The UPDATED Sirenhead is TERRIFYING... Minecraft: Sirenhead w/ Calvin

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here Calvin Calvin he's moving towards us what the [ __ ] no there's no way he can get him no no no no no no way no way no way oh oh [ __ ] it's all right could be could be better he said it's all right I mean it's all right are we just staying in normal biomes like this or are you going to like make what is wrong with those trees over there or you going to make like a that was um he was there he kind of just you know he doesn't really like leaves for some reason not sure oh is that a bear hey yo bear yo what's what's good what's good he K the [ __ ] out of you oh there's two more oh [Music] okay I said I don't I think we fine as long as we don't get too close is that that's when he oh he [ __ ] like that what's his problem he don't [ __ ] with you this my this my brother right here he don't he don't [ __ ] with you what's good brother yeah n bro that's true uh I don't mean to alarm you but like do you see those those dirt particles by his feet I think he's stuck and I think that's the only reason you live okay yo bear check this out yo bear check this out check this out bear check me out check me out bro bro I don't like how he's looking at me bro I just did a front flip for the bear bear check me out check me out check me out okay wasn't that [ __ ] sick Bro wasn't that [ __ ] sick y here take that bro that's Brother Bear and and kot but like but but why can't we be chill like that like I I yo what's good guy what's good guys yo they killed you and looked at each other what did I do no actually what did I do I sat there I didn't do anything I I said what good I I came up and I greeted him and he killed me they said they don't mess with you wait what are we doing where we at what's going on here um where'd you go I'm breaking down trees over towards the okay yeah no I I don't think the Bears like me I don't think I should be anywhere near the Bears they're my homies I'll let him know to lay up on you well as of right now there's nothing around you know except for a few [ __ ] stupid Bears anyway you know we got to got to make sure that nothing is around and if there is anything around we you know yeah this is going to be a long session morai they they they they swap down they steal stuff watch this going take that that is me oh so you just going to make me look like a fool in front of the in front of the boy oh there it there y yep y you thiing you thieving you see what I'm saying bro he's lucky I can't reach him I'm too short I'm too short I I got him oh yeah dude Benson's gonna be you ever steal anything from me oh oh too a hit yeah that was yeah you should bro another one how strong is this thing okay what did you get from what did you get oh you been what he thinks you his mother happy Mother's Day he going to change his mind when he full grown though yo I found a I found a I found a I found a I found a I found a I found a um I found a so basically what I'm saying is I found a yeah what you in that hole for uh mining Cobble and a little bit of Cobble okay it's it's dark I all I see is you okay all right no no no no the thing is I'm not even dark oh okay is that how you feel how I feel that's just the facts well there's the facts and then there's lies that we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better [Music] I think you're the ladder no no no I think you're the ladder so what I'm saying is wait what are we doing where are we going what's the plan here what's the objective what's the motive I'm with you so obviously it's scary what was going you are not with me this guy is lying this guy is lying I'm in a little hole right now hole oh yeah yeah yeah right here this is a little hole this is a little hole you call this little yeah I'm down in the whole frolicking all right bro why am I always at half Health like things around here don't like me because you're a goofball no I mind my own business I say hi and I I I I get slapped for it I say Hi and then I die the Bears made that abundantly clear can we not talk about the bear incident okay don't talk about the okay it got real dark real quick and I'm not talking you I can't see you no joke no no no racial nothing I cannot see I can see your name now that you're UNC crouched to nothing else so basically I'm the night dweller all right okay okay okay go we might night I'm I I I'm feeling a little bit hungry we might need to uh visit your bare friends and say hi in a different way we might need to say hi in a in a different tongue if you know what I mean well instead of that do you have wood like like logs wood logs no broke ass broke ass broke ass broke ass I'm broke but he asking for things for me no it's fine it's fine I guess I'll just cut down the tree myself oh I'm uh oh wait got I'm going to have to consume some flesh I'm a half a hunger bar away from not being able to [Laughter] Sprint uh if you're hungry I got I got okay can't Sprint all right eaten I can still Sprint I'm still alive I didn't get Hunger do you hear this loud ass uh waterfall or is that just me I do okay damn uh I need more wood hey logs why do you need logs for oh my God that's a lot of iron yo yo trying to share no no hey look look at the iron I just found it might be nice it might be nice two hearts you put me on two you're just closer to getting uh full health okay this guy this guy's fixing to put me in the afterlife oh there's a chicken your favorite what you yo like you know I'm hungry and I have to kill this thing and you made a joke out of it you made a joke out of I left my furnace back there bro make another one it's so over no we're done bro it's over can you see my face um you didn't get a dog while I was gone right you didn't get a wolf while I was gone right hell no I'm you know I'm a scared of dogs so we not Sharon oh so we not Sharon I'm all out okay that's insane okay bro all out that's insane that was actually [ __ ] dog noises we need oh oh you need food oh W you can hear this guys this guy needs food you ate three whole chickens left nothing out left you even ate the bone even damn is ridiculous what I heard kid no I'm not DED he said ah don't worry I'll save you Calvin I know you're oh God okay he walked right into that one in the back of the head with an axe arid behind you arachnid we must go underground I don't like the underground jump all the way down here think about it going underground until Night Time [Music] is what uh how about you go through there and uh you can tell me what you know what you think of of that I don't say I did how about I don't say I did what am I what the hell is that dog you're not attacking you must be you must be friendly what the hell sound you oh n what is he wait is that a that's a hide behind you're not hiding behind anything he out in the open why would you why would you hit him no thank God what do you mean you oh you blinded you why why would you attack him he was in the way in the way of what what do you mean in the way he was in the way he's anything but in the way the guy in the game who's most mining his own business is now in the way nobody's safe give me this why is it is that sound is it yeah why is it what is that I hear I hear that's not him is it no that's not no way that's him hearing reverberations I'm down to my I'm down to my last crafting table so should just make another one okay gin I'm going to need uh I'm in need of a fuel source I got three planks in the fer in the fer ey and wasting Woodington red dick I mean like what are we going to do with I guess we could have made sticks I guess could have I guess we could have made sticks look at you look at you yo hey yo go get that iron oh my God I didn't see that iron oh I made you get the hardest iron don't worry what the [ __ ] was that oh what did you hear I don't know okay okay I didn't hear nothing something just spawned in my face and then spawned in my face and then disappeared that's that's what had happened I wonder what spawn in your face I I haven't the fatest idea now wait actually I think we won what you mean we won no like I'm telling you I think we won won what did I win like like I'm just like so basically what I'm saying is M we are in the clear oh mhm what information do you know that I what does he know that I don't let's just [Music] say let's just say it's W's in the chat okay W's for us right cuz team effort surely I don't really have confidence in that surely you just yeah so I got uh I got two diamonds mhm yeah so yeah I got a through diamond oh oh thank God yeah yeah so don't worry okay yeah no I'm not worried there's iron uh can you see me oh yeah there's iron what is that in your hand a wooden sword okay all right okay nothing too crazy nothing too crazy huh yeah yo yo yo yo Calvin go back to where you were just were yo I I want you to uh use your scroll wheel for me right right quick yeah yeah yeah so we got axe pickaxe feather wooden sword Cobble deep slate iron raw iron oh really furnace wooden sword all right all right wooden sword wooden sword so Calvin you still got those two diamonds huh you got you got the two diamonds right still yeah yeah probably does oh you don't two two you don't have any to D okay so what I'm saying is right now yeah basically we should uh wait is there anything in these caves I be worried about something no no no we're good for once for once you can bre rest easy rest assured there's nothing here but if you were want to go on the surface I don't know you know that's a different story okay right uh do you happen to have any Woodington oh I see I see like two two wooden pickaxes and a stone one right here uh oh yeah that's where I found the uh actually no I didn't find anything over there oh changed your answer real fast can these can they leave me alone make something real quick M what's in your hand right there oh that's I got one too don't worry you do oh you do cuz last time I checked uh it takes two diamonds to make one of those so uh not only that but I have one of [Music] these oh so we found another and I'm going to I'm going to use it too all right I think it's been long enough under here it should be daytime right getting you look over there yep we need more wood we need food I need I'd be able to get this this gold if I had uh more wood Calvin oh yeah yeah yeah there you go oh got you got you oh okay I had wood the whole entire time that say word I asked for it you had wood the whole time see that might be worse than my my diamond Fiasco the diamond Fiasco that's what we're giving it a name I'm dead I'm so dead I'm not alive anymore I'm actually dead what do you mean no like no like I'm dead this guy gave me a diamond ho no I'm dead okay it's daytime yay I'm On One R I'm literally on one ey okay all right swiming swiming all right help oh God you all right no you all nope I'm in fact oh I think I'm home free I think I'm home free never mind we're good we're good you ever see me fighting in the forest with a grizzly bear help the bear insane all right I need food I need food you need food what do I need food for this guy asked me what do I need for food for all right I'm just I'm going to walk away briskly cuz that's all I can do on one heart okay well we know where he might be that's where we don't need to be we are walking patiently wait a minute I have string hold on uhuh hold on do that hold on Str I know just exactly what I'm going to do with this string watch this bam okay you know that we can just jump in the water and kill the fish right so I just wasted two string yes wait a minute you might be on to something there's no fishing in here what an empty an empty place where are the fish at not empty for my rod that sounds crazy yeah that kind of sounds crazy I don't know I'm you to say such a thing I'm sticking to what I just said okay doubling down icely all right I ate ate a zombie one time it was delicious magically delicious that is not magically delicious I have to disagree uh just I would like to reiterate I am on one heart um so therefore I think I will be [ __ ] don't even think about it buddy don't even think about it yeah yeah keep flying guy's trying to me up giving them some fish I found a muddy biome it looks real gross over there I think I know what you're referring to I'll be right there as soon as I uh as I cook up the the uh you know thingies I wonder what happened if this tree fall on me uh it would probably hurt a lot I think and by a lot I mean I think you would die a horrible painful death but like it's just like the tree ain't all that big you know what I mean H yeah I would survive it that's all I'm saying you know I would I am built different I don't don't know if you know this but I I'm built different definitely definitely built different all right I don't like what you're hinting at there buddy what do you mean by that this guy says I'm built he Hefty with implying it I hate this guy the trash bag commercial Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty Hefty like what type of time were they on time okay uh I got this puffer fish uh should I consume it yeah sure Dad is he deceiving me do you hear footsteps um no where are you what you mean no I'm uh over here over here you know what I'm on the way I'm on the way coming back to you right now I think you remember where I at I'm my M I think so I hope so almost I see I see I see I see see see I see you I see you I see you I'm over here I'm over here I'm over here yep that that yep that gives me a over here oh you just blend in with the Shadows they call me the uh the hok cuz I blend with the shadow nobody calls you the hok they call me Lord first [Music] bro um okay hey hey you got room down there ah you probably don't okay all right no I don't even want to be down here I don't even okay what am I to do in these situations we should probably build a house bro yeah that'd be opportun what the hell is that oh is that yeah yeah yeah that's the muddy biome that I was talking about wait what is that yeah no that that yeah that's what I'm talking about um you know what bro I'm not going to lie check this out mhm check me out check me out mhm let's [ __ ] go oh yeah look at this you first you first you first oh who bro threw me in I didn't even know what was happening I was I was oblivious to it all what is that thing oh it's mad it's [ __ ] mad okay oh okay oh so it doesn't okay it doesn't attack everything attack just whoever attacked it so I'm good I'm not going to lie I did get scared when he got up I'm on fire what no way it does fire damage yeah come here I'm about the spoon okay okay why does it burn what is it what is that thing what is actually that thing I've never seen this before in my bro in my life whoa okay we've heard that sound way too often for him to yeah yeah bro I'm okay yeah dog that sounds like it's to your left bro we are actually do you see those sets of eyes over there cuz I do cuz I they're gone they're gone they're gone I don't see anymore I'm lagging I am also lagging I and I don't mean to alarm you I think that there's there's a thing I'm pretty sure there's a thing that the hide behind just made my blood run actually I don't see the hide behind I don't see it don't see the hide behind no oh my God my my blood actually R oh my goded bro my the Shadows are so dark I did not see that thing I could have actually ran into that thing that was the most terrifying thing I think I've ever seen in my life uh should we set up here you know yes right here right here right here uh I am lagging like no nothing nothing ever seen before um there wasn't a village that we you know did we miss a village I don't know there's got to be a yeah wait there's a there's a shipwreck over there shipwreck yeah yeah yeah one thing I one thing about me I love my shipwrecks what is that oh what oh my fat oh my oh my oh my God got stay still I'm going to ATT him what are what are you away from me he attacked him at the same time yo I still got a crit you can still get crits in water took his balls oh so what I'm saying is we're dead um what is that to I want to go home we need to make a home cuz I want to go I want to go home yeah I want to be in the home yeah I agree I agree I'm in favor I'm okay oh I might have to I might have to the puffer I would recommend against doing that also you're getting surrounded by alligators uhhuh there's one right behind you literally right behind you Calvin what happened nothing nothing nothing oh nothing it's just a really strange tree appeared in front of me really strange oh oh uh Calvin you see this strange tree I actually don't I just see you surrounded by light but you're looking off into the distance and I could only assume it's at something disturbingly sinister um Calvin if you want to come over here and take a look at what I'm seeing with my two eyeballs inside my my skullage skullage sounds disgusting I'm on my way [Music] I I I I I I I I would recommend what would you recommend keeping your dist [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my I'm dead I'm dead no way I'm Not Dead keep running running running running better stop running sprinting better start sprinting it's coming after me now holy [ __ ] no way holy [ __ ] oh my God we need to make a house I need food I about three hearts a minor inconvenience away from Death I found a beach I think we should set up champ on the beach I'm there I'm there like a hair I don't know point is I'm coming okay I found food I found food I found food I found you found food Calvin Calvin I I I'm Stone Cold Steve Austin serious when I say I need food okay that sounds really serious here I'm gonna go to the beach I got you food bro I I hear Gators I do not see gators this is the best food you can find really you're going to look at me straight in the eye and say yep that's the best food we can findin this what did he just steal he took your buffer fish you bro he actually took the puff I can see oh my why is it so why did it get so dark okay I'm scared okay no I'm scared I so I sold I sold my draws my draws sold there's a there's a chocolate treat in there what why are we blind why are we blind why in the hell are we blind bro why is it dark where are we where are you where are you I can see wow where are you I can see the I can see the Le chest plate where are you I'm right behind you Calvin turn around where are you whoa you okay I think you know what I think I think you know what I think I think you know what I think I think we should build tree houses you know what that's a trees tell me that's not a good idea tell me that's not a fantabulous idea tell me that's not I'm likely to agree we're going to build a treeh housee and we're going to make siren head pay for it okay we need some of these trees cleared out because I think we should build our uh treeh house over Yonder oh Calvin COC behind you you know what I ain't even scared of no Gator I ain't even scared of no Gator I a even scared of no Gator n n n n this is one of my own people Calvin stand back I'm talk to him bro yo yo yo chill out bro chill out bro this isn't you bro he bit me this this [ __ ] just took your it he took the r get off of you damn ender pearl ender pearl this guy bit me why is he still after me melons down go com he still wants me bro man you better tell him yo handle him you listen let him know this one of your people handle him nah he's like he's like he's like the uh the wild cousin bro like he does not listen to me a wild cousin okay all right I'm getting wood for a base why is he opening his mouth what is he he he he open food comes to his Jaws lazy ass listen man you know the saying a closed mouth don't get fed he's got his mouth open and ready something else might slip in there it's not food what are you what are you talking about I huh yo you're Sinister you are Sinister huh you are sinister sinister I know not sin one of the seven deadly he's in possession of one of the seven deadly greed I just found out that uh you can break leaves really fast with a ho look at this okay luckily you made two diamond diamond hose instead of you know pickaxe or anything else literally bro see everything I do calm cool calculated it's like I knew we were going to need them you know you sure it's not impulsive and it paid off somehow imp no no no no Cal cool calculated that's that's how you spell my name how you spell Calvin C cool calculated G I'm not going to lie I'm getting sick of melons why it's unlike you it's unlike me what is he what is this guy mean it's unlike me unlike you unlike me guys chat uh what is he implying uh ch um do you hear the dialup dial up the dial up no you don't hear the dialup I hear the dial up I hear the dialup sound effect I hear somebody who needs a new ISP insane you wouldn't you know a lot about that wouldn't you yes yes yes he sorry sorry that was unall for that was really rude to me what is he catching flies with that trap open huh that's what I'm saying bro that's what I'm saying he's waiting for a meal to come and it will never come he's going to [ __ ] grab you I'm going he's pissed he's pissed he's pissed that guy was ready he was us just he's been ready hey I got a question mhm never mind I don't have question all right he lied I have everything I need I've even got a sleeping bag what do you have nothing Nathan I'm I'm I'm I'm working my way okay that just took uh five hearts for my uh my person I definitely stand back when those things come toppling over so what I'm seeing is a canopy right like we make slabs towards the top of the trees where the leaves are and we use the leaves as a roof so that we don't got to make a roof so basically we put slabs on trees and we call it a day let's get it hey what why'd you back up that was weird uh I saw the bastard that uh may have stole something from you but I'm pretty sure he ate it it was rotten flesh but he stole from you nonetheless even though it was rotten flesh and he does like to steal yeah if you say he stole I got to I got to listen to you because you would know lot about that I'm going to get us up there right now you can't just say that and then just go on to the next topic like you didn't just say that [ __ ] to me bro like like you can't do that bro oh on the cun okay this tree you building up to really really tall like like tall like yes sir head tall agreed H as you know as we do you know how we do do I yeah you know how we do okay so I got one more that hey I get the stuff yay my axe my ax has broken what did he just say no no no no no what did he take what did he take what did he take he took he took one of my melons you why you getting so defensive it's my only food source get back here yeah oh I got him yep mhm may have may may have roted him that back down stuck my hook into his uh his wing there we got a visitor Calvin I don't know if you know ew we keep him around yeah TR yep oh ow hard to trap when I can't move oh no no no no no no oh wait he I think I got him who what did you you're just [ __ ] dying oh it's funny it's hilarious laughing up a storm up there huh bastard it was funny but I don't mean to sound ethnic here but I'm going to need some more M watermelon actually I could go fish you could go fish yeah yeah and I'll break away from the stereotypes set by Society what are these fish I think the last thing I want to do is jump into ocean all the things that lurk ocean territory uh the sun seems to be setting I'm surprised I haven't seen a shark be honest I love Shar I just hear this zombie down here groaning and moaning I got a that a conch showell the magic CCH the CCH the magic clunch may I have something to eat no try asking again hey our Treehouse is like almost you hear that right not just me what the [ __ ] bro makes my heart stop sometimes I can't lie can't fraud no fraudulence going on see I hear the sound and I Look to where it's coming from and then I look down and it's just an alligator with its mouth wide open insane mou wide open mouth wide open a torches I left behind gu's yapping down here good God my game is lagging what um nothing important you know nothing the yeah sure mhm yeah what do you say whatever you say what you say whoa this I like this this this is this is good this is good making an outline don't worry can hardly see anything down there I got a flying fish where did you get a flying fish from well the flying ocean of course the flying F ocean imagine I doesn't seem to let me put it in the smoker I wonder if it'll put me let it let me put it in the furnace you got a furnace or those three furnace do still down there I'm pretty sure y get them yeah yeah get them uh Calvin I'm going to need some food I'm at four Hearts if I you heard you heard the you heard the uh you heard the uh the dog right whoa yeah actually there's some what the [ __ ] I advise for night time we do not leave this yeah but the furnace does the fer ey oh well that's different you're going down there to get it so all right yeah so I'm good I'm cool I'm fine yeah as long as you're good and cool and fine and hunky dory yep yeah I am hunky yeah as a matter of fact yeah I am hunky glad I'm glad you're hunky dory man I am hunky as long as you're feeling comfortable you know actually I am pretty comfortable [Music] well now that you mention it all right I just I get I get the memo man yeah you're terrifying I know yeah you're terrifying we understand we get it fully aware of the situation in hand all right well I risked my uh my life get these so and look you came out on top everything is fine yeah as long as I come out on top you know who cares if I take a massive risk you know you know what this this is good all right this is good you know you've done good work here I don't I don't I don't I don't I don't I don't this is this a siren head there's a thunderstorm warning oh as long as they come out sa you know there literally a thunderstorm warning are you no no way no no no no no no no okay okay bro yeah we're dead we're actually dead no we're dead oh my God my frames what's spawning here bro something we don't want to deal with Calvin it's pitch black I can't see anything I can see a torch I can barely see you my friend okay I'm going to build out a little bit more too give us a little more rage one more room yeah all right um I hope the worst is over yeah it is currently thunderstorming and as you say as you say that of course the worst is over as it's blaring outside there is a horde of zom bones under me I love zomb bones do not take kindly to my kind okay I'm by my kind I mean the living okay no no yeah yeah of course of course of course yeah no n there a skeleton above us where that I hear more dial up you hear it you hear it right uhhuh yep I wish I didn't but hey how are we in the food department I might have to go down there keep it a buck 50 with you we are not looking too good in the food department that's what that's I'd afraid I was afraid you'd say that yeah oh looks like I'm some one of us is going to have to bite the bullet to you know one of us mhm surely you don't mean me I nominate you strongest of us you know the darkest hey the most likely to not be seen okay all right now while while I agree you are making fantastic points I simply will not get caught lacking out there it's not you know it's not in my my handbook it's not my n oh well I guess that part of his ninja way I guess I have to go down there yeah you bless bless you there's two skeletons down here tell but I fell you [Applause] fell why is he wow a shield would probably be really helpful yeah in this situation right now I should probably make am I going to do that nah we need guard railings I made like a little lookout tower like like like a lookout area bro okay that was not a real [Music] dog simply put it's just not that's just not a real dog I mean like it sounds like a real dog you know yeah mhm sure if that's what makes you feel better kind of like you know kind of a little echoey for a real dog I've never heard a dog Echo like that but like he sounds like a real dog I don't know why he wouldn't be oh because that's a new update you know echol location oh oh I'm not I'm not aware of this update Calvin I'm tired of starving I can eat a horse Whole Horse yeah I just thought of the [ __ ] the meme on Twitter of the horse like drawn HD I could eat a horse [ __ ] HD horse staring you down heig you know he has not moved from the location we're hearing these sounds oh so you think we should go over there or something I mean yeah he kind of like he kind of inviting us a little bit the dog of course no nothing else Calvin Calvin look where I'm at what where you at look at that stuck I would have fell completely down if it wasn't for this this this oh my God it would have been instant death I'm down four Hearts it would have been either one heart or um afterlife so basically don't don't fall oh yeah it's not ideal you can if you could find the uh the oak log the shaved Oak log all of the oak logs I'll give you I don't know Calvin there's a family of zombie I'm pretty sure they're having a family reunion down there holy [ __ ] oh yeah they were looking at me while I was building they were watching were that would have been nice to know before I came down here but you know hey better late than ever huh yeah yeah yo this little watch out like lookout tower not Tower lookout platform is fire I do like the I do like the house the cribbage I do like it yeah Calvin I'm being I'm I'm no like getting ganked bro I'm getting ganked I made you something yeah where you at uh coming up I got you uh we might have to go up yeah yeah that's probably for the you go mhm all right uh so I got this this this and that I made you this mhm and that okay ready chat did I get the short end of the stick Chad be honest am I screwed I me here here and uh that oh you already have one of those mhm okay that was a direct lightning strike right there if it was not raining that would have spread and probably destroyed the crib I hate that one no I hate that one Calvin I can't Sprint why is it singing Calvin there was so many melons to my right I didn't see not a one not a single my Melon now of course I'm going over to the singing I'm also making my way over to the the tunes who that's not a good sign for where we're about to head oh bro the [ __ ] lightning is insane there's a witch over there a witch you Wicked [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bro I don't see it I don't see it bro I see it I see it I see part of it uh uh siren it's right there I don't see it bro it's right there he grabed me no way he came over here bro there's no way he came over here and snapped me bro uh yeah it's right there oh my God it's right there what do we do in this situation should we try to kill it I feel like we should try to kill it we got to make bows and we got to get arrows you want to kill that thing I think we should try to kill it you want to try to kill that thing yeah I think we should try to kill it yep are you absolutely out of your mind what were you going to say I wasn't going to say anything I was going to say exactly what I said holy [ __ ] it doesn't know we're here I don't think it can hear us but if we move around a lot enough it probably will hear us so take it slow steady like the Tor Calvin Calvin yeah I'll take this take insane yep that's a man eating Croc thank God it's daytime bro because we can get we can get [ __ ] from skeletons um like arrows from skeletons Shield because I'm shieldless I'm going to make a bow since I have enough holy [ __ ] I've lost track of him ho [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no it's coming no to the house wait wait wait wait the mega oh oh oh my God oh my God okay okay yeah I see it all right no we need to be taller than it straight up like we we just need to be taller than it I don't care I'm pry it's not so scary when we're above Oho he's right there he what did you just rotten flesh okay what do we have here what do we have here what do we have here help us what do we have here Calvin Calvin he's moving towards us what the [ __ ] no there's no way you can get him no no no no no no way no way no way oh [ __ ] it's right there it's right there no bro nah dude no way how did we I think he's gone how did how did he not do any damage to our our base bro it's night time oh that's just we can get we can get spiders and we can get we can get we can get skeletons good good thank God it's night time holy [ __ ] it is dark is it night time it is okay it is all right what is that is that a no way he's still here holy [ __ ] it's in the trees what it's in the trees no it's in the trees trees no no no it's in the trees what do you mean it's in the Tre when I mean when I mean in the trees I don't mean amongst the trees I mean in the trees like it's it's on top of the trees I don't see it on top I can't see it oh oh my God why is it just what is it doing holy [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] is it doing clim down I don't like no no I'm not a big fan either to kill that [ __ ] thing I have four arrows to my name four um how many feathers have you have what do you got um I would like to not think about that okay you know what we should do we should find a village we should find a village and then and then trade with a uh a villager to get the arrows I like the way you think I found a village thank God I found bread really yeah infinite infinite bread s in food source infinite bread infinite bread infinite bread here you go I 15 bread for you wait not 15 eight bread for you for you now hold on I'm feel like I'm getting the short end of the the the the the bread stick here the bread sck the villagers have to be in their houses because it's night time we should wake one up force him to work I like I like the way you you think yeah it's time we call him in the work hey get up it's time for work yeah I don't know I don't care if there's crust in your eyes still get to work your days of normal uh human rest are over human rest this guy went to another bed that I already stole yeah buddy time to wake up let's go let's go I've never actually like really like forced villagers to trade how do I do that I have to give them uh that table that table I got you what is that what is that table called uh there's two there's three down there I think yeah there's should be three down there or two um we need we need a lot of wood because we're going to need a lot of sticks because we're going to need a lot of emeralds because we're going to need a lot of arrows so before we go harass him and wake him up out of his you know Slumber I kind of already did that oh you took his bed so now you really can't sleep y yep y so you're an [ __ ] so you're an [ __ ] I don't I I prefer um working for the company okay what is it bad am my bad am I a bad person for that yeah but like money though you know it's not always about the money Spiderman always about the money Spider-Man about the Mets baby love the Mets let's go Mets what that is that is not what Kingpin said about the Mets baby love the Mets come on let's go Mets all right Lee I have enough sticks is that you is that you holy [ __ ] yo and I picked up your uh my belongings oh yeah I guess we could call them that all right let's go get these villagers yeah so yeah yeah yeah yeah ah y rer render fo hey Spider-Man Friend ofid buddy get off get a job get a [ __ ] job thank you uh this is the one this is the one this is the one the emerals yeah get the emeralds get the emeralds uh I don't think I could trade while you're trading with them right oh well then that's okay because look there's a stack of arrows for you oh yeah that tall bastard's going to pay um can you get uh emeralds for him stick uh are you still in the trading thing with him cuz I can't okay nice and do me a favor buy me a bow buy you bow yeah there he is just on time right on Q what are you looking at me like that buddy you got a job it's day time we can we can get back to the crib punctually a ain't those the lights that steal you Soul yeah they wouldn't dare do it now I made them disperse they kind of still there yeah yeah that's right yeah yeah yeah get all up in there yeah kind of crazy all right we going back to the back to the back to the base back to the base to back to the back to the back to the back to the back to the back to the while we get there I'm going to be froling the whole time okay this sh he think this [ __ ] a game f Bro think [ __ ] sweet he actually very pretty yeah how am I back down to no food that stomach of yours knows no bounds huh Chill on me Chill on me oh [ __ ] oh holy hey wait a minute we're armed and dangerous I'm still quite Afra hey stay stay back get away from me holy [ __ ] still answer me he tried to stomp on you I'm shooting why is he at me now no no the arrows are B the the hours are B they're B they're bouncing off him we need to get to the base bro bro please bro behind you no he's okay he ran away he ran away y he wait he actually ran away away nah what is that what are you what is this a fet a honey badger bro it's a [ __ ] honey bger it's a [ __ ] honey bger why would you punch him bro he wasn't doing anything wrong he was doing everything wrong he was sleeping on the job we made it back to the home home Bas home base there's a guy on fire over here bro was waiting for us don't wor he was waiting I think I'm going to break one of the stairs here so that something can't like you know run up and cheese us you know what I'm saying all right this thing should come back around night time so we we we got until night time to be to be ready I am not ready you better get ready son you better get ready you better get ready I Born Ready sir get ready oh well in that case I see a bastard with his mouth gaping open waiting for food instead of working for it himself you [ __ ] I said it before night a closed mouth does not get fed what in the I just got pulled up on no I actually just got pulled up on bro there's no way bro can I help y'all hello can we help you with something I'm about to [ __ ] him up I'm not gonna lie oh my God my they actually just went watching this all happened bro they Frolic away run oh one V3 is insane one V2 no way hand [Music] handled yeah night I [ __ ] did it okay y I got bad Omen cannot go back to a village well you can it's just you'd be dooming everything you know true true very true wait you have you have arrows right you have enough I do I have 50 all bounced off of that um thick uh whatever whatever he's made of bro yeah kind of is looks like a hide on him thck hide got to kill him make a [ __ ] purse out of his [ __ ] leather first out of his leather insane Pi a wallet siren head wallet going to make a wallet out of the siren I'm GNA make a wallet out of them it's a fruit fly I'm pretty sure that look like a fruit fly fruit fly don't bother me no you better not you better not be fixing on uh taking these crops here he would never bro there's all sorts of mobs in the our house you might need to light the Bro two two Creepers okay all right Calvin yeah so what you're saying is I should light the area up mhm oh no no no that's it's completely your completely your choice I I mean you know if you like the creeper up stop being lazy you're telling me telling me to put in work well I'm not saying that but I'm saying that you know what I mean oh yeah I'm sure yeah my trees yeah me everything all right over there I heard an explosion no everything is not all right creep will leave me alone he just took down two trees for us yo look at look at the stump the stump the stump of the trees are those ants yeah Noah those are the largest ants I've ever seen bro he just stole something from you whatever it is he going to have it wait there's an antill what did he take Jesus my game is that just me yeah I'm lagging no I'm lagging he killed the ant yeah he probably ate whatever he took oh yeah anill oh that's a queen oh my God oh my [ __ ] god holy that is a large boy bro that just scared the hell out of me I I came across some seals bro seals wait is that a ship it is there's a Captain's Quarters quarters you got in the way Dam oh my diamond iron even black scoundrel hey you Dro an iron what a nice guy a nice guy what a happy guy ew look at the the trees over there the way the trees are like like the roots are like above the ground that look like legs and I don't like that what if they start walking when we turn around turn back around inch closer closer closer hope not um yeah we should go back to the base that's a good idea yeah it's night time getting a little scary out here holy [ __ ] oh oh skeleton fighting skeleton fight skeleton One V one who's the Victor yep him clean up clean up not clean up dead hey come up here bastard yep I thought all right night night huh huh night huh night night yo I have a creeper backpack bro bro why is he's just sitting there bro creeper backpack what the [ __ ] [ __ ] creeper backpack Calvin I don't mean to be the bearer of even worse DS but he seems to be walking towards us no I'm killing him right now dude atam who's he going for he's go for you Calvin Calvin he yelled at me and took me down to four heart four Hearts holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] get away I don't know where his hit box is I can't hit him no he's I'm hitting him everywhere I don't think he I don't think he can hurt him no way where' he go did he what did he just do that man just went into the that actually just went into the ground no we're dead no we're actually dead the man is here holy [ __ ] Calvin he's in our base uh Calvin he's in our oh my God bro bro [Music] where are you I'm right [Music] here oh my God I was up in the lookout and he he's he was up there bro it's actually so over to the lookout going to die holy [ __ ] where is he he's right the he's he's I think he's destroying the lot the Y where' he go where did he [ __ ] go I don't like when he goes into the ground bro I don't like that not a fan bro the crib the base the headquarters decimated destroyed holy [ __ ] he's back he's back what oh my god oh we're it's over no it's actually over I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead where I what am I supposed to actually do here I'm dead he left the the base is completely destroyed cvin please come back oh God I'm alone what am I supposed to do all right well it's time to aband a ship maybe I can go back to the Village or something this this place is not safe any any form of safe look at what's left look at what's left of the cribbage bro everything is damn near gone all right [Music] well oh no no please please I'm me a good boy please oh my God help oh dear God help help God please I don't have any food I don't think I could I don't think I could keep sprinting along I think I I I think I'm safe all right thank God all right well three apples to my name a skeleton over there all right going over here now get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out bro I'm So Gone stop
Channel: Night
Views: 520,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 42sec (4122 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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