your face again okay i don't know my own strengths sometimes there we go okay now i'm gonna see if i can pick you up all right dad just just stay still just gonna try to use my immense baby strength that i've been training for my entire life automatically got up man wait you're too active you glitch me out of the house if i fall backwards oh my gosh we need to try maybe my strength can get you out of the house it is immense i trust oh man i really wanted to bench press you dad let's see maybe if you jump on you know if you're like you're under me right now and you're like moving me yeah i think try jumping on top of me i know not typically something that you want to do with a baby but i'm a very strong baby so yeah you're you're pretty strong already i it kind of almost looked like it for a second what no no not quite i mean almost okay hold on okay i'm gonna i'm gonna get knocked out oh there we go there we go oh wait maybe oh you know what maybe if i crawl you know i can get some more leverage if i crawl oh there we go oh here we go right yeah okay there you go no you know what it's almost looks so cute like i'm just playing along yeah you're lifting me up yeah right i'm definitely lifting you right dad right i'm lifting you i did it i did it i'm strong am i strong am i strong am i your favorite son yeah you gotta be a little bit more convincing than that that's yes you're so adorable you're also my only son where's my other son excuse me other son i don't know understand where are you you didn't eat him did you you always end up eating him and then i have to go to the doctor get your stomach pumped and then your brother comes out all mad yeah yeah okay i kind of understand why he's the favorite now wait let's try something i want to try one more thing okay well that's that is grandma by the way you remember that well grandma's gonna help us lift you okay okay she's gonna she's gonna careful with grandma okay all right here we go okay ready here we go here we go yeah did that work grandma there's glass in my arm now okay uh but you're still you're doing well son thanks i'm being supportive i'm trying to be a good father you're great great dad that's fine you might be bleeding to death but it's okay you you can get through it i'm just gonna eat some glass all right bro i think i have a another method that we can possibly escape this place all right really okay it involves this crazy looking machine up here i don't know what it's called with the micro um micro maker the microwave is there like a glitch or something with it or yeah yeah yeah yeah so okay i'm gonna open it up for you and then you get you get inside all right climbing yep there you go all right all right there you go and then i'm gonna walk you through it i'm just gonna stand over here because secretly yeah i don't wanna get in the way okay you know you're okay this is really weird you kind of don't really look like you're in it but that's okay i'm gonna trust what i've been told um so you gotta press some buttons here set that it's like a time machine i guess you gotta set that thing to like nine thousand okay yeah the year nine thousand are you dude are you do i click start yeah yeah yeah okay i am clicking it i have started it's counting down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm just gonna okay i don't i was told that this was supposed to teleport you uh oh um this was not an easter egg you just killed me i'm sorry um let me try and save you from this fire no i oh gosh oh gosh um this house is on fire i think oh this is oh no everything is on fire everything is on fire i have a solution though i can fix this i can it's very hot it's very hot everything is hot okay yes yes i think i think i can fix this i can fix this bro i can fix it okay i believe in you yeah it's hot oh it's hot gosh hurry okay i'm working on it i'm working on it i'm trying my best is like is it filling up okay there we go there we go yes yes oh okay okay all right are you okay dude are you okay with me i'm not bro i'm not on fire i'm gonna okay i'm gonna i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get you up here i'm gonna get you up here okay you know what we might not both make it okay i gotta do this oh gosh i i'm so sorry i meant to i meant to open the door i meant to open the door i oh gosh there was no secret there was no secret code i believed you i'm so sorry i i know i was getting teleported i thought they had an easter egg brother i meant to open the door and i accidentally ate you it happens right it happens i do actually say though you were well cooked [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,069,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, who's your daddy, daddy game, who's your daddy game, family friendly, who's your daddy gameplay, parent, let's okay who's your daddy, family game, kid games, who's your daddy meme, dakblake, who's your daddy game videos, daddy, family, gameplay
Id: UBioSxG63Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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