I AM FREE! Escaping The FINAL PRISON In Virtual Reality (Prison Boss VR Funny Gameplay)

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those were some of the most intense nights of my entire life but our prisoner guards are here it is time to escape the final prison there we go join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bill icon to receive notifications so you'll never miss another video hey guys so welcome back to prison boss VR now take a good look at my prison cell because today we are going to escape that's right we are finally going to escape the final prison we will be free once and for all and we're gonna do that by crafting all this illegal stuff into items that we can sell and eventually we can't complete the final job and escape the prison stay close mister door anyway we are gonna dive into the night time so that the prison guards can't see us leave a like a video if you are excited to escape the prison and leave a like fast because I know the prison guards are coming so first things first I want to craft a bunch of knives so over here I've got my knife cabinet and over here I've got the rope and cigarette cabinet so we are gonna get going don't even well actually I think I do need my hammer of course how does James make a hammer again guys can't believe I almost forgot about it so you hit the metal then you rub it into a blade and then all you gotta do is put a little handle on it and boom and a legal knife in the prison but that prison guard that one right over there she's not gonna be happy when she sees me blacksmithing a bunch of illegal stuff here so we gotta hustle you see guys we have two jobs remaining two secret missions that we need to complete in order to get out of the prison so this night is gonna be very very important I need to craft as much stuff as humanly possible so that we are nice and prepared for Patrick guy was gonna sell us all that stuff and he's gonna give us the Joel moly okey dokey whoo you came out of nowhere you know that right ponytail cheese she scared me a little bit but it's okay still alive and they have no idea that I'm crafting this stuff look at this we already got four blades made four knifes ready to rumble that's affirmative but we got so much more stuff to craft if only there was a little bit more time in the night because we got only two hours remaining which in the prison is more like two seconds it feels like that's mr. nosy aha let's mr. mustachio that's right that's a nice healthy mustache oh oh it's mr. nosy yeah see you're nosing around mr. nosy and I think you guys can see why I call him mr. nosy not only does he whoa nose around in my business he also has to pick his nose and all in all of the prison and then it's gonna be the countdown back to the daytime we're gonna meet with our good friends bet Rick those who are subscribed to my channel will know our buddy Patrick very yes how are you doing buddy you are looking a little tired okay are you stressed I think so I mean he is dealing with a bunch of illegal stuff right so here we can either trade and sell all of our stuff and of course buy a bunch of stuff as well or we can complete a job and this is what I'm looking for seek more commando training the ultimate job that we have to complete but I put this cabinet over here which is right above the poop chute I mean right below the poop chute let's see what happens when I trade it oh my what just happened okay okay balance it balance it there we go I got full balance we are close we are close go and put it at the old so we got a bunch of metal to make knives with but also to make a teddy bear with hands we've got a bunch of rope to make well rope with I'm pretty sure that stuff is called fair break but now it's time to a get out here that's right Patrick you and all of your friends need to stay away from my prison he should make me look suspicious and stuff okay so let's get back on the crafting we need six knives in total what happened to this piece of metal huh there we go comes using the wrong side of the hammer Josh I always find a way to dissolve these stupid huh another blade coming in hot we need to make three in total and I can already hear a prison guard Hey it's sad oh boy oh boy is it Jessica or is it Jennifer we're gonna go with Jennifer okay how you do Jennifer yeah she's my girl okay she's my gal that's right but she cannot know that I'm crafting a little stuff is so we got a hustle just a little bit okay not gonna be a problem I am the master hustler in the prison all these prison guards know it okay I am the maker of all of their illegal stuff that they're hiding like in their mattresses and stuff right under their vets in the toilets and tears the last blade perfect so now we gotta make rope oh oh oh hold on hold on okay how are you doing Jennifer you are looking mighty fine tonight that's right girl she's got she's got she's got oh they have no idea I love this so much this is what I live for it's not just the crafting it's the thrill of survival in the prison and after all we will be the ultimate prison boss not quite sure I'm gonna make six rope though it is a lot of rope guys boy oh boy oh whoa you sir officer Johnson you came out of nowhere it is his twin brother officer Johnson this second feels bad man they are twins and yet one is called the second whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa holy moly that girl came out of nowhere let's see if I can still make another knife because we got to sell it for some money after all I gotta be able to buy more ingredients hurry hurry hurry come on make the last one well it's almost daytime and yes I it oh that was so close see guys now it is day and obviously you can't craft during the daytime right so hey it's better egg always good to see you buddy now check this out I've got some stuff for you okay my friend so we have two metal bars that we need to create an evil creepy looking bear with and I've got six plates that we will use for the mission that means I can sell a blade to buy more stuff with all right Patrick it is a good time meaning it is time for you to go and it is time for us to head back into the night time obviously there's gonna be a lot of prison guards but that's okay so first things first well you gotta get some rope going alright this creepy teddy bear that we're gonna make in a moment or maybe in the next night oh boy that's gonna be spicy those things are so creepy and I don't want to get you know eaten alive by a teddy bear time to put this rope right over here look at that I call this the cabinet of completion because it's all to complete the stuff that we made and oh boy is it beautiful do you guys feel the nostalgia this is what we started out with right we started out by crafting these little guys and oh boy even in a final prison we aren't making them so making this has nothing to do with the job that we are doing right to get out of the prison this is purely to make a little money in the prison so that oh boy we can actually afford more ingredients how you doing buddy hey get out of here he looks like officer Johnson but shorter I like it it's a compact version of office atrocities it's a travel size Johnson I love it oh this guy with the moustache yo are people with mustaches faster than people with no mustaches just at me that could be a faster prisoner if I grew a nice big fat mustachio maybe so huh yes officer tiny Johnson how you doing buddy you're looking mighty tiny today I love it alright then and our despair let's go back to the daytime meet with Patrick we are so close I am super excited I'm super excited that Dada dadada pow that's right Patrick I've got some very disgusting stuff for you but I'm sure you can't find a customer for it right what does Patrick do with all this stuff that we make for him it's a little weird I can't believe I'm about to do this but I have to sell my trusty cabinet all right a quick little transfer now we're gonna get rid of this guy bye-bye beautiful cabinet I will miss you but now we can afford all the stuff that we need all right and there it comes I have no idea how I'm gonna fit that stuff into here but we'll make it work so for this epic job we need six knife 6 rope and 1 teddy bear we should have everything to craft it and well get a lot of reputation and stuff right which should leave us to the final jobs that we can finally escape this prison so back to the night time it is yes the night time where our most in my element time to craft let's start with the rope okay now that we've made like a billion ropes before it should be absolutely no problemo and then I have exactly just barely enough to make a teddy bear getting there buddy so in order to make a teddy bear we first hammer out this bar then we hammer the bar and we get these little nuggets so what you do is you wrap it in a nugget like this and then you put another one in there to make a teddy bear limb yeah I know I know it's a little bit strange but we'll make it work there we go now for the final block of metal now what shoud oh I am too focused on making the bear and that could be prison guards all over the place of course that's right the one hungry down here we go for the second part and now for the last one Oh still a guy coming oh yes yes yes there is a guy coming whoo wow that guy is like a big goatee mustache kind of thing now for the final part we got a wrap this then we gotta put one in then we got to combine the parts oh look at that and poof there it is a super creepy bear we have everything for that epic mission time to go back to the day time oh ho I can't wait to meet with Patrick how are you doing my friend oh this is gonna be so awesome alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put in the teddy bear there we go then we're gonna put in holy moley all of this stuff whoop there we go knife knife and another knife whoa hey get in that soldier can't believe that knife try to escape oh no no no yeah we go guys we completed it oh you've made your way to the top it feels nice isn't it now complete the last job to escape the prison so we either gotta give him way too much stuff or we gotta give him that's also a lot but I think let's go for this the only problem is all I have is this golden Barbie that doesn't really seem to do anything and I'm just gonna put him on the other Barbie I literally have no money at all well I got I guess five bucks how do we how do we win I guess I'm gonna sell my trusty hammer oh boy it kind of feels like we're starting at the bottom but don't worry guys I'll work throughout the night and get it done so Patrick a get out of here this is gonna be money night that's right all the prison money without the responsibility of completing any jobs and it's gonna be a quickie I think rolling rolling rolling I'm rolling rolling rolling rolling there we go by the way guys if you're wondering why I got locked up why I am such an incredible criminal it's because I have stolen the world's largest pizza supply in the entire world that's right not sure if you guys could tell yet but I kind of like my pizza ok back to the day time day time see guys I told you it was gonna be a quick night not what Paul Patrick and bring it in my dude oh there we go switch you guys can see tonight is basically the same thing but with more stuff so we're just gonna get Patrick out of here and skipping a little okay and there we go that's those guys done now for the Rope last piece coming in hard and easy peasy lemon squeezy we are already done that's so fast it goes guys now check this out guys I oh hello there anyway I bought a brush metal but as you guys know I sold my hammers so President James did another oopsie that means I can only make one rope tonight wow I I don't want to see a single comment about how I sold my hammer okay I don't want to see you guys commenting that I'm stupid okay even though I probably kind of deserve it today we meet with Patrick in great shame I am so sorry my dude I can't believe this just happened and there she is my good friend the hammer now this night we're gonna make something that we haven't made today yet which is something that I'm very excited about because metal was so cheap I was able to get a bunch of it and check this out cast we are gonna make a metal statue now those who are subscribed to my channel will know that this is one of the most profitable items in the game so we're gonna combine a bunch of metal and then we're gonna use this spiky bit of the hammer to come on chisel it right out of there or carve it out of there I'm not quite sure how you would call that okay we this is quite a workout guys but it's all worth it okay cuz we're gonna get a nice statue that someone's really gonna enjoy in their prison or something I have no idea okay boom there it is and if it isn't mr. nosy huh nosing around like a nosy nosy guy I wonder should we give him Bobby or something maybe he would be interested in the golden Bobby I have no idea but for now we're just gonna watch out for him cos as always he's nosing around in my business and by business I mean it's it it's a prison operated business which is super illegal and dangerous but still you shouldn't you should do that against it rude and here we go with the final statue and then oh boy that was right on time that was right on time mr. nosy oh boy have I got a gift for you my dude look at this started from the bottom and now I'm kind of still at the bottom I know that's not right and now it's time to make a whole bunch more stuff we are finally on track I reckon we are super close to getting enough money and ingredients for that final epic mission aha mr. nosy I see him across the bridge there huh and it's mr. nosy again yeah alright successful nighttime to a closed shop and get out alright a big boy trade coming in hard oh it's beautiful guys this is it we are gonna make the final trade we need two of those things we got it two of the ropes we got it two of the knives we got it and now we gotta buy six of those metal bits which means I have zero money's exactly enough if we make two statues we've got two of every item and we will be able to escape Patrick for the final time get out of here because after this night we are literally gonna get out of here all right guys it is crafting time no time to waste so we gotta turn every metal thingy into a bar then we got to make a big bar and turn it into two beautiful statues and we are gonna get out ah guys it's a beautiful evening beautiful night in the prison this is the perfect time to craft the perfect time to say goodbye to every loser in here because even after my epic Pizza heist really can I get out you know what guys I'm gonna say it okay I will miss mr. nosy and I wonder is he kind of misses as well it's gonna be a beautiful goodbye right I'm so excited just hammering away like a boss oh good get caught don't get caught whoa whoa whoa officer Johnson there's gonna be a final goodbye but if we get caught right now that would be a complete disaster hey it's Jennifer how are you doing Jennifer just bouncing across the bridge like usually oh I am gonna miss Jennifer she was a good prison guard okay oh it kind of sounds like she fell off that bridge over there but thankfully not she's okay and this should be the final step towards freedom come on boys there it is time to close the cabinet once over all week we're gonna turn in the final job Oh Patrick Patrick bring it in my friends oh I'm gonna miss you you beautiful orange wearing half bald guy come here my friend it is time to escape two statues hey going in just like that two of these filthy things going in then two of the everything I guess so my two of the ropes going in and last but certainly not least hey get in there Oh guys we got a problem it's just not a finished rope all my goodness I can't believe I did not finish this rope Wow I was gonna say we're gonna put in a two knifes but yeah now I miss a rope that's worth 300 bucks though yes I'm gonna sell my hammer then so that we can buy one little fabric thingy oh my goodness sometimes I surprise myself with my very own stupidity I really mean it guys I'm so sorry well Patrick this time it's actually gonna be the last time that we tell him today get out here because it's the final night okay can't believe we have to go back to craft one Brooke guys this it's literally all we had to do oh my goodness that's the world's shortest night ever alright Patrick now it is time to turn in the job two statues two ropes this time it will work right come on yeah two knives and two of these filthy things guys it is time let's turn in the job oh my goodness or we can escape the prison those were some of the most intense nights of my entire life but our prisoner guards are here it is time to escape the final prison here we go that's one that's two that's three and the boom come on we did it you escaped wait why does it say next prison there is not another prison right whoa what is this prison boss came by trebuchet we tell mr. nosy Patrick that guy we did it guys and I can finally touch the nose from mr. nosy oh my that is yeah that's creepy but for now thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys on the next branch 805 [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 3,860,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prison boss vr, prison boss vive gameplay, prison boss gameplay, prison boss vr gameplay, prison boss htc vive, prison boss vr htc vive, prison boss vr oculus, vr prison break, prison break vr, virtual reality prison simulator, prison simulator vr, prison boss game, family friendly, htc vive, vr, virtual reality, projectjamesify
Id: MyTgk4m3MKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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