I am Smarter than Reddit

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today i am lending my infinite wisdom towards ready that's right ask reddit where you can ask anything except i answer and you guys can play along as well what is your opinion on these topics i want to know for example how the after you make friends as an adult if you don't drink get better friends i don't know why should they care if you drink or not i have friends that don't drink it it's like whatever great sure who cares this is what reddit says slowly hobbies community involvement get the [ __ ] out get out of here get out of here community you guys really struggling that much to get friends volunteering i feel like when you're a teenager that's when there's more pressure for you to drink right am i missing something here well not when you're an adult elon musk is now worth 197 built how do we sell him how do we harvest him that's what everyone's trying to figure out we make him go on meme review and then we i don't know buy tesla stock i don't think you know what's cool now but probably won't be in five years tick tock please i you know five years that's too long yeah they make it five months nah it's too long let's see what reddit thinks probably most youtubers as of now how dare you hey ten years and i'm still running okay you read it it's a miracle pewdiepie and markiplier have survived as long as they have [Music] what are some green flags early on in dating that the relationship should be serious well normally or typically one of you say i love you and the other person says i love i love you too and then that's usually a great indicator well let's see what i've read it says early in our dating days i was on a train with my now husband the inspector was checking out our tickets while we were about to pull away from the station when my husband spotted a woman come running down the platform he pointed this out to the inspector who stuck his arm out the window and held the train until she got on and that's when i knew that our relationship was gonna work out this reminds me of my what is this he always offer to help people with heavy bags that does not mean you're compatible as people what the [ __ ] am i missing something i get it's nice to have a husband who's kind to other people on strangers but that's such a min what i feel so disconnected from this if an alien offered you a one week trip across the galaxy and back with the catch being 15 years passes on earth would you accept or reject the offer and why well let me tell you all i want to know i don't care about aliens i don't give a [ __ ] i don't care about all the planets to my mammals i just want to i need to know is tyne infinite is it circular or past finite that's all i want to know now on the basis that it takes 15 years to go to the other side of the galaxy or not it doesn't take 15 to 40 years to pass on earth and time is relative we know that for sure by logic then we should be able to calculate how big the galaxy is that way calculate other things about time i'm sure if i sat down i could figure out so i don't need the trip you just answered it [ __ ] that's what i say to the alien huh you just played yourself fool you fool idiot you reveal the secrets of the universe and i didn't even have to go i use math and logic and i haven't done yet see that's some animation got him i feel really good about that answer let's see what dumbass reddit said check to see if my job will be okay with a 15 year okay people who don't get stressed during a presentation school or work what's your secret that's a good question experience yeah i think reddit nailed it on this one i used to get nervous and now i don't not sure when or why that happened well it's not just experience i mean if you go in every time to a presentation getting nervous and you don't change your behavior or your response then yeah you're always gonna get nervous but if you go into these situations with the mindset and rationale like understanding that no this isn't going to kill me everything will be fine regardless of the outcome and you reinforce that every single time then yes through experience you will then have learned to not get as nervous as you used to be so it's not just experience it's also how you meet these experiences and and staying consistent with it huh you're welcome you're welcome reddit what would 12 year old you never believe about adulthood i can't think of anything you're telling me i get to play video games for a living i can play as much video games as i want and i get paid no i don't believe it that's [ __ ] i have the 12 year old dream job basically come on i don't even get to play as much games as i want now but in future i play forever wow people have stories they want to share but have not found a question relevant to them what are your stories well you see i took a [ __ ] in the shower once that's it your parents and media were right video games do cause violence based on the last game you played what are you getting arrested for i don't wrote my parents into this okay they are not dumb like that but minecraft i think it's pretty obvious i will have to answer for my crimes of killing watersheep at last i think that's fair arrest me at right now what's something you'd love to see but won't be alive for nothing there's nothing that excites me about the future only pain and misery lies ahead what is technology going to do for me at this point that it hasn't already been able to do the days of the free human spirits are gone for five minutes you get transported 30 years into the future you sit in front of the computer what information would you look up well isn't the obvious one lottery bets huh am i the only one who always try to look how i can monetize something it's my it's in my blood i'm a youtuber i can't help it oh people looked up like what historical bad events we should avoid and i just went straight to the lottery what's something you should always keep in your car first aid kit i win i win i win i got the moral points on that one something you should keep in a car first aid kit let's see if anyone says it if you travel with your dog a bottle of water and a drinking ball well that's a bit circumstantial don't you i think that was not the question you don't it wasn't if you traveled with your dog what's something you should bring with you idiots fools you're fools you need me reddit just say it my truck has at least three days of worth of food for my dog at all times no one asked no one asked anything from you you can just leave you had nothing the door is right there [ __ ] skedaddle a fire extinguisher nah i stand by my answer what is surprisingly safe for human consumption well apparently anything as an avid viewer of my strange obsession they're all fine mattress sand drywall i don't know how these people are alive that's a joke by the way do not eat any of those that's very harmful for you what would happen if all seven billion people screamed at once what is this a cursed gods video i'm curious now cough drop sales would increase for a week nice nothing sound decays too quickly to have any kind of combined application effect right it will all be centralized to the area it wouldn't just all accumulate into this one giant ball of super saiyan wrestling i don't know what tv show was amazing at first but became unwatchable for you later on well any tv show with a plot twist right if you know the plot twist coming it's like i don't know what famous person did you regret meeting because they were an ass okay we're good we're good is it weird that i want all the celebrities side of this like jimmy fallon flipped some guy off i want to i want to hear from jilly fowl and what happened right i was the ass okay here we go i saw don sierra where the [ __ ] is that oh okay and what happened i was thinking about ocean's 11 and said to my friend dude it's bernie mac and he looked back and said no i'm the other black guy promotions 11 but at least you like the movie damn damn damn that's funny leto hit on my girlfriend at the time and called me fat his brother shannon was super nice though jared leto again i sat next to him in a flight absolute [ __ ] jared leto i worship him as a teenager wrecking with a dream but he was the most pretentious arrogant person in real life never meet your heroes dude four people four feet people that's hilarious no replies if you're an adult what's something you are never truly too old for i guess playing video games right coloring no what's your comfort movie the room has such a vibe to it i it makes me happy men have read it who are your female heroes i'll watch everyone say their grandma or mom all right yeah i pretended to be xena all the time as a kid i mean i have very few people i look up to in history as well so and most of them are authors and there's not many old female authors so i don't know the odds are stacked against you my mother my grandmother my sister my wife my daughter shut up have some ideals okay not just who you saw in your life being a good person well that means nothing get out of here i'm joking by the way my mom is actually a huge inspiration for me yeah i guess that's what i'll have to go with what's the worst mistake people don't realize that they're making in their 20s that being an adult [ __ ] sucks so spend your youth as much as you can like okay you're in school for like what your entire childhood right and then you're free and it's like a rush to get a job or an education it's like bruh just chill oh my god same answer life is not a race yeah it seemed like it oh this person has already got a job and they already got blood and it's like dude what can just eff up me with this video that was fun hope that was interesting i hope you guys enjoyed if you did remember to pop that like button and make sense out of that subscribe button and i'll see you guys tomorrow later
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 2,868,633
Rating: 4.9540572 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: EONv6RzsCFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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