82 SECRET Blox Fruits Things You Didn't Know Existed

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secret number one you can actually go under the map in Block fruits now all you're going to need is the T-Rex FR come to this location right near the waterfall you hold the SE move let go there you have it we are under the map and now you are free to explore all the blocks Ro from underneath woo and that right there is just secret number one out of 52 now how do I get out of here now in the first video I gave you 30 secrets you may not have known but in this one I'm going give you 52 more secret number two is that there's actually a hidden Revenger NPC right here at the graveyard at second C y'all see him boom now how he works is if you equipped your dark blade do you see how the color of it is white if you talk to idra what do you wish to do with your dark blade skin disable and now it's green again now for secret 3 you guys know boats are pretty slow when traveling around the map but there is a way to make them faster all you need is the transform as ksun have a player sit on your back then put that player in the driver's seat you see how the boat's moving on its own already this is most regular speed but if you hit go look how fast you can actually make this boat now in doing this you do have to be careful just cuz you may end up like this the next secret is that not only can you change the color of your dragon and first SE by going through these rings I'm yellow fly through purple transform and now I'm purple oh my God but you guys told me something in the comments you guys were insisting that there's actually rings in third seat oh they're right here you can change your color a third seat too secet number five is that there's actually a few hidden spots in C castle like have you ever wondered what's behind this door well let me tell you you can't walk through it normally it's also hard to flash step through it from here you can kind of see what's going on but there is a way in if you jump up to this ceiling you see when you jump you can see the roof if you time your flash step correctly there you go if you turn flash step again here's what's behind the door nothing your actual location is in the roof of the castle but there's actually another hidden spot if you come up here where these pillars are and you fall right between them see that there's a little hole fall deeper what the hell oh I'm in like why did they put this at the game cuz like they gave you a way to get out so they clearly put this here on purpose but just like wo wait oh secret number six requires dough cuz if you actually ever wanted to troll somebody or somebody's just following you around and bothered you what you do see this you use your V move don't fist fade what if you click this move move hit Escape leave to us we just left the game but to the person in the game uh as you can see they're broken yeah he's stuck he can't do nothing oh you want to bother me again huh he can't move and you just go like this ah it's it's quite enjoyable just like make sure you're friends in the game and yeah there's nothing that could take him out free Bounty for you and a good day for me now leave me alone for secet 7 did you know they actually put Demon Slayer Ren Goku sword in blo Roots you come over to the Wither Castle when you defeat the ice Admiral sometimes you're given a key the blue key unlocks this Library allowing you to get that step but if you're lucky enough to get the gray key come over here there's a secret door where actually you can just walk right through and here will be a chest where will lie the red Goku sword for secret Aid did you know you can lay down while making a trade if you ever want to get cozy and need to lay down hold God human sea while in the chair and while you wait you can relax am I under the chair bro I did not want to be under the you know what it's copy down here for secet number nine did you know at graveyard if you come to the back there's an NPC waiting right here called crew captain that lets you add more members to your pirate crew but let me show you something else I bet you didn't know if you come to Great Tree in third sea there's actually another crew Captain right here I even know that bro now for secret 10 we all know Kitsune is the new fastest fruit in the game or is it well actually rubber just may be when you equip the pilot hel and you go Geo yall leave without me at Short distances look at him go rubber is actually faster but but but but but just a very short dist anything else secret 11 did you know there's a hidden text in the cafe that says it exists it's in this corner over here do you guys know what it is I don't know what it is comment down low for S 12 did you know in 2019 new players weren't able to spawn in a boat cuz experienced players would come and just kill them this safe Zone did not exist so it was added to allow new players to survive and it even gave them a level cap where you can't hurt them until they're level 20 something people were just killing new players and they thought it was fun who does that secret 13 is that doc one is actually under here and there's something else also here you come to a wall turn your back it's pretty easy to do this you see the wall flash that there you go we're actually under the map and under here is a hidden room you all know about but I bet you didn't know it was right over here come around the back you see this little ledge turn your body what do you mean by that [Music] it actually flash them into the Ascension room yeah there's like a bunch of ways to get in here does it work where is awaken portal Now secret 14 is for all my new players cuz if you actually make your way to the Marine Fortress go to this Tower specifically you see that little hole you can fall through here and talk to parlos to get your first item LOL dude I just bought this black cape 50,000 it it don't look good at all well I guess it look kind of good but it helps oh wait this look good with the small body hold on now back to Second C for secret 15 did you know there's actually a hidden room right under here and this ain't the hidden I'm talking about what bro if you turn your body and Flash St it's actually a hidden underground little Fortress where if you want you can run One V ones One V ones with the people that be bothering yep y hold on I'm cooking I'm cooking boom boom finish it up got my LOB we're hting secret 16 these egloos aren't just for aesthetic using the same flash step glitch they actually have a purpose of hiding you and hidden treasure for secret 17 we all know God human is the best fighting style but in second seene there's one almost as good if you actually go through this Secret Door y'all see it right about here you walk through you will find the martial arts master who will teach you superhuman which is the best fighting style to use until you get God now do you remember this door right here it actually has an NPC beside it called taco mura if you talk to him he will ask you if you completed five quests from the player Hunter if you have you will be given Captain elephant's Mas wow why why do I look like this secret 19 did you know there's a hidden room at the Port Island now I believe if you come all the way in the back here pause pause hold on bro the next day and if you go right about is this it looks a little sus if you turn your body flash them there's a hidden room right back here now they could put something in here I don't even know what's this it just R the water but it's a nice little hiding spot M people are coming looking for me let's see if they can find me they're on their [Music] way hello oh shoot pra 20 there's actually a bunch of NPCs that give you items like in the haunted ship if you talk to alaro he'll give you the ghoul mask for 50 ectoplasms that looks like this and if you come over here and go downstairs you talk to Al ralo and he'll give you this bizarre rifle I should think it could be useful maybe I'll use it on PVP VD but there's another secret here see these lockers now they may look like they just nothing which they are but if you come over here and you look at these lockers one of them you could actually go into you see that and it gives you $6,500 if you want to F money hop servers keep going in that Locker for secret 22 did you know you can drown if you jump correctly in the water now the prison is one of the few places if not the only place that doesn't allow you to spawn a fast boat now now you do you do get get one of these but if you ever get trapped in the middle of the water like you can see here if you jump properly it doesn't matter if you have a fruit I can just make my way all the way to whatever island I want to go Dash jump and you'll heal by the time you have to take damage again look at that all the way back at starter Island and almost perfect health for secret 3 I'm exposing the PVP system rules did you know in order to stop players from farming Bounty easily blocks we made it so if you were to kill a player that you've already killed before three or three the counter will set in 45 hours Blox through put a 3-day time limit until you can get Bounty from the same player again forcing Blox through Players to go on a man hunt for Bounty s 24 is that if you like this video right now while I hold this gun to Zeus's head he will drop me a mythical oops I shot him then y'all subscribe the secret is if you use star hold Fiji aolis all right random Fruit by yog get yeah yeah yeah papy that's what I'm talking about back to being serious secret 25 did you know you take a fruit as innocent as this Falcon and you got to drop it in lava it'll actually be perfectly fine like the lava kills us but but not the fal well I guess not me either pick this up but then you also know if you drop it in water where'd it go see that the water actually kills the fruit but the lava doesn't like what the next secret is a secret you can use to kill any player including admins now it doesn't matter what level anybody is it also doesn't matter what level you are I'll prove this by even letting a SharkMan player get V4 if you have portal or any move that can teleport somebody to the lava you take any player bring them to the lava shoot them down with the hollow Scythe as well as the Kucha it don't matter if they're V4 or not they will die even if you bring a shark V4 player onto the lava if you do this correctly shoot him straight down with Kucha slap him into the ground and that should be an infinite death but o patched it cuz he got mad everybody killed him that's why before I would have killed anybody CB me a river who off I have to patch it it still kills everybody else for S 27 if you come into the cafe and you're using a fruit that has an Awakening let's use ice for example come over here you'll find The Awakening expert which actually allows you to unawakening any of your moves for ice the unawakened sea is better than the normal so this helps with trying to get Prime sweaty while we stop the ice fruit for secret 28 if you didn't know the easiest way to max out your full body armor M hockey is by using a loia standing right here Choose Yourself the absolute weakest weapon in the game maybe a katana a Kucha all you got to do is just AFK pick the base form Katana something that doesn't have Mastery and all you got to do is turn on any auto clicker and just have it stay here overnight the more slashes you do the more your hockey will progress go to sleep wake up in about 8 hours you'll have full body just like me oh and that's also secret number 29 Auto clickers are actually allowed in Blast fruit some other Roblox games you can actually get get banned for using an auto clicker but in Blox Roots it's perfectly okay cuz the grind is real for SEC 30 now that you have full body hockey you could actually come right up here at Turtle mansion and talk to this guy called the hord man he will give you the easiest quest in the world to go ahead and get yourself rainbow hockey if you fly your way all the way to the top of this tree you'll find a man called the horn man who will give you a quest that once you complete the quest if you don't have it equipped it already I'll show you how to put it on cuz we need it for the next secret right here is the color specialist he's in the mansion and for secret 31 to spawn rindra there is three hockey colors you need starting with Snow White Once equipped it head over to the sea castle and on the ground you will find three paths this one here is the white if you have white hockey and you step on it it will light up green now to spawn rapidr you need three colors Snow White Winter Sky pink and pure red if you have each color and you equip them one at a time you can turn on the pads and once they are complete red hockey red pad you can bring a god chalice right over here and it'll Spa rip Indra for secret number 32 if you spawn as a pirate and you want to be a marine go over to the marine recruiter and I'll make you a marine and if you want to become a pirate you come over here and talk to the pirate recruiter the pirate is on Marine the Marine is on the Pirate Island there we go for secret 33 don't ask how I'm shooting myself up into the air I showed yall for secret too but did you know the base of each blocks through map is actually the world globe like look down you see this white it may look like it's nothing but if you keep going higher you can literally see the entire world how I don't know how do you even put this at the game be careful with this glitch it may kick you out the gate by the way he said helicopter helicopter on to secret number 34 bloxr actually loves representing other countries so if you come to a place like the mansion look over here you will see a little Brazilian Cube as well as uh what country is that uh also behind the windmill there's this hat here at thir sea is that know what let me not even mess it up what countries are those you let me know in the comments I was going to say China oh I said it for S 35 SMY TR it actually has a glitch that sends you flying across the map if you get two people with the Trident and you both use Z at the same time 3 2 1 go you guys will be propelled like all over the place let's do it one more time 3 2 1 go yeah yeah the the glitch is kind of cool bro I ain't going to lie try not to get baded for secer 37 it's typically really hard to see in dark places like if you go in this haunted ship like right now it's okay but let's wait for it to become night as you see it is now night time it's looking pretty dark coming the ship yep and as you see it gets a lot harder to see but not a problem in any dark space if you just hit this gear icon click fast mode check this out it goes from Darkness to allowing you to see everything a lot more clear if you're trying to find the gear for gear 4 use this if you ever end danger zone 6 use this secret 37 if you didn't know in blosser's newest update the true triple Katana has become the strongest weapon in the game and how you get it you may ask once you have collected all three of zoro's swords if you come to the T hippity top here y'all see it at the very very top of this jungle the mysterious man is the person who will give you three sword style I would try to find the swords talk to this NPC called the customer he likes to give you some hints the big guy is upstairs sure does have a slick pair of Shad that means do Flamingo Spa but if he says anything about a sword dealer somebody given swords you talk to the manager and he will tell you exactly when the sword dealer is here and went to look for one of Zoro swords to get ttk usually it takes a few hours you're better off server hopping check the spot location is online on the secret 38 there's gravestones at the graveyard that actually means something food low can I have a gravestone we will always remember apparently these are like inside jokes with the admins e if I get to buy I will stop to be announced so bro isn't dead yet but he has a gravestone D you about to put him in dang what for 6 39 did you know that water doesn't always drown you even if you have a devil fruit bro check this out there's placees like the Coliseum where it's literally surrounded by water to symbolize if you go in you die I I could be fully submerged and and be perfectly fine you saw I took some damage but nah nah bro I'm fine now completely underwater for secret 40 there's actually a dogghouse here that says injures dogghouse that talks to you in riddles hey bro can I have 97 Robux no you're not scamming me he also tries to scam you and if you didn't know there's also an attic to these houses and there's a chest in here be careful of this dog help for SEC 41 if you come to hydr town typically you can't go in these houses right they're just here for props but there is one house that actually you can go in wait what I'm in the house and what do you see it's not a lot and if you try to like K flash step it you just get stuck in here um I was kind of spous but on Dar I wanted to move in secret 42 if you look in the fruit shop T-Rex is actually rated above mammoth in value but if you look in your inventory Mammoth is rated higher than T-Rex mine blown that that cost the same price who knew secret 43 is that no matter how fast you are walking speed Remains the Same for everyone with every single build it don't matter control and we all walk at this exact speed less than 10 Secrets remaining for secret 44 it is said that the Buddha transformation is actually based off Attack on Titan made to resemble the rumbling look at it it looks like the rumbling have you ever found it like so difficult to scale up walls like it is effort but did you know ice skating is actually the fastest way to get up any wall this out you see this you see this you just fling right up with holding one button and I'm telling you you can do it from anywhere it don't matter as long as you ice skating you just eat yourself up here yep and you're good to go hold on a second can you ice skate a incline is that I don't even know what that is do I loop the loop like a roller coaster what happens oh oh don't do that oh papy okay don't do that one what the heck for secret 46 did you know you can find the heaven or hell Island by making your way to the top of this pillar at sea castle if you look up into the sky at the right time of day there should be an island between Turtle Island and Tiki should be over here can we we find it when the sun's going down it makes this easiest wait for it okay can we see it this is the time there' be a black dot in the clouds oh I see it I see it I see it I flew all the way up and I see it okay now we got to get over there oh my gosh okay what I did was I flew I flew the best of my ability here we go it looks like night time is best now as of how long it'll take me to get there ah give me a moment now this is a secret Island in the sky so I don't actually know which one it is but the closer I get the more I'm starting the thing what is that is that race V4 oh my gosh bro we flew all the way to the Temple of Time like why did nobody figure this out before they announced how to get V4 like you're telling me no one oh oh oh Eternal Blackness um no not again now what I want to know can you glitch in to the race V4 Awakening room it's right below me that's square right there all I got to do is drop on it I'm being teleported yo I was so close right here right here right here I just got what oh I got in I got in let's go oh oh but did it get to the room yeah yeah I don't think I was supposed to be here for 47 apparently if you and your friend have katsune you can do a raid with six people instead of four as you see here I got four Kings L up for a raid and three of us have someone on our back let's see what happens if I click to load the map 3 2 1 we started the raid with seven people literally did y'all know about this where right here let me talk to you about secret 48 the spiky Trident is not often used as a weapon that does damage but it's a very good weapon for assisting movement so check this out normally as a Kitsune you only have your f move and then that's it you got your jumps and if you don't have that you have to use God hum but when you have spiky Trident it's a little different the Z move shoots you upwards and then the X move is also used as a way to pull yourself certain places you'll see Pro players use this a lot look out for it you can get pretty creative with the combos especially if you run this direction pull yourself back and overall there's a lot you can do with it for S 48 if a player's ever chasing you and you need to escape and you can make your way to the mansion don't worry about going inside you'll probably die in there if you hang around back wait just a Time the back of the Mansion is actually a safe Zone and guess what if you have to set your spawn just click right here you can set your Spawn from outside the building and if they waiting for you to leave just peacefully walk around the whole mansion is a safe zone for secret 50 all these changes that have been happening like you see this dark blade right here you see how revive was taken out the game Paw turned into pain string turned to spider for years now bloxw has been battling copyright trying not to get their game taken down there will be many more changes coming for my noobs if you ever playing BL fruits and you managed to eat a bad fruit to reset it all you have to do is eat another one or if you want to take it off entirely near the back of the prison do NPC right here that will remove your fruit for you it costs 50,000 so don't do it but it's good to know now for the last and final secret did you know this dark blade actually has a triple version yes triple dark blade is actually in the game it says exclusive content which means you can only truly get it if you're friends with admin so to get it you either have to pray rip Indra puts it in the game or just get the glaz it yeah I ain't glazing nobody well that's about it or you make friends with an admin that's never going to happen for me they keep Banning me click this video on the screen if you want to see the first 30 secrets I'm Fiji and I'm M later days
Channel: imFiji
Views: 433,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imfiji, roblox, anime, blox fruits, viral tiktok, blox fruits tiktok, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits tiktok new, blox fruit tiktok hacks, testing viral, testing blox fruits, blox fruits myths, blox fruits secrets, one piece, one piece roblox, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits kitsune fruit, blox fruits admin, kitsune, OP KITSUNE, trading permanent kitsune, trading perm kitsune
Id: SecB5vyqnLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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