"I AM WEALTHY" - 3 Steps To Manifest MONEY, SUCCESS & HAPPINESS! | Ken Honda & Lewis Howes

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if you can control this greed in you that I need to have more it's almost like you're brainwashed but I think you gotta have a dream the school of greatness yeah please welcome do you have a an affirmation that you can give people or that we could work on together to support people whenever they feel stress around money that they can say this affirmation that will give them more peace do you have anything yeah it sounds like money is love money is my friend money can help me achieve my dreams so whatever positive affirmations you can come up with I think anything is good but I think money is my best friend is a good affirmation when you worry about money I I say I would say money is love so when you think in my head money is love instead of money is a scary person I think you feel a lot less stressed but how does someone if they've lived in stress around money for their whole life their entire life they've been afraid how can they start to use that affirmation and how long will it take for them to start to believe it to feel it so I think you have to think back look back on your relationship with money since you're five or six we wake up to the reality of the world when we run five six seven I used to be a volunteer at my daughter's kindergarten and I asked one of the one of the boys at the kindergarten and what are you going to get for Christmas and he said no Santa Claus is not coming and I thought oh why why is that and he said because my my how my parents are poor interesting whoa really who told you that and he said my mom wow so like we wake up to the reality when we are small and then since then we've had so many negative messages around money so uh I have a fun collection of saying and when I visited uh Europe a few weeks ago there's uh uh other things that we're told since we are five or six money they don't go grow on trees in America right if you don't have money you don't have a head you know that's a scary thing so all those phrases keep telling us that money is not a happy thing but when you start thinking you must have some fun memories too around money you know a certain gift that you're so uh happy to receive and uh the scholarship or the happy money that you get from your grandparents or your parents or friend you know they buy you for um Christmas gift or birthday present and there is so much happy money in your life but you forget because we are so overwhelmed by the stress around money right yeah maybe there was a trip you went on with a friend or family right you went on an adventure and that money provided that memory that experience for you right it was worth the money right it was a happy saying yes so there are many positive sayings around money as well and you grew up in Japan is that right and so in Japan are people just as anxious and stressed about money as they are in America or is there a different belief around yes we have uh different kind of stress you know because it's so interesting in North America when uh say your college buddies right after 20 years of uh um graduation you bump into one another and you don't you don't ask each other how much do you make a year right in U.S now no right and in Japan we we casually talk about it you talk about how much you make yes but in North America I think you're going to lose a friend right if you bring that question why do you and Japan do people in the culture talk about money and how much someone makes more frequently because I think uh how much you make is not as tied up with how much how much your worth is but in North America it seems culturally it's not nothing wrong but how much you have or how much you make equals how much you're worth so it's more a taboo here but it's what's it's interesting is like when you grab your Japanese uh you know friend and then ask him how how many times you have sex he's gonna freak out right so but in America people might talk about it more right they will probably enjoy talking about it right so I think there's a different kind of taboos that's interesting which I really enjoy so much that's interesting now with the culture of people just talking about it more openly with their friends or family what does that do for the culture then around money does it make it less scary does it make it more effortless for people to work what is that like and in China too you know people are casually ask you how much you make or how much money you have well how much uh strangers too or just friends and also friends uh and also uh like how much is the rent or how much does this a condo cost you know like uh uh what's the weather today you know the Siri would answer you right so it's as easy as that so in a culture like that people are more um open and they can confront um themselves about uh what's working what's not but in North America everything in our money is such a taboo that it's a it seems because I've been listening to many couples in America it seems like it's almost like a taboo for a couple to talk about money it is unless something really comes up and it's like an eruption of volcano sure but you should talk about it long before the mug you know the eruptions yes so do people in relationships or married people in Japan do they talk about money pretty frequently do they talk about it before they get married you know is there stress around money in the couples of course definitely that's why my books are so popular in Japan it's the same but it's a kind of different uh stress gotcha uh and and uh in Japan of course uh you fight over money but uh surprisingly women are more in control of money really yes so I mean probably like for from American culture guys control it but actually all my friends you know um guy friends you know they are um controlled by their white housewives they control the money right and they they're given a certain like allowance money the men yes are there other men making the money and then giving it to the Robin and saying okay tell me what to do yeah so one time I talked with the housewife uh um in Japan and and she said you know uh I'm afraid I'm afraid of money and I'm so worthless because I'm not making money and I ask ask him about who who is finding financing that in the whole thing and my husband so you are you know man you are the business owner he is a worker so sure you get the same the woman's the business owner right the man is the workers are you saying right interesting yeah and then she said yes I never know that you know I've never known so now I'm gonna make him I work harder everybody laughs make more money for me yeah yeah right so it's a different kind of stress but it's so hard for us to really confront Financial issues because we have um so many emotions yes around money it's Universal I love your point where you said in North America in America most people tie their self-worth with their net worth yes right their bank account how much is in there how much they have with how valuable they are as a human being right they're the quality of their character and how they add value in the world right but in Japan I'm hearing you say it's less that way it's more people don't tie how much money they have with how good of a person they are yes and also uh like how many friends you have not on Facebook I mean real real friends and also like School teachers are so well respected for example uh you know they're not making so much money but uh occupations like that uh are highly respected really but here in America it seems like there's not much respect for school teachers which I feel so uh a sorry about um so uh if you make money you are golden in America but there there must be some kind of criteria like how much you're contributing to the community or how sad is uh how much satisfaction you get out of work but just numbers yeah uh They Don't Really translate into happiness well I think you see that in America where there might be a lot of people who have a lot of financial success they have a lot of money but their relationships are broken their marriages are fall apart they're you know they don't feel good about themselves right they don't have fulfillment right because it's been focused just on money and not on service how can I add value as well yes so I think it's important to be aware that a rich life is not just about how much money you make it's about how good you feel about yourself yes in your life right exactly exactly I'm curious what do you think are some of the beliefs that hold people back from keeping them to create the wealth that they want to have from making more money what are some of those beliefs that says I'm not able to do this because why because we feel So Unworthy for the abundance so uh it doesn't really matter how much money you make or how much money you have after paying all the bills you don't have much money left taxes bills right yeah if you pay if you make uh thirty thousand dollars or a hundred thousand dollars or one million dollars because the cost is going higher your lifestyle right and and you used to have one car secondhand car now you you need Tesla you know and uh you need second home and third home so you really have to uh see how to satisfy with yourself with less yes and at the same time um you can have more so you can you can have more than necessary but uh the food prices are going up and the gas prices are going up so we're almost like drowning in the seal bills yes and then they're just you know going up and then we are joining in that right so instead of feeling that or overwhelmed by the bills you can be creative and come up with the ideas that you can contribute to the world so by doing more contribution you get more money so if you are more creative about uh serving the world serving other people with your gifts with who you are you can create the flow of happy money and as a result you can receive more money and if you can control this greed in you that I need to have more it's almost like you're brainwashed by marketing techniques and uh even though you're wealthy you keep complaining about how much you don't have once I had an interview with a private jet owner and I thought you were such a big success and he said no no I'm just a small thing because uh my when I pulled over to this uh special in the terminal it's a bigger jet there's a lot bigger Jets and mine is so small you know it's it's only six people so I feel so small when I pull over with my Mercedes because they're just a Rolls-Royce and all the big cars and then I feel so small so you have to ask yourself when is enough how much is enough that's when I uh my zen teaching comes in you have to know who you are and you have to know the uh right money container size I think we're born with a certain money container size really what does that mean and say some people are not equipped with so much money and you don't need so much money so you can be satisfied with uh less like say if you um a school teacher you don't need to have three Mercedes-Benz and you don't need to live in a big mansion so uh if you feel like oh I don't need to make that much money I know how to satisfy myself and you can do that I live a rich fulfilled life with what I make yes yes so instead of just going uh pursuing wealth you can find invisible assets which I also teach about I haven't really taught in English yet but they're you know visible assets and invisible assets and in fact invisible assets are super more important than invisible assets what are some examples of invisible assets like friendship Trust happiness love generosity kindness all the great things in life are invisible but yet people can feel it you know if you bump into somebody and if he or she is so kind you feel it yes so unfortunately generosity and kindness are not regarded as a great thing but I mean it and in North America I've seen news that people just you know do something right and then they turn their wallets to the owner and and you know they're happy stories so people uh still respect yes uh honesty is another one so there are so many great uh assets that uh we have but we when we look at our lives we evaluate to zero so even though you you have um not much in your bank account if you have so many friends and if you have so many people who that you care about you uh you're in heaven yes but uh you look at your bank account and then if it's a small number you get depressed so you have to look at invisible assets and you should be happy and focus on the invisible assets as well yes because I'm sort of joking you know uh even though you don't have any money if you have more than 50 friends who let you stay for one week you're rich yeah and and you can stay spend the whole year right by visiting your friend yes and after one year you can go back to your friend number one and say it's been a year how are you I have a great friend his name is Jesse itzler and for I think at least one year maybe two years when he was in his early 20s he stayed on like 10 different friends couches he didn't have enough money to pay for rent but he had friends that he stayed with that all of them are still as friends today he's 50s yes 30 years later and he's an extremely successful business entrepreneur now but he had a free place when he had no money because of his generosity yes kindness his honesty his lovability all those things which are invisible assets right which turned into Financial assets yes yes and talking about uh in invisible assets and generosity I still want to appreciate show my appreciation to American people uh 30 years ago um 30 something years ago I was 19. and I made up my mind to explore this kindness factor in North America and I came here with with that much money and I tried to have a one year experiment really depending on generosity of American people when you were 19 yes and I bumped into like say an old man in in the park and then I asked him uh is there any restaurant that I can eat for at the very very you know no money and he said okay I'll take you there and they pay for my dinner and if you don't have any praise why don't you stay with me so for whole year in 1987 I depended on American people's generosity and after one year I had the same amount of bank account money and then I could go back wow and I've been writing you know my experiences at Ghana it's a national Betha as well so uh America is so generous and I think people may not feel if because you're living here so I really believe in American people's generosity and openness some people just let me stay as long as they as long as I wanted wow yeah so I um I still uh feel like I I owe America a lot that's beautiful how many people helped you in that year I think probably at least 16 or 20 people that either paid for something or let you stay at their place or helps you in some way yeah so whenever I bump into an American young people like okay I'll buy your lunch and dinner in Thailand they are bump into American tourists you know like Backpackers and okay I'm gonna pay your lunch because somebody else in America yeah just uh they they pay mine that's beautiful I try to pick up uh in a tab uh for Americans especially that's interesting because when I was in my early 20s struggling financially I was reaching out on LinkedIn to uh Business Leaders mentors that I thought could help me and a lot of them took the time to take me out to lunch and they would pay for me because I couldn't I couldn't afford right and that was happened for about a year and a half well I didn't have the money to pay for my own stuff and I really I remember saying like feeling really bad that I couldn't pay for myself and sang to myself like if I make money one day I want to make sure I pay as many meals as I can with friends and things like that so I always try to pay it's so hard for me to let someone pay for me now at a restaurant because I'm like I just want to keep paying it forward you know that's beautiful um but you never know the impact you can have on someone with a gift you know the financial gifts so I want to ask you about the money container size which I think is interesting do you feel like we're all born with a certain size of a container for how much money we should be able to bring in or does the container expand and grow based on our environments yes on our who we grow up with our wisdom we talk about that of course like uh say like some Scholars you know who are not interested in money at all they focus on their research and what they can do academically so their um money container is small but they're okay I call them money in different type by the way money different money in different money indifferent they don't care about money yes and uh just enough to provide for their food in their house so some government workers like politicians or nurses I see them among you know those occupations who are Giver who are just service people right and like some military people who are really into service and then they don't really care how much they have as long as they can you know make a living right so so those people are born with small ones and of course by learning about business and investment you can make the your money container bigger right but there's a little bit of a difference um here when you want to grow your money container because in North America and Europe I often get asked by interviewers can how can I make my container bigger right but in Japan in the in the East I get different kind of question about money container the question would be can how can I be satisfied with what I have instead of just trying to make it bigger but I don't know how to do that so can you teach me how to satisfy myself with where I am so it's a different approach so you need to have both so how can people in America North America and around the world be satisfied and grateful for where they are and still strive for more yeah so it's more of a find a hundred percent fulfillment with where you are and then if it's your path it's going to grow if it's not your path you don't have to make it grow but uh there's almost like a religion here in North America bigger is better the more is better super size yeah everything right I think uh just wait a second and just think about it do you want a super big house if you're only two of you if you have like seven kids you need to pick a house but if it's only two of you maybe it's time to downsize and and because uh so that way your lifestyle will be more humble so you really have to know when to sort of like grow and also when to end your life so you have to start um facing uh say you're in your 50s or 60s you have 10 years to prepare a coding approaching to your death but a lot of people in the 60s and 70s they want to act forever they're 21 right right so but you're you're going to die so you have to prepare for the end of your life to do that you really have to say because your life goes up and down right you kind of climbing keep climbing up the mountains so at some point you have to start uh descending so in in financial terms I have to start spending what you have accumulated don't just keep it in the bank yeah so I I one of the books in North America I love is dive is zero the concept is can you die with zero at the end of your life which is very hard a friend of mine whose mother died with only seven dollars in her bank account really I think it's a master of money because she calculated how much it's going to cost for her funeral so she just withdrew all the money and she gave all the money to her grandkids which is like a few hundred dollars no she's not a wealthy person and she died with only seven dollars so it's almost almost like she landed so beautifully wow that's beautiful why do you think people are so greedy to want to make more money and they have this greed inside of them to have to accumulate to attract more what do you think that is and what's the difference between wanting to make more money for a good reason and wanting to make more money because of greed right so you keep asking me so many great questions I'm so enjoying the interviews thank you yeah I just wanted to appreciate it thank you so um there are many ways to react to a financial situation I have taught about money EQ so um when we're I realized this when I was at the conference table to file um inheritant taxes for wealthy men and uh here they are three three people they're kids right a wife and three kids and they were born and brought up in the same household but the the eldest son looks like a Wall Street type no nice to wear suit and short haircut and the second daughter looks very humble and the third one looks like hippie I'm not sure is are they real bad related and then I realized that to financial situation if you're worried um you might end up becoming a money maker you know they're worried if you're worried if the responsibility is on you right so you're the older by making more money you try to fix the worry and uh and if you worry you may want to become a spender because you feel powerful when you spend the money so if you worry you want to be a saver by Saving you can feel the security yes and so um there will be a warrior you know you do nothing but you keep worrying yes so two uh financial situation there can be many different ways and uh different personalities are born so I'm fascinated with the subject because uh you never knew that you were a Spender your uh money maker and your question comes toward um Money Maker type yes and uh and happy Money Maker type knows that they can contribute more so they're in the flow of Happy Money and uh money grade uh money maker type they end up losing a lot of money they do yeah because they try to increase and multiply their money which means they take more risks so they are likely to get into scams and I've seen so many quick money quick money yes uh get uh scammed by uh um people who try to get the money yes so that's that's life sure yeah what do you think is the you know there's so much happening with the in talks specifically in America with interest rates going up in America inflation going up to over eight and a half percent recently I think you know the housing market uh and just the uncertainty of the economic situation in America what do you think people should be investing in what types of assets for the next you know few years with all the uncertainty what would be a great investment that's not a try to get rich quick investment but something that would deliver good returns hopefully over time right so I taught this course online and like 8 000 people watched me teach this online so uh I thought about uh Financial Independence and visual assets and individual invisible assets I see there is we there is going to be a big change it could come as a crash of Wall Street but it's more uh I think I see a bigger thing is is going to come like what like uh the the collapse of financial system really because uh with uh printed so much money and then it's going crazy it's out of control so um we never know what's going to happen nobody can predict so uh even if you invested in uh Bitcoins and cryptocurrency you shut up and then down and uh gold and silver is real gold cones and silver coins for not super wealthy people I recommend that but you know in 1930s U.S government prohibited from owning a gold uh so why you have to uh because uh to protect dollars so if that kind of thing happens uh even though uh investment in gold is good but well what if they change the law and then it could become a felony uh without uh about owning a gold without reporting it right so those things uh real estate can be quite risky because it's set up that much it could possibly go down at least back to 10 years or 20 years so all the things that it got inflated could go down so there's no safe investment that is something you have to really know so whatever invest could end up in half or 30 down so instead I recommend people start looking at invisible assets because uh what if you lose everything overnight if you have gold what if the government just take away to pay all the bills and stuff which is really happening in China by the way really so if that happens um I guess you have to be prepared for uh Unthinkable situations but as I said if you have so many friends who can support you financially or emotionally you're okay so instead of having so much money in the bank account you should have the trust and the strong connections with friends around you and also reputation with their clients so when the next financial system sets in uh we might you end up using the same currency worldwide because there could be a big crash in the uh China is falling down because of the real estate crash China is yes and if you Google it you can see it and then uh other people uh who have to pay the mortgage for the buildings that's not even built they started uh not uh us paying for the loan really which is a big deal so uh either way from well somewhere there could be um the start of the the crash so whatever happens if you have the strong connections with people around you you can start over from uh yeah from zero from zero I asked you this in our last interview I said okay I can't imagine you've lost all your money right now and you had to make a million dollars in a year I don't know if you remember your answer but I asked you this and you said I said what would you do and you said well I would just call my friends up and say can you give me money I'd call 10 20 of my friends up and say can you give me a hundred thousand each or can I stay in your house for free and you would offer a service to those wealthy friends that you've created trust and in invisible assets with right and sell them something new or whatever it might be and it's because you have great relationships right that's why you can do that yes so what I'm hearing you say Ken is it's important to invest in yourself which is developing more credibility uh respect and a better reputation with your friends your colleagues the industry you're in your team things like that so if that happens you'll be able to get something going again yeah so in a sense I'm having a huge deposit to people's heart I have given away my booklet for free to 2.3 million people so I have a list of those people uh that I have given away right and so they feel like they owe me that's why they're buying my books and courses so I have a huge huge sort of invest invisible asset and Trust already saved up and I've been giving away for so many things for the past 20 years I've done lectures for free I've done so many uh um a volunteer workflow the people who are in need so I have this reputation and Trust among people so in the next situation so whatever happens I can say I'm going to talk about the next situation and how we can build our Assets in the you know new currency system right new Financial system a lot of people want to listen to me so I have built enough credibility so that's why I'm not afraid of going bankrupt because uh if I go bankrupt I can say the joy of bankruptcy you know I can just say eight steps to recover from bankruptcy you have a new book right whatever it is what I did and I'll teach you how to do it yeah right so I so I'm not worried about anything at all instead we have to we have to let everybody know that if the if something big is going to come it's not as bad as World War II so we can all get go through this together yes but we have to help one another that is a key yeah so that is also a concern I have for for about us because uh our hearts are so separated because of the politics or religion or the scarcity mentality so um we are having less uh compassion toward each other sure so I think uh for the next few years we're going to experiencing uh we're going to experience a lot of uh anxiety really and worries because of what's going on in the crane and and everywhere right everything we see is depressing to be honest it's very depressing right but at the same time it's not as bad as a hundred years ago true so when everyone was starving right so we can go through this but to do this we have to be kind to one another we have to show a generosity so if you feel like you have more than enough you have to start sharing what you have at the at the worst time which is which which could come in years when do you I mean if you could predict obviously no one knows but how do you think there's going to be a bigger recession or some some type of crash in some way in the U.S economy or in the world and when do you think that will happen I see um I already feel it in 2023 so we think next next year because a lot is going to happen with the U.S election and also the potential uh conflict in China and Taiwan and also uh the the cash shortage and everything and also uh so many tons of uh food is uh wheat is stopped at the Port of Ukraine really which could cause a starvation in African countries so we're going to see a lot of Chaos in the next few months really yeah and we're going to experience a lot of uh gas shortage in European countries which they're thinking about because the gas stopped coming to Germany so a lot of change is going to happen in the next few months what for everyone listening and watching right now what would be the next three steps they should take after listening or watching to this around their invisible assets their visible assets or just the next three steps they should take in life to prepare for this right so mentally you have to be ready to find your peace of mind so you can start counting your blessings start appreciating what you have and enjoy the flow of happy money so when money comes in you can say thank you for the money given to me when you pay for the bills thank you I have enough abundance so I can pay the bills and start blessing people that you're giving money to so by doing that you can find your peace of mind yes and whatever you do and I think that's that's the basic that's number one that's the base and also secondly you have to start figuring out your inventory what you have and who you are what type of inventory uh both emotional and also uh your gift I never knew I could write until I was 33. really my parents were so surprised and my brother and sister and many of my uh friends were so surprised that I became a author and I was the one who gets surprised most by the way yeah so I didn't know until I started writing so I'm sure they have you have some kind of gifts buried in you for example Luis you are an athlete so definitely Union you knew uh your gift as an athlete but probably you didn't know um that you had a gift as an interviewer no I had no idea speaker yeah writer I know it right writer right and also somebody who can motivate people right you know you use it for you to motivate yourself but you didn't know you can impact millions of people I had no idea right so like when you are young in your 30s and 40s you never knew and so you have to start looking at sure what you have what skills to tools that you've developed that you could use if you need right yeah and you have to multiply them because only single gift is not taking you far but if you can multiply your gifts of speaking for example and also listening and the sense of humor and the care generosity if you combine all of them you become so unique yes so once you become so unique people start just coming to you because you're more attractive right yeah so okay okay so that's number two is find out your inventory of your assets and your gifts and I'm also assuming your inventory of like how much money you have your Investments yeah what you but it's not so important okay because if you are not making much right what skills do you have yeah skills yeah right so if you uh net asset is less than uh three hundred thousand dollars don't worry about investing right but I think you should invest in yourself invest in you and and take your friends out for dinner because it's gonna pay more dividends so be generous with your energy your time your gifts yes and then the third step would be start getting support from everybody everybody you know I have say for example more than ten thousand uh people um sending me money every month as a form of subscript subscription online Salon yes so and uh I haven't promised anything to do for them so it's just a love money so can you know type of money love the money love money yeah so 10 000 people yeah pay you money every month yes just because I love you yeah that's how they feel wow are you are you offering them anything are you giving them any I just say uh I I had this phone interview with Louis today and I'm Stockholm I sent some videos but I'm not promising like I do this you know so I'll give you this so get me give me this right right no it's more of a casual thing that's cool so I um so I have enough trust from people so the happy money so almost like um uh is given in my custody so I can help other people that's cool so uh if you start getting uh fun clubs or a cheerleaders cheer supporters so you can start with five people and you can uh start having 10 people 30 people so the next economy will be very interesting because uh a lot of people support one another so instead of working for one big company say I have 300 people supporting me all right say uh and you can increase your monthly support money say a hundred dollars per month you know if I get a support from 30 people 100 a month that's three thousand dollars right and if you get 50 people uh who are supporting you with 100 you already have a five thousand dollar income so whatever you do uh you don't have to be the next entrepreneur of the world you can satisfy it or at least you can have deep connection with 50 people 100 people who love you so much and who's not going to let you down when you fall yes so if you have that strong trust from people uh you don't have to worry about money for the rest of your life Wow what should be financial goals that people create for themselves should they have financial goals I don't think Financial goal is necessary uh if you want to buy a big house you may need to have that sure but um but financial goals uh people uh uh come up with it's because they uh they want to feel safe sense of security so you don't need to have a goal of one million dollars because when you reach one million dollars you feel like this is not enough I need more right I need two and when I when you reach two millions no no I think I should ten yeah three yeah so instead what I would recommend is once again get support from 50 people and at the same time if you can imagine a joint account with the with your wealthiest acquaintance you can think of me well for me I think on my Mentor OH Warren Buffett think about your imaginary joint account and when something bad goes happens you can withdraw as much as much money as you want really so uh that this fun uh illusion imagination what does that do for you when you have that imagination you feel that you're not alone and if you're lucky like I uh when I was young I had three millionaires who endorsed me saying can uh you can do whatever you want and if you fail I'm gonna support your life Wow for the rest of my life man has that happened in Japan a lot I think I I heard a few Americans uh who who experience the same thing wow so um just imagine if you get uh that sense of security you know Luis I'm gonna just um uh you know keep you afloat as long as I live wow and so go for it you know I'll text you if I need your account yeah so so if you get uh an endorsement from wealthy people like that and that's cool you don't have to worry about just so imagine how does someone get an endorsement from someone who has a lot of money like that I think what can they do I think you have to live your life purposes that's another subject but I feel living your life purpose a lot of people support you it's so true because when I see someone who's coming up in business in their early 20s or something and I see that they have a gift and they're using the gift consistently to create some type of value for the world I notice it I see it I'm like you're doing an amazing job you know I'll reach out and message people and say I love what you're doing keep it up and I think even just doing that showing people hey you're doing a great job gives them encouragement to keep going whether you're giving them money or not but that's that's something you can do and I think that's it's hard to see that when someone's not using their gifts right you're not going to endorse someone if they're just like uh everything is against me the world is challenging and I don't care about life but when someone says I'm going to take a risk I'm going to use my gift and put myself out there that's inspiring in your book which I love by the way again I want to get this book happy money you talk about I think you use a concept called money magnet or like where humans are like magnets and uh for money right and some people it doesn't matter if you are a good person or a bad person right you have an analogy in the book where you say you know if a rock is falling it doesn't care who it hits it could hit a good person or a bad person right it's gravity is pulling that rock to the ground and it's going to hit whoever it hits right based on where they're at so and you also talk about how most people think that that it's not fair when they see someone bad or mean or greedy making all the money can you just talk about this concept of being a money magnet and how someone could become more of that so uh once again you know we experience our life uh according to our beliefs and some people have a better luck than others and some people work so hard but they're getting minimum wages so you have to find your place your receipt uh your reserved seat is what I call a lot of people try to sit on other people's seat which is wrong because your seat is reserved somewhere else and if you don't see it on other other people's seat what happens is that you get so depressed and then you feel so meaningless you know so on all that because you cannot really feel uh life but once you sit on your seat you are so deep deeply connected with your life purpose then you start your magnetism uh starts um gets turned on so how does someone [Music] know where their seed is and know how to sit in it and be happy with their seat yeah so the only thing is ask your heart what your heart tells you if you're excited about it you're going closer and so like it's like hot or cold right so if you feel more excited about like doing this this is it this is it this is it so you have to have your heart guide you where you're supposed to be so always listen to your heart you know and then if your heart gets excited about a certain thing you're just getting closer yes to your seat do you have a meditation or affirmation process for someone on how they can trust their heart listen to their heart deeper to know they're on the right path right do you have something that you you use yourself or that other people can use yeah so I always try to have a few minutes uh say you're waiting for a car you know Uber or just waiting for something I find a few moments and then just try to find my Center you know and then and then just I'll go deeper and and figure out where I want to go and just listen to my heart what does my heart say am I excited about this why not am I trying to get money uh so I'm not excited but I have to do this to bring money on the food on the table so I always check what my health tells me you're always listening to it what happens when your heart is not excited like you have let's say you have a project you're working on right you're working on it I'm assuming all of your books you're excited about but maybe there's an event you're supposed to go to or I don't know something that you said yes to and you realize your heart is not excited about this what do you do then do you do it but then you don't repeat it the next time or what do you how do you navigate that so I want to be a nice person and so once I said yes I'll do it yeah but I I try to be very careful with what I say when I say yes so uh I uh I have a great team uh so they will just check yeah yeah they'll check even because I'm I want to be nice to everybody so I'm likely to say yes to too many times so my secretary and my team says Ken are you sure about this yeah probably not so can you come up with something well I'm glad you're here you didn't reschedule this interview yes so uh but in general I'm trying to listen to my heart that's good that let me hear I think a lot of people don't understand the power of a daily affirmation or a daily check-in with yourself just like you talked about for two minutes for someone that doesn't believe in affirmations what would you say to them so if you even if you don't believe it you must be saying something to yourself like this is a terrible day it's so hot I don't like this you know so uh subconsciously you're saying something about your life or about yourself about your friends or about your clients well I hate working with this person you know something like that so I think it's a affirmation by itself so um just to write down what are the things that you say to yourself subconsciously you can probably figure out right and is that a happy thought and then uh unfortunately a lot of the uh things that we talk to ourselves are negative yes yes so uh so do you want to see negative thoughts like this or do you want to pour more positive thoughts you have a choice but unless you uh write them down uh you you never know it and then you may find it uh the reason why you get you get depressed because yeah about life no wonder I feel depressed so if all the things you talked about to about you are positive and loving um it's it's what you get yeah exactly and can you tell me how we can think about money as energy in the book also or so you're writing about how money is energy and sometimes people try to make it and hold on to it they want to hold on to it they want to Stack it in their Bank as high as they can go and they don't want to spend it sometimes it happens what happens when we hoard money when we keep it and we don't let it come and go as energy what happens so I have seen so many interesting things like when you uh if you hoard your money a few things happen you get sick and then you have to pay for the medical bills really yeah or like your kids do something bad and then you have to pay for the damage so money means Outlet so uh it's so interesting how money flows and if you don't let uh let out uh your your money energies Outlet it's gonna uh it's gonna get bad it's like a pond if there's no uh flow uh the Water gets bad right it's like think about your health if you eat and don't go to the bathroom you're sick what's what's going to happen yeah so for to stay healthy you have to eat right you have to release right so uh for for hoarding uh money I want to ask them uh you're eating so much but what if you refuse I'm I'm not I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm not going to go to the bathroom you know for the rest of my life oh my gosh you'd be sick yeah and you can't load and you cannot eat well so you have to let your money flow and then the next flow comes in so here comes money EQ uh the trust part trust is the hardest part of money EQ you have to have the trust that once you let go of money it comes back so you don't have the trust that's why you start worrying that's why I have doubts about yourself so instead of um uh attaching uh to your money you can say thank you for staying with me just go bless the world and come back with your friends as soon as possible thank you for being here God bless the world come back as quickly as possible with more friends right so it's kind of fun right sure so it's a metaphor so in your in your mind letting go if you let go fast it's gonna come back fast so I'm trying to let go of money really yes so you know how should people be thinking about this so they have enough Safety and Security they have enough in the bank for if something goes bad in the economy they've saved enough but also they're not just overspending as well because some people who have the personality where they just spend spend spend then they go into debt right so how do we balance yes money so that we have enough for you know the future yeah and we're not in debt so that's oh I'm so fascinated with a couple counseling and sometimes family counseling you know we're trying to have balance uh that's what's so beautiful about human humankind you know uh somehow the spender get gets married with money maker right right someone's making all the money and someone loves to spend it all right and so they come in and this person is spending so much money no no you're making too much money you know so you have no time for me that's why I'm trying to get the stress out by spending money wow so you have to have the balance that's where Zen comes in interesting uh if you're spending too much you have to start saving if you are saving too much you have to start spending so the prescription I give to each client is different for some people uh the Sabers I said we draw a thousand dollars and spend it for nothing in 24 hours they probably freak out like ah I know they are okay to the it was doing part and so the next a few days of a week later they came back and said can I withdrew I thought I didn't spend it but I spent like twenty dollars oh man because they cannot uh waste their money it's against their constitution I know people like that so what what should people be spending their money on right so they don't feel like I'm just blowing money and wasting no so like a money maker money makers they think is this a good investment yes yes so don't think about it because just enjoy the money flow you can give it to people you can just you can throw it away on the floor it's because somebody's going to pick it up and make somebody very happy so you can be creative with money but we are taught from a young child that uh childhood that you have to take care of money wow just just what if uh what if you just throw your 100 bills on the on the street what would your mother say right right so but for exercises I tell people can you throw away your money and and it's they they show me the expression as if I'm saying I'm gonna you're gonna die in 10 minutes wow they're gonna like ah you know so I enjoy so much what what happens with your clients when you say okay go spend a few hundred dollars a day or leave money out on the table for someone to pick it up and you do these experiments what do these individuals say afterwards a month later a year later about giving their money or spending it not all of it but some of it in these experiments so they realize how much attachment they had toward money and it's in here and by the way my finding shows that uh the saber type the people who have attachment for money tend to have this problem physically they get uh constipation constipated yeah yeah so there is that so they have a hard time letting go of money and the waste their food because they're attached to it what happens when we are attached to money I think uh the flow of energy gets stopped so if you let go of money easily the more opportunities come easily but because you lick you cannot let go of money you cannot receive so uh if you let go easily uh the more to come so those people are losing out opportunities so in say um I had a friend in my 20s when I asked him to go out and have us have some fun and he said no no I don't want to do that because it's going to cost something say you know fifty dollars a hundred dollars for a party right but just look at what he's missing is missing out the opportunity or meeting new people like I met many great mentors by attending a very expensive seminars you know I attended uh like 200 seminar at the time it felt like a million dollars yes but uh since I was the only student at the time to attend a business seminar everybody loved me so two hundred dollars it's so cool that you're here with all these older people and you decided to show up let's Mentor you yeah yeah so I was like a you know a little toy okay you know I want to just play with you so um so that was a great investment for for example so if you let go of money easily you'll get so much uh so um why don't you think of letting go of money and also as a almost like a shopping for your memories shopping for memories yeah because I I didn't have to fly I'm going around the world this time I'm just meeting up a lot of people it costs some money right but with the uh with by spending so much money on hotels and airplane look what I'm having I'm such I'm having such a great time yes and uh and your experiences life memories yes so when I'm in a senior home uh some sometime in the future I think of having you know this conversation with you I'm meeting up a lot of great people in the world so I I I've had full of memories so um if you just have if you don't spend the money you don't get all the fun memories right and what happens to people when they speak bad about money they complain about it they live in scarcity what happens yes that's a good question so think of money as a person I always ask um you know I talk to thousands of people at the time and just I ask a big audience uh how many of you love money you know if it's a business seminar they say yes and my next question is how many people do you think money loves you as much and that's it I love money but I don't know if I'm being loved by money but uh mute feelings must be mutual right it's the same thing with a relationship even if you love her love him so much if you don't get the same amount of love from from the other part it doesn't mean anything so you have to you have to love your money and your money has to love you but if you speak bad about money well or you speak bad about people who have money yes then why would money love you in return yes so exactly thank you for answering me yeah so that's exact uh like exactly what I want to say if you want to be in love with money you have to be you know you have to respect your money as your best friend or your love of your life so love on money can love you back so what are the best ways that we can start respecting our money better so that our money loves us more and wants to bring more friends I always ask my money where it wants to go really yeah so what do you mean you have like a few hundred dollars in your hand and you say where do you want to go yeah the other day I got a big uh a big check from overseas that the book I wrote uh 18 years ago it's about ten thousand dollars and then oh oh thank you thank you money and I asked money uh do you want to stay with me or do you want to go somewhere and the money said at night I hear it in imagination uh the money says I want to go to Cambodia really to help kids wow and then I remember there's a friend of mine who is doing uh orphanage in Cambodia so that ten thousand dollars is helping um uh kids for fruits and the electricity and the rent for a whole year like 36 kids so and that ten thousand dollars I could have used for something else but I have already enough so um by asking the money where it wants to go it went to the right place to bless the kids so I'm so blessed with uh Happy money so if I start doing that the more money comes in so more money comes in from from the world and I've written 200 books so like uh book royalties come from everywhere so almost like every few other days I get money from somewhere it's amazing yeah so I asked money where do you want to go and then I want uh to take your family out for dinner that's good so we just you know go so it's not I'm not I'm not saying that you should spend your money for somebody else it could be you know I want to buy a car or whatever that is so so if you can be if you can have some distance from money instead of like this is all my money uh you you can be free from money because what happens to someone who has so much extra money at the end of their life and they don't spend it what do you think about that because a lot of people have a lot of extra but then they pass it down to their families or they put it in trusts and then they give it out to Charities what's your thoughts on that just saying that they're missing out the huge thing you know they could have seen what your money could have done the impact yeah my mentor one of my mentors is a junkie Yoshida who is a founder of uh Yoshida Guru sauce in Portland Oregon and he donated uh something like or eight or ten million dollar worth of uh state to Children's Hospital wow and he's in in his uh 60s so uh or early 70s so he uh he's still alive right he experiences it right I mean usually I hear when you pass out pass away that goes to something right but he donated the big big house that their old all their kids grew up on donated the huge mansion to the hospital and I asked him uh if I were you I want to live as long as I you know I'm alive and then when I die or my wife dies together that can go and he said I wanted to see how my how my money how my house is helping kids while I'm alive don't you think it's selfish I think you have all the rights to see how your happy money can help others right so if you just hoard your money and then die without doing anything you are missing out the most fun because you have such an impact you could have an impact for other people yes and I think that's a reward for making so much money right what is the vision for your money life for the rest of your life do you want to die with zero are you trying to give more of it away are you trying to make more are you trying to make your container bigger what's your vision and yeah two uh I may surprise you but I'm on money in different type you're neutral I'm not really interested in money really yeah because I'm not interested in growing my money because I have already enough and I make enough so I'm not uh interested in money even though I'm I'm regarded as a money group because money flows enough and goes up enough so I don't have a goal I don't have any attachment sure and as I said even if I lose everything my friends would take care of me right so I don't have any uh thing but for for humankind I have a vision I hope uh in 20 30 years or when I While I'm Alive I want to see human being can be free from money or money worries that's why I'm I'm doing my work actively in the world because I don't need to get something out of people I'm just here to share yes and if you know how not to worry about money you are going to do something else you know so my question to the the viewers and and friends is that if you don't worry about money just even the slightest bit what would you do what is a project that you want to start and that is something you have to go right away yes what would you say to parents on the three most important things they should be teaching their children okay as they get into you know after five years old as they start learning about money and the material world what lessons should parents be teaching their kids about money yeah in your opinion great thank you so I will uh I I used to and then I think I'm still teaching my child she's 24 so she's growing up already but uh what the first thing I would teach is money is fun so if your kids know that money is fun so we used to sit on the dinner table uh just say uh I have this say uh ten thousand dollars to donate uh what do you want to do you can you know help Rescue the Animals you can help the environment you can help the homeless people what you want to do and when we give presents uh what would you want to do so my daughter grew up thinking money can do so many wonders so if all our kids learned money is a magical wand to make people happy I think people are more excited about getting the money so they have no negative ideas about money uh and and imagine what if all the child or have never been scolded for wasting their money I think we'll be so stress-free because a lot of worries come from the the need for survival and it's attached to money right so once we are free of money stress I think uh our life would be so different yes yeah so if you can teach money is a fun thing that is a great starter okay number one teach the money is right and also I I want you to teach your kids about money and emotions because those things are not taught at school because even though your child has grown up with a positive positive attitudes your friends may not so they they're trying to compete with you of how much they have allowances or like this is my new iPhone something yes or like this is my sneaker so whatever that is and then uh people try to manipulate you yeah with emotions so if you start teaching uh you feel bad about money you feel ashamed of money you feel guilty about run money we all feel some emotions yes so if you start teaching emotions about around money I think your kids will be emotionally free from money stress yeah they won't be comparing themselves to others who have more right they'll feel good about themselves right yeah and I think related to that I probably share uh I once share with my daughter you know um I'm not the wealthiest man in in the world I I have enough money but I don't call myself you know the uh tycoon or whatever that is I don't have a private jet right so but I'm financially independent and and free so I teach my daughter that um about my emotions and at the same time I have a lot of emotions too sometimes I feel guilty sometimes I feel shame really yeah around money or around yes around money or everything why do you feel guilty or ashamed like say all my students have less money than I do so sometimes I used to feel sometimes I feel I'm taking advantage of other people right I don't need to get money so sometimes I do seminar for free sure but anyway so I feel shame a guilty uh guilt around money so I share that with my daughter how do we eliminate those negative emotions like how do you get rid of it you cannot really because it's human nature as long as you live uh say you're very happy but if you're the the person right next to is crying you know feel bad if you're sorry for her so uh sometimes you may feel about uh guilt for being happy so sometimes I'm I'm uh I feel guilty when my friends and author friends saying can my books are necessing well I'm so sorry yours are selling so well yeah yes I feel guilty I feel shame uh so many things so I'm teaching my daughter that this is very natural yeah true but uh the the bad things happen if we try to manipulate our Feelings by compensating uh working hard by working hard by Saving what so I I'm just joking if I could become a prime minister of Japan I'm going to print every note of banking note said uh making too much worrying too much and spending too much can be hazardous to your health I like that that's good okay so the first thing to teach your kids is money money is fun you can make people happy with it the second thing is to learn about money and emotions yes that these things right are natural to have emotions run the third thing the parents should teach kids about money Moya give more you receive so you don't have to work so hard to get the money but if you want to get more you have to give more and to do that you have to be loved by people around you you have to have many friends so to do that you have to have a good relationship relationships with people so relationships are everything in North America it's very individualistic so you eat your own food you eat your own thing and since you're five you're so used to taking examinations you never had examinations with three of your best buddies and coming up with the right answer yeah I think we should but it's so individualistic so you cannot talk with your friends while you're having an examination you can't collaborate right uh hey Bill what do you think number three okay thank you you know it doesn't work that way and then it's up to your 20s and 30s so uh especially in North America everybody seems isolated because you cannot talk about your sexual problems or financial problems your emotional problems with your best friends so you hang out and go to big go go you know for a cup a glass of beer and just watch the the sports yeah but you have you're missing out the most quality moments which is share your problems because your best friend may have the exact problem no you might have a deeper connection right so you have to really have um this mentality of being supported by friends so do more and receive more so uh by hearing that you know you don't have to worry about taking the advantage of other people uh something is not fair the rich is doing something bad it's nothing uh it's not over your problem you're focus on what you give and what you share and then you receive right so as long as you know the rule you can focus on what you give yes and so uh attached to that I teach my kids uh to follow your heart so just follow your heart that is a guidance I love those those points for parents to teach kids speaking of parents uh and moving to a related topic how does Sex and Money play together I cannot uh I cannot stop talking you know you need five more hours and I think American people are especially interested in this yeah uh money and sex have something in common it pulls out the best and the worst of you and it it pulls out the best emotions and the worst emotions because it they both they can show you you both Heaven and Hell right because a lot of crimes happen because of these two true so uh with their financial problem and sexual problem you get the worst out of you you hate yourself by being such a jerk or a new bad girl so um it pulls out a lot of emotions so you have to be careful because you never know what you get and and because it's so suppressed deep with deep within but in other words money and sex can be a great healer because it can transform your life it's a healer healer healer yes it can transform your life that's why I call myself money healer if you heal money you can heal so many things wow and uh and money and sex are doing the similar things really because it's so attached to your self-worth like say how many people are confident about their sexual situation and financial situation not many maybe it's one of the other but it's usually not both right and the people who are bragging about their happiness they may be over exactly yeah yeah the situation and so inside we feel so vulnerable we don't know how much satisfaction we're giving to a partner or we are we're getting from money so we feel so vulnerable and shameful and guilty around sexual issues and money issues so it gives you such a great opportunity to look at yourself and who you are so um especially around those two topics you feel like you want to prove something that you're good and making money and at sex right and uh and then at the same time we fail the test oh man yeah by looking at a bank statement we fail the test by looking at a partner's face yeah just a little tiny oh yeah expression oh disappointment yeah I'm disappointed you know when I see or he is disappointed so there is a lot of uh discouragement issues and depression should we try to heal the sexual side first or hear the heal the money side first uh whichever you wish so some people want to heal the sexual thing first and some people the other people feel um you know they're um they can handle money for North American people sexual issues are maybe a little easier because Financial part I've seen so many people just freeze you know right when they are thinking of money so maybe for North Americans money could be a little more tough so you'd say if you can heal money the topic of money within yourself that should support you in healing other areas of your life as well of course of course because you don't have to prove yourself so um how much money you have or how much money uh you make has nothing to do with your self-worth so I'm just a happy happy I I learned new English Expressions I'm such a happy camper happy camper yes so uh it doesn't um have anything with my financial relation yeah so so if you can find your happiness on your own uh you can really focus on what you want to do because I you don't really care what other people think or how successful I need to be so um if you have that mentality you can enjoy every moment like in this interview I'm just having a great conversation with you yeah Louis right and I don't have to prove my points I don't have to sell more books I'm just hoping that uh our conversation uh can open doors for people for their Peace of Mind absolutely it's it's funny you're saying this about uh healing money because I've had so many conversations this year from different experts from therapists from money experts from athletes from just people in life and the common theme about how to live a better life your health relationships money business your sports and how to be more fulfilled is the first step is to heal something heal the past heal your relationship heal your relationship with money it starts with healing first and when we can create a healing environment we have more peace talking about uh you know making peace with your money healing first and from a peaceful environment we're able to flourish is that right yes we're able to grow we're able to expand to see the best of ourselves actualized yes you said it so beautifully and uh it's not just uh uh one thing a one-time only it's an ongoing process Journey yeah so I I don't think I'm 100 healed I sometimes cry over money sometimes I cry over certain things that happen in my family I have still a lot of Shame and guilt and a lot of excitement and happiness too because I'm alive yes yeah so I'm not perfect at all so people are surprised you're a money Guru and how can you feel guilty but I do and to be honest that's where I am what's the biggest challenge you have yet to overcome in your life the biggest struggle challenge for me it's a false humbleness you know I I'm so happy so I feel like I don't have to do anything anymore so I'm I I have a nice Retreat Center up in the mountains in Japan yes so I'm happy to grow my own veggies and you know just um in my garden and it's so beautiful flowers I'm missing them so much while I'm traveling so I can be so happy with where I am but I know I can be contributing more too yes so as much as I know I can be contributing so much but I want to make sure that I'm happy as well so my false humbleness tends to lead me into a small happiness so um I'm sort of going back and forth yes but coming here and having chat with you makes me so excited about the potential of what I can do so I appreciate you so much for bringing in pulling out the best friend yeah of course so um that is my next challenge I love it uh I'm gonna take you up on it again when I come visit Japan for my first time I have to say hi to you and uh right to show me around a little bit but I am so uh excited about the mission you're on to teach people about how to heal their conversations around money and giving us you know it's a scary thing for a lot of people they feel like it's extremely complicated yes but you simplify it you simplify it in this book happy money which I want everyone to get make sure you guys get a few copies for your friends this is really powerful you have a lot of great content at uh kenhonda.com and on your social media you've got a course as well that people can check out around and finding peace with their with their money and that's at kenhonda.com I believe that as well so I'm just so grateful for you still wanting to live a life of service in teaching us these things and not just sitting in the garden all day long but I know you need that time as well yeah but I probably feel very bored exactly exactly I wish I could see Lewis exactly um I asked you this question before but I'm curious if something else has come up for you so this is the last couple questions yes this is called the three truths so imagine it's your last day on Earth many years away you get to live as long as you want to live but you have to call it your last day you write another thousand books you do all the things you want to do right but for whatever reason all of your work your books have to go with you so we don't have access to this conversation right this book anymore hypothetical but you get to leave behind three lessons to the world three truths that you would share this is all we have to remember you by what would be those three truths you're asking so many beautiful questions and I'm overwhelmed by that so I think the first thing I would say is life can be fun that is probably one thing I would say and uh the second thing I would say is uh when you wonder jump is what I'd say and the third one would be enjoy every moment because you know something bad something good but both can be fun later on so uh when you feel a call just do it and if you messes up it's okay it could be a fun memory in delay in the future yes so um it's nothing to do with money you know just follow your heart yeah it's beautiful again I want to acknowledge you again thank you for the work that you do I want people to get the books happy money thank you for your contribution the way you consistently show up for the world for your communities uh the way you've shown up on this episode and for the school of greatness community so I acknowledge you for thank you your talents and starting to write the use these talents in your 30s to contribute to so many of us uh final question what is your definition of greatness a greatness is uh the state that you you are who you are and I think if you're um I learned an expression in English if you're comfortable with your own skin yes I think that is what greatness is so if you're truly Who You Are only on your own style I think that's greatness okay thank you so much man appreciate you thank you thank you so much if you got value from that then go ahead and stick around for more coming up right now I love this approach and this is something I've been doing for years actually I can't remember if I learned this somewhere or if I just saw someone talking about this when I see payments come through and my email or my bank or wherever they come through I say thank you I say thank you every time whether it's a dollar or you know a big check I'm like thank you thank you I really appreciate it I don't I don't say thank you when I'm paying something why and I want to try this because I think it's an interesting approach why should we also say thank you when we're sending out money uh to others because uh if you get a if you get a bill that means you somebody did something for you for example if it's an electricity bill you know because of the electricity company um I can use the internet I can use the lighting and microphone and computer and it's not only one month job there is this uh service person there's this people who are at the power plants and also there's somebody who just brought oil to Japan from Middle East and and there are I don't know thousands of people uh working for the electricity and they make sure that it's uh in my house installed properly so there are millions of uh um uh reasons to appreciate the electricity and if it's a safe it's a if it's 300 dollars well 500 or maybe smaller or bigger wow you know if I'm asked to install somebody's house with that electricity I cannot do that with this money so thank you for just giving me the electricity thank you for giving me water thank you for uh serving me good meal at the restaurant thank you for giving me a ride like uber so you can thank the person who gave you the service and product so the the reason you you have to pay you're getting something in exchange and usually takes more than one or two or could be a hundred people's work and then yeah uh you ask the money thank them too so that means the the money you give to the electricity company will be paid to all the people wow so like I can it's like a magic one even if it's a hundred dollars this magic one can I will start saying thank you thank you thank you guys and so you know it'll just think it's like a domino effect effect of uh thank you so it's not just thanking your money thanking the people who are connected with me so uh we are all living on this planet together so if we have this feeling everybody is feeling this way we all connected we're all connected with our people in the Middle East we all connect with the people in Russia Africa China us uh like it or not we are connected so do we hate each other or do we appreciate one another so if we start doing more there will be no exploitation of any kind that's the economy I want to see in the coming years yeah it's such a simple philosophy and practice that I think if we can all start to do it a little more with money and with everything the people that we see our friends thanking them when they're coming thanking them when they're leaving for their time their attention my girlfriend does this with our meals every time we eat together she's really thank she puts a lot of time and attention thanking the people that just made this the people that delivered the food to the restaurant the people who harvested the food you know and all the people and it's not something I did until about a year ago with food and it's something that I've I've noticed my digestive system relaxing like me just taking in the moment and and feeling a better sense of joy and happiness while eating food as opposed to just eating protein bars to get to the next thing um but really appreciating it and I think when we appreciate things which I'm hearing you say when you appreciate money when it comes when it goes when you appreciate food when you appreciate your home your family your friends those things will appreciate in value and they'll want to come to you more is that what I'm hearing you say yes exactly and and uh Luis you know what what I've been talking about and you've been practicing it without knowing maybe but uh I think you've been doing it as a natural person you know there are a certain things like a natural business person natural artist so you're one of the natural people who who just appreciate things you know that's why you're successful and people love you and so if you want to be like uh if if if the viewers like uh want to be like Lewis you have to learn what he's doing you know so it's not just a small habits but I think the attitude toward life and somehow uh there are the only two kinds you know one one kind is uh people who keep appreciating the other one keep um complaining about it so if you just uh you know it could be something very small but after 20 years your life will be very different so I hope everybody will appreciate one another a little bit a little bit more from yesterday and what happens if we start complaining about money more whether it be just kind of frustrated little comments here and there you know what happens to to money in our life When We complain about it as opposed to appreciating and think it so uh if you start complaining about money uh like 95 5 of us money just look at from a money's perspective you know if you've been complaining about it oh I don't want to go to him anymore and then and it's like a mutual feeling is feeling is mutual okay you can complain about okay fine I'm not going to come to you so uh and I think subconsciously if you're complaining about money you don't want it to be near you so my favorite question to people is if money was a person who would it be that means if money was a person would it be a fun person always joking always making uh entertaining you or is somebody like uh assassin you know who's who's going to try to hurt you or scare you or gangsters to try to you know uh intimidate you so uh if you're complaining money may not be a such a fun good person so I I think by complaining you become uh you make money a villain and you don't want the scary person to live in your house so uh for happy wealthy people money is their best friend how do we reprogram our minds to either heal or shift our perspective to be ready for the money the relationship the healthier opportunity for us I think the question should be what do you need why and why why what do you need the money for unless you're clear with what you want to do I think you will never be ready uh I I have a you know young young people like your young per you know your young person back day back then say Ken I want to make one trillion dollars okay and and I say uh what are you gonna you what are you gonna do with the money and he says I don't know and if you don't know you don't need it and then people say I need a million dollars and I asked my question is why do you need the money and they say I want to feel secure so uh do you think one meaning would be enough and C or he would say oh three million please and then life doesn't go that way money comes after what you give out to the world it's just a reward uh as I'd say to be precise it's just a one portion of the uh Prize or reward that you've given out so much to the society so that's why my mentor said forget about the money you know you have to focus on what you want to put out so if you put out so much ready or not money will come mm-hmm just just think about if you come up with a great app on iPhone and then release it worldwide like or Not Ready or Not money will come flooding so if you find um something that will change the way people live or if you just if you can offer something to the world that people love enough to pay you there will be money so uh if you get stuck with a mind game uh you have to really look at the reality uh otherwise you have to get stuck in this place of I have low self-image that's why I cannot make it you know um it doesn't really matter you don't need confidence you don't need a college degree or MBA all you need is curiosity what if I become that what if I I have a million dollars what would I do and if you're so excited about the way to spend your first million dollars you will find the shortcut to the million dollars but by the way uh the first few million dollars you make uh you're gonna waste your money anyway so as you know yeah so you know the first median will be spent on something stupid somebody's takes it that's uh uh so like a membership fee yeah the price to admission yeah wealthy per people's Club so your first meeting will be lost anyway enough uh I've written a book on on those but uh but if you know and if you have this Mission and passion of how to spend your first month one or ten million dollars you are on the right track because now the energy will support you hmm I had a friend uh going back to your point about you know how much money do you want a million dollars well actually I'll take three million dollars I had a friend who sold a company for nine figures recently and his Equity got deluded over time so he really only came home with maybe 15 or 18 million which is still a lot of money but it was a nine figure business that he created and launched and at the end of it he spent a bunch of money on some big party with friends and then he bought like a you know a boat or you know another house and he's like oh I've only got like I don't know seven or eight million dollars left and to live a lifestyle that I'm at now this this only lasts so long you know I can't keep up yeah it's only lasts a few years so it's like so part of it is adjusting your lifestyle to figure out what you need and why you really need it and and just being aware of that because you know one million turns into three needing three million turns into needing 20 million and it's never going to feel enough um if you're living in a certain lifestyle and so what should we be thinking about instead of like I want to make a million dollars should we be reframing that in a different way first of all you really have to figure out what you want in your life do you want to do you want to make it uh do you want to be a success socially but you could become you could end up being a loser personally so do you want to be a a happy person or do you want to be a wealthy person you can take both but uh the way to happy and wealthy people only has an opening through aim for happiness first I love this because most people think once I'm there then I'll be happy then I'll respect myself then I'll get the attention I want but what I'm hearing you say is the only way to happy and wealthy is through happiness first yes and then if you're lucky or if it's your destiny I would say you may be rewarded with money but you know there are many lives that um necessarily money will follow but you can still enjoy life and stay very happy because if you go after money you'll you could you're likely to lose everything your peace of mind and those people who who put money first uh you your clients love that you know just uh um think about two florists by the way I always carry flowers like this you know um in front of me so there are two florists for example um just nearby your house one florist always think of the cost instead of 10 roses I should I should give nine roses you know instead of good roses maybe smaller ones so they can cut costs right the other florists always just bring in the best flowers and always take good care of it so that it will last on on their houses where would you go you know so if you are good at math and good at business uh uh in the short term they will lose long term so people who love flowers and then uh he or she can talk about the roses for hours those people really care that um you just they care about the Roses uh on uh in your house you know they're just praying their kids just stay longer so you know people can enjoy and you know they're not they might think about the cost but the love of the flowers is bigger you know than the business but those people are the ones that I think all the clients would go to So eventually they will succeed the other point of Consciousness is where I'm placing my dreams so I'm in separate from that experience so then how do I get to that experience in three-dimensional reality you got to get up and you got to do something and now people are in a sense waiting for the experience that's 10 years down the road to take away the lack of them not having it
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 1,402,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation
Id: rHjolP34pyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 34sec (5854 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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