I Added Custom Bows to Minecraft...

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i added custom bows into minecraft which you can upgrade to give you all new kinds of powers and abilities hello wait why did you what are we doing we're playing minecraft and there's this may help you um oh oh it's full of bows okay i'll take a bow yeah look check this out oh lucky mate all right anyway let's go craft the first bow yeah so we need some logs so uh let's get login okay boom now if we go with the logs like their sticks we get a longbow how much damage did that do i'm on half a heart i didn't know i don't know so if i just go what i hate you okay so this powerful bow oh clearly fuels your hunger for battle but be careful you may be biting off more than you can chew hmm that sounds ominous i have no idea what that means should we try on some mobs maybe see if it does something okay fine no no no no no no try on some mobs no i okay i i you killed me so hard my game died all right we're back i'm killing a horse i'm you're gonna kill a horse i'm gonna kill a cat what what oh my god there's so many of them you're kidding me let's just kill them just go just go just go wait no no we're gonna crash the server again stop no no no no no no no just grab the food no you hit i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean so i didn't mean to i have 60 steak already i have 60 steaks yeah we are i've got 20. we are well that's you said that like i thought you're gonna have more than me oh i have a snack and 16. oh it's bigger well now is it though i don't want to talk about it that's just okay well it doesn't matter it's not about how much steak you have it's about how you use the steak all right for the next one we need some iron so uh either we find a cave or like a village or something like that we'll see what comes first okay there might be a cave here let's see let's see there is oh there was a cave down here oh and a village i found a village oh there is well i do not see it right here sorry jacob one second why have you done this i'm the colonel i don't think we need to do is we need i'm just gonna i'm gonna get some iron where's the gold jacob they call me the cuddle because i have a great mustache i'm going to pretend you didn't say that said put it put a moustache on it seth said if you don't put a mustache on me though it's gonna look really really awkward well give me one as well give me a bigger one give me a bigger one i want it bigger no no no no no no no make mine bigger mine bigger at least my camera so big when i turn my head like this it knocks him off the screen did you just try and shoot me no no i didn't wait jago can we duplicate the no oh wait let's try the iron guy we have to kill him first let's see what really oh my god this is insane wait this could be an awful idea it just bounced off him my guy's cracked get back get back i'm i'm really nervous okay wait how much iron do we have now i have got three i've i've got four wait so how did how do we craft how do we craft this next bow we have to upgrade it so we just surround it an iron which i'm gonna lose this bow okay wait let's okay let's just get as much iron as possible first okay i've got it i've got plenty so what i just do you say i surround it yeah that's literally we upgrade her okay boom oh my this boat i've got it as well like the punch be careful what you shoot or okay you may be in for a big surprise all right i like that it's it's pardoning the pun we need to find some oars we need why would you do that i'm sorry i'm sorry that was that was my bad that was that was very much your bad i think we need to find some oars dude you said there was a cave back here right okay yeah yeah go back go back jacob look out oh white no stop please please no no please stop no oh wait i'm gonna shoot no i'm gonna shoot down oh my god there's a column he doesn't look happy okay jacob i'm shooting him i'm shooting him stay back stay back i'm too hot i'm too hot why won't he die come on you've done it nice you got it wait what did it drop okay we got colon we have 12 coal well that's because it was a cult wait if we find we find like diamond or emerald oh you're kidding me let's go let's go in that cave right now let's see what we can find some coal copper why not will that work oh my god oh well there i just flow oh no no no don't die there's so many but there's lapis here as well wait dude why are there so many oh no because there was multiple oars there oh jacob i'm scared i need your help i need your help i can't do this on my own okay i'm coming back up i'm coming back up okay he's right here i'm just using a regular one jacob oh i did not mean to do that they are everywhere and they're angry they are angry they are angry okay i killed one i got some copper i'm grabbing it i'm making a shield really quickly oh wait a second we can just blow our way down yes oh wait there's lapis once down here as well do we care about that wait so is this guy just gonna drop lapis yeah yeah i've got 16 lapis oh i see some gold down here uh oh diamonds and diamonds and gold okay let's do both of them let's uh oh okay oh there's multiple diamonds oh we almost lost a diamond there jacob we're fine and there's gold over there nice oh yes i bought two hearts oh we gotta know that was so close okay i'm gonna shoot this gollum over here the gold one come on buddy boy oh he's angry he's angry oh i'm gonna die go go go go go go go go come on buddy you're done get out yes okay i think we're good now should we let's get out of here and let's make the next bow yeah okay yeah we need to make some armor as well all right whacking it down so now what was it we surround it in copper oh copper yeah pokey bow what does that mean gotta catch them all literally says gotta catch them all wait what if i shoot a pig i'm gonna shoot this guy right here snipe him oh i got a pokeball one out of six pokemon you have a pokeball no hold on wait i want to try this okay so what happens if i right click this oh no way you're kidding me does he do anything does he just tell he follows me but he killed the spider do your job do your worst he's going for it he's dancing he's trying oh he smacked it i'm gonna get my oh yes okay wait we need to let's do a quicker mob yeah i don't really want him anymore i killed him he he's bacon now this will be quick right look at him he can he can run he's so slow okay yeah mistakes have been what's a quick mark oh do you know what i might do i grab an iron golem oh my god wait no no i'm getting a salmon i'm getting a salmon oh here we are grab a nine gollum three out of six there's a cat oh a cat will be so quick i got it boom iron golem oh he's trying to kill me because i shot him you can't catch an iron golem this is not the pokemon experience i was looking for no just chuck them out i say we just get six mobs don't throw them out until we need them and then i say we upgrade to the next bow so far i've got a cow a cat a villager and a salmon and i think the salmon's my best bet honestly i'm gonna go for this cat i'm gonna go for this horse got it okay i need one more you know what every team has an underdog i'm taking the pig i've got you're taking the basics i mean i can't capture any more and a baby horse yeah i think that's it we've got our six now i'm gonna keep the salmon on hand in case i need it okay the next bone now we need emeralds which conveniently we're in a village for we could have got an emerald oh my are you kidding me okay we're gonna have to trade with these stupid stupid things 20 wheat for oh no this is all right 20 you why did you break that oh he's walking over to another one it's fine you just you've ruined this no no no no trust me i'm going to get us a good trade just all right you get a good trade i'll start getting all the wheat okay there's two there's another one okay we've got five all right take this wheat boom and boom oh we've got 17 we've got it oh yeah oh that's more than we need okay boom oh this one looks cool this mystical bow will help you gear up so you don't chicken out i don't know what that means so now i just i just oh dude diamonds diamonds mine at mine at miner wait i can't mine it oh we have to use the bow wait okay smack it then oh what oh that's the chicken he's not nice okay smacking oh he dropped a diamond block are you kidding me what there's a lapis chicken as well i just got a block i just got a block of diamonds right oh my god now doing it now let's just get a load of them come on there's chickens chicken time chicken time i'm gonna use the creepers to kill them oh yeah good shout out oh try to kill me why have we made no armor i'm gonna die i'm too hot okay what are you doing stop shooting you need to blow them up no we need more we need an army i'm gonna die okay i'm leaving this to you come on buddy you know what to do you know what to do yes oh my god there's another are you kidding me don't kill him let him come for me ready oh light work ah let's do more okay i have got four diamond blocks i have no iron blocks what there's iron blocks here i just you i i couldn't pick them up i'm gonna die dude this is so wise this is an awful idea okay yeah just get out of here we're done we're done we're leaving all right jacob what is next we need we need amethyst everything is trying to kill us do you remember the way back to that cave there was amethyst there uh yes yeah this way this way i think yep right here surely this is it yeah it's right here i am also making armor i am done with this oh yeah we need armor i'm making a diamond chest plate diamond leggings i'm gonna get an axe as well i feel that's probably a good idea what are you what are you doing getting amethyst baby all right i now have eight boom boom this bow will help you enhance your experience throughout the game yeah whoa corn well corn yeah boom i should oh oh my god that's an enchantment table dude i have so much lapis as well i'm enchanting right now i don't even care wait what efficiencies [Music] kit there's a zombie but you know what time it is what it's enchantment time all right uh i have 57 levels now i've got 63 i don't even you've got nothing on me that's in china armor then i say we just jump straight to the next boat oh dude if we need to go to the nether we can literally just use this obsidian oh easy let's go through we haven't set but i'm not that worried all right shut up what's the next bug um oh yeah we need diamonds oh okay perfect i've got 30. and you gave me hot okay do you have a crafting table um boom what is this and we have crossbow you want to read this oh wait oh my goodness i can dude i'm running over everything wait so if i jump off oh my god this is insane you can fall and then catch yourself with it this is actually this is so cool look at us guys this is sick uh kids okay okay i'm just running i'm running where is he where's he gone there he is oh i got him wait what happens if you shoot something with this bow we haven't even tried it there's a pickle in here i'm gonna shoot him boom oh what he's frozen oh my god yeah he doesn't move wait no this is good we can use that on blazers no yeah i have oh fortress are you kidding me okay boom i'm in wait what happens if i shoot you hey why would you i'm oh you're frozen yeah there's a frost animation on my screen oh you get freeze for three seconds oh my i've created a hack it's so quick oh you jump sprinting with that ow oh wow i found one baby wait oh i can shoot you with this oh okay i just accidentally changed the spawner into ice blocks why are you the way you are that's my bad yeah that one's on me sorry man it no it is on you it's literally on you all right it's fine because i have two blaze rods how many do you have i have one oh yes here we go come on buddy don't turn the spawner into an ice block okay i won't i won't i won't okay there's another one smack him and i'll go up okay cool no you absolutely do i freeze you yeah i'm dead no you're fine just defrost oh there's a place rod okay how many do you have i've got two okay we need one more set why would you do that it's not like i've done that ever did either of them drop one no are you kid are you joking me let's go let's go what's the next boat we need some gold ingots i've got them oh i've got i've got 20 man i've got 20 blocks okay boom honestly i'm i'm so glad we're getting rid of this now this bow gives you a golden opportunity to brute force your way through the game okay i like that i like that's something to do as brutes for sure right no fire we've got fires i'm holding it oh it's as long as it's on a hot bar i think oh goated goated okay our portal is literally right there oh yep i knew i saw one there's one right there another oh oh oh one hot oh you fell i'll give you a friend i'll give you a friend don't worry bye oh i hit him as he was wait you get gold oh wait and bastion let's go let's literally go right now okay wait start mining some gold i'm gonna start finding some uh some piglets i've got 49 blocks man we're good there's a piglet right here i'm gonna trap he's angry now go away don't kill him we need to train with him okay we need to go i heard some boys we need to go ah no don't you chuck them go chuckle your gold okay okay okay we're good we're good that's perfect oh there's a brute there's a brute there's a brute oh keep in mind i'll shoot them run past you oh my goodness wait what they burned wait seth playing slow-mo ah now i have just rewatched that in slow-mo and this is definitely not done in editing i now know that that indeed did drop into power wait so should we bother trading um if we just kill some brutes we should be good then i thought literally be careful i'm shooting this one here okay that sounded the same you killed him i can't pick him up the pearls are here the poles are literally here oh no no okay i did get i've got 13. so he did drop them i thought they burned okay and then there's the ones that wait i can't be okay nice all right just go just go just go just go we'll just go we're going back to the overworld okay okay where are we going just swim oh okay we're swimming we're doing the long swim uh okay i can make 10 isovender boom boom okay boom i've done it i've made them right are there any more bows there's one more and we need end stone for it so we need to get to the end as quick as possible kit okay hurry up we're going to the end right this way let's go oh it's not that way it's this way go oh okay it's turned it's turn okay where and it broke are you kidding me how many more do we have we have 12. okay we're not chucking another we're just digging down okay i'm going down right here i've got a good feeling i don't know why hey hold this wait how much health do you have no no don't do it i'm gonna do it i'll do it that took me down to four hearts okay i i won't do that again oh oh no what you kidding i found a lush cave jump down okay oh oh you put what are you oh you made it boring dude if you'd have died you're an idiot oh yeah literally entrance right here all right you know the usual last one to the the portal room is uh is a smelly rotten egg oh found it boy are you kid i was literally behind you okay oh and there are no eyes wait remember we have the poke balls as well we can use them to help us oh maybe okay they may be useless i'm going all right let's go take that i'm going oh why did i do that okay i'm fine pig attack boy no don't you get the end stone attack oh we need to upgrade the bow it's the final bone okay i've got a crafting table boom oh my this thing animates what does it do what does it do subscribing will help us beat the end of dragon music dude you need to stop plugging your own channel man i'm just gonna oh we're gonna clutch i was crafting what you did that what just happened were you you're shooting a laser beam oh okay this is bad this is really bad stop doing this stop doing this please wait so can i oh the laser kills things i can kill my mobs at close range and then i launch into the air again oh i clutched it again wait i'm using this to launch me up i'm sorry oh no oh jacob you just got me killed i'm so sorry okay just run just run just run oh my i'm gonna die i'm coming to save you i'll save you ah no i'm gonna get the anchors you get everything else okay i'm getting shots in come on she's perching wait get all the pokemon out all the pokemon out one two three four five come on guys come on smack up smack us smack us smacker okay yeah i'm doing some damage as well jacob keep going she's still there come on get him get him get him get him oh no she went upwards how was your mlg like are you good at mlgs no no no don't do it don't do it no jacob okay i'm on a fight oh she punching baby what am i gonna kill her with i'm gonna get off the cooked chicken come on go go go go go go chicken get some damage go come on she's so nearly dead come on yeah bro i just i love cooked chicken so much but you know what i love even more than cooked chicken this next video watch it now
Channel: Jagster
Views: 222,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but, mrjagsters, jagster, challenge, minecraft challenge, speedrun, speedrunner, wisp, speed, jago, beating minecraft, dream, dream minecraft, hack, op items, random items, craftee, custom, minecraft mod, custom weapon, minecraft custom items, upgrade, upgrade any item, minecraft combine, upgrade weapons, minecraft upgrade, combine, crafting, crafting recipe, diamonds, diamond, custom bow, minecraft but custom bows, minecraft funny, super bow, custom arrows
Id: C9x_3vWQrmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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