Ranking Every Content Creator Skin in TDS

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TDS now has content creator skins so I'm going to make a tier list ranking all the skins from s tier all the way down to F firstly we have the El leite accelerator skin if I'm being honest the early upgrade start off kind of mid with an electric theme suit and Top Hat it does over have a custom magic cell Shard which looks really cool although as you upgrade it it gets an eyepiece as well as some electric shocks around them which makes the skin look a lot better it then gets some wings on level four however it only starts looking really good when maxed like to the default accelerator it becomes more purple themed as well as getting a recolored Shard and some darker Wings overall a pretty neat skin which is basically Mage accelerator but you don't have to pay Roo so I'm going to place it in a tier next we have the sing minig Gunner skin Now sing if you're watching right now I'm sorry about what I'm about to say at its started levels it has a really cool minig Gunner which I'm a big fan of now what I don't like are the colors they don't really fit the minig Gunner which makes for a weird contrast in my opinion as you upgrade it the minig Gunner gets even cooler though with it getting a few additions as well as some sunglasses and a top hat only once you Max it though do I start thinking it looks decent with the Halloween themed colors and it's getting some sick looking neon on the minigun model now I get to do the squeaking but if I'm being honest this this is a b tier skin next we have the propellers Ranger skin now I figured he'd probably get an ace pet skin for the memes since like propellers but honestly the ranger skin fits way better it has the classic propellers outfit with the classic hair blue jacket and pants while still looking cool in game now what I really like is the gun model it's nothing fancy but it has a really clean design as well as having some neon accents at the bottom which I'm a big fan of as you upgrade it it gets a cartoonishly massive backpack as well as a few other additions that look great such as a hat goggles and earpiece now on the max level sure it gets an insane looking gun model but best of all stickers here we have a paradoxum games logo a cat sticker a sticker with propell on it as well as a Enterprises sticker which is a reference to a strategy made I think not entirely sure to be honest there's a lot of attention to detail in this skin which you got to give credit to so I simply have to give this skin s tier following that we have the Corso crook boss skin which starts off with the classic Corso Avatar although with a slightly smaller head for obvious reasons this skin feels a bit more Goofy with it getting more oversized accessories like it hat and glasses to fit the mega head as you upgrade it on it third level it even gets a biggest head gun bu on its Tommy Gun which I think is a pretty neat addition finally on its max level it gets a white Cape now the only flow I see is that there's currently no custom bodyguard skins however confirmed by Corso himself they're coming on the crook boss rework update so he we take those for that reason I'm going to have to place it at a respectable A+ tier next we have the Wikia colors engineer skin at its starter levels it's pretty boring as it only gets small additions like headphones a mask as well as you YouTu play button that gets a new version with every upgrade it does however recover on the final level with it getting a robotic arm with some neon flare that's pretty sick it also gets a custom weapon with some golden accents as well as a neon yellow scope although not anything crazy it's a pretty clean look here it has no custom model turrets but they have not added them in yet so instead of placing it in B tier I'm upgrading it to a tier cuz these are definitely going to look really cool with it next up we have the CEO of Isaac Warden skin this skin feels very random but it has a lot of references that make it a neat skin as you upgrade it it gets a Nerf knife a plushy of himself as well as some additional Nerf weapons even his main weapon gets turned into a Nerf blade very cool then finally on its max level it gets a Halo looking knife thingy as well as a custom shield with the plushy taking the all of the stuns oh and it also has a familiar looking helmet H honestly how you view this Tower is based on if you get the references or not so although I'm placing this at A+ tier if if you don't get a few I'd get why you'd probably rank this lower finally we have the Aged Commander skin I like to his Avatar the skin is watermelon themed and by this I mean instead of a walkie-talkie it has a piece of watermelon that it eats which is pretty funny as well as the stand being replaced to a f of a watermelon sadly there are no custom voice lines which could have really made this an even better skin the only upgrade I find weird is level three where he becomes radioactive or something but it recovers on the max level with it's looking really cool overall a great skin although due to not having any custom voice lines I'm giving it A+ tier oh and don't forget my own [Music] SK
Channel: Kenu
Views: 231,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1g4oV0iJfGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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