I Beat Every Mission in Roblox TDS

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Tower Defense simulator has this Mission Quest system basically by completing a series of objectives you can earn some currency and an entirely exclusive skin there are seven different quests but three don't really count the prizes for Tech tacti and suppressing fire can both be easily obtained from The Phantom crate and the chance of drizzle skin was obtainable from a crate prior to the update the remaining four though are truly exclusive you can only get them through these quests and some of these objectives are truly brutal the first one up is [Music] I started with a mysterious Drifter by the way I should know I started this like 2 months ago which is why there are a few UI differences and things are a bit disorganized regardless I bought into the contract and the first objective was To Kill A th000 enemies with the ranger this is slightly annoying since you know Rangers shoot super slowly but it's not too bad at first I tried playing on Triple A map infernal Abyss I thought maybe three times the zombies three times The Kills that didn't work out so well I then just played the basic solo match and to finish up the last percentage I hopped on Mason Arch the viia col map with some casual gameplay I was able to finish the objective by wave 32 and the quest immediately rolled over into the next segment deal a million damage on the bad lands ah bad lands land of the free home of the triple Lane zombies with cowboy hats this actually isn't very free at all this kind of tough I teamed up with TDS sir corpo AKA Thatcher and we attempted to demolish this Quest the first match we played didn't go so well I made about 0.01% progress but the follow-up run was just Sublime we got ton of DPS towers down and with th's exclusive War Machine and meca bases it was light work I made pretty much no progress on the Quest for like the first 90% of the game but the last couple of waves and the boss really helped fill that meter after winning thater and I immediately hopped in a new match shout out to this guy Frey Fazbear we melted the boss again and I came up just shy of completion but like 2 nanom mm so naturally I took a 3we break from the mission before coming back to finish strong I got in a random Q bad Dan match I was able to get the last bit of damage done by wave 18 where the mission rolled over into the final objective beat bad Dan three times with Ranger thankfully I already had the tower equipped so by just playing the rest of the match out I got the first win I linked up with Thatcher again for the next match and with his help alongside Some solid random matchmaking teammates I got a second dub I returned to solo for the third match because there's like two weeks in between those games and this was the first time where powerups were available to use and my teammate Lord nuas took full advantage of that it was tight but that nuke helped us pull out the dub and that win finally fulfilled the objective a month and a half after I began it I was able to claim the first exclusive skin Badlands Ranger it has unique animations which are nice and I do enjoy the simple Cowboy aesthetic of the early levels but I'm not as big of a fan of the final up upgrade like why do he lose his cowboy hat come on the design is a reference to the NCR veteran ranger from The Fallout series thank you TDS Wiki which is cool but I'm just not a massive fan of the design honestly I'd rate it like a 6 out of 10 so next Quest this one has four objectives the first one is pretty simple though you just have to deal 750k damage with a tower accelerator is of course very strong so this wasn't too bad but just playing through two solo Fallen matches and letting Excel get the majority of the kills I was able to knock this out by wave 37 the quest then rolled into just having one accelerator deals 75,000 damage so I sold a few of my Towers to leave more enemies alive for this one here so he could hog all the DPS and I was able to get that done by wave 38 same game the third objective was a lot tougher though my package just arrived beat hardcore with accelerator twice which isn't great because hardcore is the most frustrating outdated and annoying mode in the game luckily there is a work around triumphing any of the three special modes actually can't as a hardcore win here for some reason I chose to hop on pizza party because I love garden of ban ban and also because it's the easiest special mode the first run started pretty strong we easily cleared these early game Dream mask wearing zombies I farmed and I was able to get my first Excel by wave 18 from there it was smooth as sailing except for this one shotgun boss that almost killed us but after that it was smooth sailing with accelerators and Rangers we chew through the Mode's final boss walks the fox and indeed that counted as a hardcore win I love glitches yes I ran it back again and this next run was even stronger we leaked one scale boss early but other than that we had no trouble at all getting the win so with that objective completed it was now time to beat polluted wastelands with accelerator twice hey you know me I love me some polluted wastelands gameplay admittedly my first attemp ATT went pretty well the amalgamation main boss in wave 22 is the first main DPS check of polluted we got a bunch of accelerators down to deal with him I was orating some gripping live commentary me when I see a skiy toilet walking down my street the boss was a little tough I tried to use a napom strike power up but I kind of missed him still accelerators cleaned up and was as good of towers as we had from there until wave 39 things were pretty easy the final wave houses the nuclear monster the tankiest most chaotic boss in the game it is quite hard to make out way is happening we had so many DPS Towers so many powerups going but the boss was still pushing far Jenny dropped a nuke on the boss's headtop but even better than that bill and the deer pulled out the big guns bro he used a grenade let could do like three damage and with that our victory was confirmed we got him let's go GG I immediately got into another random match to carry that momentum and straight up this run might have been the strongest polluted wastelands match I've ever had we had the supports we all brought accelerated three of us brought engineer and with the fire buff and damage buff flag powerups helping holy moly we're smoking this guy the nuclear monster didn't really put that much of a fight at all and we were able to take him out on the second Loop GG's Quest completed POV you got called up to speak in Friendly class after that win I was able to claim the nuclear accelerator skin I like this one a lot I love the level zero appearance I think the bright orange jumpsuit has a really nice contrast with the gray head and the power backpack with a funny caution tape I don't think it's later upgrades work as well level five just kind of feels like the normal accelerator with the nuclear Monster's head uh but yeah the skin has some cool history behind it too it was originally called the Hazmat skin and was only obtainable for like less than a day in a completely broken and unfinished State all the way back in 2020 so to see completely remade Almost 4 years later is pretty neat I'd give it like an 8 out of 10 this is the quest I was most excited about the first objective was another basic deal blank amount of damage with a tower in this case 100,000 so I made a load out with a bunch of supports focused around hyping up shotgunner and by playing a single molten match I was able to pass the threshold easily shotgun op something very odd happened here though like just look at the quest tracker what according to the TDS Wiki for the shotgunner second objective killing literally any enemy in the game will count as killing the molten boss so I was able to instantly defeat the molten boss three times that led into the final objective which was beating infernal Abyss on Fallen mod twice with a shotg gunner as I said earlier this map has three lanes three times of zombies and seven times of suffering take this first match I played our early defense was shaky to say the least we were leaking like a busted faucet I got some shotgunners my team use some powerups a mob SC accelerator to carry our DPS the Run was just very scuffed uh this guy of course has just placed his arms directly in all the prime real estate for the good DPS honestly based we were able to handle these weaker zombies like the skeleton necromancers easily but trouble arose on Wave 26 uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh Red Alert guys I think the run's over in the next match my team actually got a pretty strong defense set up early by wave 20 we had numerous hardcore towers down and we were surviving but as I was getting this bird's eye view of the map with free cam wait wait just a minute wait just a minute pause pause can we get can we get timeout there I lost on the exact same wave again M Mia for this match I changed my towers around a bit and I farmed hard in the early game we managed to take out the glitches finally and we also managed to beat the tanks on Wave 30 heading into the final couple of waves things were looking good until this Necromancer boss leaked ah but no worries I got backup Pursuit we had Rangers we'll kill him nope with 26 Health remaining the necr summoned at the exit and killed us with his spawns my teammate space typed this very nice message to me I instantly quit the game without responding and I called it for the day and things did not get better from there because for my next match nothing loaded not my Towers not the UI not the map the game was completely unplayable Schrodinger's TDS match subscribe if that was a very apt metaphor the match I got into afterwards thankfully loaded properly but um that pretty much sums that run up the following run though my teammate saw at some pretty good Towers we survived the early game I was able to farm enough to get some accelerators going and we made it to the mid game we had some major issues with Breakers wave 33 was very scary I almost popped a blizzard bomb power up but I decided to hold off wave 35 wasn't great either and in wave 37 I had to make a call okay I have this blizzard bomb prepped and ready if things look bad do things look bad all right I'm using it I'm using it I'm using it I'm using it we might not needed that but I did not want to lose on 37 again the falling wavs were easy and we reached the final boss I actually felt pretty confident against the falling King because only one of the final boss spawns making wave 40 easier than a lot of the ones that preceded oh my God finally after six attempts I have finally gotten this Quest 50% completed let's go woo the next run was looking doomed my teammates didn't have the strongest tows here tnk didn't even have a full load out so our early game was poor we leaked just about everything but we clutched up with this quadruple barricade setup powerups are actually op that took the heat off and let me get some accelerators down surprisingly enough we actually made it to the mid game wave 30 was sketchy all right I think we definitely might have died there without that blizzard bomb although the tanks might have gotten but not what you love to see regardless we had lost Splash damage Towers low and the wave 37 necromancers weren't too scary so we made 40 again and although with less total DPS here the Fallen King did push further we still took him out all right we got him finally this stupid infernal Abyss Quest is done thank you Lord the prize for this Quest is the Slayer skin an obvious reference to the Doom franchise the model is somewhat basic but I still love the design the color scheme the gun the helmet the animations the shoulder mounted mini turret it all works very well like the nuclear accelerator this is also a skin with an interesting history in TDS it was released in 2020 it was made unobtainable in 2021 it was then neglected and bugged for the following 3 years before it was finally remade in 2023 and made obtainable again in 2024 which I think is a pretty cool timeline for a pretty fun skin I'd give this an8 out of 10 you're a robot all right this is the final mission Quest and it's definitely the least enjoyable it is the same first objective as all the others deal some damage with the tower L it helped a lot that add the golden perk for quick boss obviously it just makes it a lot stronger and I was able to finish the objective in a single molten match where the quest rolled over into the next objective Triumph any map five times with the crook boss I immediately got one win on the tally from that same molten match I then tried playing just a quad up falling game for fun which wasn't fun at all and took ages so I decided to try a different tact to speedrun this TDS add these time skill tickets recently which allow you to speed up or slow down solo matches so I decided to try speedr running easy mode the game set to two times speed I brought shotguns for the regular zombies and gold mini for the final boss and with that load out I was able to consistently get 5 minute wins so after only about 15 20 minutes I was able to get the objective fully completed meaning there's just one objective left beat the space city map three times on Fall mode with quick boss the space city map sucks to play there's not much good placement space some areas are even deceptive and block your Towers when they shouldn't it still uses the old outdated enemy designs the Dual paths don't function correctly and above all it's just so slow the zombies have to take a 30 minute commute to reach the center of the map so I was really excited to get those three wins woohooo game one was disastrous matchmaking put me with God 508 968 and two complete beginners with pretty lacking Towers my team defended early and I farmed for a while before getting a golden crook to help I got Max DJ I maxed all my Farms I spammed Pursuits and goad accelerators to bolster our DPS we made the final wave and it was looking good good the falling King spawned on the right track and as he moved towards the center our DPS started targeting him my teammate ghetto was like we F to win I was not as confident the path is sneakily short here your good Towers don't get much time to attack and with how many times you stuned the accelerators and with me kind of forgetting about powerups until it was too late we lost I blame ghetto we jinxed it next run I didn't load in fast enough to get the right map so I had to leave I did get back on Space City for the following match I SWA my towers around I brought Excel and for the raw DPS and I just tried to focus on my farming I'll also mention that I was dealing with some massive lag in all of these runs placements and upgrades were delayed zombies were occasionally just running backwards along the path or running straight through the towers it made these rounds miserable the falling King was tough we didn't have a lot of DPS all right I need to get a drink of water before I do this because my teammates took all the placement space up with militants and crook bosses and didn't sell them when they asked so I couldn't fit the hardcore Towers anywhere decent but I'm fine with that because I'm a very mature person person the key difference was this time I remembered to use my PowerUp Flags earlier on which helped us just barely take out the boss and preserve my sanity the next run was a lot easier two of my teammates had good towers and the PowerUp Flags helped just take the boss down a bit more comfortably for the final run the lag was an all-time high I struggled to even join the match but matchmaking blessed me and for the first time all day put me with three high level players we were able to be very proactive and get a lot of frontal defense for both pths and the falling King was a piece of cake with that Triumph I finally finished this stupid objective and I was able to claim the cybernetic crook boss skin this outfit feels kind of basic I do like the geometric makeup of its head the tower itself doesn't have a super Dynamic design it doesn't change much however what's cool about the skin is that the bodyguards crook spawns in are replaced by these little robot dudes which are definitely some of the best goons from any crook skin don't don't don't don't they also have a funny little bug with their hit boxes they can actually move you along the path which is cool still the skin feels the most Rand of the four it doesn't have a lot of in-game history like the Slayer or nuclear skins and I don't believe it's a reference to an outside property like the Badlands Ranger so even though I do like some parts of the design I'll give it a 6 out of 10 and that is every Mission Quest completed is it worth it to do these I don't know I mean if you want kind of I guess please leave a like if you enjoyed leave a comment and subscribe so you don't miss my next video which will hopefully be a banger unless it takes so long to make that I release a different video first in which case that apply but yeah thanks for watching end of script
Channel: propellars
Views: 269,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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