I Added 10 NEW CUSTOM DEVIL FRUITS in Blox Fruits

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have you ever imagined the devil fruits so power that if added to Blox fruits it could break the game well that's where I come in I asked all of you to send me your craziest and most powerful devil fruit ideas you want added to Blox fruits and I will get the ma so your ideas here come to life the rules were use your own imagination and give an explanation of your crazy devil fruit its powers and limitations there's literally hundreds of suggestions so I started by picking 10 of these insane fruits and the first one comes in from I name the blood blood devil fruit model paramia which means it's not an element this fruit already looked crazy now boys the key is to use your imagination let's see what I said for the powers this devil fruit allows the user to control blood and take blood from a person to heal or use he said it's something similar to sanguinar but a dedicated fruit would be crazier but have you guys ever seen avatar the Last Air Bend imagine these same blood Powers but with the abilities of water every living human in the world has blood in their body what if you are allowed to manipulate their blood at will you could probably curl them up into a pretzel fold them just make them die on the spot and in blocks Roots constant blood suck moves just depleting People's Health that may be too broken so let's check the limitations this is a single Target fruit so it's not good for grinding and while you are controlling blood you have to use your own or your enemy's blood oh actually that's kind of interesting he said The more blood you consume from yourself or your enemy these effects will be applied nausea darker Vision unable to use observation flash St and slower speed now for the the ability to like bend your opponent and not let him fight back I think it is fair that if someone tries to jump you you just get jumped it's just like being able to manipulate someone's body using your own blood and theirs could be crazy but say you use your own wouldn't you be then losing blood making you like unconscious slower or like just weaker in general think about it the less blood a human has how are they supposed to function so maybe the fruit could make it like smoothie from One Piece the more blood you suck the stronger your moves get which could be kind of crazy think about it 10,000 damage damage moves like imagine that after you like suck up like three players pause now he did have a few moves for the fruit some consisting of blood sucking tick damage moves that literally Decay players as well as AOE that shoots plasma blood and blood drop that allows you to shoot blood wings out of your back and fly now our boy got pretty creative with the first fruit so I can only imagine what number two is this one comes in from not QT and it's called the space space no me oh now you're talking about language type of fruit loia Powers Number One ground's control over space and stars two can use black holes to put people in a room that no one could enter number three make it so gravity does not affect the user and the last power is the user can turn into a Godlike human and can control all things like Time air gravity atoms oh n that's way too busted bro first of all this fruit looks crazy and the fact that it's a loia oh no that that's imagine portal being a loia no no no this this is not no portal forget this bro talking about controlling space and star space Bas no me is is a fruit that could exist in Blox fruits but I mean like if Kitsune is worth what 4,000 Robux this may have to be 10,000 it's a fruit that could maybe hover around like Angel V4 cuz gravity doesn't work you could teleport even put people into your own domain expansion now maybe you could give it like a better gravity pull down or even have it so it drops meteors from the sky like fujit Tor or maruia now alogia is an element typically no user could hit a loia unless they have hockey so the fact that space is an element in a self and you can even control atoms to make people just explode you see where I'm going with this this fruit by far is something that can break blocks fruits have you come up with something crazier yet let's move on for fruit number three it comes in from will of D but I'm not a rapper the name of the fruit given is the body body know me aka the V4 fruit now now this is kind of creative like it's still in Blox fruits but it's kind of crazy like look at the model devil fruit type paramia now here's the description this fruit will have the powers of all the races in Black fruit and it's it said that the race V3 skills will even become moves for the limitations he says that once you eat this fruit you will lose your race completely like your actual race like you're not a man no more that means you don't get no passive V3 abilities like the Angel Heel or cyborg but this is what D said instead of normal fruit moves for example Z move would be switch this move would allow the user to switch between the races so you don't have all four at one that that would be kind of busted bro but then he got even more specific say you switch and you land on the the human race he said there's RNG to it or maybe it's just an order he said for human it'll apply like V4 you'll have a move that teleports you moves that give you a damage buff a move that makes you do more damage the lower Health you get and even with all the human V4 abilities you could still switch so maybe they could stack if you do them fast enough oh my gosh that would be crazy now he included cyborg angel shark rabbit now picture this fruit that where you could go ahead switch to shark use an ability that lets you survive in the water switch to human give yourself all the damage Buffs and Flash them quickly switch to like rabbit super speed and then before your thing Runs Out you go to cyborg for for the extended combo electric blast that will literally pack somebody up and turn them into an omelet oh my gosh this fruit is busted let alone ghoul imagine you switch to ghoul and you have bats flying around you and then you passively get even faster at night it's like M times two oh no oh no now you know now that I think about it that would definitely have to be a sword main fruit cuz your moves don't necessarily do damage but passive damage is more than enough like that's cyborg tea move bro n but I think that idea is fire on to fruit number four now this one comes in from Creator and bro listed me like 10 different fruits but out of all those fruits the fruits I chose he called the celestial Celestial fruit now I know this is a fruit that's been hinted to even be added to Blox fruit look at it you've seen this in YouTube thumbnails and maybe even concept game but what is a Celestial even power grants control over celestial bodies allowing the user to manipulate the positions and movements of the Stars oh my God the moons oh my God and other celestial objects limitations the power is ineffective during the day and manipulation of celestial bodies requires deep concentration celestial bodies buto what does that even mean I searched it up on YouTube and I seem to found a video so this is supposed to be an example of what a Celestial being is okay so it's a person he's holding a staff and okay he slammed the Earth and put purple in it that's kind of oh shoot oh that's where the purple and the fruit comes from oh now that's not even fair what what wow could you imagine I had a staff like something like the fox left and and I I hit the ground and the whole world just blows up what kind of fruit is that now if you blocks fruy I I guess it could work you give it some abilities like maybe you could have like Celestial shot and it shoots like purple orbs at them or you could have like Celestial Ray or beam and then it just like you start blasting people like a like a kameha m Wave Wait that's hinting at a fruit coming later oh these fruits are crazy for people that know JoJo you know that made it heaven like can literally reset the univ univ so imagine there's a move you have that makes the Moon just like fly by infinitely and you can turn it to night time and maybe it works like every 5 minutes so then your powers actually get stronger no that' be crazy yo oh my gosh bro bro bro I freak it out I freak it outo either way I'm here for a Celestial fruit and I'm hoping that the devs do see this video rip andr if you're watching this please put our fruits in the game the boys have worked very hard on these now we on the fruit number five now the P comes in from Ed and the devil fruit is the Leviathan fruit now if you guys have seen the Leviathan of blast fruit look at it it's in the game so imagine having power literally related to this crazy Beast now if we take a quick look the Leviathan pretty much only acted kind of like a seab be it shot blast out of his mouth but what if we added some more to the fruit let's dive into the powers a limitation so for the power not only do you become a leviathan but you're able to use all the moves in base form like maybe tidal waves blast shocks of water but for limitations let's see what our boy said as they move away from those sources their powers progressively weaken reducing their effectivess at a distance yo no that's a perfect Nerf honestly cuz look well okay well well well maybe not in Blox room okay but take this in say you're fighting at somewhere like the turtle Mansion here right your powers could be like the base form triing you see the water pulse it's pretty weak it's pretty underwhelming so it'd be hard to fight someone but listen to this what if you went to a location like this near water to fight someone then all of a sudden your moves turned into this just larger stronger blast and you can even like grab tidle waves and throw them so do you guys think a leviathan on land would be okay now he did give some mve for the M1 he saying it would be like Leviathan bites for the other moves it'd be like launching a tidal wave shooting moves that stun the user just like the dragon trid it another move to throw water strikes and for the F Mobility moves you ride a water serpent that would be pretty balanced I think that could be added to the game it's just a matter of like what do you do when the Leviathan has to be on land now let me know if y'all think a land water dragon could work cuz I'm moving on to the next fruit the next one comes in from King Izzy and the fruit's name is the Dey Dei know me aka the devil devil fruit what now he even gave it a price at 3.75 million belly now that's pretty reasonable since it'll probably be a mythical matter of fact all these fruits all these fruits are going to be mythicals bro they're here to break the game now I do like this idea cuz I believe it stems right from One Piece itself now without getting into too many spoilers The goray in one piece is known to be an elite group filled with like evil leaders with evil power and we heard that one of them could have this ability of being a devil demon the abilities of this fruit would be to cause Havoc like like a devil what and it's actually kind of Bal if you look at its abilities our boy talked about its powers being like shooting dark purple Flames as one you know that that's that's kind of like Shadow like we have that in Blox fruits but but Shadow uses B another would be a screech kind of like the ghost fruit he even thought about moves like demon wings allowing you a power buff and the ability to fly demonic rage like the fruit instead of a transformation bar it's also a rage bar so the higher the bar is the more damage you do now the T-Rex fruit is the first fruit in Blox fruits to actually have a passive bar that does passive damage like look at this so I don't really get a damage buff but I I get the ability that the farther away I get the more they get scratched you see that right so imagine this devil fruit this devil devil fruit was like the same thing the farther away you get the more damage they take and also the higher your bar the fury meter the more damage you do it can also give you the abilties to transform into a demon which honestly I think overall is just like a a balanced fruit I don't think it would be any more broken than Kitsune probably a better version of The Shadow fruit maybe but I did a pull up my community Tab and 75,000 you basically said yes you've actually watched one piece just imagine the fruit cot that makes you look like our boy Mr Saturn here in one piece now not much is said about him we don't really know his power but it should be something related to that which means they should be able to add it to blo fruits are y'all cut up on to fruit number seven this one comes in from death and it's called the glutton gluttony fruit now shout out to my artist bro these fruit models are amazing look at this a fruit with a bunch of mouths on it like this could be in Blox fruit and did y'all notice they even shaped like Blox fruits like like come on bro now our boy who suggested this fruit is kind of wild cuz he said this would be a Elemental typ fruit with a cost of 10 million what okay now we have to read the description power a fruit that eats everything in its way it allows the user to become stronger every time you eat a player weaker on NPC it has a range meter like b4s but it gets longer if the Mastery gets higher it has a count of 1 to 10 I'll call it an eat meter okay okay bro is literally giving the fruit an eat meter say that if you go up to a player and you defeat him with this fruit maybe you have to eat him like the final move has to be a eat ability then you times your strength to 1.5 think about this what could the possibilities be there would have to be a limit but I feel the limitations are pretty fair cuz given you actually have to eat players or NPCs to make the fruit useful kind of like V4 I assume the fruit will be pretty weak in base for so then getting kills to begin with may be very hard but say you do manage to get some kills after the first one maybe you're as strong as like a normal mythical fruit then after the second kill maybe you're like twice as strong as a mythical fruit three kills 2.5 four kills three times this could be cool in blo but it may lead to players like feeding the gluttony fruit user like you walk up to him and you give your friend gluttony boost to make him even stronger and stronger now you could put a limit on this same way like if you kill a player three times you can't get Bounty from them again in like 3 days you know but I don't know it'd be already so hard to get powers on the fruit as it is let's get into the moves a little bit he said one move would be void space and it would be a portal V ability nah you're such a a belly eater that you go up to him Munch him and bring him into a portal n no that that' be dope no okay hold on death also gave him an ability like the barrier fruit where you can imprison people maybe like in your tummy yo imagine oh my God bro take this in Imagine you had an ability where you could literally eat a player now this one just sucks them up like like your Kirby from Super Smash Bros and then imagine you had the shark race the trolls could be crazy you could go to a player like gluttony him suck him up and then maybe you're allowed to hold him in your belly for like 30 seconds in that time look you run to the water jump in with SharkMan V4 and just sit in the water until we die that that would be crazy still a fire fruit which one's y'all's favorite so far comment down below and we moving on to the next fruit number eight now this one again comes it from Creator and if you were to ask me personally like what fruit I would want in Block fruits this would be it besides the space based fruit cuz that that would just be a more broken portal this fruit is called the goo genino fruit AKA The Illusion fruit oh just look at how trippy this fruit model is you like spinning into it absolutely beautiful bro that is Fire Let's dive into the powers Creator says this fruit creates highly realistic illusions that can affect all senses the Illusions can be used for deception distraction or confusing opponent the limitation strong wielded individuals can see through the Illusions ooh and the Illusions do not have physical substance I think what he means by that is the Illusions can't hurt you it just puts you in like a constant genjutsu but look let's anime out for a second are y'all anime Watchers let's talk do you guys know Isaac from Bleach he's literally got to be my favorite villain in all of anime bro I love Isaac his ability was the power of Illusion now why I think this fruit would be amazing in Blox cuz how isid would work is if he waved his sword he would start seeing maybe like five me all right so that would be crazy just like like Shadow clones popping up that's the first move maybe another one could be like the portal it's a Teleport since it's an illusion you don't know what's happening number three could be like another portal teleport where you stay in the dimension longer but they don't see this you see this right here they don't see it maybe your character stays right there or he jumps around normally and then to get even crazier some sort of Illusion just teleport movement has Endless Possibilities but it wouldn't be a fruit that does damage clearly if you're looking for a good fruit to like level grind that would not be it like this fruit would have to basically be only for PVP and I'm talking like it's portal but better bro I just like portal bro imagine you could teleport in real life could you imagine that I haven't talked about them yet but since it's my favorite fruit maybe for Awakenings it starts actually doing things like your Illusions do damage you teleport and if you use a portal near someone it traps them there or you have trap moves that they get put into a genjutsu and they just have to stay right there bro I'm telling you the illusion fruit please blocks for deps if you're going to ask something just for me please do that that's been eight fruits so far two remain and we're moving on to number nine now y'all are going to love this this one comes in from dark lord and oh y'all Dragon Ball fans F to love this he's calling this fruit the super super no me model Saiyan literally a Super Saiyan fruit look at it bro n this this is a troll this got to be crazy D bro anime fans would just go crazy for this one Indra are you listening basically this fruits would have the property of a sand from Dragon Ball which means B four moves would be like kameha May way as you can see just like that but blue you would have a teleport ability you would have an instant transmission ability kind of like Rumble you'd be able to fly you'd be able to do key blast like imagine like 50 of those for the V move we can literally give it a spirit bom now they're going to say this is like a rework Rumble so maybe they won't put it in but okay check check this check this what if there was an Awakening so imagine Rumble with a rage meter and then you have a button that lets you go Super Saiyan which means for the time your rage meter is alive your moves are literally like three times bigger your teleport goes farther your Instant Transmission maybe they make it so you teleport right behind a player like you go like this you click a player you go like this boom you're behind them like from across the map and even having like the portal C move imagine an Awakening instead of using portal to get everywhere you had another fruit that used Instant Transmission and boom you're at another location that that would be okay I know it's kind of like Rumble but boy do y'all think that would be fire am I tripping I thought that would be he that you fighting someone it's like you hit the instant trans Miss Boom come Boom turn around Spirit Bomb like bro I think that would just be fun people would use that just for the fun but maybe there's another one that you have to charge your key that that that would be kind of annoying but it it's it would still be dope bro what do y'all think now this one's coming in hot for our last fruit for our one piece fans out there cuz I know you watching this one comes in from our boy Steven and he's calling this one the toy toy fruit this would break the game nah N I know you sitting there like how how Fiji how's a toy fruit going to break the game oh boy did you watch the anime more specifically the movie now this is actually what the one piece model looks like and I think our Blox through version is even better if you don't recognize this girl the fruit is actually called the hobby hobby no me it's really in one piece this little girl was literally given the most broken powers in the show because it's not just like oh she transforms into a toy and she fights no no imagine this a Blox fruit she had the ability where any person she touched would turn into a toy nullifying every Power they have look and all she would have to do is touch them touching someone would be kind of crazy pause pause but in Blox fruit it would be hard to tell like say I had the toy fruit right and I saw a player right here and I see this guy I'm like got him and then you Tagg them with the toy fruit then all of a sudden he's a toy his Mose though work anymore he can't run he can only walk now the fruit isn't very strong it's literally the weakest fruit but the strongest fruit at the same time because now you have somebody who can't fight back just like the anime now this obviously requires you touching the player to make this ability even work so that would be the main power now in Block shs there would have to be some sort of time limit like you hit a player and then he's a toy for like what a minute but in that 10 seconds that would be like an insanely free combo now the fruit could probably get comboed itself pretty easily probably don't have any movement moves maybe the f move is like you drive a toy car like like you literally drive a car like you guys know the Cho car in Fruit Battleground but it wouldn't be too good for fighting maybe now if the power was in Block roots and they made it so if you touch the player that's they're a toy until they die that's crazy now she was only defeated in the anime by our God USA and it was by pure love there's no way anybody was ever beating this girl if she sneaks you I guarantee she beats kaido Shanks if they don't know she exists and what her powers are but out of these 10 you tell me what fruit you would want added to blockx for and also give me some more ideas so I can make them come to life and hopefully the devs will see so we can get these fruits in the game
Channel: imFiji
Views: 557,214
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Keywords: imfiji, roblox, anime, blox fruits, viral tiktok, blox fruits tiktok, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits tiktok new, blox fruit tiktok hacks, testing viral, testing blox fruits, blox fruits myths, blox fruits secrets, one piece, one piece roblox, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits admin, Blox Fruits But My BUILD Upgrades, blox fruits build, upgrades, I Added NEW CUSTOM FRUITS in Blox Fruits
Id: chemBeJcBjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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