I Asked "Hoovies Garage" some PERSONAL QUESTIONS...

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it's time for my big interview gonna set the mood right here oh yeah Oh got somebody calling me uh hello hello Aaron this is Tyler yeah let's get started we'll do it man get my girdle in place here there we go okay ah yes lounging I'm gonna jump right into the questions okay go for it hang on let me make sure the peasants can't see me all right all right Tyler so thank you so much for being on today man I really appreciate a few thanks for taking the time well nobody asked for interviews so this is a this is a first I think in years that's good yeah it was actually we had Strad man on just recently and that was actually the first interview he'd ever done sort of for his YouTube fame too yeah yeah well he's he's awesome I've been watching him for years he's a big inspiration I think the first video I ever saw of him was when they shut down that road and then they had all those cars going as fast they possibly can like Veyron and all that stuff yeah that was incredible yeah very very cool guy he came out here and visited us and we drove around a Countach for a little while not a bad deal all right so let's talk about your channel a little bit so like you started your channel was it was a 2017 or was it actually earlier than that like the tail into 16 I made a couple of videos just to try it out but I really wasn't trying to make videos I was wanting to write I had closed my car dealership a few years back and was into a new business I was opening burger restaurants kind of Freddy's right burgers yes Freddy's frozen custard and steak burgers yeah we've got one here we got very big in Denver yeah yes so I did that but I really wanted to do something with cars and riding seemed like a natural thing for me but when I got with Auto Trader they really wanted someone that could do videos and I had done two videos and they were with windows movie maker and they were really horribly put together but I said of course new videos sure no problem so I took my 78 Lincoln Continental town car that I had the time had two iPhones one was sitting on top of the car another car which was so an entire car for a tripod then I had an old iPhone for sound that I just had next to me or in a pocket and I made that video and they wanted more so I had no intention of making youtube videos at first so I had no idea so so what do you I mean obviously your channel is taken off to some really incredible numbers I mean you're gonna 600 thousands now for subscribers right yeah yeah you know it has big bursts but yeah it's pretty wild it's yeah been crazy so why do you think people have gravitated so so much to your content is it you were feeling a void on YouTube like why do you think so many people kind of resonate with what you're creating hi gosh well you know it helped her ride Doug de Meera's coattails of course you know I've I have him to thank for all this and he went to sort of straight reviews and less on Doug car and then that kind of made a natural opening for me but then you know obviously I went off the rails and it started turning into a car of the month and a lot of cars that I like it's such a wide variety and most of them are affordable that you know if someone was wanting a fun car they could go out and buy for the most part there's a few obviously there aren't but you know I think just me being self-deprecating and showing the good and the bad and making a complete idiot of myself every week I guess that that's endearing true for whatever reason I I don't know hey maybe maybe it's an unknown we maybe sometimes we don't know why we follow certain people so I get that yep yeah I have no idea yes I cuz I just really enjoyed the content of a lot of people and just like oh you know I could do something like that but I I never imagined because it all happened pretty quickly yeah for a lot of us there's there's a moment in our lives when we sort of realize that car is whether they're exotic or sort of normal cars are going to be like a passion was there was there a moment like that for you was there a time that you knew like oh man I have a crazy interest in cars I want to make a part of my life even if I never do YouTube uh yeah there was the car dealership my first job was actually a car max I was opening day in Wichita for a car Max and people didn't understand the concept of no haggling back in 2006 so it was a really rough deal because car max price is that you know people don't understand that price is a little higher because they're nicer cars and all this stuff and it was it was rough so that I went to a normal dealership and made pretty good money there but right also it was it was a crazy place as far as you know you know the people the type of people that work at dealerships or definitely can be very dysfunctional at times but it also goes all the way back to four years old and my grandmother I still have the car it's a 85 500 SL that she got new is their first and only new car she ever had and it was came after actually my grandpa was he was twenty years sober before he died but he was kind of a drunk and it came because one night this is in the 80s he was at a bar and a guy pulled up in a Mercedes in Kansas and said you know not anybody can buy a Mercedes you have to be you have to really be somebody and get qualified to go buy it and my grandpa was like oh that's so he went to the dealership him and his friend drunk and bottom Mercedes and then drove it back to the bar these were 450sel is the big s-class stretches oh yeah and came back and said hey see wait wasn't that hard and at the time he told my grandmother that he couldn't afford a new dining set for this house and obviously that was silly so he got she got her dining set and she got a Mercedes of her own and and now you know of course it's a different time back then with drinking and everything else is terrible we don't drink and drive obviously but but yeah that's that's how I came about and I just always loved that car and when I 16 I started driving it it's a miracle I didn't do anything stupid with it I put dumb AMG wheels on it that were totally not period-correct and and you know the people silly things a stereo with big speakers and all I said but I didn't wreck it I didn't kill it and I still have it so that's that's the main main squeeze still I guess to this day oh well that's an interesting story and not what I would have expect good I guess but that's very cool very cool and don't drink and drive I don't know what yeah that was yeah well alright so here's a fun question that I'm sure a lot of people would follow your channel would like to know are there tell me about some of the cars that you bought whether for your channel or previously that you really sort of regret or maybe there's nothing maybe you've enjoyed them all oh well the LeBaron was was definitely definitely regret the moment it arrived and obviously I ended up burying it because I was so frustrated with it I just dug a giant hole drove the car into the hole and then buried it you know that's that's the great thing about YouTube is I get a car that you know I bought for $2000 and spent $1000 shipping here and then see it's a basket case and spend a thousand dollars trying to get it going and then realize I mean it's Fred Flintstone with the floors and everything else so you know so it's normally that would be go to the junkyard somebody just lost $4,000 but I get to make videos and then if you dig a hole and you bury a car and you get a million views then then the cars kind of paid for so it's it's you know then you know let's say you get kind of creative to what you do with these but you have to be careful because you don't want to there's all there's obviously a huge following for K cars and they're all gonna get really mad if you you know destroy a car so you have to you can't have to be you could have to be careful with that has to be something that's really really gone or a Range Rover was the next one I remember seeing that video yeah the Range Rover it was it was mechanically told in anybody that owns a Range Rover knows how easy that is to do so however yeah that's definitely relatable but there's there's plenty of regrets it's mostly BMWs but really yeah yeah you have a BMW no I don't I don't never owned one what do you have well I've got I've got my mclaren 570s then we have a Porsche Macan turbo for a daily what's been really good so far so right and your MacLaren's reliable right well so I mine is relatively related or reliable I've not had any issues I put about 6,000 miles on it so far but it's been pretty good yeah it doesn't this is a function DF says they have the trick suspension as or is that what makes it cheaper is it's just a standard suspension you know I can't recall I should know this I mean it's got the ability to like rise up a little bit so if you have to go over a bump you're not is it's really smooth for supercars that yeah you know I mean it's it's it's a little rougher than I would say like my name Gigi TS that I had that was a real smooth ride the McLaren I feel like you feel just about every bump but it's been fun I mean like III looked at an mp4 12c a couple years ago when I was originally looking obviously maybe one that was you know running a little bit better than the one that you got yeah I mean so have you enjoyed that car barely I mean it's it's kind of it's gone already I shipped it to tovarisch in Florida oh man and we're it's it's funny the Amelia Island conquer me to varnish and Doug demure oh and they want us to come and judge a class at the concore and I've gone to this for years and of course you have to wear a blazer and a tie and a hat and and I I'm really looking forward to seeing Doug actually have to wear clothes you know not a t-shirt and khaki pants there are layers I don't even think he owns a jacket or a hat I don't I don't think he owns any of that so he's gonna have to go to Kmart or something before but yeah so we're gonna do that but I'm so I had the car for about a week and of course that check engine light came on for you know stupid emissions code but I'm gonna drive it to Amelia Island from Orlando was about two hours and I'm gonna drive it to Atlanta Doug and I are gonna do our second round of you know Tyler and Doug talk about cars thing yeah we do for autos trader so those are fun they are fun and it yeah we we filmed him about a year ago and I think Doug can only edit in short bursts without losing his mind you know as far as me driving him insane so he's been trickling him out little by little over the past year but yeah we're ready for round two all right so here's here's a fun question and I had a couple people sort of send this question and is there like it so obviously I would you call what you do sort of like restoration or sort of like rebuilding or what would you call that first uh well I mean a lot of cars I get back on the road I'd like to think that I leave them in a better place than then when I got them but a lot of the times I just ruined them so I mean I you know honest think about the you know the Ferrari burned to the ground obviously that's an amazing car that destroyed and destroyed a LeBaron destroyed a Range Rover the Prius with the fast and furious paint job and the the the Nos you know quite stupid but you know I wouldn't I don't know because and that's the thing obviously I don't work on my cars a lot I'll go up to the wizard and I'll get my hands dirty usually I take the car apart I'm good at that and then you know the wizard has to curse my name for the next two days to put it back together and I and I do I did used to work on my cars quite a bit more but it's not something that I like doing I feel like every time I work on a car I spend more time going to buy the right tool or looking for the tool and I just get angry in something stuck and I just you know it's not fun for me but I like to be a part of the process and have the ideas and see it through and does that make me less of a car guy than tabara sure or somebody up mate maybe but you know yeah I I don't know I enjoy the process and thanks to youtube I can you know I it's encouraged me to take on these projects and do these weird things that I you know and it never would do otherwise right so so we've talked a little bit about sort of like watch what you do on your channel is so obviously you buy a lot of cars that need need some love or is there is there a car that you would buy like in perfect new working order like is there an exotic car out there that sort of a dream car of yours anything like that exotic new what what a concept right yeah buying buying something new I just I mean you know I guess you know there's the Porsche the GT cars that wouldn't depreciate it's weird as much money as I blow on used cars and you know and buying these basket cases the cheapest whatsoever where I end up losing money usually at the end of it but yeah the concept is something new I'm really digging the m2 competition that's that's uh that seems like you know going back to the old-school BMW of a little car that's possible with the manual transmission really like that definitely wouldn't mind a new turbo ass but you know I happy with the 996 turbo for $36,000 so I mean there's no point though I want to say that was that was one of my first videos of yours that I ever watched that's kind of when I think that's when I subscribed was right after that first big big Porsche video so so maybe someday we'll see you in something new but maybe maybe not for a while I I don't I don't see how I don't know maybe at least or something I am I don't know what I wouldn't know what to do the only thing that's really killing me and is is your 570s does it have a warranty yes yes it does and part of the is it even buy brand new did you know I never well I never buy new cars so I always buy about a year or two you so I can get some of that depreciation off right well the stipulations of that McLaren certified warranty is he can't track it mm-hmm interesting so the ultimate track car that that 12c if I take it out on the track you know it's the equivalent playing Russian roulette I mean I can't void the warranty and break it and I saw like it's the most agonizing thing that I have this I'm the most amazing track art obviously I've ever owned and I can't take it on the track so that's that's a little annoying if I bought a new that would've had to worry about it but then there were the lost two hundred thousand dollars in depreciation okay so we've got one question and from Instagram B the user was a NIC Sweetland looks like nicks wheel and ten was the user and he wanted to know if you wouldn't mind enlighten us on sort of your worst financial mistake in your professional career hmm boy oh boy kind of a kind of it doesn't necessarily have to be cars if there was something before that obviously then you know feel free to talk about oh well you know the the car dealership when I when I closed it I was a little upside down but you know I knew I was going into a new business and you know that the restaurant has been fine but that that doesn't pay for the cars to the it's weird the YouTube you know the channels gotten big enough to where it pays for all the cars so if I if I win then obviously I make money on the car and I make money that way when I sell it but if I lose then obviously when I fail and look like a total the videos get more views so then I make more money that way so it's in a weird I mean a weird spot where I can't lose right now hey that's the best spot to be in yeah but what's yeah you know I kind of went over it with it the biggest the biggest loss of the channel by far has been that Bentley Continental GT and that that was really horrible because it it was supposed to be post sale inspection it was supposed to be post sale inspected which if you're a dealer you'll know you buy a car you agree to the price and then a third party is usually an auction where somebody drops off the car they will inspect it for you if it's no good then then you don't have to buy it but what I didn't realize was Bentley's were ineligible so was the cheapest kind of Mill GT in the USA at the time and I paid for the inspection but then they said oh it's what of the inspection you didn't read the fine print so you own the car and I got here I got it and it had spent ten years in Russia the odometer rolled back twice and all kinds of problems where was disaster so that car was over $30,000 into that thing and I ended up selling it I ended up selling it to bars for 12 there's no there's no winning on that when that one was a big hit and devorah sh good luck buddy just getting into it but you know he was he was easy to get that thing yeah we actually just did a video sort of like like our one of our news segments about him buying them where shall I go yesterday so you are becoming like Anderson Cooper of car youtubers that's your thing yeah I also I'm trying to kind of fill I thought kind of a void nobody really does about you know news about kind of supercar community or the car automotive section on YouTube sounds like well maybe we'll give it a try yeah we can come get our dirt we're trying to stay relatively positive it's it's it's hard not to it's hard to not want to talk about some of the negative sides about automotive you too but I don't want to make any too many enemies first so we'll try to stay positive for as long as we can so so here's a fun question what is your best car memory 1994 Buick Roadmaster estate wagon mwah big wood-paneled lt1 wagon did a cross-country drive all the way up highway 1 California all that stuff stayed in Monterey Pacific Coast right Pacific yeah yeah I wasn't during car week which is actually nice because then you can really enjoy the town and then back through through Vegas and even though that was like the worst car to have on those mining roads in it on highway 1 but you know that you don't really want to speed there anyway it was just it was just the quintessential you know cross country American road trip with the Griswolds you know oh yeah it was just with my friends and that that car I so dumb because I shouldn't let it go I let it go for only $4,000 and it was in perfect shape a little over a hundred thousand miles ended up in Germany so I'll never see it again it's it's gone and you know that's the only car that I sold when I sold it I cried there's there's a picture of me just mm-hmm it was bad but that was that was before YouTube that was before everything when I the dealership was gone and I was starting the restaurants and and and money was tight and it seemed silly to to have it because at the time I was this it was the most normal I've ever been because I had a Prius which I would turn in for the mileage on the company and then make money that way cuz the Prius I get 50 cents a mile on the priest cost 10 cents or whatever and then I had my old Mercedes which I was never again or get rid of and then I old Mercedes diesel as a project car and that that was it you know sometimes there'd be something you know because I was still on the side I was still using a dealer's license to make money on the side you know buying like a Camry or another Prius to flip real quick but that that was it and I was as normal as I had ever been and and before the car dealership kind of justified my buying impulses you know like I'm buying this to make money and and now YouTube is justifying this this compulsive buying disorder that I have you know my saying well I make videos about it you know and so yeah I'm got a new new justification for my stupidity okay so I'm something that we asked James Strad man when he was kind of in our will say our studio really just at the Ferrari dealership what I watched oh good good yeah we I think we had a pretty good time it was kind of fun to kind of I think it's kind of interesting when youtubers sort of give up the control that they have over their own videos so that's kind of why we wanted to start interviewing like people would have pretty incredible success like yourself on YouTube well yeah I'm not Strad man so what I mean give it another year or so I'm sure you'll hit that million mark no problem oh I mean I I don't know cuz you get you get I mean you're always hungry I don't know it seems like and I talked to other youtubers where there's always somebody you know it's like oh you know you see somebody else doing so much better and you're just like like you know what am i doing where I'm not getting that so you know it it's it's always there's always that drive I guess but absolutely I don't know I mean I get it all right now because I'm not buying any cars cuz the new year's resolution I'm about to lose my mind so this may be this may be the jump the shark moment you may be getting me on the downward slope and I'll be in this Fonzie jacket you know in short a shark to try and get people to watch here in a few months so so I guess like kind of like jumping off of that what what have you seen the biggest change in your life after well we'll call it YouTube celebrity you're obviously becoming very big on YouTube how do you how is your life change like you people notice you in public like are you kind of like people run up to you and want to like talk to you like tell me about that yeah well Wichita small and so to have like a I was on the front page of the newspaper which was a big deal for my grandma which is how small enough to where like a youtuber is a big deal so I you know there's there's quite a bit of that in town which is fun what's changed the most is buying cars and I'll you know buy something I'll call somebody up and you know and say I want it and then they start to realize that that this is who be from who fees garage and then and then you know then then the cats out of the bag and it's it's made made things a little little different from from that aspect but the first time I was ever recognized was actually the valet at the ritz-carlton at Amelia Island and with her when I went to for the show is it two years ago and now that was the first weird like whoa oh okay and that was that was it you know 50,000 subscribers but uh you know it's not that bad for me I don't I don't get mobbed like I went to a car show with Doug de Muro one time and you know he's I tried to stay with him as much as I can but he just get stopped with two steps stop two step stops so but then again he's he's like a giant he's like baby Stewie sticks out all stands out in the crowd I get it yeah so now that we've gone over some of the bigger questions we'll get some we'll get some rapid fire stopped going here all right ready okay all right so in your opinion what's the best sounding car out there that 355 oh man I hear ya I said I was gonna say do you miss that car quite a bit yes that car was fire oh yeah yeah more ways than one all right so best best looking car purely aesthetics oh yeah my my Holy Trinity is my Holy Trinity is f40 Duesenberg and 300sl that's that's like the three like money no object cars in the garage for me and part of that is just the looks they're just all beautiful so that'd be it all right all right best driving experience driving experience like a where I've been on the road well there's so like a car that you Jareau that just felt like it was an incredible driving experience not like an actual time rather um well I guess the Rolls Royce Phantom was a revelation that's for sure being able to just that the true modern interpretation of a land yacht because before that all I'd ever driven were you know old 70s and 80s land yachts that were falling apart so to see what a modern tight European engineered concept of that was was amazing the 12c is actually amazing too because it's just the trick suspension that the active suspension it makes the car so smooth and comfortable and everything's so easy it's it's amazing that yeah that's that's the - in recent memory yeah yeah that works all right so here's so here's a question that seems simple I think but I guess I caught caught James by a little bit of surprise why why do you do YouTube whywhy do I do YouTube because I really did want to right that was my first passion that's what I wanted to do and when I make a youtube video it has a much larger audience than then writing the feedback is instant and now that I've got my presentation a little bit better basically it's an extension of my writing Oh he's still there somebody somebody called in it's an extension of my riding where before I was literally taking what I had written printing it off on paper taping it to my tripod and reading it like Ron Burgundy on the news and that's that's how I was doing it so if you look at those early who he's Garage videos where I'm really hamming it up with a game show host voice and it was because I was reading from basically a ghetto teleprompter and I've evolved a little bit from there but still every video that I make I usually write down almost everything I'm gonna say beforehand it's almost like like a speech and and then I think of you know little bits and putting things and of course you know sometimes I actually go and do something which is you know it's it's much harder to edit something where you go and do an event and you're capturing a moment than just standing in front of a car and talking about it yeah but but it was it was where I didn't realize it was just gonna be a supplement for my writing on auto trader and that that's why I started youtubing and then it grew into this this whole big thing yeah all right so our last question of the day there's a lot of people that are watching that I'm sure have you know aspirations of their own to start a YouTube channel what would be your advice to somebody brand-new just starting off and wants to start a YouTube channel yeah well I think Strada me uncovered it really well where you're just having you put out at least a video a week and nobody's gonna watch for months and he had the same I was watching him it resonated with me it's like I was so excited when all my videos had at least 10,000 views or at least a thousand views it was like oh yeah I mean it and then you know obviously I'm in a different place now but but it's tough to do all that and so much effort and nobody watches and even today you have a bad day of a video that you put so much time into you think it's the funniest thing you've ever done you look like a total stud brilliant the car is amazing and it turds and you're just like it is frustrating I get that oh it's tough it's tough and as far as creating videos it's it's about the content it you know Doug and I we we stand in front of a camera and we talk about the cars and occasionally there's a little close-ups and stuff like that but what you don't see as much of the trick camera shots and drones and all this beautiful stuff and there's people that are great at it but you're never gonna be as good as the pros doing that kind of stuff and that's why with with me at least writing down what I'm going to say beforehand especially when I'm reviewing a car as much as you can even if you haven't seen the car before then obviously it's gonna be a little tough but but writing down as much as you can think of what you're gonna say think of those punch lines because even Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson he's driving a car around the Top Gear test track he's not coming up with all this stuff at the top of his head he's got writers he writes his own jokes and all that stuff beforehand and it's very important that you prepare for these videos and not just you know putting a GoPro on the front and just sit and winging it and just going mmm uh and that kind of stuff and even if you're wanting to vlog I would say think of the story and think of the beginning in middle and end of this vlog and because I'm what I what I don't like is is this these disjointed vlogs where it's just a bunch of different things and it just seems to be going nowhere and then one minute is the actual little clickbait thing and what it's actually about but yeah and I I think you just just really think it through because it's so hard it's so hard to wing it and it you don't do you don't think of the things that you'll think of when you sit down before and you prepare for for whatever you're going to create yeah well that's great advice um well that's that's all the questions we had for you thank you so much for being on today this is that this was really fun to have you on here ma'am that's that's it my first interview ever I mean we could talk for hours with Hooper of car youtubers what's the matter you get down in the you know get some get some dirt dig down and get you know I thought you're gonna find something on me like my oh my stormy Daniels moment you know I thought you had it I mean maybe at some point maybe at some point but yeah I relatively clean interview what can I say I appreciate it yeah movies garage expose yeah that would be the title watch man well thank you Tyler for being on really appreciate your time man and AH yeah good luck good luck not buying any cars as part of your resolution it's not gonna last I mean so much like just physical pain right now no I'm gonna all right man we'll take care all right thanks whoa and all of a sudden the lighting is different because it's night and I forgot to film an outro for the video because yes we youtubers are very imperfect in the way that we do these things and sometimes things go wrong but anyway thanks for watching the interview guys if you want to see more interviews like this we've done Strad man we did a crucial cali cars and now we've done movies garage so who should we interview next make sure to put that in the comments below and make sure to give the video a like if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you want to see more so thanks a lot guys have a wonderful day a wonderful evening now because it's 9:00 time cuz I forgot and that's it guys have more flight take care bye [Music] yeah your team I I don't I don't trust any of this that's why this is this this is the YouTube secret after all of the experimenting with sounds and wireless stuff and things that don't work because I can't be like a blogger and have a camera in front my face with it you know like a mic you know as to connect them to it so Brett never trusted any of the wireless stuff so this is the you know sound recorder and I don't want to accidentally put it in the earphone slot so that's what the tape is kind of floor to hold it in yeah because I'm technologically I'm really not very good [Music]
Channel: Life of Palos
Views: 53,855
Rating: 4.8218622 out of 5
Keywords: hoovies garage, tyler hoover, hoovie, life of palos, stradman, crucial cali cars, interview, tavarish, vehicle virgins, dde, damon, daily driven exotics, deep, personal, big reveal, secrets, salomondrin, salomundo
Id: RkKwOuWG7K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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