I beat one of Dark Souls 2's Hardest Challenges

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hey guys so lately I've been going through the souls born games doing various no death challenges and in this video I decided to take on one of Dark Souls 2's hardest challenges by trying to beat the game using the Champions Covenant which essentially puts the entire game in New Game Plus while also not touching a single bonfire all without dying once hope you enjoy the video honey mura please hey you please hey [Music] you good enough well let's see if this works you think my piec is still last cancer well yeah this game is still installed hopefully Window mode fixes it though SK EU repair na a [Music] direct the only issue I see with this thing at the moment is the person playing it lulio I've no choice uh classic yeah H mythology is getting like a remake or something I don't know if they stated that it was a remake why is timer Frozen yep that is actually just a live split crash though live split is a bit special sometimes and yeah uh someone said it seems I don't die to bosses yeah the bosses aren't really an issue in this run it's getting ganked that's the hard that's like the worst part and gravity yeah the boss is in DLC like blue smelter though is scary for sure hey you I have never played prototype on stream I played it uh before I started streaming I existed before I started streaming I did dude I was a mailman wait fall down fall down now or else thank you I'm terrified of this guy I'm never fighting him there again okay time to slay some regular enemies trying to make him fall fall thank you I'm killing these enemies because this is called the first thing and in this version of the game they decided to put a dragon up there and you see the problem is if you rush to this dragon all the enemies on all these Bridges follow you right in there it's not a wyvern it's a dragon time is convoluted it's a dragon it's a Dragon the game calls it a dragon it's a Dragon Dark Souls 2 works in mysterious ways I'm dead oh yeah true the yo yeah this guy actually drops petrified dragon bone he does I never thought of that even more proof that he's a dragon all of this just works you tell him Todd you tell him look at this petrified dragon bone but I think the absolute biggest proof that it is a dragon is the fact that there's a boss in the game called Guardian dragon and it's the exact same model as this guy the exact same with the same attacks it it's it's a dragon man it's a dragon [Music] [Music] oh where is the proof of the Guardian Dragon boss fight I've never seen you make it that far I've made it that far many times I just get unlucky in the early game now but I've actually I've added more safe strats to the early game so sh yeah Rapier and mace is like the the best weapons in the game they are [ __ ] strong especially the Rapier like if you face skeletons just switch to a mace and you're good can I do one run with Rapier N I like I the Rapier and mace the the Rapier mace and twin blade is this Speed Run strats I've already done that so many times I want to play with someone else oh nice he you again when I play Tar City Kingdom at some point I have no idea I got to play breath of the wild first but the only Zelda game I kind of I feel like playing is like Twilight Princess cuz that game seems cool cool like me you see the thing that seems fun about breath out Wilders of the kingdom is the fact that you if you're creative enough it feels like you can solve a puzzle like like in so many ways and I am Mega creative I'm dead also so I actually like that about the games it doesn't take 5 hours per puzzle for me I'm actually really fivehead when it comes to uh video game puzzles but Chad just remembers clockwise you don't remember how fast I've solved like insane puzzles like that that that that's just gone in your head you only remember clockwise that's it Silent Hill Shakespeare puzzle I [ __ ] owned I worked hard on that one you have to read Wikipedia well yeah because I don't know the details of every single Shakespeare story which is what you need to do to solve the Shakespeare puzzle in silent till 3 on hard riddle difficulty it's [ __ ] insane if I just look up the answer on those puzzles I didn't say I looked up the answer I looked up Shakespeare you cannot solve that puzzle if you don't know details of every single Shakespeare story so I looked up the stories and I read the stories on stream so I could learn them and then I solved the puzzle it took 2 hours it was pain but I [ __ ] solved it all right I'm proud over that one okay brainlet I I I am so smart my name what even is your name is that even text what is that you shut up well your brother doesn't know anything about this game Soul saane clearly so tell your brother to zip it okay streamer how can you die in this game this game is so easy uh streamer what's Covenant of Champions I never heard of that one before what does that do oh dude I'm going to [ __ ] lash out I don't care dude I don't care dude this game is changing me it's the hob syndrome was like imagine comparing this challenge to the speedrun like what that's mental they're like insanely different oh yeah timer equals speed run right yes every time alaz dies and reset the Run yeah well he [ __ ] deserves it all right I forgot to upgrade my weapon it's supposed to be plus seven tail tail tail [Music] tail no I got to roll tail and I staggered her damn it all right cool g thanks for the 43 because this [ __ ] Channel I can't read any word that isn't get normally anymore BND get get G yeah dude that's how it is video games and streams they alter your language dude it's like I said this many times but like because of the H mythology marathons I don't read the word volume the same anymore I read it as vul cuz the [ __ ] characters keep saying that Vos all right A plus four here now see how that works out oh that is a million times better like I actually one shot them okay nice Mega tracking though good all right yeah that that's so much better see chat safety strats man we're good is a clear damage difference because it plus six and seven [Music] wa I'm not going to one shot this guy if he does the B okay let's play safe [Music] re [Music] dck die [Music] [Music] all right the spiders are aggressive man oh I want to play that safe I don't want to get [Music] ganked [Applause] all right uh where was I yeah I got her go what [Music] can you tell Riot games to fix league so I can play this [ __ ] game just stop man [Music] you ever salt your watermelone it's so good I'm actually surprised at how many in chat did not know about salt and watermelon yeah it's actually in like it it it's like it does something really like interesting with it it's it makes it like super tasty and [Music] good [Music] is that the exact same RNG for all three that's nice that would be 13 bosses hey you [Music] what time do I end the Stream stream uh I don't really know around like 9:30ish maybe I need to catch YouTuber [Music] boxing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello L did you know the odds of winning the Swedish Lotto are one in 6.7 million you should buy a ticket because you seem to like attempting things with impossible odds okay yeah well I guess I'm going to pull off the impossible then huh [ __ ] I think there's a whip guy behind me I forgot about him I hear him on my oh yeah he's right there okay he actually backs off though [Music] [ __ ] oh my God no I forgot to switch ring I mean not the end of the world but all right that would be 16 let's see if the mil kills another run hopefully not wait is wings's boogie in 6 minutes what that can't be already really uh this is where last run died by the way to the Assassin's coming up so let's see what happens who the [ __ ] just hit me from the the back what not fight on the bridge oh oh my this is why they're so ass to fight these weren't even the guys they kill me but I just got hit by something in the back I'm not even sure what that was bong I got hit by something here I I no idea what it was these are the ones that killed me last time like they can just St lock you for so long and that's what happen happened last time it's so scary oh my God I didn't actually burn it I just what oh my God I need to I need to focus I think I just lit the fire and then I just didn't burn it wait I did burn it wait am I crazy I did burn it so what what why was there poison there there was still poison there was I too fast oh whatever I'm crazy yeah now it's gone I was I was just too fast [Music] yeah [Music] that's so cheap oh this game is [Music] sick oh God I'm actually starting to rush now I shouldn't especially in this area you should not rush it's kind of fun to rush that enemy though it is same thing now I probably shouldn't loot this item now because that night I just saw could push me into like if he somehow gets down here he would stab me and I would fall into the lava there I still did it though which was stupid I shouldn't do that man I'm I'm playing with fire I don't know what's best against this guy if it's lightning or or magic or fire yeah I'm sure fire is really good versus him 30% risk to dark lightning and Magic that's before Covenant okay so it's the same I got to get this Turtle before he [ __ ] this up turtle turtle turtle turtle what's the main problem no bonfire run patience yeah I with the'll see not going down there yet but soon [Music] [Music] oh I should use magic resin here I don't know why I'm using lightning it's still fine though this is where my last run that made it this far died but yeah you know what I mean do I pop the shield I kind of want to pop the shield I'm not going to pop the shield I'm dead here that was a good run though oh he did the dark bead oh I don't have oh I have the I the wrong ring on no wonder those Drake guys is [Music] K yeah do it man do it all right we run here and we hope we don't die oh [ __ ] foror what are you doing here oh I'm going to have to kill him human and he has the Scythe the Scythe can like one shot me light bro no one likes you oh my God this guy lit if he kills me here I will did he just backstabbed my backstab oh this guy is so [ __ ] try hard I don't know what happened there but I'll take it I don't know what [Music] happened [Music] [Music] [Music] chat we have a very important moment coming up now you know that whole Dragon wyvern discussion about the the dragon that's outside all the dragon slayer the dragon you know the thing that some of yall call a wyvern pay attention to this next boss fight all right right all right Dragon see sh thanks that doesn't count Chad what do you mean got him look at the name of this boss right now and look at the looks of him it's the exact same model exact same Guardian Dragon the Dragon [Music] amazing tanimura woo you going to fly again fly again fly again fly again fly again fly again ah a fire breath fly again a okay you're dead soul of a dragon that guards the path to the shrine do the dragons watch over the land of their own will or are they in the grip of one of Al the Spells soul of a dragon yeah this is the guy that cheats I'm definitely popping a shroom for this guy cuz this guy like is insane hey you unless he gives me amazing RNG like this oh my go okay well I'll take that see this is an actual Dron with for the previous one was just about about translation chatting oh I don't know if I'll AG this probably not I did that was scary could have gone real bad I will see M we'll see I'm going to kill giant Lord then go into winter DLC and do horse [ __ ] Valley like using flns ring instead of uh like cuz I don't think this armor does like that much to be honest in this run because enemies will still just three shot you in the end anyways so getting flns ring and just using mullen's gear would would what the [ __ ] is he doing here hello hello oh [ __ ] forn oh my God where are you foror oh there you are oh my God the tankiness oh my God don't run into tight ass it's cutting me off dude oh no oh no no no no no no okay chat what do I do I need to pop a gem here oh [ __ ] this is bad chat this is bad dude this is bad this is bad [ __ ] what do I do oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] if I die now I'm going to uninstall this game so [ __ ] hard I swear what do I do what the [ __ ] do I do I don't want to run into the small hallway there because I'm scared of the moment I pop a life gem they will all catch up to me by the way so that that's a big problem and if I run in there I'm going to get blocked by enemies [Music] so H where's foren okay I'm not sure I want to slide down this ladder during that animation it's just going to it's they're going to kill me during it oh no I can't pop it foror's going to kill me the moment I pop that life gem if she's that close ah this is all because she spawned in here no where the [ __ ] did you come from what he dropped down from up there had did I die there that would have been the most Dark Souls 2 thing ever dude okay yeah yeah you block that level one Enemy by the way what level am I 122 no they block you because they don't eat banana with pizza and Curry nothing's blocking me did you just what wait wait wait wait the NPCs can wait can you animation cancel that oh my God that was terrifying yeah I'm pretty sure Armory just saved my life there a thank you Tony muda [Music] oh bro this what is happening ah well this should be fun isn't it that would onshot me like I swear that attack is crazy a turn away no back no this dead city has nothing to offer go back [Music] you good oh this Amy hit equals heal [Music] any reason for not using Rapier uh because it Rapier and twin blade is like the speedrun way to do it and I've already done that like so so many times I wanted to beat it with something else use climax I got nerfed though dude release climax was the best uh all right we're free the nights and we go to the horse [ __ ] Valley should be fun yeah hi I can't watch today please throw soon oh okay pomy I'll throw my nuts on your forehead how about that I think that sounds like a good idea what the hell this game changes me man I got to get off this game I'm I'm really toxic can you die for Content no Bor I can dye my nuts blue and put them on your forehead though blue balls I don't know what I'm saying dude just you add me with some [ __ ] you might catch the fire man all right well it's time chat time for the worst area in any fromsoft game or like in basically any game ever yep all right we pray either I live or I die let's find out and then after that I got to fight two cats at the same time and they two shot me so this area is great dude I see them and I hear them side step side step wait wait is there a [ __ ] wall here wait where am I oh my God T oh it's a shadow oh my God bro okay can I get some [ __ ] Vision good [Music] why did I roll there [Music] stupid [Music] [Music] I'm not going to G this that's what I did last time and I died [ __ ] okay um I should have this on a hot bar for this fight [Music] die you little [ __ ] [ __ ] hey don't greed with the stamina just let him do it he hurts like a [ __ ] right now by the way like I wonder if he could one shot me with a grab with this buff it disappears [Music] eventually yes oh one more fight here oh dude ior King I don't remember his move set okay ivory King this should be good up boys let's do this go Ivory King you can do it you've been smiling for wait too long L yo did that guy just like holy shove the [ __ ] launch he just did that was crazy good teamw work dude I like it don't leave me wait is he going to spawn now with three ads wait does he no you have to kill them first right you got to kill them first I'm scared of the flame whip it's could probably one shot me Jesus Christ yeah that spell he was trying to do there would definitely one shot me if a fireball dealt that much hey you I think I can s them left that that's with a bright bug by the way hey you I don't want to find out how much damage that grab is God this weapon's so [ __ ] slow is that weapon the only viable weapon for this run this weapon no it's not it's not even the best CH x65 I'm tired because I was up late watching hentai that's sound clip oh it's me reading a Chatter's uh com and then it's clipped out of context I have no interest in hentai chat well yeah just because I own over 100 hentai games doesn't mean I'm into it cuz I haven't played a single one of them it's only because you keep gifting me them I can literally show you play time on every single one and you will see Zero hours on literally every single one of the games yeah we also know of the steam of fing mode yeah but even then I think it records now doesn't it you just family share him to another account dude there there's like probably like 85 % of my chat is into hentai why would I be scared of admitting if I was into it like Hello I would just say yeah I like that too Chad that's cool but I don't it's just not my thing and apparently that's really hard to understand just because you love it so much you hentai addict all right did you still know what hentai is I have no further questions your honor this man isy how could I not know what hentai is have you read my chat R do you know how much degenerate [ __ ] I've learned due to my chat I never would have known what docking is if it wasn't because of chat and zero yeah zero is pretty [ __ ] degenerate chat he is telling the truth I would never doubt he yeah that's right what I do with Elana V I'll just kill him I guess like I have no game plan for any of this I just wing it okay uh I am just going to rush through this this upcoming part because uh that's what I remember doing I think you're better off just rushing instead of fighting so yeah I'm definitely not fighting this [ __ ] cuz this guy is ass oh [ __ ] off not Jester Thomas no no [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] this guy's lethal oh [ __ ] gestar Jester Thomas get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here up up up up up up up up up up up up up okay good I shoot gang squad first right because otherwise there's like no way back is there gang squad time baby let's go brilliant boss fight this one this fight gives me [Music] chills how did you Poise through with that armor [Music] hello do not cre it I don't want to get backstabbed by hav like that will be death a no when they're the this close so dangerous cuz they will just combo and I will just die just farming counter hits here bro you're building a bleed on me as I'm reposting like I like how we both rolled away from havl oh okay well [ __ ] I'm dead that was a good run though that's actually a good run [Music] oh my [ __ ] God they're sandwiching me it's [Music] fine T M's finger you janky ass movement dude oh my God ah ah oh you have more Estus that's cheating okay let's go [ __ ] okay let's not go [ __ ] okay let's go [ __ ] come on I'm healing what you going to do about it what dude I'm pressing it too early bro how many healing do you have what the [ __ ] a no oh my God run forever okay we're good let's go [ __ ] not with that oh okay that's was fine that's fine I run away and heal no [ __ ] surely he will run out eventually yeah that's right [ __ ] ah what's up what's up what's up what's up okay yeah okay yeah yeah that was that yeah yeah all right all right yeah no a die woo that's too forever how the hell do I get out of here you saw how louder than me when have a land of the three combo I thought I was dead I thought he would get like a counter hit and I will be dead uh I got a backtrack up there now dude I'm going to overshoot this run off yeah you see like I could run off but I don't trust it I don't trust just running off here I don't trust it yeah there's no way I overshoot this no way right I run and jump this is so stupid this is actually so [ __ ] stupid I'm dead yeah if you don't are one there you roll to your death like there's there's no doubt okay two more fights here uh uh I have to do the shilon or whatever her name is you are not deserving of the Meer in a speedrun you one cycle her like you straight up just one cycle her she just dies okay that's not an AOE oh if I get hit by okay that's skellies that's one Skelly dead though so that's good that's to okay she's going to okay do not get hit by that okay what is she doing now flame okay right okay flame okay right right can you get away from the wall right okay oh that's with a bright bug holy [ __ ] my bright bug is gone which is very scary I think I might pop another wo [ __ ] Skelly can you go die bro she's just teleporting into the corner okay die how many bread bugs do I have eight I'll pop one [ __ ] it I press roll me as I mean tanura okay let's not soy we got to go in here isn't this reskin nandra I'm dead oh dude look at the lightning damage it's crazy is that summon oh no okay do not get hit by this [Music] well we got one more hey it's a dragon oh he's doing the side flame yeah that's the one I was scared [Music] of Fire bro okay my Bri Bug is out man nick man [Music] help yes nice H that's a lot of souls what is y's ring do sometimes deflect spells sometimes very I'm out of here one DLC left then dark lurker Vendrick three last bosses yeah I'm going to Vendrick right now I am ah [Music] [Music] VRI [Music] [Music] I hey you I don't I can't have him up against the wall like that that's really bad HRI running all the way to the second DLC running all the way to the second [Music] DLC what is happen what the [ __ ] oh man I have like no memory of this DLC except for the bosses blue smelter about to get his [ __ ] ass beat what does this do ah what oh no oh no that's cheap Hy muda that's [ __ ] cheap that's so cheap Hello L I am a marketing executive for beay one of the largest soybean manufacturers in the world we would love to use your last 2 hours of gameplay for a new advert showing the effects of extreme amounts of soy on human beings right of course thanks Cammy why does that unlock Target wait this does an explosion right yeah it doesn't in in the base guy does not but this guy does Expos a suffer die ah oh my god oh I scared the [ __ ] out of me oh dude that I I wonder how much damage that would have dealt that would have dealt so much damage oh if I had died to that greed dude I would have been so sad all right give me the [ __ ] out of here I don't know why I'm fighting these oh yeah because I have to go up here again oh ow wowow I didn't see that so dark let's have a bow fight wait what mirror mirror on the wall who is the soest of them all P log all right fume n arino time in it what up Beach okay I I can just s the that oh wait this is free damage isn't it oh yeah it is [ __ ] okay I just staggered him well I don't really have a a choice oh no oh how did I lose the run like that oh back to things betwix people lurking and playing a game got so scared right there your con acting is so bad that they never invite you to film one uh you only say that because you fell for it [Music] so I remember [Music] [Applause] something oh [ __ ] it play it safe don't need to do speed no strs okay speed no strs yeah [Music] mean I got hit once because I tried the back run Strat otherwise it would have been soku all right it's time for dark lurker well we're going to need to leave oh you're going to love this one Council I'm going to need to leave Champions Covenant now cuz I can't do dark lurker otherwise so yeah maybe change Covenant with cheat engine I don't think so Prof FL no no no no God imagine the YouTube comments l a single bonfire check left the the Champions Covenant check playing stealth Archer triple check L hey you what the [ __ ] oh my God I can't oh my God I can't [ __ ] move bro jeez imagine if I I don't want to imagine it here we go oh look at all this Death Around Me there's so much gravity death here and have to fight the most ass enemies that I don't even remember oh you mother [ __ ] it's you I'm dead all right that's one dungeon okay we just got to run back out now and then we're fine yeah oh no I misclicked oh my God no I can't believe it to reflect reality please update the stream to say % dark Covenant 10% Champions Covenant all right we got to go back again what am I doing a bike Perma the stream no oh no I hit the yeah someone fell for it dude you're just mad cuz you fell for it one more dungeon and dark lurker time uh and then I have to rejoin Champions Covenant before the end of the game remember that [Music] what wait it kills your Buffs there that's kind of [ __ ] wait so I just minus one Bri bug really that's going to hit me explosion Fireball all right so I actually just [ __ ] lost a bre bug for no reason that's not cool at all I don't remember that being a [Music] thing wait he's insanely weak to fire fire what that's literally less damage right oh there's a roll attack though okay no it's good also my ears really like the sound effect now I am become death feels good [Music] [Music] man you only lose the bright bug if you leave the Champion's Covenant the game is pro that way can't believe you didn't know that 10,000 hours BTW dark lurker ah you're dead oh dude minus one [ __ ] bright bug oh okay oh a all right let's go final three bosses let's see what happens a damage is quite High hey you bro bro can you not be against the wall [Music] man right so these balls don't actually hurt me now that's actually cool laser yeah wait I'm actually taking damage though I didn't even realize [Music] wait is this an oh it's just [Music] laser [Music] dude she dies so much faster with a with Raper or I mean um not Raper red Aron twin [Music] blade not going to risk the double Scythe swing okay um come yeah okay shut up man come on let's go o those Flames do crazy damage I got to play this mega save [Music] yeah I got to go for three hits each brother I can't do anything I just have to wait a so far away roots oh sound trck is cray GM oh this is a one shot for sure [Music] he's going to increase his flame soon too and then I have to be Mega [ __ ] careful no two hits yeah now I cannot be greedy I will die to these Flames there is no doubt there's no doubt I'll die in like [ __ ] 2 [Music] seconds okay I could oh dude two hits is almost a stretch [Music] there [Music] m there's no no I'm I'm going to wait for the big Fireball I'm not getting s soed here there's no way can I get it [Music] please yes let's go it's over hey you oh my god oh screw this game I will and remain here patiently oh dude I was shaking there we're done man we're done how many attempts was that 51 or something finish it before it crashes yeah true let's do it what lies ahead only you can see and it has been done
Channel: Elajjaz
Views: 107,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elajjaz, ela, elias, twitch, streamer, stream, live, challenge, dark, souls, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, dark souls 1, company of champions, champions covenant, champions, company, covenant, no death, no bonfire, permadeath, all, bosses, all bosses, bloodborne, sekiro, elden, ring, elden ring, soulsborne
Id: UhWQc2WbTrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 47sec (5867 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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