Unlocking The FINAL SECRET KEY In NEW ELEVATOR (Floor Plan 2 VR)

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what's up guys today we are back in our beautiful elevator and this time we are going to try and get this the secret space key last time we left off at floor 2 and we found a very strange item thankfully you guys posted so many comments and now we know what to do with it so let's go back down to floor 2 and see if it's still there yep it is right over here awesome guys check this out and now you guys told me to go to floor 4 which is a place we have never been to before and also guys leave a like in the video if you want to see more floor plans to leave a like quickly because we're going up let's see what this flow looks like oh whoa hey there's a dude there what is this like a portal or something whoa it looks incredible in here hey buddy how are you doing my name is james so your name is ricky i'm gonna call you ricky now ricky tell me where in the world are we this place is incredible hey we have a television oh wait a minute this is an antenna okay so we're gonna put this on here is it gonna turn on now come on man oh you already check it out man here we've got a that looks like a bee hive now you've got some purple hands oh it's a bee keeper okay well that's a little straight wait a minute don't we have a bunch of bees on floor one oh and there's three channels so this one is the fisherman do you like the fisherman ricky i like the fisherman wait that's gotta be from floor too right what about four three oh that's an alien wait hold on can we go into space oh yo ricky dude that's how we get the space key right okay first things first we're gonna go to floor one and see if changing the channel has done anything we're gonna check this out guys let's go all the way down in our awesome elevator all right then we get a whole bunch of nothingness man oh wait a minute wait wait wait wait a minute is that ricky frankie do it is that you oh my goodness he's a giant okay um the queen is over there we gotta protect the queen of course uh let's see what is he gonna do oh wait a minute yo he's looking at the honey we got we gotta fill the honey hold on yo can we do two at the same time let's go one pow and nope oh does he like that i think he does right ricky my man i can't believe you're so big oh my goodness all right now we're gonna go up there you go my friend we're gonna fill the last i don't know what you want to call this beehive honey catch collector system is that it oh wait he's getting out of here hey ricky i thought you would like this man wait no he's not getting out of here what is that wait oh my goodness yo this dude is putting us to sleep look at that everyone is super sleepy oh but that means we can go to the queen right oh wait no they're not fully asleep yet that is crazy you're wrecking give me back my honey man guys this is crazy but what does it mean what can we do now oh he places it back hey but there's three honey thing is missing man all right i guess that's not really what we gotta do but let's see what happens when we go to floor two when the channel is switched to the fisherman channel oh this is a good one hey ricky i'm back yeah you're laughing at me how you think you're so funny that was no funny my friend it was kind of scary all right so we've got this dude fishing away with some kind of a boot that he threw away he's going into the water oh and he's fishing the boot again wait does that boot mean something yo ricky we're gonna get that boot hold on maybe we can do something with it all right off to floor two ladies and gentlemen and then to floor three to get the space key oh no way is that ricky hey ricky dude he's in a fisherman's boat this is crazy all right so now we gonna figure out holy mackerel wait that was the boot guys i didn't even see that the first time the alligator came here okay so we gotta find the alligator and get that boot all right sir i've got something for you okay that's right right over here i've got some bee cookies and as you can see you're not supposed to feed the fish but i don't care about what a sign says what is he gonna do he's inside he's not gonna hit me all right oh and ricky is gonna fish all right are you fishing anything dude we're looking for a boot by the way right that's not it yoink maybe you can go and fish right over there does that work no that was too far away i think there you guys a little better the fishies disappear over here they go over here and he follows the fishies yo no way but he doesn't seem to be doing nothing man all right how do we uh how do we get this guy to go like all the way in the back or something hey ricky i'm not sure if you know it just put the fishies are over there no man all right um we're gonna get out of here we're gonna figure out what to do here because this is kind of crazy now let's go and switch the channel to 3 and get that space key i love how that rhymes 4-3 get the space key how does that sound ricky i gotta say man you're a lousy fisherman but let's see if he can actually become some sort of a spaceman an astronaut oh wait what if we find an alien oh that would be so cool oh no way he's actually here hey ricky he's an astronaut that is the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life now let's see what can we do with ricky come over here ricky come over here no why hey can you touch this can you do this can you do that huh oh what he is touching it oh guys and remember from last time we have to oh yes we also gotta touch this one so he's touching the other one which means we get one green beam over here hey ranky what you doing man oh he let go oh now he's over here hey ricky what you want to touch this one now come on my friend there you go so now we're both touching the same one i gotta hurry up and quickly touch this one it opened up you know wait but it closes again how does that work oh ricky dude get out of here man you you gotta go over here come come ricky come with me man you gotta go over here and you gotta touch this thing is he gonna come around over here oh wait a minute it says there cannot be water in here maybe we just gotta open it and then dump some water in here okay ricky you're gonna touch this one i'm gonna go over here i'm gonna touch this one which should open it up and then we're gonna short circuit this thing there we go to get the sprinklers going right yeah there we go whoa oh no wait what did i do oh big mistake no this thing grew super big again okay that's not what we needed because now the big plant is blocking the sun from actually giving us energy over here all right ricky tell me what do i have to do wait the window is all dirty again okay hold on there was like a panel somewhere here that we had to press right oh wait it's right over here oh how did i not see that okay i want toilet paper let's go is that it wait he's drawing something no way okay so the plant put all of this blab back on the window it's a bunch of blair you know and now ricky is drawing something ghost peach tooth and something else that's that's an ear that's an ear okay so we're gonna reset this thing just like that there we go yeah that's the wrong combination i know then we're gonna do ghost peach tooth so ghost peach tooth and then it was here right yeah i heard that one my friend wapow oh no why oh this is so cool hey that's not a battery hey we already charged the battery right but this really big one ah easy pc guys we're gonna charge this bad boy in no time wow he's really big though i'm gonna put this one over here let's see what's he doing okay so i'm gonna hold my hand here he says to the right to the top is this one this one ricky there we go all right to the right this one no way he's telling me which one to press okay this one wait really no way to the left to the left okay this one this one all right to the right to the right it's this one to the left this one all right and up is that it is it done he's got two thumbs up all right he's gonna press this yo ricky if this thing blows up oh wait it worked hey we got it good job ricky awesome okay so now we're gonna go back i'm gonna put the battery right away it says empty no good fool also no good wait how does that work can we put that in is that it oh oh wait yo we got some stuff over here okay so do we fill all of this yep we're gonna fill all of it come on give me a space key oh that looks really nice actually um but it's not charging this thing all the way to level three so we gonna figure out how to uh how to measure that or something hey ricky buddy i've got this thing over here and do you know how to charge it yeah he's looking at me like james i have absolutely no clue all right so maybe uh hey wait a minute it's like a it's like a socket or something do we have to put another battery into the socket is that how it works yeah no i don't think that's how it works at all actually we gotta wait it kind of looks like something from a light bulb hold on we gotta get back down people that looks like something you would get from a light bulb isn't it yes it is come over here look at this thing it's got like the same socket right i can't grab it i'm a lampy i know you want to come with me that's like you're you're gonna go on another adventure okay first you're gonna adventure right to my pouch over here and then we're gonna go back to the space station of course sesame open ah beautiful hey ricky i'm back and i had a great idea get it this is a light bulb all right that was not funny i'm sorry ricky all right does this fit in here oh it does oh that's not a good light okay can we bring it all the way wait did it go green hold on oh so now we know what level we need okay hold on guys so now let's go down a little bit oh another one and this should be the last one right hey come on oh there it is what is that we have the power again but how is that possible we've got three power even though the plant is still here okay ricky let me know how do we get the key now because i think right over here oh this machine is now operational and this one this one as well you can tell because all of the lights are green yo ricky tell me man what do we got to do around here well ricky is not telling me anything so i'm just gonna go and press the buttons wait what it's pointing at is that mars okay we're gonna hit it oh no we just shrunk a planet wait that's not shrinking and that's destroying it man oh no okay can we move it this way oh it has only two settings it's either bigger and small oh and we can make this thing bigger than right is that possible no that's just moving it i don't want to move it man i want to i want to make it like super big or something okay that doesn't work uh can we move this thing what is that people what is that are we supposed to play something inside of here or something oh we oh we gotta open a door i think you know we gotta do uh ricky uh be right back my friend i'm gonna talk to the elevator lady because she's very very smart hiya need some help yes please let's see the beekeeper is filling the hybrid smoke so he doesn't get attacked by the queen's guards that makes sense if that didn't help it could how did that help yo ricky this lady is a dum-dum man come on give me a big brain answer here let's see here you already charge up the lift underneath the smoker is there any way you can make it go even faster wait a minute is that what we need a really big battery for to make that thing faster okay so we're gonna grab this oh lights out everyone and i'll be right back ricky check this out we're gonna go to floor four because maybe this is how you get the space key i don't know okay then we're gonna switch this channel to one there we go don't worry ricky it's not gonna be okay my friend he's loving it and now we're gonna try and stuff this thing into this machine over here is that possible because this is the lift they were talking about oh ricky is here though okay we're gonna put this in here oh did that work oh it's actually over choice right now look at that thing go all right tell me whoa look at this thing go okay that is ridiculous you're gonna press this over here it's also gonna slap faster it is wow now we gotta be careful guys oh my goodness we gotta be so careful this thing is out of control what just happened to the bee whoa wait we can launch him look at that no way okay so we're gonna fill the hive just like this and then we're gonna have to figure out how this is gonna help us get that space key hold on all right and then we go all the way to the side all the way to the bottom now he's gonna come over here and check this out i'm gonna launch him go oh he's in the smoker oh no he's stuck oh and there go the guards they're attacking him because there's no more smoke now this is genius guys hey it is out of here bye the ricky is actually stuck wow i am the worst friend i am going to take my battery though because uh well i think we need that right come over here buddy there you go back in the pouch oh and now we can talk to the queen hello lady how are you hey wait a minute is that not the boot that we saw with the alligator yeah there was a floor too all right lady um i want you guys cooking right over here i'm just gonna go ahead and uh oh i can't take it okay i will be back with a shoe that's right put down my name put on a reservation i want to talk to the queen when we find that boot but i do think we gotta first get the space cube right wait no i now know guys that's right guys check it out we found that emblem over at the queen right i'm pretty sure that thing is supposed to go into here so are we gonna figure out now is how to get that boot oh yeah i'm gonna put the battery over here because i feel like it kind of belongs you know and then we're gonna go back to four four to see what we can do on floor two yep there we go hey buddy how you doing uh let's see we're gonna go oh it was already set to floor too sorry to bother you ricky see you over on floor two let's see if that happens and is he back um guys um guys what happened over here the whole place is drained and the alligator's right over there hold on what happened dude ricky he's still in his boat but there's no water here oh my goodness can we go down to the alligator no hey buddy oh you do hey where's the boot i thought there was a boot over here oh that is not cool check this out we're gonna go back up oh and he picks up the boot check this out oh no why oh that is so mean all right i will trade you it for a cookie my friend there you go have a cookie does that work hey there's a harry there oh no why we gotta hurry thank you oh okay we gotta put him away hey buddy what's your name we're gonna find out about that uh let's see what if i throw another one you're not gonna give me anything are you yeah no not at all let's see we gotta make sure that we get the boot so how do we do that all right harry come with me my friend you're gonna go into the hairy dispenser let's see let's let it dispenser it does the opposite of dispensing bye my friend wah pow he's gonna be fine all right yeah i think so all right there he goes so let's think here how did we get rid of the water is it because of the moon because those control the tides right hey ricky um i'm gonna get the water back and and you need to go over to the alligator yes check this out guys oh i might have a very big brain idea so we're gonna go to floor three and we're gonna make the moon nice and big again so that the water will return to the lake check this out so we got it aimed let's go at the moon just like this i thought it was mars i mean why is it orange we're gonna make it nice and big there we go then we're gonna go back to the elevator and this time we need to make sure that ricky is hovering above where the alligator is at yep so here we go let's see hey ricky um there's like a pool there pool there in a pool there so i think if we throw this here he shoot yes there he goes right over there now i don't know if that is really above the alligator but we're gonna have to find out so now now we're gonna go back oh this is so exciting and we're gonna shrink the moon again there we go door opens up there we go and pow okay that's the wrong button james come on man you got one job there it goes let's go back let's see floor two there we go oh guys i feel like we are so close to the space key did it work though let's see oh no why ricky dude no he actually crushed the alligator look at him hey buddy now who's the scary dude huh oh and we can grab the boot awesome and we know what to do with the boot hey ricky i'll see you later alligator okay that was that was actually not intended [Laughter] that was a terrible joke guys i didn't do it on purpose okay i'm sorry now we're gonna go back to the queen because the guards should be gone and now oh no way check this out we can put a boot on her whatever that is all right you're welcome maybe you can uh can i can i grab this now i don't think it fits it doesn't fit got moving here that's a little better oh no way thank you lady this thing has to go into that spaceship thing right i'll see you later uh we are gonna go to the spaceship should we get ricky in here i think we should i mean he's gotta be here for the epic reveal wait a minute he's gotta be here to give us the space key of course ricky stay right here my friend we're gonna go back up and we're gonna see what happens oh this is gonna be so exciting oh wait wrong floor wrong floor hey space ricky how you doing my friend yo come over here i've got this thing and i can only imagine it fits right into here right oh ricky are you seeing this dude all right so now we're gonna turn this there we go does it lock it locks what happens though okay we got a light and a door oh no why wait what's he doing oh he's got that key oh ricky he's gonna come into the spaceship no way no way that this is happening come over here ricky there you go that is crazy so this is like a decompression chamber or something yes there he is no way ricky thank you my friend oh it's beautiful no wait what's happening though wow oh my goodness wait we're back here guys next time we're gonna activate that space key and see what happens thank you for watching and check out these videos on your screen right now
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 494,359
Rating: 4.8749709 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, floor plan 2, floor plan vr 2, floor plan 2 virtual reality, vr, virtual reality, game, gaming, video game, funny, gameplay
Id: J_JY9dT3EYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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