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hello everybody and welcome back to another video today we are going to be building a new character I'm sure you've seen by the title and thumbnail that character is going to be Razer I've been looking forward to this video because I've been wanting to upgrade Razer for a long time now I just haven't had the materials to do so and today we finally have them so now we're gonna upgrade our boy without further Ado let's get in to the video now I've neglected Razer for a long time but today that changes we've pre-grinded some materials and I still have a little bit more to get for our guy Razer as you will see here he is currently level 60 but a majority of my characters on my account are level 80 level 60 ain't gonna cut it so we're gonna need to get him even higher than that his current weapon is some level one male flower this needs to change too he has no artifacts uh he is C6 I just happen to get him a lot not much else to that and then his talents are one five five not the gray greatest razor ever but we're gonna change that today first thing we need to do is grind some boss materials for him now I have pre-grided a tiny little bit for him you'll see here that I actually have a current 12 of the lightning prisms but in order to upgrade him to the max we are gonna need 20 of those so let's head over and kill that boss this boss is one of the first ones we ever see in gungeon impact and in fact it also happens to be one of the easiest bosses in the game there's not much to this boss you guys will see here that I'm going to complete this boss in a mere 30 seconds time starts now go into the next phase please don't make me look dumb oh come on oh dodge dodge dodge and bang and your dad oh shoot no no surely I get them oh come on I missed the first phase look how close it is well there goes my 30 seconds Bop all right now we just gotta get rid of these one electric prism two prisms three prisms and you die please give me three shoot I got two no whatever well now we gotta wait a little while for that boss to respond so in the meantime Razer needs a really annoying mom material and that is the mass which you get from the Hella trolls which are such an annoying material to grind you would think they wouldn't be annoying because they're dropped by hilly Charles and there's like plenty full of those however it is the exact opposite they are extremely annoying because there's no guaranteed drop for them now I have pre-grinded quite a bit here this took me hours to do so why don't we go start on our heli Trail grind [Music] thank you alrighty I've extermined every last hilly Charles on the map and hopefully that's enough because I don't feel like grinding more Haley Charles alrighty now that we are done grinding all our hilly Charles Mass the next thing we would usually have to do is start grinding those wolf hook berries because Razer does need a lot of those luckily for me though I have pre-grinded all the wool berries I would need so you guys don't have to worry about sitting through me mindlessly grinding wolf berries for an hour so I'll be happy about that but the next thing we must do is we're gonna actually have to start grinding his talent book materials because I am lacking on those and something about razor is that you have to upgrade all three of his talents so you need a lot of books in order to do that now I have currently three teachings of resistance 45 guides and six philosophies that's not enough we need a lot more than that luckily I do have a couple condensed in my inventory and I'm hoping that will be enough to get us all of razer's talents upgraded but let's head over to the domain and find out alrighty we're back at this domain the domain of the Frozen Abyss my least favorite domain in the entire game the freezing one but luckily we do got a mono Pyro Team that I'm gonna use and hopefully this can carry us I wish we could use Razer but he is just not properly built yet so instead I'm gonna use my Dia zhanglang Causeway Bennett team which annihilates this challenge for the most part let's go I need my Razor materials give them to me beneberg shung Ling go and kazua we're gonna group them all up never mind everything's dead I like that though that's good get rid of a couple slimes one and oh gosh it already dodged me bang the problem is once I run out of bursts uh I'm kind of just screwed because I don't have a way to break these guys Shields okay never mind we're still okay bang bang and now you are dude give me the gold only blue my goal for the Razer Talons is to get minimum 777 is kind of what I'm hoping but if I can get higher then I will because I want to try to build the best razor possible it's just I don't have all that much resin at the moment and I'm trying to save for other things with my fragile so we'll see how far I can get my Razor luckily Zhang Ling is destroying this domain but these icicles are also destroying me so that's also happening gonna do big Causeway burst there we go oh we got the day of burst up let's go and you die Big Bird ah still no gold that's not good we're gonna need a lot of gold if we want to completely max out his talents throw these icicles unfortunately I didn't bring a shielder with me so I have no way of really stopping them either but luckily Diaz Interruption is actually really nice for this domain because it stops the icicles from interrupting when I'm doing my attacks there we go one dead little Abyss Mage is left we got the jungling plus idea burst and we melt them quickly and the bird is dead please give me one gold this time I just need one no I haven't got a single one so far okay this should be our last domain run a little bit longer to go and then hopefully we can maybe get a single gold because we haven't got a single one so far ow ow man these freaking icicles man okay one single gold or two or three even if you feel like it actually I don't think three's possible okay we take one we'll take one that's not shabby all right that should be all the talent books we need and now that we are done with that we must head back to the Electro hypostasis and kill it once again I'm gonna switch around my party and this time I'm a hundred percent getting sub 30. I believe this time I will defeat it in less than 30 seconds just you watch here we go ow throw your Cubes at me yeah yeah yeah you can do all that but the lucky got Shen Hub burst and then we do Ikea burst and now you die oh I messed it up didn't I yeah I messed it up again I should have done Shanghai before he goes into his little phase there that's all right missed the sub 30 again one day all right one two three what an easy boss fight this time please give me three I bet give me three give me three give me free no two again oh whatever that's fine I just have to waste more resin it's okay you know what's funny is I actually one faced it on my last attempt when I was actually trying to pay attention well there we go this is the last fight we should have to do and now we officially have enough to fully upgrade our razor and we got a physical damage goblet but it's trash unlucky though we do want a physical damage goblet for our razor alright now that we have everything that we need for a Razer why don't we start upgrading him now we have a lot of work to do for Razer he is low level right now level 60 does not cut it on my account men level 80. so let's take them all the way up to that level goodbye exp books you all go to Razer now oh I'm never seeing those again how do I not have the essential materials throw these things again how am I always missing amethyst chunks every time I know I have enough yes I do bang bang There we go and now it's time for Razer level 80. let's go Ascend that physical damage bonus we're gonna need a lot of that for you because you're going to be doing mainly physical attacks man you are drawing me of my exp books though I have nothing left after this well there we go level 80 razor he's yawning as we Ascend him we also were able to get a single acquaint fate off of that to possibly get a five star I do this every time I do a character review and they never give it to me but today will be the day I get the five okay no it's not anyways now that we have a level 80 razor why don't we make why don't we add him to the party let's go Razer level 80 razor it's your Tom buddy next thing we have to do for you is we have to actually try and build you properly so we're gonna have to find a good weapon for you now I have a lot of weapons on my account not a lot of them are physical based like for example I haven't upgraded my snow Tunes star silver which I do want to do because this is a weapon I was thinking about using for Razer I just know I know it's not that best one ever but it's like a decent weapon overall and it does have physical damage bonus so it could possibly be a good Razer weapon the only problem is I can't grind these today and I don't have any in my inventory either I got 12 of the blacks seven of the Browns that's all I got so instead we're gonna have to use a sub weapon right now and I think the best option I have is gonna be the Skyward Pride this is an all-around good weapon for him and this little bonus damage the vacuum blade actually scales off your physical damage so this is a really good weapon for Razer actually and all physical characters in fact so we're gonna use the Skyward Pride on him it's R2 because I happen to get two of them plus level 90 because it should be doing big big damage next thing we have to worry about is artifacts and I feel like there's a pretty obvious artifact set for him it's just trying to stack as much physical damage as possible with pale flame and blood stain pieces so let's try and find some good ones for him in terms of flowers I got one here with 16 crit rate we will 100 take that credit right we're gonna need that uh we need one more pale flame though and I think I'm gonna take this one with a perfect sub stats this one looks really really nice for him next thing we're gonna need is some Blood Stained pieces that that's also gonna be super important let's take I I think I'm probably gonna need a crit rate mask I definitely don't have a lot of crit rate yeah I'm definitely gonna need crit rate Mass that's going to be pretty important but the thing is I don't have a lot of crit damage either so maybe we try correct damage mask and see if I can get enough crit rate because I think I also have a physical damage bonus goblet with a lot of crit rate uh this one is seven current rate 11 crit damage uh 21 I guess we can try this one this looks pretty nice and now we got the two piece two piece and now we just try to get as much crit as possible on our Sands which doesn't look like it's gonna happen because all our Sands suck uh maybe this one doesn't though all right let's see if that's enough 61 149 not terrible it's not great but luckily we do have 130 physical damage bonus which is pretty nutty plus one 88 recharge that we're going to get back his burst up on cooldown pretty fast so that's gonna be very very nice I think all these artifacts are decent enough I don't think there's any like standout problems with his build so overall I'd say we built a pretty decent razor definitely not the best of the best but I'd say it's decent enough and the last thing we have to worry about is obviously his talents and I already don't have the materials to do what I forgot to grind hilly Trail mats okay one second and now I have enough let's start upgrading his talents all right so it looks like we only have the gold books to take two of his talents level seven and then we have to leave one at level six so I think according to the talent reference we're gonna leave uh the e at level six and we're gonna take his normal attack and his burst both to level seven and I think that's pretty decent and because I have some constellations these are actually nine and ten so it's actually a lot better than it looks and overall I think we built a pretty decent razor we got him C6 we got him a two-piece blood stain two-piece pale flame he has a decent ratio good recharge I'm looking forward to seeing what we're able to pull off with our new and improved razor now the next thing we have to do is build a team around him now obviously we're going to want to build a team around a physical unit now now we have a couple of options here we can either try to do something we can either do something like an electrocharge comp with somebody like yaylon and we can maybe pair him also with zinc Cho for double electrocharge which could be very very powerful people our other option is trying to main him in a physical build where we only worry about his attacks alone and we pair him with units like Yoon Jen and then probably also a Bennett would be good as well so I think those are the two comps I want to try out I think first of all we're going to start with the physical comp I'm gonna pair him with Rosaria because Rosaria also decreases physical res and we'll do Razer Yoon Jin Rosaria Bennett let's try it out let's see how much physical damage we can get off with our razor why don't we head over and fight the Primo Geo Bishop that big rock frog is about to get destroyed by my new physical team I'm looking forward to this one I want to see how much damage we're able to do with just his physical attacks alone I think these three are the best way to maximize a Razor's alone physical damage so we're gonna see how much damage he's able to do uh it seems like the rock frog is hydro today that is fine that is a Dandy and good element for us to have we're gonna need to start charging up the burst that's gonna be our first priority is charging up burst and oh almost there and we got it okay we're gonna put down Bennett first Rosario burst you you let's go and we got all three stacks huge oh look at our physical damage I'm not even gonna Dodge I don't need to dodge okay apparently I need to dodge well that's a little problematic maybe a shield there would have been a good decision today we were doing crazy damage until I died though all right let's charge up our burst again now please don't do that again if you do it again I just kind of die so I'm gonna wait till he does it so I can get all my burst off at once and just destroy him okay there we go I'm just gonna run away okay never mind he still somehow caught me that's fine Bennett burst Rosario burst you and you let's go 10K 10K 10K 22k no shot wait let's do this bang 19k you're insane he does like 21k average that is nuts wait I have to try that out again without dying razer's insane man I never knew how crazy he was razer's underestimated clearly because that was some nuts damage right there let's try it out against massanori okay there we go I think we got everything up now so let's put down this this shoot we're sorry I didn't get her burst you gotta be kidding me okay I think we still got time Bang and now we go oh oh wait he's blocking stop blocking oh my gosh that's fine you're still dead even without the abandon burst I'm doing like 10K averages 20ks what are you doing stop blocking 9k 11k that's with no help either 10K averages with no supports is crazy unfortunately he was blocking a lot of that time so he didn't get a lot done that's still pretty good and then 11ks on the like the charge D's that's not bad at all let's try this again we're gonna try with no supports again let's see what we can average so nine six seven about six seven K averages that's still not bad though that's still really really solid I would say overall that was some really good razor testing there's one more comp I want to try out though we're gonna try razor and then we're gonna try pairing him in an electro charge comp with both yaylon and zingcho and then I guess for the last slot we'll just do like Zhang Lee so that we don't die and I want to try him with this electrocharge comp see what how much Dam damage on our electrochargers that we can get off can I fight you again yes let's have at it here we go okay again we gotta charge up first I should probably put up the Zhang Lee Shield that would help so that I don't die okay you're almost done yelling got her burst there we go okay you you and now we go in and we're getting everything off at once because razer's burst attacks are actually normal attacks oh my gosh he's already in his second phase wait we might just might just kill him in one phase of the razor burst wait this is insane and oh my God Razor's crazy this is probably viable on the spiral Abyss too but I think that is gonna be all for a Razer testing video today I think we've proven how cracked Razer really is if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to see more videos like these in the future please consider subscribing or leaving a like down below anyways guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Kekvin
Views: 172,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: icM0XaWfA6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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