I added Herobrine to Skyblock... (#1)

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[Music] oh my God okay well while he's here welcome to my Sky Block World each episode I will be unlocking a new island to further my progress however this world is haunted Herobrine and The Man from the fog are supposedly in this world can I survive on this tiny floating island let's find out Minecraft has detected an unknown presence in this world it is advised that you do not pass this screen ignoring this warning may result in Str strange occurrences and/ or encounters remember don't stare directly at the bugs huh it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be okay I'm sure anyways hello everyone look at look at me I'm on an island and there's a bunch of other Islands which we we'll get to but let's let's break a tree so this is the main thing with uh Sky Block you just want to try and get as much advancement and head start as possible especially when there's a chance you're world might be haunted and when I say there's a chance my world might be haunted my world is haunted did you not just see that message like someone's here but anyways we oh I already got a sapling wait that's that's huge what am I doing wait I need to okay okay let's make some like slabs and stuff maybe that's a pressure plate okay we do have a sapling which is kind of huge we have two okay yep we're fine we have renewable wood now already which is actually massive let me just absolutely destroy these leaves okay well we got two saplings and four sticks pretty good yield for our first tree now let's see if we can get some seeds we can okay brilliant that's awesome we are we are up big we are up tremendous in fact and boom the flowers okay we've collected pretty much everything we've got a brand new fresh looking Island and then what's in here okay this is huge we can make a cobblestone gen however I think I want to flatten this out a bit because o scary void right here so let me just chuck all of this in just in case I accidentally fall off and let's break some dirt hopefully collecting all of it because this is huge so uh I'm going to address the elephant in the room straight away nighttime we don't have long until it's nighttime and nighttime is bad because if there are demons in this world which you guys saw the warning message they don't really have much to spawn on now I highly doubt they're going to spawn on those islands they're going to spawn on my Island and there's about like 15 blocks they can spawn on which means they'll be within about five blocks of me so we've got to seriously be breaking this dirt to make the platform as big as possible to make our chances of staying alive as good as possible because oh boy I'm a bit nervous but anyways this could be a brand new series so if you guys are potentially enjoying the video or want to see more of this like series perhaps maybe series I don't know yet be sure to like the video comment comment if you like it or any ideas you want me to add to this world and uh yeah subscribe sub subscribe yes because I think we're very close to 1 billion subscribers and uh I've challenged Mr Beast to a sub race so here it is anyways let's platform this out but so far nothing weird has happened but we are only like 3 minutes into the world so yeah right that is the platform done perfectly symmetrical which is what we love to see now I'm going to place trees like so and then we just wait this is the fun of Sky Block we we just wait really uh what I can also do in fact is do a bit of this to make more living space so I'll go over here now and bridge over the void because that's not scary at all I'm not terrified to do this right now all right we've got a little little area here and a little area here we also don't unlock any of the side Islands yet because obviously we've just got our main island so this episode is going to be pretty pretty much a lot of waiting unfortunately also wait I should make a hoe right I'm not being stupid doing this am I I I hope not but I might as well just just start agriculture ready yes that's me and my agriculture you know me grow so fast okay yep I'm growing so fast clearly nothing has grown yet all right well it's now just a waiting game these are these are memorabilia I might as well put these here like that wow look at this island it doesn't look like absolute trash we also need to make sure that we do this correctly I'm kind of nervous for it now we of just wait so there's literally nothing else I can do there's there's nothing else I can do here I just need a tree to grow so let's just stare at this tree let's have an eye eye contest a staring contest with this tree also look at these shaders man look they're all like kind of waving even the seeds are waving okay I'm just putting everything in the chest just in case man because I'm kind of scared especially for night and it's getting near the night oh God oh God anyways I think I'm just going to have to wait out until A Tree Grows so let's just chill out I guess okay okay it's not growing which means we're going to have to go to night with no tree okay I think I've had a decent idea here uh assuming my parkour works but I now have two islands and I don't think Herobrine and The Man from the fog can like do parkour or at least if they can I'm screwed but I'm assuming they just can't do a three block jump so say he spawns on me on this island I can just jump over to this island and then he falls in the void like a noob so I just got to stay careful and hope that he doesn't spawn on the island that I'm on so we've just got to stay very observant especially now that it's night oh god dude the night time's so scary bro I tell you what though I'm excited to see like what's in that chest does that have a chest I can't tell pretty sure they all have chests also Sunset God damn How Majestic okay I'm now officially scared because that's the moon anyone's capable of spawning now can my trees please just grow again I just want to reiterate look how many blocks they can spawn on like they're not going to be spawning on those islands they're going to be spawning on either this island or this island I just got to hope for the best I've genuinely just got to pray they don't spawn on me and if they do I'm dead that's a beautiful sky would be a real shame if I was stranded on on an island in the sky with some demons at night time alone okay you get the point well unfortunately I can't really do anything else other than just wait so I guess I'll fast forward to when something happens this is the thing with Sky Block at the start especially there's just so much like waiting around I'm sure as the world progresses it'll be uh there'll be a lot more to have happen but again comment any ideas you want me to do in this world if I am to make a series out of it because it depends if you guys like this idea I don't know but still no Herobrine still no man from the fog and we're like a third way through the night but I guess let's just continue [Music] waiting oh my God okay well while he's here you see him I might just look at him now you can't make that jump please yeah get destroyed get absolutely destroyed you Mega Noob it worked it worked it worked oh my God it actually worked oh my God it actually worked he freaking trampled on my crops oh you cheeky s what are you doing now I got to replant it man the freak dude well first encounter that's pretty good let's go back to the island well actually I mean when I say it's pretty good it's not because let's be honest he was right there and spawned like there that's like 20 blocks from me and I have I have nowhere to run like if he spawns on this island I'm just dead still no Herobrine but the man from the fog did spawn on us it's almost getting to daytime which means we can actually get some more progress on the island anyways back to my watching block and uh yeah I see sun please hurry up and go down the tree still hasn't grown man please yes yippee oh my God Son Well we survived night one I mean barely and it was actually quite scary and we've only seen 50% of the people that could haunt me but we we made it out alive I'm also very scared for the day I accidentally missed this three block jump but I'm just going to come on I'm at parkour okay I'm I'm the best at Parkour ever yes oh yeah one thing while I wait I just want to add I'm not going to be able to sleep for like ages because I have no way of getting wool so there won't be any sleeping every night I will have to experience and have some way of you know surviving as best as I can pretty nervous for night times this is why I'm really trying to encourage this tree to grow because else this is just indefinitely what we have like I can't get anything else 5 minutes later these trees just aren't growing I'm going to take this chest away cuz I think it might be like intruding somehow these trees can grow in this current position right please oh my god dude I was searching up I swear to God you can't make this up I literally just finished Googling on my phone how long does a Minecraft tree take to grow and it says 30 minutes and as soon as I clicked enter the tree grew that's insane that's insane let's go okay okay Houston we have liftoff let's get all of the blocks hopefully we get a sapling from it too but this this is everything because I'm going to try and make a cobblestone generator hopefully without losing too many of the wood blocks cuz obviously the lava is going to burn like all of the wood but if I can quickly change it to Cobblestone that means we'll then have infinite amount of blocks which means I can make some pretty cool Contraptions also got to sapling huge let's see if we can get another oh nice that's another sapling okay we just definitely have infinite wood now like oh that's three saplings yeah gg gg everybody I'm pretty sure if you grow a tree next to a flower as well it spawns a beehive I don't know if that's a the correct mechanic but I'm fairly sure that's a real thing so we now actually have our first tool that's pretty cool anyways how do I make a cobblestone gen I need to not mess this up like I absolutely need to not mess this up so okay let's build this out here I think I don't know if this is a good idea is this a good idea it's probably isn't a good idea let's just make sure we do this correctly like this is this is actually like huge like if I mess this up this is this is terrible okay I have the water now I just need maybe some more blocks actually I love how I'm building this out of like the most flammable blocks like this is made out of wood oh God this is this this is not this is not going to go well is it this is just absolutely not going to end well and it's about to be night time oh God night two I'm scared bro I'm so scared also as soon as I lose my Sprint we're screwed we're absolutely screwed oh my God we have a tree we have a tree oh my God we have a tree nice we can get cobblestone we can get cobblestone huge I'm just going to only get one I only need one it's fine okay okay uh it's night time oh why okay anyways I have lava okay editor Chief here and before I show you this next clip I just want to start by saying I'm sorry uh you'll see why okay I okay I have to keep this in now oh my God he's right there also I just messed up I just I just messed up oh my God okay I'm giving myself again that doesn't count we we just ignore that happened okay where the hell is he he's obviously near also yeah I'm giving my dude I have to give myself lava I'm the only person that would do that I'm such a noob sometimes man but where is the bad guy okay that's weird that's no longer there wow that that's so weird that there's like no mistake now um oh I have another bucket I'll throw that out okay now it's fair and square okay okay you you saw nothing anyways I don't know if he's here or not so I want to start trying to Cobblestone up okay I think this is what I'm going to have to do I'm going to have to like slowly do it so it doesn't catch fire but this is good start this is a this is a this is a great start okay boom that's all cobblestoned up all all Cobblestone up nice okay I'm also upgrading look at that we got a better pickaxe that's that's very very true okay well I've made this very streamline now although I'm picking up only like half of it yeah it's all just getting burnt cool still no Herobrine but we have seen the man from the fog twice but on the bright side we haven't died yet so let's just get mining I guess yes it's sunny again oh God I love it when it's sunny and not just absolutely miserable oh my God we have a weapon and a tree Cho the tree Chopper but I also want to slab it up I don't want to lose out on tree blocks because these are these are very important these are basically the backbone of the island like if we don't have a wood Source we're kind of no longer running on infinite tools infinite anything we're on finite so the trees are kind of the backbone of everything okay let's see what we can do with these slabs can I make this fully okay anyways that is the ring done although wait that's annoying me hold on Boom okay cool okay I've safe proofed this just a little bit more and I might just put like a little ring around this little island whatever you want to call it yeah look at that okay this looks all right I need to somehow get food and I don't really know if there's a way oh let's just get mining screw it that's all I'm good for at the moment no oh my God that made me jump I was kind of an autopilot let's make another pickaxe real quick guess let's go out this way a bit okay I've made this little platform for no real reason I don't know why I made this but I did mobs like bad mobs can't spawn on slabs so I need to actually get some blocks because if I get some blocks mobs can spawn which is good we like that and boom we can have some sort of mob farm which means food because you can eat the Flesh of zombies I want to put my house there mob farm there and then this will be the Cobble farm and then something else over there maybe like animal pen or something I don't know okay this this should be able to spawn some mobs I I hope that should be good enough to spawn some mobs I also want to try and make myself like a little bit of a home however it's obviously not going to look good and also it's nearly getting to night time which is is very bad looking at how much hunger I have like I'm a hungry boy right now this is not good I just need another tree to grow that's really what I'm waiting on which is kind of just the theme of this whole game mode like Sky Block is just you just wait on trees especially for early game that's grown oh my God yes yes dude oh we have we have liftoff oh my God look at that my first bit of wheat all right let's just continue Mining and hope no one kills [Music] us yes oh my God a tree actually grew nice damn we've really we've really made a lot of advancements let's just try not to die like please okay I have a stack of cobblestone God damn look at that boom furnace baby look at that H yeah look I I got a chest a crafting table and a furnace oh my God we're living the high life we are absolutely living the High Life uh what can I cook literally nothing I need to get that wood but I'm kind of scared I'll just wait till day let's just continue mining damn it all right and we're reloaded new pickaxe new pickaxe we are up tremendous this is actually really quite good and chill weirdly chill I don't like it it's it's weirdly chill why is no one hunting me I I get scared because I know they're going to eventually turn up also I want to say ultimately my goal for this world is to beat the game so hopefully we can do that this is a pretty solid first couple days though oh my god let's keep it moving all right that is another stack of cobblestone oh my God I'm a freaking machine dude I'm so excited oh my God I was about to say I'm so excited to check out these other islands and stuff but maybe I'm not I'm just going to break this underneath me I'm s look at him what what happens if I look at him what you going to do what you going to do you're going to jump off into the void you stupid stupid demon oh my God all right well let's watch this sunet no no moon moon set all right it's day look at that hell yeah we are alive still somehow time to stroll around our Island hopefully by ourselves and uh yeah make some more advancements cuz this is going it's going I mean it's going it's going surprisingly well that's that's what I was going to say boom okay nice we can get some torches now oh my God more saplings this is good this is good in the hood okay wait this tree is an absolute Beast it's giving me three saplings this tree is an absolute Beast oh my god this is my favorite tree so far four saplings oh my God give me five go on do it give it to me hold on hold on let's not let's not take that out of context okay it didn't well four saplings from one that I can get behind that is that's awesome hell yeah look at this we got we got quite the setup going on here anyways because of all my pickaxing over the night I have got not only enough to make another pickaxe but enough to probably make a little bit of a house I'm I'm also going to light up the area a bit more because I mean it makes sense to light up my area I don't know what you expected me to say there oh okay that was so delayed oh my God that is the first time I've seen him I just shivered I just absolutely shivered so he is here oh he's here okay this is going to be my house I guess let me just build a house what the hell okay this this is my house Welcome House Tour that that's it the house tour's over uh yeah I don't know what you Ed I mean I have only Cobblestone and I'm not a good Builder so this this is the starts of a house oh my God that looks horrendous anyways new tree that's pretty good we got a lot done Cobblestone gen lit up the world house trees uh a mob farm that's not successful yet and most importantly we haven't died we need to get food though that's going to be very important I guess next episode we sort that that's if you want to see a next episode so make sure to like comment and subscribe if you did enjoy this and let me know if you want to see another episode because there's much to be done and many islands to unlock yeah all right let's do it [Music]
Channel: Chiefxd
Views: 358,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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