I added the Night Dweller to Skyblock...

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oh okay where is he oh I see him I see him I see him welcome to my Sky Block World each episode I will be unlocking a new island to further my progress however this world is haunted Herobrine and The Man from the fog are supposedly in this world can I survive on this tiny floating island let's find out hello I am back and I have lots of issues in this world basically I messed up passive Mobs Can Only spawn on grass blocks now if we cast our eyes to this little uh area there's no grass so yeah I messed up so I think what I'm going to have to do is pick either this island or this island because remember each episode I unlock one of these islands and I think my hand has been forced I think I'm going to go for this one because it looks like it has flowers and cool things this one doesn't look as useful but I would never make a bad decision would I okay so I'm just going to chop some trees and break some Cobblestone and make my way to that Island as quickly as I can without getting myself killed because I mean there's a good possibility that does happen but let's just hope it doesn't you know also didn't realize I I've got a decent amount of slabs here oh my wait can we already make it there also is it getting close to night oo it kind of is and we both know what that means Herobrine and The Man from the fog probably make an appearance so I need to find somewhere safe I don't think my house is safe I'm going to be honest but I I might go on the roof of my house yeah let's do that that's cool dude I am living in an absolute tin can this thing is so bad man oh another bit of wheat let's go before it gets to nighttime get the hoe out get the hoe out another wheat to grow yes what is this commentary I swear my commentary just gets worse each episode but either way I'm just going to I'm just going to stand up here I think my best bet is to just wait it out and until the man from the fog spawns hopefully survive him and not die then we can get to mining cobblestone because he shouldn't spawn straight away after who knows I mean he's pretty unpredictable but I sure am excited to see what this island has for us because okay okay I don't want to ignore the elephant in the room but if we cast our eyes to my hunger bar I can't Sprint even if I wanted to now I know I've been walking this whole episode but now it's no longer a choice I I I I can't Sprint this is bad also a new tree that's that's good though I guess oh boy I'm I'm nervous man oh another tree what the what the hell's going on so yeah there's a few things we need to get done today we need to somehow get grass from there over to here to our main grass patch so that's going to be like a long bridge which would be fun I also want to try and make the mob farm cuz obviously that is not a mob farm I'm going to build it really low so we need to build like a platform really far down because mobs spawn more the lower the wild level and we're currently at a y level of 77 like okay uh we can go all the way down to like minus 60 or something we can go so far down so that's what I'm going to do also in this episode the house also needs some work also I have no idea how I'm going to get iron I haven't really even thought about that how do I even get iron there's no iron or why is every tree just growing like why couldn't you have done this at the start you know why why couldn't you have done this at the start I'm not complaining although actually it sounds like I am complaining and I definitely am complaining I have another idea I need to spread out our dirt more because all of these patches right together is just not efficient at all I need to put these all into like their own little area you know each block spread out more cuz then it goes oh my God what the freak bro did he just grab hold of me since when was that a thing what the okay oh my god dude this guy is griefing holy that actually made me jump I've never seen that mechanic before what the what the hell oh okay he's watching how he's not even there bro do you mean he's watching he what's he watching the the television because I don't see him here he's not watching me I know that for one because I would have seen him you know it's like a you see me I see you kind of thing but no no no if he was there I would have seen him I don't believe it I don't believe it anyway back to AFK I see sunlight dude we have so many trees to cut this is going to be a great day and I think I'm going to go to the island so that's fun yippee look at us we are winning I'm still very scared I'm going to be honest dude I just can't believe Herobrine actually jump scared me also no man from the fog I'm very happy about that because he's a pretty spooky guy and can easily onot me although the night's not over yet so I don't want to speak too soon cuz I've seen him spawn in like late late morning so let's just play safe uh God that was I shouldn't have done that that kind of hurt my throat to make that note but it's morning and we have lots to do I'm just going to wait until it's guaranteed to be day now I I surely it's day right I've just seen him spawn in like late mornings but I'm going to trust that he's not going to spawn it's just I'm very vulnerable right now I literally cannot Sprint but we do on the bright side have a lot of trees to absolutely mow down so I'm going to do that and then I guess check out the new island also I need to make sure that I grab all the saplings [Music] so ooh baby a triple that's huge that is absolutely massive oh do I hear villagers do I hear villagers okay I'm getting way too ahead of myself but do I hear villagers I think I I might I think I might okay we are up so big right now oh my God look at this we we have so many trees I guess wait I can just I'm just going to add a bunch screw it it doesn't matter where they go for now right we need to freaking move we need to move baby move let's go straight for the island and check it out let's go I'm excited wait I am not testing fate I need to put that Apple straight back oh my God you're nearly done holy we can nearly make our first bit of bread red oh I almost walked off okay yeah I definitely think this is the island I should choose it it just looks like it's probably one that I want to go to I don't know I I I don't know how to explain it but it does either way we are here oh my God feels good man feels feels freaking good I need to make sure that I get all of these dirt blocks as well so bees I heard bees I I heard them again okay and again wait what's in this chest o oh my God oh my God oh my God wait that's what okay okay we just win we just win we've won GG it's over we have every single tree okay now's not the time to celebrate Now's the Time to get moving so I want to make sure I guarantee picking up every single bit of dirt because that's extremely important also new tree so to ensure that I pick up all of them I'm going to pick up the water for now and what we're going to do is we're going to put a water spout just underneath those slabs which will allow me to go underneath so I can place blocks underneath and guarantee picking up everything because again I'm not trying to I'm not trying to play with fire I want to make sure that I you know collect absolutely everything here this is so nerve-wracking doing this I'm not going to lie but if I just Place slabs like this boom boom boom okay everything should be safe now let's pick up this and get to breaking no I'm going to build out one more okay it's like really far through the day already oh my god dude the days go so quick and then the nights just take forever okay here we go so let's get to firstly let's break all this lower dirt dude Forest Island and prospering okay this is cool cool signs cool signs I need to somehow make a big grass patch so what we're going to do is we're going to line this with dirt and over a few episodes we'll bring the grass closer and closer and closer and closer and closer hopefully it doesn't need to come all the way to that area although it would be nice for it to as long as it can just you know get a little bit closer cuz this is quite far away I must admit anyways we can get these flowers what are these petals this is what I'm worried about oh my God look at these saplings man oh this has actually got me freaking hyped up okay either way I'm breaking this tree now I can hear bees and I don't know if I want to hear bees oh my God I thought I just hurt them okay wait they oh that's why the fences were keeping them in oh I see okay wait are they all just going to like die dude this guy is so far down in the void they're all going to die aren't they I shouldn't have done that oh well well whatever let's break o sapling nice okay so now all we need is the grass to grow this way which is pretty cool also wait I'm going to break all the back ones because realistically I don't need these ones I just need one bit of grass see look guys I'm smart believe it or not I'm smart okay I cannot mess this up let's just make sure to leave one bit of grass one bit of grass boom okay we've left one bit of grass huge okay so I have eight dirt that I can now add to the the dirt chain like this boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom it's also getting very close to nighttime but we also have so much stuff oh my God this is actually really cool this is really cool oh my God this is this is freaking freaking H okay okay okay I was having too much fun wasn't I that's why he did that I was just having too much fun because no fun when this gu around boooo man oh I can also put down a double chest oh my God who would have thought we'd be lucky enough to have a double chest by now wow what a time to be alive oh my God oh my God I can make bread I can make bread I can make bread dude my first food wow I can Sprint again okay okay I'm also going to spend the night on this bridge because I think it would be smart look at the island man look at the island dude it's so freaking look at that that is cool bro that is actually so cool look at that hell yeah and then behind not so much but this another night of just sitting around because again we have lots of things we need to wait for like the grass I think tomorrow I need to spread out this dirt patch so we're going to have to do the same thing by putting water underneath and then slab it all up collect all the dirt and then just spread it [Music] out oh okay where is he oh I see him I see him I see him he's moved he's moved or he's despawned he's moved or despawned he was there he was there I don't like that I don't like that at all okay well he did spawn so he's here oh he's here and we know Herobrine is too my house is so bad what howo oh a mob spawned hello dude a zombie that's my my first mob spawn of this world dude that that's that's awesome I can get food from this guy I'm going to eat your I'm not going to say that I'm not going to say that all right well now we've got to listen to the Sweet Asar sounds from zombie dude imagine if someone actually watched that on YouTube do you reckon someone's made a video of zombie ASMR cuz this is currently what we're listening to zombie just ASMR what a peaceful peaceful night sleep you know about to tuck yourself into bed you know ah I'm struggling to sleep whip on the zombie ASMR bro this is what we've got right now zombie ASMR soothing oh yeah oh wait I've just had thought this is kind of bad imagine if that guy was a skeleton ooh that would be terrible please just get to daytime oh my God wait that's actually kind of bad oh no no no no no no no no no not like this not like this not like this not like this not like this holy freak holy freak inside inside inside inside inside okay let's patch this up so nobody can get through oh boy that's not that's that's I forgot about those I forgot about those that's really bad because they're spawning every night now they are going to spawn every single night now the moon is going down the sun is rising what a beautiful day what a beautiful day hello world where's that zombie I see you I see you and yes you deserve it yeah I do I deserve it okay we're like full on full on health all right cool so I need to remove these trees then craft these all into slabs like so okay so if I go underneath like so like last time and then place these okay and then I can just dig that out I guess sounds good to me this might take a while and I won't bore you with me breaking dirt but consider subscribing because it helps the channel out a lot okay in that time another bit of wheat grew and I guess I'll break these ones too and also that took so long please please subscribe and we're also getting so close to 100,000 which is a scary number I'm going to be honest that's a that's a lot of misclicks man let's build out a big platform over here it's also clear up my mess from yesterday all right so I think here works I'm just going to build a big platform so once again I won't bore you with just placing blocks okay look at that that's a big platform so what we're going to do is go like this is that symmetrical that is symmetrical and then we go like this this and this and we continue this pattern all the way across to maximize tree growth yeah I didn't just make that up on the spot oh my God that guy almost we almost had a casualty all right sweet look at that that's that's pretty that's pretty cool and we have a bunch of spare dirt which I can use for a little farm again so I can just go like this so now we still have some crops growing which is good oh dude oh my God I forgot he existed God what is that noise that's so weird Okay this next row I definitely want some spruce trees I also want some Cherry Grove trees so let's put those like there then some birch trees boom boom boom boom and then I guess acia can just go there too and then I can just fill in the rest with Oak like this yeah look at that all right cool I know this is where the mobs are meant to spawn but they can wait for now they they can wait because dark oak tree time okay it's also getting very close to night and I'm just playing around with trees but the trees are growing quick okay that's actually huge all right uh another dark oak here oh my God the trees are growing so quick what is this why are they growing so fast okay and then I'll put a freaking I don't know jungle tree here because I don't know why not and then a jungle tree here I don't know why I'm doing this but okay our island is going to be thriving thriving godamn it I need to get inside that's what I need to do I need to get inside and get inside fast because mobs the man from the fog Herobrine all those guys are going to be spawning I think I'm safe in here he can't go through slabs right has the grass grown yet no it hasn't but we are getting different Woods I buddy do you really think you're slick H bro thinks he is him buddy you are not him I am him okay how'd you like them apples turn away he's gone no turn away he's gone nope turn away he's gone how okay he is actually still just there all right is he just going to guess he just stays there now huh oh that's a creeper oh man oh man that's a guy who can kill me anyways AFK time oh I wasn't even paying attention but I I know he's there oh my God we survive another day maybe I I don't know for sure because it's not day until people start burning that's what I'm going to say and that's what I live by oh he's burning okay I guess it his day all right hello world we have so many trees this is freaking hype okay get away get away M food yummy uh skeletons they're an issue but an issue we're not going to worry about because we have a big tree lots of different trees too this is cool man I can I can make this a lot nicer how do I kill this guy with words excuse me no can't do that H okay what I'm going to do is just remove this jungle tree I'm going to ignore the fact that there's mobs everywhere and I'm just going to remove the jungle tree because that seems like the smart thing to do okay also we are seeing wood amounts like we have never witnessed before we are we are in a booming Market of wood out I said that at the beat drop or the no the axe break not not the beat drop my bad like this is a different level amount of wood we are we are up tremendous and it's obviously a new wood type so we can actually you know get some cool designs going I'll be the first to admit this world is kind of plain because we build either oh my God just saved it by a fraction we build either out of Oak Cobblestone or dirt there's there's literally our three blocks but now now we have a bunch of new blocks which is actually freaking awesome Source ooh a cherry tree grew dude look at this area that looks so cool right okay where do I want to make this mob spawn platform I think I want to make it a little bit away but I also like it being underneath this this is kind of scary okay cool we landed and yeah let's just go like this all the way down oh that Creeper's looking at me that Creeper's looking at me no you're not no you're not no you're not no you're not no no no no no no no no no okay I got to make sure that I don't just like Drop myself into the void as well so let's be a bit careful okay so I am on the new version of Minecraft so it should go all the way down into oh my God I almost just killed myself I almost just killed myself all right that's cool okay wait I need to Google this I actually don't know how low it goes okay it goes to y - 64 so I'm just going to stop at like y - 60 just cuz I'm not trying to die okay you know what this works this this works Yus 50 works all right okay so we are Solo down my my bees no God they're all dead I knew it I shouldn't have freed them I knew I shouldn't have freed them what was I thinking what was I thinking oh my God that's awful that that is terrible owner terrible owner that's my bad guys what the heck okay I I think for now this will do we can turn this into a actual mob farm and like build a proper one like later but I I'm happy with that for now I want to I want to go back up but hopefully that should spawn a bunch of mobs overnight so that's what I'm going to see we can experiment we have a forest growing that guy's grown as well we have an absolute Forest okay I don't like how it's getting tonight I forgot bro I heard you let's go back down to the Mob bit I want to see if it's spawning more splash I see a spider I see two spiders okay looks like it's working oh that's a lot dude my poor bees yeah okay this is spawning so many mobs all right there we go now we can just watch this platform and have a nice little time lapse of mobs oh no oh oh I was just chilling now I'm no longer chilling it's raining too also this platform is absolutely peppered with Mobs oh my God they're literally falling off like dude oh my God that's crazy okay you know what I'm going to I'm going to go outside I'm going outside oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my god dude dude dude dude dude dude dude I forgot they can climb water I forgot they could climb water I forgot they could climb water I forgot they could climb in water I forgot they could climb in water okay they can't climb that well holy I almost died I regret I regret this that's insane though uh huh okay run run run run this is so unnerving I'm going be honest okay and we're in and we are in well I guess we just wait again that that's that's that's fun okay I think behind all those rainy clouds the moon is going down and the sun is coming up I see him he's creeping but let's get this rain away because like I say the man from the fog who can easily kill me he can spawn in rain even if it's day so if it rains today like all of today while it's sunny oh that's bad oh that's bad come here I got something to say bang bang bang we're on a full diet of just rotten flesh which is extremely healthy okay I realize I need to light up by the trees that's actually something I really need to do but I need these mobs to go so what I think I have to do is go really low again like this and then hopefully they despawn because all of them are spawning now down here right my bees my poor bees bro no I don't know but I'm going to now go back up and hopefully they've left right if they've despawned that's absolutely huge I think they have I think they have I think they have I think they have I think they have okay there's still a creeper there that's okay yeah the Creeper's still there that's fine that's fine I I can kill a creeper I can kill a creeper creeper oh my God okay uh please can I kill a creeper that that's what I mean yes we got him we got him we got him we got him now let's just light this up let's light this up man okay so hopefully these torches being here fixes our mob problem because there were a lot of mobs just spawning which let's be honest nobody wants that let's check on the grass any any grass update yes oh it's gone it's gone quite a bit there we go look at that oh that's pretty that's pretty good we can also start exploring with more wood types etc etc for example we have Birch so let's build a little Birch path to our house look at that wow wow that's upgraded it that's upgraded it for sure now we can also put a torch on the wall instead of the floor look at that wow that we have signs of a house we also are not using anywhere near our dirt amount so I think what I should do is increase the tree farm some more but that can wait for now let's also okay I think Spruce is really nice so I want to try and get these spruce trees Spruce is just a really nice wood I feel like it's a great wood to build your house out of anyone agree in the comment sections wait oh here's a good question what's your favorite wood type O this one's tough actually I like jungle I like Spruce Oak is a class sick probably my top three Spruce Oak jungle that yeah that's probably my top three I'm going to be honest go hello I saw you you're not slick oh my God a rainbow yo wait it goes like full circle oh my God that's so weird cuz you can see the void damn that's actually pretty cool oh it's already night what the freak well I think we have done a lot in this episode I'm going to I'm to yeah let's chill out now we've unlocked one of the new islands the grass is now growing so we can actually get some passive mobs like sheep so I can sleep and we got a bunch of new wood types from the new island as well I've upgraded the house ever so slightly we made a mob farm kind of down there and just you know the world looks so much better we've spread out the tree farm crops are you know they have their own little area now this is really cool man and once again consider liking subscribing in and if you want to see more just let me know in the comment section and remember my goal is to beat the game so we're very far away so again if you want this to be like a a full on series just let me know oh boy I just hope he doesn't spawn and come get me also these islands I'm intrigued to see what they have especially that one it's like a deep dark one [Music]
Channel: Chiefxd
Views: 190,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rCmkxuVR85k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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