The Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod Got a Update... The Silence

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I don't know but I don't want to know it's time to go it is time to go okay where it's now time to go now what what what what what what the Tre the trees so this mod called The Silence recently got released it was a beta at first just a test for people to try out but now this mod has turned into something horrifying this is not normal Minecraft this is not normal scary basic stuff this is Real Horror in this video I dragged two friends with me to try to survive these two [Music] creatures will we survive will we die will we live also if you are enjoying my content I'm on the road to 200,000 subscribers I can't believe I'm saying that that is insane Please Subscribe it helps out the channel and also if you want to comment then do a little comment I read all the comments I am a w YouTuber but yeah I don't want to waste too much of y'all's time please sit back get the snacks and enjoy the video hello family and welcome back I am joined today with key hits and puff hi today today we are playing the silence cuz we've all three gotten lots of things about it like lots of news about it so yes yes so apparently you're not supposed to make a lot of noise that's what the mod Creator told me before we hopped on this and yeah I mean you know your boy is kind of noisy like I don't like to be quiet okay puff puff we got a problem what's the problem whated guys what's the problem this is a different type of Minecraft horror I assume it is so yeah something no no no no no something just I don't know what I just saw but it was not okay that was that was not okay no Dart leave get you wait crouch crouch okay I'm going in the caves wait what that's a terrible idea bro of course it's the fish it's always the fish I'm telling you hey come on so do we have to like Crouch the whole time I don't know that sounds terrible this is so bad I heard a horse get hit oh I hear Bob PE PE the horse is here getting some Cobble Cobble Cobble Cobble light I love Cobble guys it's raining dude I'm not ready for this bro I'm not a fan of this already okay boom we got torches let's go yeah torch so guys I'm thinking should we like make a house try to survive what should we do I don't know what if we just go and find the village and we we like I'm sorry got distracted you can just it out of nowhere bro food puff that's not food it's jerky that's disgusting bro I mean it's crunchy but what guys guys guys what happened to the screen what was that I heard something what was that I heard noise my screen went black and white hello I I didn't hear that I mean see that I mean hear that we're already losing our mind all right guys come on we got this we just have to crouch let's find a village yippe off to find a village the magically fell down and he got jump scared by something puff what puff we lost the fish no Puff no there he is no I fell he's what what no we're running we're leaving don't don't stop running do not turn around do not turn around Village guys Village oh my gosh dude this is not possible we're not going to be able to survive this not at all well maybe your boy cuz yall know me I lied don't go in the water don't go in the water why did I just hear him say don't go in the water as his last words right when we went in the water what oh things happen in the water I can tell puff what oh kids let me in let me in now now he's right there what the [ __ ] shut the door yo loot oh my gosh she's right there shut the door block the door Crouch Crouch block the door oh my wait Puffs out there wait wait wait wait wait bro bro bro take take this oh we got we got iron nice puff yeah I got like me you know I just want some bread I just want bread puff I don't think that guy likes you I recommend coming to us what if we punch him there's three of them I would not punch him he does not look friendly he's holding a knife get oh oh he turned around where did he go where did he go let me in nope you got this we're not going to survive we're not going to survive dude this is different y want to know what this reminds me of you remember that one movie uh the quiet place remember that with the aliens and you can't talk at all or walk oh yeah you're right I remember they said something about closing doors what if we do this don't do that hit don't do that do not do that oh [ __ ] okay guys um where's the fish at what is that I thought that villager was something else bro he's walking so is that normal the footsteps dude from the fog mod is it's worse bro but still the footsteps never like them hi puff welcome back Kia you good help me you're fighting your demons over here what I knew it I knew it I knew it I was not ready for that kids I'm done I'm done I'm crouching I I will never run again in this game okay never I got 14 obsidian what can we do do we go to the nether you think the nether would be safer I mean why not we should definitely try I need bread I need bread too oh [ __ ] you know what we don't go quiet either okay we we don't run we don't like we don't stop talking that that's got to be the meta right because they they they're called the silence for a reason right right they keep you maybe because maybe we have I'll be right back I just need to collect more wood okay I believe in you wait puff don't run don't run puff don't run dead he's dead he's dead he's going to die look oh it's a rap hi Iron Man I Need You my brother what is what what is that run I can't kill it I can't kill it I can't kill it I can't kill it I can't kill it what where am I what what I hate this I hate this I hate this chill no no stop stop stop no no no no no no no no this is not happen I'm going up I'm going up nope no no stop dude this is terrifying what no I can't I can't with this I can't bro kids you good no I'm not bro I just got sent to the quad realm oh hell no dude the jump scares I I can't this is not Minecraft I'm this is not Minecraft [ __ ] PTSD I just heard the chase song from the nun game no no hell no why are we mining down this PO [ __ ] house because we're not walking around to trees bro over there puff can you hear me he can let's get him wait k don't run don't run don't run don't run okay okay this is going to be really hard to remember I got the weird black and white thing by the way oh that's not good hi puff hi s I'm trying to make me a shovel do you mind look to the right look to the right what bro bro why I know why are we playing this for Content you say of course we are is Puff for real Sleeping with the door open right now dude bro is going to sleep in these conditions what uhoh what i is this Blood raining or just what is weird oh Jee no don't sleep don't sleep don't sleep guys don't sleep close in close them in oh oh block it up yeah is he in there block everything up what is that is that him oh God he is oh he's cing with the Villagers oh my gosh kids that's a w screenshot kids I just got my thumbnail wait wait wait wait where are we kids kids where are we kids kids kids what is this what is this why are we here why are we here go run just run just run I this here oh my God bro we just both got sent to the dimension together dude I I I don't think I in there guys I don't think we I can record this how did I press F1 in all of that all right I'm going to kill this Iron Golem and then let's get a house going hold up okay should we go to another yeah let's kill the one thing that's protecting us that's a good idea yeah cuz we need iron I'm going to collect more bread I'll get the iron I don't like how quiet it gets oh hi Cal are how are you feeling how are you feeling right now at this time of night bro things are out here evil things to hunt us okay guys if we can somehow make it to the forest over here and get wood make a house I think we'll be fine yeah that sounds about [Applause] [Music] right where's buff bro [Music] dude it's too quiet for this dude I hate [Music] this oh my how do you chop the whole thing down [Music] oh why is it so quiet and where's B dude the audio insane no Skelly chill skeletons have problems that's here I thought that was something else kids I can't do this I was I was kind of like what is that I'm paranoid what what shut the doors why why why so I just heard something it said something is here what oh I see puff see his gamertag he's down H I'm about to go out there and show him who boss oh my God bro get out of the house get out of the house kids kids get out of the house get out of the oh my it's kids oh wait he's watching he he's just watching us puff puff don't come over here puff why look over here oh hi puff it's a w Puff what is he doing hi he Justa bearded okay we're good I'm telling you puff is the Giga chat of all dwellers he literally they're scared of him or something I'm telling you why was bro behind me in the house and then now he was outside I don't know but I don't want to know P it it's time to go it it's time to go okay where it's now time to go now what what what what what what the the trees Crouch I got a weird jump scare face just run keep going okay guys dude how are we we're not going to be able to survive I we'll be even lucky if we make a house what that okay that's an Ender that's an end okay true we could give it a name maybe that's all it's looking for Bob we're going to name this guy Bob Bob Bob is it Bob or Bob we'll do yours puff how about [Music] that oh what's wrong with the [Music] trees oh yeah what happened what what happened there okay it's daytime house it's daytime safer I have no CL I don't know probably not sheep crouch crouch laughing hi oh God okay okay he's gone what no what is this why is it why is it blood rain why is it blood rain bro where what what I'm right here puff puff what behind us behind us run run run run no I'm going to die I'm going to die I don't know I I don't know what's going on can we stop almost dying what what no stop no no no no no no get out of here skeleton you were the least of my Warriors right now I lost the gang where they at guys guys get in the cave kids puff can you hear me kids get in the cave you got water uh is there water down here I don't have I think caves are safe that makes no sense I listen it doesn't make sense but I think the caves are safer [ __ ] I [Music] got I think someone else is finding this very funny I what to say all right guys so now we're in a cave wonderful I tripped yeah guys I just think we can't run like we're playing we're basically playing Minecraft Beta if you think about it no sprinting nothing real cute you better stop running puff is going crazy he's got to bucket apple and golden apple Go kid he's going insane oh my God oh my gosh my heart can't this doesn't go anywhere did you not just see that I did I did see that oh dude I'm feeling laded does that mean you can fly B this is only his head is light not the whole body oh this is no joking matter this is really not you're right copper all right let's get out of this horrible cave there's nothing even in here lame are you sure I bet like if we go down that way we could get something uh guys guys go go no no go no no no come here come here get in here get in here block it up block it up Lo it up kill it what is going on oh my God Stay Together Stay [Music] Together block it up block it up oh my gosh Apple oh apple day keeps the slasher away all right guys we're getting out of here we're literally losing brain cells in the caves this is not okay I love dirt bro it's shivering shiver me timbers this is scary okay we need to build a house midgets [ __ ] okay someone's kid got loose don't worry we we we we killed the kid it's fine hi creeper drop down all the trees hello what is that got a you are G am I getting kill build the house bro I'm the worst at building here someone else start building please I can start building wait I got the resources we have Cobble all right let's do this guys let's get this house don't have wait wait are you guys building a wa I'm just going to do the build where I oh my God bro giggle gigle gigle come out and fight me bro I dare you I will throw these hands come catch these hands bro I'm sick of this steak or die I choose neither oh this crib is looking nice oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah need more cob what guys guys guys guys guys someone's here guys guys some something's here puff puff puff yeah go handle business that's the mailman's cousin Hi how are you I swear if you throw puns at him where's it g apple day keeps it away oops no not this dude okay dude I can't do this why do we not have a door what the freak what I don't know I got a weird jump scare thing and it said why are you not following my recommendations and why is there a hole in the house you know what if it wants it to listen to us then we're going to listen to it let's try that hey he's out the window hi I think puff is crazy front me puff are you communicating with them puff is part of the plan he's part of the thing telling you bro for real while K and puff are making the house your boy is going to go mining he's going to start a little strip mine cuz I don't think those things can come down here and yeah we need some iron you already know we got to get some tools and armor cuz I'm not getting one shotted by those things again sick of that oh my gosh I heard footsteps and I was like wait wait wait wait that's not funny you know what blocking that up so stupid kids has got problems I thought puff was bad no no no no I don't like the jump scare things like the PNG things though no I not a fan of those not at all no thank you oh oh I found a [Music] cave stop doing that stop doing that kids that's not funny bro that is I thought you were also running away so I was running away with you my heart I can't do you have torches I I don't know what I have torches I don't know what happened to Puff though puff wait let's bu no wait let's let's do like this wait he's right here wait let's scare him crouch crouch Ro melting one potato [Music] uhoh [Music] a
Channel: Swayle
Views: 1,169,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uaODvlTVp-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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