I Added 100 Horror Mods to My Minecraft World

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Minecraft has a lot of mods the ones that I've been enjoying the most recently are the horror mods so I did the only sane thing and added all of them to my one survival world so here is me adding pretty much 100 horror mods to one world can I survive so my technique in finding all of the mods that would make like a really good blend was to basically search up buzzwords so like scary horror spooky even demon because there there are demon mods like what but anyways after a few attempts of it not loading I managed to come up with the number of mods which allowed me to actually boot up the game without it crashing because believe me it crashed a lot so the first attempt it obviously crashed I then spent the next 60 Minutes of my life trying to find the perfect number of mods where it didn't break Minecraft but the game could also load and then finally I did it press enter to enable the narrator oh my God I then configured all my settings just so it wasn't a complete eyes saw or just ear blasting and then I was finally ready to go into the world with we we have we have 90 mods loaded I don't know about you but this is the scariest loading screen I've ever seen there's the night dweller and we're in some weird biome that I've never seen before I'm very scared of course I'm not going to be a little crybaby so I'm going to do hard mode survival and obviously cheese off but here goes nothing so upon entering the world nothing crazy just a pretty typical spawn however I'd already got a few advancements I have no idea how and then I realized one of my settings was off which was my view bobbing however upon coming back into the game I was in a different area I was in some random cave that I'd never seen before and I had a mysterious message saying that I annoyed someone but who let's find out how am I in a cave what what it just said you annoy me wait how am I why am I in a cave why am I in a cave why am I in a cave why am I in a cave hello dude why am I in a cave already I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to do anything can I just get out this cave bro is this like an adventure map who are you hello having to think quickly of how I'm actually going to escape this dungeon I decided my best bet was to just die to a skeleton that was shooting me in the chances that I spawn in the original spawn point and hopefully I don't get whisked back into that dungeon it was unlikely but I gave it a shot I'm happy to die in this scenario can I spawn back on land please yeah and we're out okay all I needed to do was die what is that structure I should probably check that out but first let me just get a little bit of wood I don't know why I thought this was a good idea because obviously this is a terrible idea hopefully you guys enjoy this I don't know I I think you guys enjoyed the last horror mod stuff I did hopefully you enjoy this I don't know what to expect what is in this structure nothing any loot for a Dapper young man like me no that wasn't also subscribe leave a a comment and like if you want me to do something like this again like get get scared cuz trust me it gets a lot worse than this but anyways I had to find a better area so let's go do that okay it's time to go traveling I also need to get some food this is not a very good biome for food there's also a bunch of mysterious caves which really is not nice what the hell is that surprise mother oh my God there is that freaking ants dude get away from me uh what's that house over there what the hell are you can I kill you oh my God you're so quick what the hell oh my God I killed him let's go RW beef yeah that's right I freaking eat my enemies anyways we're in a nice little biome so I'm guessing that is just corrupted things which is cool I guess but I can get a furnace here oh my God look at that nice little furnace why is it taking me so long to mine all of these blocks were infested did I know this no this isn't how long it usually takes to mine a furnace right did this help me find out kind of is there anything up here there is iron pickaxe dude we're up big okay well I just raided someone's house probably shouldn't go around saying that but oh well so far it's pretty chill for 90 mods like loaded into this world there isn't too much spookiness going on but I imagine 99% of it happens in the night and we're already halfway through the day so oh God I need to prepare and prepare I did I frolicked across the meadow killing every animal in sight looting empty buildings which gave me things like iron more iron pickaxes and some food there were some spooky things while I was there like those Shadows that kept popping up but nothing really too serious what the the hell did I oh flower and then I ended the day in a villager's house oh wait what big insta Health tear of the man then nighttime struck and and I was instantly hit with a very very spooky message this night All Souls especially strive for Freedom don't miss this chance SP is occupied HBY oh it's night it's night it's night it's night it's night it's night what the hell is that why is everything so creepy I'm fine let's just go to sleep yeah we can just go to sleep right please that was a okay cool cool cool let's go have a look at those demon guys I'm happy to go up to them they can't be that mean right hey what's up team oh my oh my God bro yo yo you can't swim right please tell me you can't swim you can't swim right yeah oh yeah now what's up boys look how silly you guys look you look so silly now ooh trying to kill me oh my God look at you you're stupid whoo whoo wao wao wao wait why are they trying to attack why are the fish trying to attack me okay so I'm I'm getting out of the water and now we're on this weird biome what what is this why there just blocks everywhere I actually quite confused also let me loot one of these because these are good to loot hell yeah more iron more bread dude this is great this is actually so good okay there are a lot of things I'm looking at right now which are kind of concerning me but hey nothing bad will happen right nothing bad will happen what the hell what was that noise okay I'm just shielding up I what was that but we're now at whatever this is hell yeah let's have a look hello everybody hello don't think I was meant to do that what's that okay okay I've already reverted to Monkey form okay we're good we good we good we good yeah we good I think we're good okay anyways let's go back on track what is this oh it's just Echo shards and it's called a glowing Echo block oh God we're already halfway through the day I need to be more efficient okay there's another one of those Towers I guess we check that out because why not I mean I don't have anything else to do please can I hit the this oh my God I did sweet hey man don't mind me what sup dude insta Health nice thank you I guess can you trade cassette player okay that doesn't seem creepy at all I'm going back down now should I should I stay up theight I'm going to stay up but what I'm going to do is I'm going to sky base it's time to sky base let's just see what happens tonight you know let's be observant now was this a good idea no but is it entertaining for you guys probably all right so I've set up a little bit of a crib in the sky and now let's watch the sunset and see what Madness starts all right it's night time I'm already seeing whatever that is I don't know what that is but it looks pretty not friendly D these guys are so weird look at them what even are they whoop whoop whoop whoop whooop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop who I dude like I see you buddy oh that's a big guy he spawned quite close you don't need to be here you know this is mildly concerning okay he's getting closer you stop that Knights are long in Minecraft in fact they're 10 minutes long and in 10 minutes things can ramp up from being not so scary to very scary oh uh okay okay so so I don't like the look of that that that that's a little bit concerning hello my friend yeah I don't I don't like the look of that guy what on Earth is that oh hello there who is that is that Freddy Fazbear I think that's Freddy Fazbear it is freaking Freddy Fazbear boy bro what is Sonic doing here uh hello why is my screen just going red why why why why why why why why why why please please don't okay my screen's no longer red I'm good yeah okay ah oh my god dude I'm one day in how the what what what wait why why why why why why why why why why am I taking damage it's The Wraith apparently can you stop picking me up I a dude this is a dumb fight I just do not want him to drop me down into those guys cuz that that wouldn't be great I'll be honest um okay so I'm dead huh okay the one thing I said that I didn't want him to do he's currently doing I died yeah I can't sleep obviously can you leave me alone okay he just brings me up with him I'm just going to keep dying God freaking damn it unless I land on the bed wait it's nearly day I I confirm it till day please pleas I do not want to go down to those guys man dude why stop stop I'm just dead again aren't I unless oh my God I'm him I'm him I killed him guys we can talk about this please despawn how about that all of my stuff is also situated right in between them I'm guessing these guys don't despawn huh so currently underneath me I have a demon some night Soldier Freddy Fazbear and a massive spider and also like this other guy who just like he's kind of chill now at this point hey guys why are they not dying it's it's daytime I I meant to have a chill time in daytime it okay so in this next clip I got very lucky and let me explain why because of the sheer amount of mods I had loaded a lot of the mods were actually really laggy so the mobs weren't really running how they should or really attacking me as they should as you can see here perfectly all of them are just kind of still in the air which gave me the perfect opportunity while on half a heart to pick up all my items so I'm on half a heart we good we good team why is Freddy floating I just need to pick up a couple of my things guys like what are you they're all moving like really slow can I just like walk between hey I see you what just broke I don't know how it just broke but it did oh yeah I forgot to mention about the lag earlier every now and then it resolves itself which puts me into really bad positions because it means I'm lured into a complete false sense of security where I think I'm safe surrounded by all these mobs that could easily kill me but actually I'm not safe it's just a matter of time this is like a really interesting encounter I don't really know what's going on okay I don't like it when it makes a rustling noise Freddy Fazbear bro okay I don't want a jump scare Freddy leave me Al okay wait why is everything working now everything's working now I don't like how everything's working now I I preferred it when it wasn't working that that was that was good um so we're going to we're going to we're going to yep a dude stop doing that so so we're going up so we're going up so we're going up hey team so that's like let's like not get near me thanks but I think it's time for me to relocate what the hell are you are you going to be angry at me yes yes you are yes yes you are okay Freddy is still on hot P Shute oh my god dude what a night what a night I can definitely kill this guy in water hey what's up you big stinker what you going to do now yep so what do I get if I kill this guy oh hello bro this guy is some pearly whites I will say and we killed him GG horror clot soul the soul has escaped you okay so three stalls have just escaped me I just killed a big spider what the why did I just hear a Creeper noise for the remainder of this day I just explored a bit more and then got back to the base ready for the next night oh he's back oh my God what is that oh that's a new guy so who is that yeah that guy's a little bit interesting he's back hello all right you died oh okay so you're right on my doorstep huh imagine getting beaten by this guy I don't even have trousers on come on up come on up yep you're dead who's that so that guy's kind of chilling on that horse oh there's another one of the big guys oh my God I'm in him pause but also I can just kill this guy surely right why did you make that noise hello you're weird yeah look I'm killing your friend how how how does that make you feel you big stinker shut up there's like some blue Spirit guy oh he's just knocking at the door too hello I'm sorry uh who I don't know who you were dude how no the doctor okay what the hell are you uh oh you have two legs and a head dude oh my bro what the hell it's becoming day cool is that my base over there no hello so why did you spawn near me you know oh you can't oh fear he's giving me fear I'm not scared I'm not scared of you pal uh I need to get back up to my house though yep I stop stop stop stop why is he so quick stop I think the mobs be like dude oh my God I think the mobs are lagging because there's so many mods I think they're lagging cuz like look yeah he's lagging so I can just go through pick up all my stuff you're stinky uh okay my respawn Point has been that is just so unnecessary that is that is just so unnecessary why have you made that noise you know why why have you done that why is he spinning why why are you spinning what what okay just let me pick up my stuff just let me pick up my stuff how about that how how how would you like them apples how do you like them apples let me just pick up my this guy gets way tooo close Okay into the water all righty and we're back in the base baby we're back in the base then it crashed out of nowhere dang but here are some of the things that we weren't quite lucky enough to encounter okay so my last World kept crashing so I've made a new world but realistically I just want to show you guys all of like the cool things that I haven't been able to yet there's like five nights of Freddy's and then there's like face hugger what the hell is a mutant hammered oh God that is horrific this is the underworld horror here's the Skeleton King God damn yo he's got such a Chad face hanged man why is he making that noise can you stop there also all of these guys who like just mutant guys why is there a spider pig so these guys oh my God wait that's so cool look at this dinos missile what the hell is that okay these things are disgusting okay there's a bunch of these guys they all just start fighting each other what the hell is this guy oh my God Trilla whoa what the freak dude oh my goodness all right but anyway here's Dracula don't know how he's not dying to the sun Freddy Krueger Pennywise P pin head sonic Chucky Little Chucky Big Daddy spawn egg Big Daddy uh Max V stappen who's a who's a boss you can you can spawn in a bunch of F1 bosses like Louis Hamilton wow no Dracula Dracula's fighting the dinosaur no Dracula I'm sorry you're so dead by the way you're actually so dead like imagine all you doing is you wake up and you see this guy just staring above you yeah I I wouldn't know what to do either why am I getting shouted at I didn't even do anything there also a bunch of dwellers that I didn't manage to spawn like this guy who just kind of runs the midnight lurker that's the guy who was like haunting me midnight Shape Shifter lurker Tim is a shape shifter it's of course the man from the fog everyone knows that one the dweller dweller okay he's just like fighting all the other dwellers okay there's another man from the fog Slender Man freaking hype Mega John more guys I don't know what that is I don't know what this is I don't know what that is I don't know what that is it's crashed God damn it if you did enjoy this video please let me know by leaving a comment liking the video and subscribing it seriously helps the channel and myself out so so much links to my twitch is in the description and also my Discord server so then you can catch all my other live content and other things like community events giveaways and just so much more anyways I love you guys thank you so much for the support on the recent vids and I'll see you guys in the next upload peace okay
Channel: Chiefxd
Views: 339,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rmVgCDJ78IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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