i became a FRUIT SURGEON!

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today I'm a doctor and I'm operating on fruit oh no apple what has happened to you don't worry I'm here I'm gonna sew you up yay give me my 66 dollars thank you I've unlocked tweezers I can't wait to use these on fruit so welcome to my office yeah I'm pretty professional oh there's my operating bed so let's buy some decoration and what did I just buy oh I bought a clock a clock with leaves hello banana oh do you uh you have a worm don't worry I'm just I'm just gonna pull that out come on how do we get it I'll have to keep tapping oh and I'm gonna feed it to him yeah here eat it eat it super banana here let's put on the tray the Banana's happy I got 70 dollars for taking the worm out of him but I didn't sew up the hole so rip to whoever is gonna buy that banana and eat it what is this a straw oh a vacuum yeah kind of the same thing right hello strawberry oh the strawberry has a lot of worms going on as well but we got a straw I'm just gonna suck him out with my mouth mmm I love uh sucking up worms and I'm just gonna sew you up don't cry little one feels good you are now clean thank you for the eighty dollars I've unlocked a scalpel oh sorry it's a land set which I don't know what that means I I'm pretty sure this is a knife yeah who knows Let's uh let's keep operating we got a was a cucumber a watermelon I don't know here give me that stupid worm whoa that's a long one here eat it put it in your mouth cucumber all right he doesn't want it it was the same color as him though oh now I get to slice him open well this is good yeah it's sorry oh no he's got so many worms in them I'm gonna suck up so yummy and Stitch you right back up buddy so he's happy I got a hundred dollars and now I have Band-Aids yeah we're gonna use these to sew up any uh serious incisions oh look I can buy a station for 133 dollars let's do that oh we upgraded it and we got books time for my uh next customer a VIP customer what even Izzy is he like just a really cool lemon I have to watch and add it to operate on him okay I will all right we're back we got the really cool lemon I forced uh the glasses off of them don't be mad what is this inside of him looks like a chocolate chip ice cream I can't wait to slurp this up mmm so yummy and then let's stitch them up don't worry you're gonna be good he's happy I got 500 for that if I watch another ad it'll give me 1500 so I'm gonna do that and there we go 1500 give it to me I can buy some new furniture so we got a coffee table and how about some more yeah let's upgrade the furniture again that's where all the books I never read go I just pretend to be smart because I'm a doctor let's buy something for the station oh we upgraded everything we just made it bigger that's all now let's improve our decoration okay so apparently a first aid kit is decoration We're not gonna ever actually use it and how about some more furniture oh yeah new coffee table even better right yeah we got that at Ikea actually all right next customer we have a what is this like a like a pear an unripe eggplant I don't know but we're gonna cut you up and find out what's oh there's a chicken McNugget inside of you hey get out of here idiot wait maybe it's an avocado yeah I really don't know but don't worry we got the Chicken McNugget I would love to eat it looks lovely oh and then we apply a Band-Aid yay so what about all my other customers that didn't get Band-Aids are there stitches just gonna rip open and then they're gonna come back and then we can make more money it's actually genius new tool unlocked the X-ray we're back and I now have the X-ray machine yay what am I gonna even use that for hello tomato don't be sad what do we even have here do I just press it and he's gonna like blow up wait oh move my oh yeah the Tomato had a pimple it's so gross okay we have our x-ray machine Let's look oh my goodness Mr tomato you seem to have an issue going on the side of you don't worry just gonna do a fast cut I bet that felt really good I'm gonna hmm so yummy and then we have a what even is this is it your child I'm just removing your baby and we stitch you up and close it but you don't get a Band-Aid okay I'm out of Band-Aids they're only for special patients new tool unlocked spray yes I want it make money off me and there we go the spray what is it bleach I don't know but let's buy some more furniture goodbye bookcase hello new fancy bookcase oh no the eggplant has like 50 pimples just in one area and where I'm gonna spray them yeah get out of here other mushrooms yeah okay we just sprayed poisonous gas all over them to kill the mushrooms oh you have a baby eggplant inside of you I'm gonna take that that's going home to the wife and now let's stitch them up and is he gonna get a uh a Band-Aid I don't think so you're not good enough but thanks for your child new tool unlocked a shaver dude this game knows how to make money okay I really want this I got the shaver I can't wait to shave fruit with this thing a coconut okay he definitely needs to be shaved look how hairy is don't worry buddy I'm here we're just gonna shave a giant Circle just a big patch on your chest and then I'm gonna open you up don't cry I know look man you got a nasty issue with some watermelon seeds here I gotta take those out of you come on ah see number two and number three there we go see that wasn't so bad let me just Stitch you up seal it you don't get a banana or not a banana a Band-Aid if you want a banana to go maybe that can be arranged what is this Cottons okay and we have Cottons there's actually only one more tool that I need this uh syringe here I can't wait to inject fruit with unknown substances let's buy some more furniture all I want is a better coffee oh oh we got the better desk we got a chair that's not gonna uh break my back that's always good uh-oh corn you're looking bad always VIP okay another ad I'm back we are working on the VIP customer what is it this is cotton so we're just cleaning them up his corn got really dirty in the field and now I get to add in third party corn so I can't recommend that this won't uh give you a range disease but I don't think he seems to care yes I want times three money so I'm gonna watch and add and give the developer more money and now I get 3 750 that sounds awesome I can buy more furniture oh yeah give me that new couch look at that that's a really expensive custom-made couch by the way let's get some more furniture we got some chairs for a fruit to sit in front of my desk how about some more furniture yeah get rid of that bookcase oh yeah that's definitely an upgrade we're going with the uh the green color scheme how about some more furniture get rid of that stupid desk oh yeah now we got a corner desk and Furniture is at level 10 but we're gonna do it one more time goodbye Cactus bookcase hello uh oak tree I don't know now my furniture is maxed out so my office is looking spiffy all right let's get to our next patient we got a deformed cucumber but we're gonna clean them up we got the cotton come on come on get rid of all that disease on you good your Skin's looking fresh we're gonna cut you all the way down oh oh it's a p okay yeah it's a pea pot so we're gonna take out these uh these peas I'm gonna take them home I'm I'm going to boil them to be part of my uh dinner my vegetables for the night thank you sir that is a lot of stitches I don't think he's actually yeah I don't think you're gonna survive you're actually gonna die yeah goodbye get out of my office oh yeah syringe baby here we go another ad we're back and I now have the last item the syringe it's got like a green substance in there I don't know what that is but I can't wait to inject it into a patient oh hello grapes yeah he's got some flies around him he definitely needs to be injected with uh mysterious substances there it is yeah we're just gonna put it um here get in there go in his mouth wait how do I use this oh this one wait bro how do I do this thing I'm gonna put oh okay get in there yeah we're pressing it down we fill them up and oh it's for the the fruit that's deflated we're just giving them some steroids to make them stronger good thank you for 385 dollars we've unlocked uh level two tweezers great you know I don't need these let's actually play the game could buy some more decoration actually no let's upgrade the uh the station now we are getting a I don't know what the heck this thing is oh no a coconut with a disease always rotting don't worry I'm just gonna shave all this off and then we're gonna we're gonna fix up this rotting issue do I inject him yes we got the syringe here let's put in our juice there look at that the rot is gone let's cut you open oh it's got a broken heart you just have to take out the broken heart pieces and come on get the other ones there they're very good very good put on the tray and then we gotta grab the new heart we're giving him a new heart look at that very good and now let's uh just sew you up enjoy your new heart coconut thank you for giving me five hundred dollars and let's upgrade the station once again we have oh was that like an oxygen mask we put on them if they pass out I think so here we can upgrade the station again to level six can we get oh a new cabinet to hold Advanced medicine and are these just binders I don't know what those are but now we have a squash I think like a like an acorn squash so we got my level one tweezers they're good enough for me that's a big worm yeah we're gonna we're not yeah that thing's disgusting anyway let's see what's going on inside right here Mr swash oh no we've got a chicken nugget with some tasty mealworms here we go yo get get that out of here I'm taking this home to my woman now let's sew you up seal you and so I get 600 and his child that's a good deal next up we have a rotten mushroom a bonus 2500 okay I'll watch an ad fine all right Mr mushroom I will solve the problem take my mysterious juice I'm not gonna tell you what it is it's a secret you have to figure it out oh he also has a broken heart or all those girls just being crazy out there it's okay Mr mushroom I will fix the problem you go on you find yourself a new lady I will take twenty five hundred dollars thank you and I'm gonna use it to upgrade my station once again so we get rid of that crappy computer and we get another crappy one dude upgrade again come on oh we got lights now we can see inside our patients we'll use the X-ray machine without telling them all right let's upgrade the station once again we get rid of our old chair now we got a fancy chair and how about again level nine and we got a massive cabinet it's just all decoration we actually never use those uh Medicaid and whatever else is in there I like my fruit to suffer all right we got a pimple to pop don't worry come on let's get get in there yeah yeah come on wait what's happening get it oh there we go finally yeah how did that feel you see his face he's like oh watch that I felt good oh we gotta cut them open multiple times oh whoa oh look I can go slow oh does that hurt does that hurt oh I'm sorry but I'm hungry [Music] mmm so good all right let's sew you up buddy get a lot of worms in you and I hate them goodbye watermelon thank you for the 750 so what do we do now uh station level 10. so this is the last of the station we got another uh light here so now we're just gonna be blinding the fruit oh wait no the station can go to level 11. okay that's good to know oh a rotten carrot don't worry I got my cotton swab for you just gonna clean off the dirt here yeah he's just dirty he's not rotten but let's see what's inside let's go nice and slow look he's getting all mad because I'm going so slow oh is that a baby carrot hey what's up baby carrot I am going to take you yeah look it's your baby but it's mine now stolen you will never see your child again all right level 11 1200 oh we get rid of the dump computer we got a new computer the station can go to level 12 so Furniture is maxed out but we can keep leveling up our office equipment that's good to know who's next ew This coconut is dealing with a lot of problems yeah we just gotta spray all these this these mushrooms away it's disgusting and then we get to shave him this is my favorite just shaving as much as I can look out outside the circle and now we put the mysterious green goo into him I still don't know what that is and I'm not gonna tell my cup customers one thousand dollars thank you let's continue hello this uh is this a cucumber a long like a squash a long watermelon I don't know but he has a worm and I just took it we got an extra machine oh uh sir excuse me you have a worm problem but luckily for you I eat these come up and get them out of here yeah get out of here come on my business is popping off level 12 station oh we get more monitors okay got a VIP customer folks I must watch an ad because just look how cool he is okay we're back and we we gotta cut you up and sir you came to the right place oh you have a child oh look how happy he is little does he know that I'm gonna take it I'm gonna put it on the tray and then I'm gonna take it home with me he will never see it again I don't care if you're a VIP partner it doesn't matter better all you get is a Band-Aid thanks for coming oh my gosh three thousand dollars if I watch an ad I'll get nine thousand look at that nine thousand thank you we're we're gonna upgrade my office to Max here we go oh we finally have air conditioning so all this time my fruit have been suffering while I'm cutting into them all right let's upgrade again we get rid of the old oxygen we got new oxygen let's upgrade again goodbye old lights hello ceiling lights and we can keep upgrading it's level 16 now what do we have here now this looks like a cucumber maybe it's a zucchini always got a pimple problem okay come on yeah that's disgusting now we gotta wash off all the mud this guy has so many problems now we're gonna we're just gonna give you some of this green juice don't worry it's gonna feel good and cut you open really slow cause as much pain as possible yeah he's got a baby cucumber I'm gonna take it home I'm gonna dice it up and put it in my salad thank you for coming to the office have a nice day all right let's upgrade the office once again you gave me a thousand dollars is a lot of money oh now that looks like a fun tool okay the office is now maxed out so now we're just gonna upgrade the decoration so let's see what we get so we get rid of the Old Clock we now have a watermelon clock that's nice and we have a what is this a squash a cantaloupe I'm really not sure but he's got a worm problem yank it out of there put on the tray I'm not gonna force him to eat it that's just uh kind of mean for him he's got a lot of things going on he's rotting you do why are you upset with me for making you not rot I'm giving you a new life and now I'm gonna eat the worms mmm so chewy and now there you go sir you do not get a Band-Aid but thank you for one thousand dollars here we go decoration level four what do we get oh we get a carpet okay well here we go level five we get new blinds oh yeah they match the the wall I actually think those are ugly I'm now out of money so it's time to perform an operation here get rid of all these stupid mushrooms you have a fungus problem oh okay we got extra here wait what's this I don't even know what that we haven't seen this yet wait oh we got more over here okay what is the situation we gotta cut you up and find out sir sorry oh my gosh he's got infected seeds Okay well I'm just gonna suck these out oh yeah look at that I'm getting them I'm like eating for free at work it's pretty nice let's sew you up and get out of here thank you for one thousand dollars all right decoration level six what do I get oh we get a light from the ceiling all right and level seven we get a carpet under my desk very nice all right let's get another patient in here because I'm broke the only reason I have this job is to make money I don't care about the well-being of my patients here to give you an example I'm gonna steal his child's show him it yes isn't that just a beautiful child that you produce but it's mine taking it home I'm gonna put it in my salad I will eat it so I'm gonna sew you up and you know what I'm gonna send you home with a Band-Aid just to be nice thank you for your child decoration level eight we get I don't know what I got did I get this light or something or this calendar I have no idea what is is this a potato oh it's VIP okay yeah we gotta watch hello sir welcome to the office just gonna take this worm out of you just wait can I put it back in no I can only pull up I can't put it back in next up we have this nasty little pimple again come on into my mouth oh yeah and now let's uh scrub off the mud and he's gonna go go back into the ground thank you for three thousand dollars level nine decoration we have more plants that just makes things look a little nicer Around Here and Now decoration the level 10 we get rid of the clock why do we keep upgrading the clock just leave the clock alone okay level 11 decoration oh I finally have evidence that I'm actually a doctor so all this time I've been operating without documentation to prove that I'm qualified so yeah you would think that would be the first thing I would put on the wall but no it's pretty much the last thing all right let's slice you open what do we have here oh you have a little child hiding that's really small I can just pop them in my mouth and uh eat them in one bite so yeah you will never see your baby again so take a Band-Aid get out of my office do not come back thank you four thousand dollars and I don't have enough to upgrade decorations so I need more customers oh we have a pepper we have not seen uh the pepper yet let's uh clean them up here with the cotton swab rub off all that dirt there we go what do we have inside of you don't be sad oh we have a worm problem Oh Annabelle maybe Best of Both Worlds here we go and now let's take out your child pepper I'm gonna dice it up and put it on my salsa later thank you for a thousand dollars goodbye all right we can upgrade decoration once again we get rid of our light we got new ceiling lights and everything is maxed out there we go folks let's do one more patient here we have I don't even know what this is is this an asparagus I think it's a wait no it's uh what is that artichoke it's artichoke here give me that worm I actually really like artichoke here I'm gonna um clean you up wait oh it's these yellow leaves they've gone bad here let's refill the magical serum let's inject it yes and let's slice you open suck out your worms Oh so tasty so you up seal you get out of my office thank you for a thousand dollars so what do I do now can I buy like a new office or something or is that the game I think I beat the game well that was fun I ruined a lot of fruit and ate their children
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 87,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fruit clinic, i'm a fruit surgeon
Id: F8EdXPG18gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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