This Aircraft Hangar is a DREAM HOME for Car Enthusiasts, and a better investment than a home garage

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[Music] [Music] welcome to hooves garage the dumbest automotive channel in all of youtube i was meditating back there and if you're looking for more lamborghini content well it's not going to happen for a while because unfortunately it is absolutely freezing crazy weather outside snowing every couple of days and they've salted the road so much that the roads are are absolutely white so it'd be crazy to drive one of those cars on on roads like these so today instead i'm going to do a hooptie fleet update but there is a bonus i have a new overflow storage facility it's actually a hanger that someone is letting me use to park my extra hoopties there and it is actually really really cool when i bought this house that came with a nice but otherwise pretty standard three-car garage so i added on the back as you can see here and bendpak was kind enough to give me the lifts to really tie the room together it's beautiful but it only fits 12 or 13 cars i say only but really that should be more than enough except i'm a totally crazy person and have somewhere around 30 cars there's always several broken at the car wizard or the car ninja but i've always had an overflow facility used to be the hooptie fleet headquarters a barn that i rented just down the road that we will visit today very briefly but now i'm moving all the cars over to a new facility a hangar i have filmed a few videos in there already but now that i've spent a little time in the hangar i can't help but think what an amazing investment it would be for somebody who is a crazy car enthusiast like me that doesn't want to waste money on a garage edition at a house that you're not going to get your money back on i spent way too much adding the garage to this house and it added absolutely zero value it was like just lighting money on fire but it's very nice for me to have an inside film studio which i really appreciate this time of year and in the summer but if i were a single guy that didn't have a youtube channel to justify all these terrible decisions a hanger would be a really good purchase especially with the way people are building them to put little houses inside the hangars it's kind of like the memes where people build their dream house and there's a giant garage and there's a bedroom and a bathroom and a kitchen and that's it this one is much more lavish actually three bedroom hanger basically a nice house inside of a hangar but these hangers despite their mammoth size with pretty much unlimited car storage capacity are surprisingly affordable if you look online the cheapest hangars in most decently populated cities start out around two hundred thousand dollars for pretty sparsely finished ones and the most expensive one like the nicest ones that we're gonna go see here in a bit uh they don't even cost a million dollars at least here in kansas so i'm really jealous actually but i'm also super fortunate because the owners of this hangar are letting me use it to park hoopties because they're not parking planes in it they're not really doing anything with it they're just sitting on it and said i could park as many hoopties in there as i want so i am super fortunate so today we'll check out the hangar we'll also go to the ninjas and the wizards and check on other projects and i'll show you all the cars that i have right now minus a few that i'm not going to tell you about yet one uh i just realized it's leaking a lot it may not survive long enough for its uh unveil but let's hit the road just look at this absolutely miserable weeks of weather in the negatives in the freezing and so much salt on the roads that it's just getting on everything when i loaded the trailer the steering wheel well it got all salty just from my hands just unloading on the trailers all over the van absolutely trash we're gonna put this thing away in the barn and get out another hooptie that i'm getting rid of i'm getting rid of uh quite a few cars a lot of mercedes oh look at the salt i should have just gone to florida for a week but uh this is the old hoopty fleet headquarters i only rent a small portion of it now but i'll probably be giving it up here at the end of the month and everything inside i believe is is for sale yeah so only two cars in here not very well utilized right now one of them is the 9300 sc that we are going to take out today it has no heat it needs to get fixed i don't know why i'm picking this car to drive in this weather but that heater needs to be fixed and my other conversion man the 91 g20 i obviously do not need anymore because i have well the ultimate conversion van outside so this one will probably be no reserve on cars and bids here soon and i bought the 300 sc on cars and bids so it'd be kind of silly to uh list it there again i bought it for 32 hundred dollars spent 500 shipping it and then probably spent another three thousand dollars on it uh so let's just say four thousand someone wants to give me four thousand for this lovely sorted mercedes uh it's all theirs there's actually a few surprises waiting for this as well over at the ninjas so we'll head over there and then to the hanger and then to wizards well there's a lot of x hoopies here like the cayenne s that i gave away but also you can see the tail of it right behind the building yes the mark mark mark mark mark mark mark i was not using this car at all it was sitting there and one of the ninjas mechanics loves these things he begged me to sell it to him and well he's enjoying it obviously even though it's a california car and it's getting in road salt but still at least it's getting used oh no you're not ninja hi did you bring me a bmw to work on no are you here because of the heat no i'm here because i'm working on an audi and he has all the german tools he does have heat and it's very nice yes the city of derby is kind of screwy on that one huh i just got off the phone with the gas company and they're gonna set a meter next week nice it's odd we're gonna have heat oh i'm driving a car with no heat uh because these showed up jj auto wrecking our friends yep yep sent me nice alloy wheels and tires i didn't even ask for the tires the tires are in great shape too check that out yeah i can't even lift it up they're all put together yeah that's just that's just dirt so those will look way better than the chrome peeling ones that i got look at that they still have the dots on them yeah but you see my s 500 up here the coupe so i decided to keep this one instead of the 300 se and uh it was a little bouncy in the rear the shocks are well they're literally gone right now oh there's yes on the floor it's already off no guess how much that is uh i would guess a thousand a side you're a little high okay 860 ninja 886 a thousand a side installed probably so i'm spending two thousand dollars in a car i bought for two thousand dollars just to have it ride a little bit nicer yeah oh just just wonderful so maybe i should have kept the the other hoop because it has normal suspension but uh nah hydraulic suspension is cool at least jj aldrecking's making it look pretty that's right they always take care of us that's what yes they do they're the best they have all the car trick cars too if you need any s8 or rolls-royce parts yeah or m6 parts presentable wheels with nearly new tires and also inside the wheels they sent me the the finishers because i lost the amber corners that i got at euroasian they weren't that nice anyway and they sent me a hood hinge because the hood hinge on this car is well it's got a little wonky this car is going to be so nice now that i'm not going to want to get rid of it it's a strategy i act completely inept and a then they take pity on me and they jump in and just do it mike just knocked it out in like one second every time every time it's not because i'm actually ineptor [Laughter] i'm just it is actually really hard to light up the stud holes in there you can see the hole yeah here i've been wanting to get rid of these since the moment i bought the car just absolutely hideous are you doing they're hideous no they're not clear corners are the best you know my my camaro has clear corners you can't even get them anymore it's impossible to buy he's a child absolute child you've got amber bulbs amber ninja yes that's got a reclining hood or tonight it looks so much better and i got it done with absolutely no help all by myself so proud of you well now i'm going to the hooptie hanger so hanger life really is a great lie if you live in a gated community that's obviously secure because airport and every day this is your driveway you get to drive down the taxiway now you can go on the runway as much as you want but every single pass would cost you ten thousand dollars because that's that's the faa fine so so you never ever drive on the runway ever ever but you can go up and down the taxiway at a low speed and these are more like the traditional private aviation hangars that you would expect at a small airport uh but as you can see you can get to these ones that uh look a lot more residential these are slowly and steadily being built down the runway and they get fancier as you go down now obviously most people would use this to park their plane their aviation enthusiasts you can see they're working on a king air inside of there uh but if you're a car enthusiast this kind of space makes a lot of sense and this newly completed hanger here that i'm using to store hoopties is actually an incredible home with with so much space it's just crazy so here we are the hooptie hanger you can see the massive hanger door here basically a whole wall opens up as these straps get reeled in we won't do it today because it's only 10 degrees outside and it's just absolutely absolutely massive you can see i have a few cars parked over here i'll give you a peek at this mini trail it's not mine but just really cool you can see giant projector screen a disco ball this is kind of a party hanger but here's the hoopties they look so small in this big space the 66 mustang 2001 bmw 740i sport those cars aren't going anywhere next to it is the 89 325 ix which is finished and polished from the ninja and mike's beautiful work oh it's just such such a nice car i'm not sure what i'm going to do with it i'll probably wait till the ninja finishes the mini cooper mc-40 and decide which of the two that i'm going to keep he's going to start working on the mini next week after he finishes the s 500 koopa next to it is from my tv show car issues the police car that i bought out of great bend and next to it is my father's 78 trans am i did a video on it uh many years ago he's had the car uh 15 years he actually had one in high school back in the day now this is kind of a party hanger set up there's no plane in here i don't think there's ever been a plane in here a while ago they had a party that was gilligan's island theme but you can see so much space i only have five cars parked here and they're pretty spread far apart but let's say i could park another uh seven cars in a row let's say i could park 12 cars per row times well easily five rows or more so without stressing this thing to absolute maximum capacity i could hold over 60 cars in this hangar which i say is more than anybody would ever need but when i built that garage a couple years ago i thought that was going to be more than i ever needed but not only is it a massive storage facility with a disco ball and all this party stuff there is a legit house built inside of this hangar if you look here they have kind of an outdoor bar except we're indoors we're in a hangar beautiful custom oak bar really almost feels like a nightclub with the drinks and the tvs and all that but when you go in here you get in to the living quarters and the living quarters it's it's a three bedroom condo a really really nice three bedroom condo with stained concrete floors and kind of an industrial look that matches the hanger and look at the view you have the view of the runway planes coming and going a little bit of noise obviously but still a really really cool spot and just a beautiful house i'll take you around but this is just the absolute dream and if i didn't have kids in school and the school was just a mile down the road i'd be building or buying me one of these things because well for under a million dollars you could really go more than that if you really went nuts but uh really quite a value for the square footage and if you build a house like this with all garage and not very much house in a normal neighborhood while the hoa wouldn't let you just look at the shower holy moly yeah they wouldn't let you and it would be very difficult to sell but on a runway with a hanger you want to park your plane plane enthusiast car enthusiast there's a lot more broad appeal and look at that chandelier oh that's beautiful god there's there's actually two more bedrooms upstairs so in here you have a bunk room and another bathroom over there but down here is probably what would be considered another bar like you really need another bar but and here's what would be considered the master bedroom or the second master you have a balcony and a view of the runway and another absolutely ridiculous bathroom jeez so you have an outdoor balcony except it's it's indoor because we're in a hangar that basically just built this house inside of a hangar and look at this look at this view so can you imagine if you're a car enthusiast with your collection you come out to your balcony and you're just gazing upon your hoofty empire and if you really wanted to add more you could stack them three high look how high the ceilings are and start stacking them with lists you could put an automotive list to work on your own cars here it just blows my mind how amazing how perfect a hanger is for a car enthusiast and although this one is a very nice pretty expensive one it makes me wonder why more people don't uh live like this i mean you could buy a hanger for two three hundred thousand dollars about this size build a more modest little one bedroom or two bedroom little apartment on it and live like a king and this one has radiant floor heat and all the luxuries it's just so nice that really i don't want to leave but we are going to leave we're going to have to the car wizards and we're going to check on uh the rest of the projects but i do think i'm going to hang out here for just a little bit and take this all in who's freezing the fleetwood it's going to mako soon first paint job let's get inside wizard what's going on you're working on the g55 yeah we're getting ready to take things apart and put your lift kit on it oh yes old man emu so i just showed him all the hoopty hanger you've been there before it's a nice place yeah yeah i i'd move in for sure i wouldn't live there yeah yes absolutely you know it's about this size yeah just with a house built into it yeah it's taller much taller definitely taller so you've been busy this week a lot of hoopty progress on all the projects and another car your favorite car broke again right yes we had a belt go start smoking on us we're almost done with it let's start with the porsche all right well the beck spider that is subaru powered it's looking a little more complete yes i had a hard time finding a belt but we got a belt that fits perfectly we've got coolant hoses hooked up temperature sensor found a way to do your air intake okay there's fuel that's still left to do but what else we got exhaust fuel lines and maybe a few electrical things to tie up and we'll be ready to start it really not the best weather for it but i'm still still excited to get it uh myvac my back is pretty torn apart here what's going on we got your suspension apart we're trying to find out there's some issues with it we're trying to dig deep and find out what's going on and i don't think it's going to be cheap yeah it gets all saggy pretty quick like sitting overnight just suspension all drops which isn't good and it's all maybach specific isn't it yes it is not s 600 parts it's all bad only i don't want bad news today so let's just move on so your favorite car yes have you found a buyer yet no no i sure haven't it broke again right yeah older set of belts for it one of them was too thin and we installed it and it just started smoking and smoking and found out the wrong belt was sent to me this thing needs to go as soon as i'm gonna drive it home today i'm leaving the the white mercedes get the heater fixed okay i'll drive this one home and see if i can tell before it breaks again please i'm trying i'll try it's sorted there's there's nothing really left to do until the next thing breaks until the next thing breaks but not nothing at the moment yeah it sorted i just went and drove it it drives fine i would like to have this car based on how it looks and drives right but not based on the repairs that we've had to do to it it's just crazy yeah well waiting game on the diablo right yep they got to hold me today they're actually working on it as we speak they've got it apart and they're doing the job on it okay that's the the rack the series right yes what about the sticky button people sticky button that's been sent off and that actually wasn't but just uh several days ago so i haven't heard from them yet okay well no hurry on this either because it's it's depressing weather isn't it it is very depressing oh another wagon here yep this is my wagon here mine's brown it'll be back up here soon but i do have my brown woody here that's uh got the hood back on it's back on i got the headlights fixed i got some dash lights yet to fix but otherwise i would say here by the end of the week you'll be ready to drive out but i wouldn't want to in this weather no a lot of things i would like to do but this really weird cold snap we're having is is preventing it's horrible uh but you've also been busy with one other car the next car trek vehicle which i i i can't really discuss but it's somewhere in here it's somewhere in here but we won't talk about it well thanks for all your hard work wizard i'll take the bentley home and try and enjoy it yeah well uh before you walk out of the door i actually have a bill for you on the bentley on the bentley yes and the other the other the car truck car vehicle yes yeah i was hoping you wouldn't say that seems like every time i visit you it's about two grand yeah it's a little bit more than that but really yes thank you for watching you
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 811,504
Rating: 4.9449334 out of 5
Id: vmtw7ThOTpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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