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oh oh my gosh moving my cattle around hello oh it's quite um echoing here this is the first time i've been in this cattle making facility in london on a youtube video so hello welcome along i'm very excited about today's video it's going to be a q a i asked the good people of instagram i don't know why i'm touching my hair just washed it look how shiny you're welcome i spoil you with clean hair maybe she's born [Music] i asked the good people of instagram if they had any questions because i realized i haven't done a q a i feel like since i did a live one i think i don't think i've ever done a video q a this is the point when people are saying uh yes you have because we know my memory but i feel like i haven't anyway i've got some really good questions so i am gonna have a cup of tea oh god wait oh no how sad does my fridge look look all i have in it it's a wrapped up lemon and a measuring jug of eggs i'm fine i'm fine living on my own without zach everything's great no i do have a food delivery coming tonight so that is gonna be full for the next video in here so you just fill as much water as you need good for the environment oh also people have asked if i can do a tea making video so maybe i'll do that at some point talking of which oh my gosh get on with it i'm gonna go for yorkshire gold basically all i've got in the flat at the moment is tea vitamins and eggs in a measuring jug and a wrapped up lemon what more do you need watch gold would be my english breakfast brand of choice but you know really anyone would do yorkshire is where i'm from south yorkshire northern girl this is what they look like square but i'm gonna drink it inside because it's gonna be outside i'm gonna show you around the outside uh which is very exciting and really i should take it in a flask but i am gonna drink it here before because i'm gonna need to film myself and scroll through the questions so there ain't no other hand i've really thought this through because basically start everything thinking how's my tea gonna fit into this obviously uh so yeah a q a i'm gonna try and make it quick fire but uh i do tend to waffle on a bit so see how we go with that i've scrolled through them circled my favorites there's been so many so thank you some art will be fast answers some will be maybe longer answers some are serious some are fun so there's something for everyone oh i was going to ask you something about a specific video i can't remember i need this tea clearly oh well i think there was a video i was going to ask you if you would want me to do i can't remember i have to look through my notes but i'm using my phone to film this so but let me know in the comments what you would like if the stuff you would like england said on lockdown and um i was talking to a friend of mine who's a beautician and maybe that was it i was going to ask you if you would like tips on skin care or hair care or beauty stuff makeup whatever when we can't go to got hair done or facials or whatever i'm always really scared of facials so i tend to do stuff at home anyway i was actually thinking of doing a style video because a couple of people asked when fashion friday's coming back because there's a bunch of clothes that i left in london when i was here at the start of the year and then everything got shut down and i flew back to la and came back that i've just recently discovered um so i thought i could maybe do a london style video and then just let me know other stuff that you might want there was something specific i wanted to ask you and i can't remember now anyway um oh no look i'm so dusty ugh i'm uncamped and my fridge is bad thank god you're here right well let's do this oh as soon as i'm going to be going outside i need to get a bit more ready got my little barber on and this oh my gosh i absolutely love this do you love just keeps your ears warm without um i don't know flattening gives you a little bit of space to i don't know for your instincts to drop in or something um i'll put the links to these below if you like them this is under the stories that i actually have just ordered one for my sister because um she loves mine anyway now we're ready to go outside although i am going to have a quick cup of tea first because um i'm really excited and looking forward to it now sometimes i don't know why i really stick to pressing the kettle down i feel like i could just drink my cup of tea while talking to you because there is nobody else to talk to also i do love talking to you do you love it somebody said also should i change it to more of an england scape seeing as i'm in england at the moment and maybe it should change depending on the place in the world that i'm recording from which i think is quite a good idea so i might have a little look on where did i find that shutterstock gosh when i first made this youtube channel i basically got memberships to every single website footage place you can think of um and i'm sure now just an unknown amount of money goes out my bank account every month to these random websites anywho i digress time for a cup of tea because clearly my brain needs it to concentrate on all your amazing questions i was gonna try and make this like a real quick snappy intro and um i feel like it's maybe not going to be so uh this might turn into a two-parter because there are so many amazing questions but let's see how we get on oh my god what is with the singing okay hey thanks for being here my first i think video form edited q a thanks for sending in your questions let me know what other videos you would like i have some rolling around in my head but um also i want to do what you guys want to know thank you for all your support on the lives i love doing them every week we have had a little roller coaster of a wi-fi journey but i think we're back on track now so um that's exciting news uh i don't know why i don't want this intro to end but i am excited to answer your question so that's a good reason why hey thanks for being here i hope you're having a great week and thanks for sending in your questions i did that and it's not even in shot after me saying how much i really wanted it oh my gosh and it's not even plugged in well it's plugged in but it wasn't on okay hey thanks for being here hope you're having a great week hope you enjoyed this video thanks for the questions right now this kettle it doesn't light up oh there she goes we're ready you know what i do need to get is one of my special kettles i need to buy it for here right that's my homework for next week i'm gonna buy one of my special kettles brb see you on the other side hello and welcome to la q a i'm friends with the farmer who owns this field so don't worry i'm allowed to be walking around in here toddling around on my todd which means on my own in england okay i'm gonna get to as many of these as i can i hope this is a little bit steady this thing and um i hope i'm speaking loud enough because obviously i forgot my speakers dinner gosh look how sunny it is this is also filming upside down so fingers crossed we can turn this around okay number one from river murray i want to start acting do you think i should go to film school first oh no i don't think you need to go to film school first if you want to start acting um i think get yourself some classes find a community of people that you can support each other through it because it is a difficult career and if you have some people that are trying to do a similar thing and get it and get you then that is better i think just start start creating stuff depending on what kind of acting you want to do you can just go make your own short films and then send them out enter them into competitions um and if you love it just have it as a passion hobby and then um you know if you really want to keep doing it then you come back i would say you don't need to go to film school first no just start and then if film school ends up being your path amazing if you want to audition for it amazing but you no you definitely don't have to in order to beat an actor okay next one from q well i think it's like quake but with a v what did you do if you guys were sick during filming an episode we just sort of had to get on with it a little bit um they would maybe try and change the schedule if we were really sick or if there was an injury or something like that but um it was quite a tight old schedule really so it was quite difficult to do that there was a point when ian was really sick and he had the flu and or something they put him a little camp bed just next to um next to the cameras in the set so he would um film a little bit and then go and sleep and then lie down and then they'd be like okay we're ready for you and then you jump back on and film a little bit more so we just got around it we're very brave oh any lines that were cut but you wish they had aired well funnily enough um there was an episode that zach had a little cameo in and then that episode ended up being cut together and being like 10 15 minutes over so that scene was cut and it was a scene between um simmons and zach's character tad um and uh maybe we'll try and see if we can find the footage of it because that would be amazing it was a whole scene that was caught so yes that one and it was about simmons and we went back i think it was seeds and we went back to the academy and they were in the kind of union bar and then zach's character comes up and it turns out he was um a one-night stand of simmons and simmons never called him mac how's ian like we know he's working on his new stuff but how is he from bailey fink he's great he's really great there we go so quick always obsessed love the name can we get a brief introduction introductional vid on how to make tea i feel like i've been doing it wrong yes i can totally do a video on how to make tea um it will probably be really quick because i'm not that fussy with how i make it but actually i might be in my mind it's simple so yes we can totes do a tea making video good idea we stan will henstridge are how did playing gemma change you over the years how did you change how you played her um such a great question how did it change me it made me much more confident it made me uh know i could do certain challenges it made me know that i could do acting as a career made me know i was good enough and how did i change playing her i think as i got more confident she got a bit more confident in physically because she was always very confident intellectually but she got much more confident as taking on a leadership role and i think i did too so i keep bobbing around um so yeah i think we both just got more confidence and better hair juliana when did you first come up with the idea of creating a youtube channel quite loud can you hear that okay so i figured this out the other day because i'd completely forgotten during quarantine during lockdown i was just feeling like i needed a new challenge needed something to do i was starting to film this show in london and then we got shot down zach was doing a youtube live and i had been thinking about doing some sort of style video and uh because i've been away from all my clothes for a bit in england and i got back and i was like oh my gosh i've got all these clothes and i've got nowhere to wear them so um i think i just thought well maybe that would be good use of me ordering clothes to then go and wear them i have nowhere to wear them rather so uh i thought about doing a video and then i was on zack's youtube live and lindsay raptor said something about i should do a s style video who was uh she was watching his live and then i said oh my gosh should i and then i did it as an instagram video like uh uh i can't remember what it was on now color blocking and then i thought gosh i loved that and it was sort of long form video it was like 10 minutes 15 minutes long something like that so i thought well why did i just do this as a youtube video so i started a youtube channel and that was it and then it was zack's idea to do the agents of shield live watch alongs which i feel like is um kind of what i'm doing now uh props you took home from the aos set kiwi forever the main one i took was fitzsimmons wedding ring oh engagement ring they didn't have a wedding ring what do you use to edit your videos like ravenclaw gal um ravenclaw love it um i use final cut pro but a lot of the videos now because things have got so busy and she is so amazing are done by sari muscato sorry moscato um who is agents of spoof on instagram and crazygalvids on youtube antonia pat are we going to see simmons in the mcu again sometime or is it only on the game this game thing i have no idea what that is i think that must be a temp thing because nobody's spoken to me about a game and i haven't voiced anything for a game so unless they're just using lines from the show that i don't know about but i don't think they can legally do that so i think that whole thing was maybe somebody that put it in as a temp i mean i would love to be in the game but as far as i know i'm not how is coming back to england after living in the usa for so long that's from juliana santos uh oh it's great i always feel like i live in england too i would spend the hiatuses here every year so i'd be here for at least two months out of the year and just get a real solid uh stay in but also i would clue i'd come back and forth a lot so if i had a friday and a monday off i would fairly often maybe more than our scheduling big boss would like i would come back and come back just for the weekend because monkey miles zachary about abel would help me find all the right deals so whoo so yes i never felt like i was away that much but it's nice to be here full time although i do miss la in america my friends over there thank goodness for zoom hey right i'm gonna see if i can change hands on you next one sophie carry a little bit on the same line lines do you prefer living in london or la sorry this might be really hard love you um i just always felt like i lived in both so i feel like both when i'm in one i miss the other i feel like my heart is slightly split in two but in a really good way like i have uh wonderful people in both places and both sought to feel like home i would say england definitely feels more like home than america but london isn't necessarily home home because that's not where i'm from from so wherever my family are that's where i really really feel oh i'm back to my roots but also it's wherever zach is and i quite like the traveling around and um the adventure of it all you know okay tasha g your ideal time to go to bed and wake up such a good question i am an early to bed early riser in an ideal way which makes it very good for filming if i'm not working and it's a weekday i'll get up about 6 30. um if i am working then i get up at whatever time they tell me to but um which is usually a bit earlier than that although in england the filming hours are slightly different just depends what you're doing if i'm not working 6 30 i'll go to bed at 10 30 um if i am working then often you're getting up at say like 5 30. maybe i'll go to bed at 9 30. i use headspace to help me get down to down to sleep like i'm a baby oh headspace help me get down to sleep sophie carrie we need a ship name for you and zach zill like lie black we need one i love that um it's zil is what we've used before we have a couple friends and they call it zil so i think it's still right hi elizabeth i was wondering oh my god i'm out of breath i'm out of breath hi elizabeth i was wondering how you are coping with your mental health without zack oh kelsey 8 um oh that's so lovely of you to say that um i think the really important thing about this answer is that how do i say this i i'm doing great thank you even though i am missing him a lot because i feel like i have um tools in place to help me feel stable regardless of what is going on around me um which has been really helpful this year and it's something i've really zoned into this year and since being away i'm not saying like every day is amazing and i feel completely perfect every day but i do feel pretty good and i think it's because um i know what to do in a day now and i know what makes me uh happy and feel good so that is getting enough sleep getting enough water eating well treating myself not being too hard on myself in a lot of ways um being creative doing things i'm passionate about talking to friends a ton um connecting with people whether that's zoom or facetime i find that i do love talking on the phone but i also really love seeing people's faces so that's been really important to me um and zoom has been amazing uh yeah continuing to do things that i'm passionate about finding success in uh ways that aren't money related so uh uh which really to me just comes down to doing things you're passionate about i like to read every day i've done a bunch of videos i've done a video on anxiety and how i kind of cope with keeping my mental health healthy and um i have done a little ig video too so there's lots of stuff out there but i think basically it's for me i'm doing great in my mental health woo are you going away with it um and the thing is i could be around everything that should be making me happy and still feel anxious and like my mental health is suffering so really i think it comes down to having a really strong foundation but yes thank you i'm doing well i do miss sex though you probably won't see this but how tall are you i have no idea how to say your name there's lots of letters um seemingly in a random order i am five foot four coin pupas number one how do you keep up a conversation number two there is a girl i like what do i need to do i think the best way to have really good conversation is to be genuinely curious and ask lots of questions and really listen to the answer because you don't want the person to feel like you're just interviewing them but everybody loves to be asked questions about themselves and to really listen and remember what the answers are so then the next time you can say you know if you're talking to this girl that you really like and you say oh what you up to tonight or you know what do you love to do for fun or did you see that show on tv or whatever are you into football or something that you can then the next time you see her go oh how did that go and i read that book that you were talking about i loved it you know so i think how to be good at conversation sorry if you're getting a bit seasick is to really be curious about that person and just want to find out about them um and listen is the biggest thing in any relationship or any person that you would you kind of like in that way just listen to what they're saying ask questions be curious and really listen and then you'll find that conversation becomes really easy because if you ask them one question and then listen to their answer then you're curious about what they're saying you organically have another question to ask oh my gosh how much time have we got oh my gosh right last question here at least there yeah what's the superior chocolate dark milk chalk or white and why uh i love dark chocolate i have dark chocolate every single day um i just love it and i think it's meant to be really good for you loads of antioxidants hey should we carry this conversation on because i'm losing the light and my hands are so cold where do you want to go english countryside fancy something else while i answer the rest of these questions oh my gosh a cityscape what do i spoil you or what [Music] you
Channel: Elizabeth Henstridge
Views: 19,179
Rating: 4.9934678 out of 5
Keywords: elizabeth henstridge, live with lil, elizabeth henstridge channel, q&a, what it's really like to be an actress, agents of shield, jemma simmons, agent jemma simmons, zachary burr abel, source, love, gratitudew, gratitude, god, fun, comedy, actress, actor, how to be an actor, youtubers your mom loves, youtuber, actress youtube stars, television actress, kim kardashian, question and answer, actress question and answer, celeb q&a, instagra, stories
Id: W372zcmCGlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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