I absolutely cannot recommend Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PC Review)

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EA bragging about getting the game out in record time when this is the second game this year they’ve rushed out the door with serious issues.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2655 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mysterious-Theory713 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shame...anyway, plenty of other things to play

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1341 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xsabinx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Take me back to 2016 where games like DOOM and Battlefield 1 looked fucking amazing and ran smooth as butter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1671 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Apart-Slip3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

TLDR: Amazing game. Unacceptable performance issues.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2521 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Firefox72 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

"O-CHCHCHCHCHCHCHCHCHCH" - Star Wars guy. Gripping cinematics for sure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 251 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chingy1337 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

And they have the audacity to charge $70.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 435 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Emperor_of_Cats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

even the console version runs like shit. everyone who says otherwise hasnt played until bedlam hq. its so freaking bad even in performance mode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xs3ro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I said it once. I'll say it again until this issue is fixed:

Releasing games in a barely running/broken state, when a large portion or even majority of people have huge performance issues, should be suitable for a lawsuit. It's a faulty, broken product being sold to the public at a full price while being falsely advertised. Simple as that.

This whole "we'll fix it later" - argument doesn't fly in real life, it sure as hell shouldn't fly in the digital world. When I buy a new car at a dealership, I expect it to have all(!) features and parts in a fully(!) functioning state, not have the dealer sell me half a car now, have me notice half the features are actually still missing sfter buying it eventhough they were advertised to be included, and then (maybe) have the dealer deliver the rest of the promised equipment a year later. The goddamned car shouldn't be sold at all if it's not complete and in the state it was advertised in. "But you can still drive it, so it's still a car. Those missing features are not essential and will be delivered later.". No. Go fuck yourself. This is the definition of a fraud and if someone tried to pull this off in real life, people wouldn't hesitate to have lawyers on their asses before they could count to three.

As long as these studios and publishers aren't held responsible infront of the courts, they'll just keep getting away with it. So why the hell aren't people filing class action lawsuits to set a precedent that this behaviour is anti-consumer and not acceptable whatsoever?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1118 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SkipperDaPenguin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

At least you guys are getting 40fps. My 2070 is chugging and getting 10fps in the prolonge. Literally unplayable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-idkwhattocallmyself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is brought to you by Nvidia and msi's brand new stealth Studio laptops these things are Beyond fast sporting an RTX 40 series GPU allowing you to enjoy Cutting Edge features like dlss3 Ray tracing and more click the link below to check it out for yourself or stick around to the end of the video to learn more Star Wars Jedi survivor man I was really really pumped for this one the first game Jedi Fallen order was flawed in some key aspects but it absolutely nailed Star Wars in a way that very few things were nailing Star Wars back in 2019 this arrived at around about the same time as the rise of Skywalker did and the contrast between the two takes on Lucas's seminal setting couldn't have been more Stark respawn's rendition of Star Wars wasn't safe or predictable it really mixed things up a lot but it was still possessed of the same characters lore sitting and swashbuckling Adventure that made the original trilogy work so well respawn felt like this steady hand holding the boat of Star Wars fandom in place amidst the rocky Seas of a divisive sequel Trilogy and some spotty Standalone spin-offs but yeah the game had its problems I mean combat for one it was trying to strike a balance between challenging and accessible it was remixing souls-like elements into a Star Wars lightsabers and blasters setting the results were pretty mixed exploration and traversal as well was a little tired this was well after the Uncharted and modern Tomb Raider games had done their thing and crawling around on Rock faces and grills like some Force sensitive Nathan Drake left more than a few people a little underwhelmed still despite those shortcomings I loved that game in large part because I'm a huge Star Wars fan and Fallen Auto was just a brilliant Star Wars Adventure full of brilliantly realized characters for that reason I was always gonna be pretty easy to please when it comes to a sequel if it was just kind of the same game with a whole new storyline told with the same Deft Touch I would have been more than happy with that to be honest with you but respawn had absolutely no intention of resting on their Laurels because Jedi Survivor is a hell of a lot more video game than Jedi Fallen order was this is so much bigger so much grander structurally Fallen order felt like Uncharted 4 or Lost Legacy more linear and smaller spaces Jedi Survivor feels more like God of War with massive Hub worlds to explore full of side quests and secrets a companion system that sees people fighting alongside you and even a base management component allowing you to recruit helpful NPCs to build out and enliven your base of operations but while respawn have added many things to expand the scope of the Jedi series they unfortunately have not taken the time to fix any of its core problems combat in particular is very weak and the new combat stances do little to make combat feel deeper or improve its fundamental stuff like animation pairing hit detection and enemy design traversal is similar in the sense that new things have been added to it to make it more interesting but respawn's approach to level design means that exploration feels kind of cheap and inorganic very on Rails a lot of invisible walls ledgers you're not allowed to climb on Etc to be honest I really don't mind all that much about those parts of the game remaining the same because the story that's told here the characters this rendition of the Star Wars fiction that I know and love it's still wonderful and paired with all those new game systems Jedi Survivor would have left me very satisfied and very impressed with how much respawn have reached for here but I play made on PC and the PC Port is a [Β __Β ] disaster I am stunned at how badly it runs on both the machines that I tested and no amount of tinkering on my end could improve things the two patches that EA deployed while I was reviewing it also did not improve things and I would say that my enjoyment of this video game was effectively ruined by this horrible PC performance and the bugs I'm not hard to please with this stuff by the way like I will actually put up with a lot but the scale up issues here is so profound that it just really ruined it for me and I'm so bummed about that because we're not for those issues I probably would have loved this game someday when your children see this the Jedi never stopped fighting for them thank you all right we're gonna do performance first because frankly it's [Β __Β ] abysmal and will absolutely be a deal breaker for the vast majority of people considering picking this up on PC so firstly I want to be really clear about which patches I tested on and which patch you will be playing on when the game launches later today I tested on three different patches the first was a pre-day zero build which is where I did the bulk of my playthrough this was riddled with issues that EA said would be improved by a day zero patch that day zero patch arrived midweek so I tested on that and did the rest of my play through there it did not improve performance or fix any of the bugs that I was encountering finally the day one patch went live about 24 hours before I uploaded this video so again I tested what impact that had I would say it had a minor But ultimately negligible impact on performance a cannot speak to its impact on bugs because I spent so little time on this patch I was literally just testing performance under different conditions so long story short I have tested the game on the patch you are about to play on As for the hardware I used I tested gen I Survivor on two machines the first was an RTX 2080 TI with an AMD ryzen 3700x that is a decent machine that should be able to handle 1440p High settings gameplay comfortably the other machine is an RTX 4090 with an AMD ryzen 5950x that is a very powerful machine that should be able to handle almost any modern game at 4K Max settings so you should know that I actually don't review games on the 4090 because it's not representative of the average consumer experience I test games on that just to see what a game can do at the top end but I review my games on the 2080 TI because it's closer to Baseline even then plenty of people will argue that the 2080 TI is still too strong a card but you've got to draw the line somewhere and I'm choosing the 20 Series so boot up Jedi Survivor on my 2080 TI machine I set it to 4K and crank everything to Max which is what I always do because I then start working backwards to find a combination of settings that will get me to a stable 60fps because that's the goal here I'm not going for 144 frames I'm just looking for a nice smooth solid 60. now no matter what I did I could not get this game to run at 60 FPS and in fact 40 FPS was basically the hard cap in many of the open plan areas and that's actually a really important distinction you can get Jedi Survivor running at a stable frame rate when you're in internal spaces places with less geometry less draw distances less units on the map on this machine I can generally manage around 32 to 38 FPS open plan spaces are a different story the game starts on Coruscant which is one of those open plan environments and at no point was able to crack 30 FPS by this point I had already dropped down to 1440p high settings because 4K was running so poorly when I still couldn't get above 30 FPS I then dropped to medium settings and I noticed something interesting it made absolutely no difference I then dropped to 1080p resolution no difference I turned off AMD Fidelity FX which had prior to that been set to Quality that made no difference I turned Fidelity FX back on only this time I set it to Performance it did not improve the frame rate one iota but it did render the game and absurdly blurry mess look at this guy's face it's an abstract painting or something just as a laugh I thought I'd turn on Ray tracing that tank performance down to a very chunky 20 FPS but I don't care about that at all because the 20 Series has never really been Ray tracing capable you may I look at the fact that the settings and resolution changes don't improve performance and think well you must be CPU bound but both GPU and CPU utilization would hover at around the 30 Mark when I was doing all of this testing that is a very very bad sign that something is seriously wrong with how this game has been optimized furthermore German publication Gamestar did some of their own testing they had the same CPU and GPU utilization rates that I did and they found that the game was using 18 gigabytes of vram when running at 1440p which is very very not what's meant to be happening EA did promise that day zero patch it arrived it did nothing here's me testing the games in similar conditions post the day zero patch and I'm still hard capped at 40 FPS in this area with various settings and various resolutions doing absolutely nothing to improve that frame rate finally I retested all of this on the day one patch and found similar results though I did notice that GPU utilization had improved and now looked to be doing what it was supposed to be doing however it certainly was translating into any more performance this is how the game runs at 1440p at high settings in this open world section which is definitely one of the more taxing zones but it's also fully representative of what other open world sections of the game look and play like that 30fps is hard capped and no settings I change would improve it what these numbers don't communicate is just how laggy and shitty this feels like a solid properly frame-paced 30fps is one thing but this is not that it says 30 to 40 but it feels like 20. this section is a good example it's one that's actually running at around 60 FPS but all the micro stuttering and frame drops are actually reducing this to about 30 FPS when you look at nvidia's 99 Frame data so even though it says it's running at 60fps it kind of feels like 30 FPS okay so remember how I said I don't review games on my 2080 TI this was the very first time I had to abandon that machine and review a game on my other PC because I found the performance here to be so [Β __Β ] that I just didn't want to have to suffer through any more of it so that took me over to the RCA x4090 machine it's a better news story but not by much I would remind you that this is basically the most powerful consumer level GPU money can buy coupled with a very capable CPU and even then I cannot hit a reliable 60fps when playing at 4K epic settings Ray tracing turned off I mean here it is right I'm just standing in a moderately sized area no enemies around me no combat and it's 55 FPS I turned on Fidelity FX to ultra quality and that does nothing except again to degrade the image I turned on Ray tracing just to see what that was and that cost me another 15 or so frames with absolutely nothing to show for it again turning everything to low settings made no difference and dropping to 1440p made no difference I mean it's a 4090 Ray tracing off 1440p hard capped at 55 FPS even here it still feels very sluggish and unresponsive and the fluctuations are really gonna get you I pressed on and reviewed most of the game on this machine you're going to see a lot of footage that is running at 70 FPS or even higher which yeah the game can absolutely hit that at times but you're also going to see it dropping down to 30 FPS or 20 FPS when I open that map the open World areas are particularly painful and that's a deal breaker because the entire thing that sets Jedi Survivor apart from Jedi Fallen order is how big its worlds are now these are massive explorable semi-open World spaces and as you're exploring them your frame rate is fluctuating wildly based on where you are and what you're doing and who knows what else and that is just the frame rate which doesn't include graphical glitches and pop-in which aren't terribly egregious but they're noticeable for sure the biggest issue though and it is utterly game breaking is an audio issue affecting almost every cutscene here's how I watched about 80 of the cutscenes in this game traffic looks like this Portal's under maintenance as soon as we breached the surface jump to light speed took some hits back there you mind running Diagnostics by transmit the Intel Gyro's failing No don't touch that dial it's not your YouTube that's [Β __Β ] up it's this [Β __Β ] video game the desinking of audio the repeating of that audio it was this plague that affected both PCS I tested on and nothing I did could fix it the day zero patch also did not fix it I've not seen enough cutscenes on the day one patch to know whether or not that patch has fixed this so there is still a chance that this issue will still be present in the game when it launches but don't quote me on that like I said I can't confirm one way or the other just briefly I have seen the reviews from people playing on PS5 and Xbox they don't say that it's great performance and many reviewers do call out issues but overall performance seems to be much better if you are planning on picking up this game I would recommend doing so on a console because the PC Port is yeah I mean look there's some important caveats PCS are fickle things I've seen some PC reviewers who haven't experienced the same issues that I have and Report fairly good performance but I've personally spoken to four PC reviewers who all experience something similar to this it pains me to say it because I like this game but it's just one of the worst optimized BC ports I've seen in a long time and we have had some real stinkers lately I mean I did not recommend wild hearts on the basis of its PC performance despite the fact that that was actually a great game Jedi survivor's performance is many orders of magnitude worse than that for me at least and I strongly recommend that anyone playing on PC hold off until you can be sure that EA and respawn have fixed this because right now it is just straight up busted [Music] foreign picks up a few years after the events of Jedi Fallen order kalcasters one of the few remaining Jedi continues his fight against an increasingly ascendant Empire but he's doing so alone at this point the troop of resistance Fighters he'd gathered to him earlier have all gone their separate ways and Cal has been forced to reckon with what a life alone and On The Run looks like spoiler alert he's not having much fun Jedi Survivor has a difficult task in that origin stories are naturally very compelling whereas the follow-ups are always harder to do it's more difficult to excavate a character's strengths foibles motivations and eccentricities when a lot of that excavation work has already been done to its credit Jedi Survivor does a pretty good job of showcasing a new dimension to not only Cal but to the Jedi Code he hopes to live by and the Very nature of the resistance he and his companions are engaged in kalcasters played by Cameron Monahan is still the very center of every moment in this experience and is a character written by respawn brought to life by its technical teams and performed by Monaghan Kalkaska continues to shine he channels the boys Shaman idealism of Markham was Luke Skywalker with a more grizzled World weariness that comes from the events of his early years he is brave and self-certain without being foolhardy or arrogant he is Resolute but also open to being convinced critically he cares deeply about those around him when the code he lives by demands Detachment that's a central thread that runs through the course of Jedi Survivor are you still a Jedi if you put your friends first are you still a Jedi if you want to keep fighting when there's a chance for peace what even is a Jedi when most of them have been wiped out and why shouldn't that definition change when the old tenants of Jedi Faith failed to keep the Republic safe his questions are asked both directly and indirectly during your adventure I will say they're a little underexplored resulting in some of that you know ludo-narrative dissonance Cal is a Jedi who mind controls innocent native fauna to use as weapons and then Cuts them down in Cold Blood once he no longer has use for them he murders scores of Stormtroopers and Raiders without ever appearing bothered by that I know this is a video game and we shouldn't overthink it but I think it's a really well written video game for the most part which invites this sort of you know criticism and engagement well I think the narrative does gesture towards the tensions between Cal's actions and the Jedi code I don't think it goes far enough to reconcile those tensions or to call them out as things that Cal is truly grappling with of course Cal is just one of the many characters you'll meet along the way some of them make a return from the previous game but there are plenty of new ones too Bode is the real standout voiced by noshir Dalal whose voice you'll absolutely recognize since he's done a huge amount of stuff in the gaming space so I heard you felt the Empire Uncle Sheikh yeah hi Jackson Walker and broke open an imperial prison camp single-handed he's a really well-written well-acted character that I loved hanging out with he's the sort of scoundrel archetype in the Star Wars universe but with an emotional twist that makes him very real and really grounds everything he says and does but Jay he's got that Swagger that makes his character fit into this world and it's the perfect example of just how much respawn gets Star Wars his character interactions really are the highlight of the game to be honest with you in quiet conversations between party members where they explore their most closely guarded Secrets their greatest hopes and fears this is where the game shines brightest I think because it's an ensemble cast full of characters that you just always want to hear more from following closely behind that though are the set pieces in the swashbuckling Adventure I mean I don't think Jedi Survivor has a particularly good plot I think it's a lot of McGuffin chasing I think it's full of a lot of very convenient contrivances but the way the plot is able to Spirit you to new locations and the way it sets up these incredible action-packed sequences it's amazing frankly just as respawn really understand how to craft Star Wars characters they really know how to craft and authentic feeling Star Wars Adventure again at a time when Star Wars feels somewhat adrift I'm pretty down on most of the Contemporary Star Wars stuff at the moment but Jedi survivor really reminded me just as Jedi Fallen order did why I fell in love with this universe in the first place and why I'll continue to love it for a long time yet by Far and Away the biggest change the Jedi Survivor delivers is its structure and scope the previous game was fairly linear and its explorable space is more modest here in the sequel the game is still very linear in its golden path but the absolutely huge worlds you can now explore do so much to broaden the scale of this adventure there are only a handful of planets you can visit here around six but that number sells short just how much real estate there is to explore here and the way that these planets are carved up Kobo is a good example it's the first planet you'll visit after you flee Coruscant and it houses a village that sort of becomes your base of operations in addition to that the map has several massive explorable sections that are initially closed off to you until you gain the ability to access them later on popo seems really large the first time you get there but you have only seen about one-sixth of it by the time you finish your first tour of it and as it opens up you'll realize that some of these individual sections are as large as some of the destinations you visited in Jedi Fallen order exploring these spaces is really nice and really worthwhile so long as you're down for that gameplay style and the unique type of rewards that are on offer most of the time exploring these spaces involves traversal challenges you'll see a way forward and you'll be like what's up or down there so you'll climb or slide or wall run or swing or any combination of those things and then you'll get a skill point unlock or a chest with some rewards in it funnily enough combat challenges aren't a huge feature of these worlds I'd imagine that they'd be full of Gauntlet style encounters or mini bosses guarding things there's definitely a bit of that for sure but not a lot for the most part exploring space in Jedi Survivor is a lot of running and a lot of jumping it's kind of like Jedi Mario I know that sort of gameplay Loop won't appeal to everyone because I know there are plenty of people who weren't a fan with the way that these games handled traversal I mean yeah it is pretty basic most of the time it is jumping between platforms and climbing slowly up and down things and wall running there are new upgrades that become available later on like the ability to dash through the air which yeah it gets the job done but it hardly transforms the way Cal moves through these worlds for me I think it's exploration this game is held back by a fairly constrictive approach to level design very often it's unclear where this game wants you to go and so what you'll end up doing is opening your map which will tell you where the nearest door or climbable object is I don't want to be led by the nose but nor do I want to feel so disoriented that I need to rely on a map just to get my bearings a lot of that is to do with the fact that things you think you might be able to jump on or jump to or climb on or wall run on Etc you just can't Jedi Survivor is full of things like invisible walls or ledgers that stop you from using geometry in an organic way you can't creatively solve a jumping puzzle by using some part of the environment in a way that respawn did not intend there is one way to solve every traversal puzzle in one way only in any attempt to deviate from that path it's always met with failure foreign still I don't want to sound too down on all of this it's enough for me I enjoyed rolling through this I enjoyed going through the motions yeah my enjoyment ebbed and flowed for sure but overall it was fine one of the things that kept me motivated in all of this was the rewards economy incentivizing me to explore so I mentioned that you can unlock skill points sure you can also get some experience boys absolutely but the main thing you will get when you explore are Cosmetics there are a huge number of Cosmetics that you can collect and apply here in Jedi Survivor from haircuts to outfits to paint jobs to actual lightsaber components and to be clear these components do not have any stats on them they are just about making a cool looking lightsaber and get this scatter throughout the world are all these workbenches where you can customize your BD Droid your blaster and your lightsaber at first I was like surely these benches must eventually allow me to customize My lightsaber in such a way that I can improve its stats or whatever because why would you have all of these benches around if it was just to change the cosme medic appearance of a lightsaber that would be dumb right but no as I kept playing and unlocking more lightsaber components I would get excited when I would discover a new workbench because it was a chance for me to apply those components and to continue to refine my own personal lightsaber and this feature ended up being one of my favorite parts of the entire game I think it really speaks to just how much respawn understands Star Wars and the mind of a Star Wars fan because what other game has benches strewn about it that only allow you to customize the look of a weapon respawn know that to a Star Wars fan customizing the look of your own lightsaber is [Β __Β ] sick and they not only let you do that but they also made it the primary incentive for side content and exploration in this game that is a ballsy move and goddamn do I respect it you're not just customizing your own personal Cal doll though you're also collecting people okay probably could have waited that better but what I mean is that through your travels you'll meet various NPCs and if you choose to help them by doing side quests they'll agree to come back with you to your settlement on Kobo lending whatever skills they might have to your cause this opens up all sorts of side activities there from a stable yard where you can mount up and ride out to a rooftop garden where you can plant stuff to an auto chest style minigame to a DJ that takes requests none of this stuff gives you you any sort of gameplay enhancing bonus by the way there aren't new stats new moves or new upgrades that come from any of it it's just a thing you can do to sink deeper into the Star Wars universe and it's brilliant its Slice of Life stuff in the outer rim territories it's like Animal Crossing on Tatooine why hasn't someone made that yet I don't know but respawn robustly asking the same question so they basically made it here there are so many Thrills to be had in that main storyline so many heartfelt moments between characters so much to explore in these massive worlds but it's kind of nice to know that there's also all of these other little tiny details that respawn have focused on and the motivation isn't power-ups or like a level 15 lightsaber that does 2.7 more damage than the level 14 lightsaber it's just cool Star Wars [Β __Β ] that lets you Star Wars universe doing Star Wars things and that is [Β __Β ] rad gotta say if there's one area where I'm a little disappointed with Jedi Survivor it's the combat if you're clear respawn never over hyped it or failed to deliver anything they promised we played the last game and the combat was fine and if we expected anything different here then we really only have ourselves to blame because respawn we're not hyping up an all-new revitalized approach to combat or whatever but yeah I mean this is respawn right they make some of the best first person shooter Combat on the market in Titanfall and Apex it stands the reason that we should expect a similarly High bar from them when it comes to melee combat but that is definitely not the case combat a Jedi Survivor is by no means bad but it's also not good it's a perfectly serviceable accessible combat model that's going to work for casual Star Wars fans who don't play many games or for anyone who just wants to feel like a Jedi for 20 to 30 hours but anyone who's serious about melee combat games or anyone who's looking for a deeply flexible replayable combat model sadly I don't think you're going to find what you're looking for here similar to the rest of Jedi Survivor respawn has added things to the combat here without fixing or deepen the things that were already there there are now a total of five different combat stances single-handed dual wheeled double-bladed as well as the Blaster combo where you're running around with a lightsaber in one hand and a blaster in the other and finally there's the cross guard stance which is channeling kylo Ren's aggressive two-handed Bastard Sword style complete with cool little Jets kicking off the side of your lightsaber hilt so this is an impressive number of stances but the problem is that they're all pretty shallow and none of them connect to one another in any way there's really only one or two combos you can do within each stance you can unlock around three or four abilities within each stance but most of them are just kind of one and done type attacks rather than things that can be woven into a combo there are no combos or attacks that link you into another stance which would have been cool because that would have encouraged you to move between the stances more often in fact you can only have two stances equipped at any one moment and if you want to equip a new one you have to go back to either a meditation point or a workbench furthermore you only have a limited number of skill upgrade points to go around and you need to choose which stance you invest those in I think this was a really bad call from respawn given how shallow the move sets are for each of these stances it would have made sense to allow you to move between all of them freely with some kind of radial wheel or something but what will most likely happen is that you'll stick with one or two because that's all you can equip and that's why you've invested all your points and the other stances kind of just get forgotten I also think it would have been cool if these stances had more unique utility like the double-bladed style is really good for AOE attacks sure and the Blaster is really good for shooting flying enemies absolutely but outside of that the stances definitely lack distinctiveness I never once encountered a boss or a scenario and thought Oh I better equip this stance for this moment because that will work best all of the stances work as well as each other which is fine on one level but it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity one of the reasons why all of the stances work all the time is because combat never really demands much of you playing on the default difficulty it was very easy 95 of the time the only time it would get hard was against some of the creature bosses who for some reason just one shot you like that's it they just straight up one shot you and they have these really shitty animations and you know those boss enemies really do suck to be honest with you I think that speaks to a broader problem with the overall combat fundamentals here combat doesn't feel weighty enough enemy attack patterns aren't interesting to engage with the way things like animation pairing and hitbox detection work it's always prioritizing the spectacle of combat rather than the function of combat I never felt truly skillful while playing this game because the lack of combos abilities the shallow enemy design and the sloppy melee animations all men I was just kind of pressing buttons rather than trying to be more deliberate if you compare this to the likes of God of War or character action games like Bayonetta it is chalk and cheese but even more arcade style games like Hi-Fi Rush offer a significantly more interesting and rewarding combat experience than Jedi Survivor manages to hear foreign you know as I said at the top these shortcomings really don't bother me all that much I would like there to be a more free form approach to traversal and exploration but the fact that it's very restrictive is fine it's okay the combat it would have been nice if respawn had focused on what they had and made it better by fixing some of the core issues but again it's fine I really don't mind at all and that's because I'm really in this series for respawn's wonderful take on the Star Wars universe and I really hope that I've communicated just how much I love what respawn have done here with these characters this story these said pieces the slash of Life stuff the ability to craft my own lightsaber I mean I've said it multiple times but I'll say it again respawn really really get Star Wars they get it and it's so nice to just see them do their thing again and I am eagerly awaiting the next installment in this series because long mayor continued but this PC performance is horrific and just in case you had any doubts as I'm finalizing the script the game is launching on all platforms Steam Reviews are pouring in and the game is already sitting at mostly negative 23 with every negative review listing all the problems that I have detailed here in this review one review reads quote runs like my ass after Taco Bell end quote it certainly does random steam user it certainly does and I am [Β __Β ] over it it sucks being a PC Gamer and just constantly getting fed shitty Port after shitty Port being forced to wait weeks or months for fixes it's like a [Β __Β ] epidemic at this point an EA unfortunately are one of the worst offenders I mean look at Wild Hearts just recently and obviously a while before that Battlefield 2042 and can I just say this to finish I actually like what EA are doing with their non-sports portfolio they're making cool games with no micro transactions and they're doing interesting things and I support it I really do but they are arresting all of the momentum that these games could have had by putting them out broken and it seems like such a silly way to burn through all of the Goodwill that you are aiming to Foster with games like this delay them until they are ready to go that's it we are okay to wait just delay the game until he's finished because this ruined a game that I was excited for and technical issues aside having seen how much love and care has gone into this thing I really hate to say that I absolutely cannot recommend Star Wars Jedi Survivor all right so I recently had to make a trip to Melbourne to go Hands-On with the Legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom and along for the ride came this bad boy the all-new MSI stealth 14 Studio this thing is all new it's part of the MSI 2023 product refresh that I covered earlier this month I was one of the first people in Australia to get my hands on with it and yeah this thing is pretty nuts it gets most of its grunt from the RTX 40 series GPU this is among the first laptops to hit the market with the 40 series ringing with it the huge huge benefits of this generation of Graphics Hardware what are those benefits well on top of the raw processing power of 40 series gpus nvidia's latest gen Hardware also delivers DLS S3 technology which can massively increase your frames per second in any game that supports it deal assist 3 uses AI to interlace additional frames into those being rendered by your Hardware which can more than double or even triple your base frame rates sort of performance Headroom enables things like cyberpunk's new overdrive Ray tracing update which I covered earlier this month as well this is what's called Full Ray tracing and it's the most realistic rendition of Light Shadows and Reflections we've ever seen in a video game all of it enabled by and exclusive to nvidia's 40 series Hardware the MSI stealth 14 studio is able to take advantage of all that technology because it has a 40 series GPU but that's not all it's packing it's rocking the latest 13th gen core i7 Intel processor it has a Quad HD 240Hz screen ddr5 memory a pcie Gen 4 SSD and tons more all of this is supported by msi's Vapor chamber cooling providing industry-leading thermals allowing you to push even more performance out of all of this hardware and believe it or not MSI have managed to squeeze everything I have just described into a laptop that weighs 1.7 kilograms which is just insane this is true it's such a good laptop that I've actually asked MSI if I can take it to LA with me in June for the Summer Games first because I need something this powerful but also this portable allowing me to make content and play games on the Move while packing as light as possible Nvidia GeForce RTX 40 Series Laptops really are the ultimate play and if you want to get the best hardware the best technology like Ray tracing and deal assist 3 and the best build quality features and cooling than the MSI stealth 14 studio is for you click the link below to learn more thanks MSI and Nvidia for sponsoring the video and thank you for watching it foreign [Music]
Channel: Skill Up
Views: 1,176,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skill up, skill, up, gameplay, games, guide, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Review, jedi survivor, jedi survivor review, star wars jedi survivor, review, game review, star wars jedi survivor gameplay, star wars jedi fallen order, cal kestis, cal kestis poncho, video review, star wars jedi survivor walkthrough, jedi, koboh, open world games, game reviews, lightsaber, lightsaber duel, story mode, bd1, jedi survivor gameplay, jedi survivor cutscenes, jedi survivor part 1, ps5, xbox, pc, 4k
Id: 8pccDb9QEIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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