I 100%'d Pokemon The Indigo Disk, Here's What Happened

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I'm going to 100% Pokémon scarlet and violet the Indigo discs Pokedex become the champion of blueberry Academy beat every Quest and so much more our journey begins with meeting this crosseyed fellow I'm I'm Bobby mom anywh whoo this is director sirano of blueberry Academy and one of his students that being Carmen recommended me to be an exchange student at their school it looks nice and all but I can't help but think it used to be the prison complex from Andor with it being most mostly underwater this not all then appears stating that it's because it's attached to an undersea plant that develops natural resources meet Lacy a second-year student a member of the blueberry Academy's Elite 4 and plays hard to get she explains they specialize in double battles at the Academy then challenges me to an introductory fight little did she know I had a team of level 100s in my pocket and a ginormous blood moon URS saluna that filled most of the screen it was an easy Battle of course and I earned a blueberry Academy uniform for winning Lacy compliments my good looks then takes me to their terrarium this park under the sea has four biomes the subtropical Savannah Biome the tropical coastal biome the rugged Canyon biome and the snowy polar biome but best of all self checkout healing machines it's about time oh yeah and there's a core that lets us terize here yada yada yada I start to gather a team of terrarium native Pokémon since my party when I got here was way over leveled during my exploration I sat in on a class talking about Regional forms and am then tasked with catching an alol in Pokémon I go for this alolan muuk because of its amazing poison dark typing making it only weak to ground attacks I ended up with these six Pokemon Lacy gives an overview of blueberry Academy's BBQ's no not the delicious barbecues or the giant Barbed cues Squidward likes to hold they stand for blueberry quests that get you blueberry points in return afterwards Carmen calls me up she tells me to meet her at the central Dome and to not keep her waiting if I know what's good for me oh classic Carmen I head straight there to not keep the lady waiting where I find her talking to the most stiff person I've seen in my entire life like what's with her arms being stuck to her sides you have a freaking pocket watch in the year 2023 whatever Carmen let's have a reuniting battle and to my surprise they actually weren't kidding about the whole story being filled with double battles however her Pokémon are level 74 and mine aren't even close to that so of course I lose then grind them all up to level 70 they still have a ways to go and get intimidated right off the bat from midana but I think they can pull this off venoth isn't affected by the attack drop so he one- shots Miana with bug Buzz then Falls to a single beak Blast from tuanan Carmen continues to be annoying by weakening my muuk with he yet another intimidate Manon that being Scrafty at this point I had to pull Muk out temporarily in exchange for crocodile chansy was essentially death F since Carmen only had one special attacker but this gave Muk a safe way to rejoin the fight the brawl continues to get ugly with my crocodile getting crushed by Brick Break and Muk dumping a Gunk shot on the toucan I tralize my fly on next as does Carmen with her cjaa the attacks then go as follows Flygon using dragonclaw Sina stunt boring us back scray jabbing with ice punch and Muk throwing Gunk the turn after that fagon faints as do scray with it now being two versus one Tauros finishes the reunion with a Raging Bull triggering Carmen's anger once again are you kidding me what was this assignment too hard for you too who the heck was that you don't hear people yelling often in Pokemon wait a minute is that Kieran how come he looks so different and why is he being such a jerk Carmen says he hasn't been the same since their trip to kakami but her Exposition is interrupted by a fellow student named Drayton Carmen claims he's a bozo and that he's the worst which probably means he's actually a good guy in fact he used to be the strongest trainer at the blueberry Academy until Kieran took the champion title from him Drayton invites me into their league club describes how it operates and that he's an Elite 4 member himself Carmen however did not make the cut and I'm sorry but I'm not wearing this club uniform Drayton then invites me to have a cafeteria date with him a what hop in Daddy's new whip excuse me who's talking to me oh Carmen of course is jealous and tries to oneup Drayton by forcing me into my room alone with her there's something I need to tell you maybe I don't hate you as much as I thought okay I guess maybe I I even kind of like you a little I guess you might even kind of say that I like you a lot bros before ho Carmen while Drayton and I were chilling the rest of the Elite Four entered the cafeteria Kieran was asked by Drayton to join him here to force him into a conversation with me huh Andrew how did you not see me sitting right here Kieran anyways I guess I'm actually not technically a real member of The League yet until the Elite 4 and Champion vote on it Lacy and the other girl are being sticklers voting against me joining the club thankfully the boys including Kieran outnumber them and kierin has more Authority than them all since he's the president for example the front desk wouldn't register me until Kieran stepped in to tell her to do otherwise although Kieran is creeping me out with his smile he must really want me to defeat the Elite Force so we can have our first rematch since kakami i' go challenge crisen first since he seemed to be the lowest rank of the four unlike typical Pokémon leagues all need to complete their Elite trial first in order to earn the chance to battle them yet they're as childish as ever as I'm tasked with Gathering ingredients for a Spicy sandwich in order to get set ingredients I have to beat the crap out of little children to force them to hand over the goods sick of my team being underleveled I decided after beating crisen I was going to recreate my team with mons that actually have Synergy with each other for now I continued the grind of trading ingredients with the resident trainers until I had everything I needed to make The Spicy sandwich and to be honest I can't remember the last time I made a meal in this game I think I did it once and that was when the game came out over a year ago the controls are whack and the animation is even worse I know you didn't take a bite Crispen by some miracle I actually somehow passed then begin the battle with Crispen hold up he's cooking two fire types immune to ground attacks he has a full team of six Pokemon and they have held items that's sick this league is a lot more legit than I ever thought it would be I'm going to need a new team right now unfortunately most of my mods I've been using lately are level 100 that would take away the fun deep in my box though I found my team I used back in the first competitive season of Pokémon scarlet and violet and they were all well below the average trainer level here the only substitute I made was replacing vivalon with an event distributed Grim snarl I then trained them all up to to level 70 which was still seven below chrisman's starting Duo but I was confident in my competitively trained team I commanded harama to fake out Talon flame flinching them and burning Us in the process rhm tried to stop whatever araro was up to but it was too late the orangutan sets up trick room now for the next four turns my slower underleveled Pokémon would move first on top of that hariyama's burn status doubles his attack power thanks to their guts ability thus one rock slide knocks out Talon flame and then he gets rock slide again because of aaro's instruct which prompts my fighting type to attack again the same turn Crispen continues to show that the blueberry Elite 4 are no pushovers when he summons his exeggutor which proves even more how well balanced their teams are compared to the average Pokémon League that Desert Palm tree retaliates with s shock obliterating my harama with a single attack well it's a good thing I brought my own fire type Toral to burn crispin's exeggutor to a Chris sure my tortoise gets knocked out right after from cam Up's Earth power but they fulfilled their Duty mudsdale put out the rest of my fire opponents with high horsepowers one for each one of them slamming them back into crispin's pokeballs winning us the first battle of the Elite 4 yo Champ in the making ah I see Drayton has been playing Pokémon red or blue lately he then congratulated me then I was off to the next Elite 4 member Ameris not going to lie I'm afraid she's going to smack me with a toost when I least expect it her Elite trial was a lot simpler and when a lot faster all I had to do is fly through some rings with maridon thank the heavens it's not like Ogre atin from the teal mask although I do wish the controls were inverted anyhow Ameris checks her archaic pocket watch then begins our battle knowing she specialized in steel types I led with lilligant and toal this time the ladder sets up the sun when brought into battle which doubles lilligant speed thanks to her chlorophyll ability with her new found quickness she uses the move after you on her buddy tal to well go right after her this normally is a busted strategy but unfortunately Skarmory has the ability sturdy and dug Trio is holding a focus sash leaving them both at 1 HP toal then almost died to the earthquake we can use eruption one more time to get rid of them but we'll have to switch to Heatwave later since eruptions Powers based off of current HP Scizor is quad weak so they faint of course but so does my lilligant from the Empoleon Ice Beam with her gone my twal is back to being a Slowpoke so I have him protect this turn while raro twisted our Di Ion with trick room giving too his speed Advantage again I thought this meant too was going to pull off two heat waves in a single turn however amaris's Reuniclus was slower than a raro which meant they attacked with psychic before my monkey could instruct tal mdal would then KO andon but then suffered a psychic Blast from Reuniclus my trusty steed's held item is life orb which makes attacks 30% more powerful in exchange for 10% of HP after each use so when she High horsepower the green blob to zero she went went down as well no worries though hariyama's close combat is super effective against Metagross winning us the battle Drayton congratulates me again and Kieran appears as well to make sure I hadn't gotten weaker will you stop smiling like that Lacy was up next along with her Elite trial being a quiz nerd actually she's adorable look at her wiggling her fingers at the Pikachu wiggle wiggle wiggle her questions are relatively simple ranging from pointing out ven's radar eyes finding the difference with an antique sin keeping track of minor and what part of grund bull she uses as a pillow now to see if I can impress her with my battling skills instead of leading tol with lilligant like last time I went with the raro to set up the trick room right away except for some reason I was being dumb and didn't protect toal the first turn leaving him wide open to be struck by a stomping tantrum from grandbull weakening eruption not to mention the light screen whimsic got placed earlier well trick room's up now so Lacy's mons are screwed now tol bariz now double Heatwave attack miss you miss how could you miss he was 3 ft in front of you that was terribly unlucky Grand bull survives because of it and knocks out my Terra after only one use I work with the remaining trick room turns I have getting revenge with harama and flinching free Marina in the process Garian slow bro is lac's fourth Mon and she don't give an f about trick room their quick drawability if Lucky can proc slow bro to attack first no matter what after taking out primarina Slowbro also one-shotted harama with psychic who then gets a power increase from Al's decorate support move so rather than prioritizing trick room since it expired I shifted lilligant to die in hariyama's place then have a raro expel slow bro with a super effective foul play with Lacy's biggest threat gone I have harama sacrifice himself with fake out to enable orang raro to set up a second trick room then I bring in mudsdale to wipe out the rest of them with high horsepowers three down one to go did you see our Pokémon battling it out um yes I was there remember they were so cute even for me you're the cutest Lacy nope wrong we're not talking about me we're talking about my Pokémon dang she shut me down quick at least I got Carmen as a backup girlfriend hey Drayton bye Drayton hello again Drayton you're the last Elite Four member so what's the trial I can only use Pokémon that were caught in the terrarium I have to defeat three trainers with the B team this is going to take forever oh only two Pokemon I take that back this is a cakewalk especially the second and third trainers who both got demolished by a single earthquake in just one turn before I knew it the fight with Drayton was on and I had the A Team back in the party now if I wasn't lazy I would have put an ice type on the squad but we got this lilate and tol both have poor matchups to dragon types so they're just here to kick things off freaking Dragonite though has extreme speed hitting toal before lilin could help with after you flag on fire punches and she's out of there araro comes in to do the whole song and dance of trick room while toal protects but once again Dragonite don't care about no trick room with extreme speed at least Flygon died from the next eruption Drayton sends in KRA after that to which I pull back tol cuz that seahorse quad resists fire now harama has something even faster than extreme speed fake out so long jump now take out kingro with close combat and septile to a nuts they survived almost had it Harry Yama but you fought well for us we'll let their own Hackus be dumb and kill off the grass starter for us with earthquake now who's your Ace Drayton Arch audon the bridge Pokemon looks like he's in pain sure go boost your special attack too will demolish you with earth powers completing our challenge of the blueberry Elite 4 took you a while to beat the Elite 4 kind of slow for you isn't it that's it I will not be mocked by some kid who couldn't even hold his own back in kakami let's do this right now winner gets the title of blue Berry champion before we start Kieran Rambles on about how all of his training and path to becoming the champion was to get revenge on me right here right now Dragonite and poly toad huh that's a pretty good lead however my toal is the slowest meaning his harsh son cancels out poly Toad's rain and just in case you get any tricky ideas for rain later on I'll pull out my tal for now lant dissect the frog with leaf storm no you missed and now you're dead because is a poly toad sunny weather ball well that harsh son really came back to bite me how do you like that see how hard I've trained not like the K you battled in kakami huh all right Plan B harama fake out to protect a raro so she can set up the trick room now double Rockside with the power of a raro instruct watch out for that Ice Beam hang in there you've got to be freaking kidding me Kieran uses the most broken doubles Pokémon of all time incar this kid really does mean business harama I I need you at full power let's bring in mudsdale ooh that's not good oh no that's really not good harama come back come back I don't want to find out what that cat is capable of and polyon is even assisting with a helping hand use close combat right now yes let's freaking go orang raro use instruct harama close combat again that's what I'm freaking talking about okay who's next ah Grim snarl and Porygon Z Kieran commands the former to put up a reflect but that won't be enough to save Porygon from a close combat now let's see what you've saved for last Kieran H drapple how fitting okay we're out of trick room and he has two mons weak to fery so let's bring my own shiny Grim snarl well mine is also weak to fairy so that Spirit Break hurt pretty bad after hydrael talized into a fighting type Grim snarl is also fairy type of making them immune to their fickle beam hello again trick room the following turn I mean to double attack with Spirit break but I messed up my instruct because the raro is slower meaning she moved first causing it to fail at least the monkey lived and Grim snarl pulled off a punch this turn we continue going back and forth with the foul plays Terra blasts and spirit breaks until my Grim snarl faints this looks like an excellent time for my Terra boosted toal eruptions again it's over Kieran I am the new champion of the blueberry Academy Kieran you okay dude you look like you just got obliterated from a Yu-Gi-Oh match way to go both of you that was awesome chrisen read the room would you why but I do wrong drton gives me a master ball as a reward Kieran is still mumbling to himself and Lacy states that if I stay as Champion krispen will be knocked out of the Elite Four how ever were Saved by the Bell from Lacy's Logistics talk with the announcement that a few of us needed to see Miss Brier she's inviting us four to go with her on an expedition to area zero to investigate the teral phenomenon and hopes to find the legendary Pokémon Terra pegos straon chickens out Kieran failed to obtain ogre Pon for himself last time so he's definitely in and of course Carmen is going if I am GA and ra also made a brief appearance to hand me the Indigo disc which was provided by a researcher and investor some time ago anywh who together we travel back to Pala and enter area zero Miss Brier's Violet book mentions depths that go even deeper than the encounters I had with professors Sada and Toro since I'm the only one with experience traversing this area I lead the way down to as far as I've been before the door into the lab however has been locked ever since I saved POA over a year ago it's a good thing I'm the main character with plot armor and the Indigo disc I literally just got 5 seconds ago voila the door is opening albeit with some bad frame rate nevertheless Le we're in it's way too dark in here I just smacked my head on something meanwhile Miss Brier is obsessed with going down down you say this elevator just keeps going further and further down that's what elevators do wow I didn't know that I just you're telling me now for the first time make fun of her all you want but that Indigo disc did bring us far deeper than any destination I've been to in area zero furthermore these big crystals are blocking our progress of delving deeper into the caves Miss Brier says we need to neutralize nearby teral energy like from that glamora in order to progress further what makes it different is it possesses the Stellar Tera typing a talization that gives an attack boost for every type once per type per battle however it has no defensive benefits as you can see here taking care of that glamora eliminated the huge crystals blocking our path thus continuing our journey downward more crystals appear in our way which means more stellar te to Pokémon to eliminate we go through this process a few times face a few different opponents and even miss Brier apologizes that I'm doing all the work no you're not I'm being exploited for child labor Carmen tries to defend herself claiming to fend off wild Pokémon but I'm not buying it a few minutes later we made it to the end and what lied at the bottom of the depths was a Zelda rupe Kieran darts at it and begins pulling seeing it as his only way to beat me Andrew has everything I've Ever Wanted he's got strong Pokémon can go anywhere is friendly has a girlfriend I'm trying to find a girlfriend back issues depression wait Kieran don't do it you don't want everything I have he even has you sis don't forget your [Applause] mom Briar's book confirms this Crystal is Terra pegos it begins reacting floats into the air then transforms into its Turtle form oh aw what a cute little guy you're mine well that wasn't fair but whatever you caught it and he's yours now Kieran then immediately challenges me to a Pokemon battle with terap pegos as his only party member you sure you want to do this kid okay Kieran wonders how he could have lost with a legendary Pokémon and Brier actually has an answer his terrestrial energy output is far too low what Kieran should have done was talize it so he gives it a go bright colorful crystals emerge from its body indicating teros is now in its fully awakened form he also Broke Free from kieran's control and attacks the boy then For Better or Worse maridon saves him Kieran tries to retrieve terap pagos but the attempt is in vain and breaks his master ball we're in serious danger now so it's up to Carmen and I to save us Kieran is being absolutely useless oh hold on Carmen sin jaw is now dead I'm on my own the rest of the encounter is very routine mudsdale puts terap pegos in place with a Terra powerered High horsepower terpos then absorbs mudsdale Tera energy mid battle and a few turns later my horse regains her talization breaking Terra pegos once again halfway through Kieran overcomes his doubts then with a power of teamwork and a few revives to just get this over with kieran's Dragonite performs the finishing move shrinking terap pegos back to its basic form while he was doing that I prepped a Premier Ball so that way Kieran doesn't steal the legendary from me again successfully catching the treasured Pokémon we were now safe and sound but Carmen's anger needed to blame someone I mean Miss Brier would have been held responsible if we died so I guess she has a point on our way back to Blueberry Academy Kieran and I finally made up and ran back to school as the sun set what a transition to the post game director sirano and what a load of work you're shoving on to me he want wants me to start inviting special coaches to the blueberry Academy at the vast price of 200 BP for each visit first of all why do I have to pay for them to come over here second this is going to take one heck of a grind having to rematch all of these trainers and third it's not over when you beat them all you get for winning is some lame prize and the realization you have to do something else that's something else being reinviting them three separate times to have three different conversations with them going need more bp not to mention there's an entire support board that's hungry for BP as well along with four biome upgrades that are necessary to add starters to the terrarium and the true secret boss on my way out I ran into amaris who gave maridon the permanent ability to fly in order for us to attempt more flying time trials there were four courses of varying difficulties ranging from easy to super hard I'll just skip straight to the ladder because you all didn't click this video to watch me complete a stupid mini game for 15 minutes also the flying feels a little slow so let's speed things up the controls were a little whack at first because they were set to normal rather than inverted while the camera itself felt inverted I changed the setting after a failed attempt but even with that fix I would get stuck if my character was ever at the wrong angle left would become right right would become left then they'd reverse again it's frustrating as heck and even cost me a fail once somehow on this attempt though I recovered and still beat the super hard course now where was I ah yes the grind for BP I teamed up with three strangers from Discord because doing quests together online would rack up points much faster completing enough blue quests would unlock red quests some of which forced me to do things I've never done in a Pokémon game before like washing your Pokémon I didn't even know this was a feature until now during my grind I came across this NPC who gave me the power to synchronize with my Pokémon this looks cool at first but all you do is fight in place of Auto battles I mean don't get me wrong I love the idea of controlling my favorite Pokémon as much as the next guy just wish there was more to it anyways back to earning some BP hey look a shiny what I was going to say next is completing enough red quests would unlock gold quests such as finding five ditto blocks scouting these little purple buggers out felt torturous at times because they could be anywhere anything for 600 points though am I right I preferred the easier ones that would give each player a hint of a certain Pokémon to catch but also hated the really annoying ones like making sandwiches as a group over 4 hours of grinding later I had attained enough to upgrade the biomes then got back to inviting special coaches three visits from each one would instigate a trade for a Pokémon that wore a partner ribbon showing it had once belonged to a great trainer these trades filled out the rest of their profiles which also gave them a gold outline around their picture this process would also spark interesting conversations in the league clubroom Crispen once tried asking out my girl Lacy but his nerves got the best of him grusa then confronted iono stating her older content was better hold on did they put my hardcore nuzlock viewers in this DLC for real though sometimes it's just healthy not to read the comments I continue visiting and trading then unlock more coaches over time I earn a gold border for each of them but some coaches are still missing however it happened to be enough to un lock the secret final boss named saffron who turns out to be director Sano now after all those special coach battles my whole party had almost reached level 100 so for this finale I wanted to use the team I had first entered the blueberry Academy with I really wanted to face Kieran with ogre paon but this will have to do you may be wondering why the heck did I bring a Clefairy to this final battle don't let that fairy shrimp fool you Clefairy is one of the best support Pokemon to exist in this game with the move follow follow me she can redirect attacks towards her while ogre Pon lays down the hammer Ivy cudgel unfortunately this turn ZKA and mandibuzz attacked with bulldo and snarl respectively spread attacks that ignore redirection however with clef's friend guard ability ogre Pon receives 25% less damage then on the next turn my ogre smashes the zebra to dust followed by Clefairy aiming a heal pulse at her restoring them back to full health ogron then proceeded to smash mandibuzz again this time knocking them out later U joined the fry to watch samuro to get their life sucked out of them by a horn Leach then made a move himself searching striking and Bor to zero HP Gothel suffered the same fate from ogre Pon for not leaving her swamp and U finished off the director by koing his Tera Rock Superior with a couple Critical Hits Sano names me the blueberry King which I like the sound of then offers a trade of his own another freaking shiny Blitzle you're kid kidding me I just caught one of those 5 seconds ago and that's the free shiny the game gives me whatever I'll chat anyone with a yellow speech bubble for now to find out what to do next I searched throughout the academy until I found this old man just chilling outside once again I was rewarded for completing all those quests I had spent hours on this man rewards me with 25 different treats to seek out 25 legendary Pokémon in the terrarium that actually reminds me I never covered When Miss Brier wanted a word with me after our Expedition so let's focus on this legendary related task right now she wrote a book about our discoveries but omitted our names from it you're giving me no credit for risking my life and I gave myself extra credit she gives me a copy of her book yadada yada yada go to the crystal pool in kakami fine I'll do it for terap pegos looks like he wanted to flex his Stellar talization here or something totally different is this another robot created by the AI from area zero no this professor turo is the real deal except terap pegos brought him from the past which makes sense because he's dead now I don't tell him that of course but we do talk about his son Arvin and I show him the book Miss Brier wrote turns out she's a descendant of the author of the original Violet book shows how much I pay attention anyways we exchange books then bid each other farewell as he's taken back to the past well that brought about more questions than answers so I'm just going to focus on what I do best by filling out the rest of the Pokedex beginning with the starters I continued this along with trading version exclusives which eventually got me the Pokedex entry reward metal alloy when given to duraludon the dragon evolves into its new evolution form Arch audon speaking of dragons I taught a dipin of Mine Dragon cheer that I got for beating Drayton a while back evolving my harmless candy apple into Hydra Apple the starters were the only ones left that needed to be leveled up and what the heck happened to venusaur's face you're a Mean One Mr Grinch that nearly completes my entire blueberry Pokedex with the exception of four missing entries near the end of it I got a feeling we're going to need some help from perin who recently got a job here as a photographer after catching 200 Pokémon for the terrarium decks paren says I've earned myself a hot tip from her ooh yes baby photos why did I get my hopes up looks like their new Paradox Pokémon back in area zero well back to this old stink again to find Pokémon from the future the first of the two being iron Crown I show this robotic Cobalion who's boss and catch it shortly after I dive deep into Pal's crater and search for the second one and before you know it I run into iron Boulder nothing new here caught it in a matter of minutes I show parin in hopes of impressing her but she comments how built they are hey I can give you a man like that if you want she ignores me and hands over a sport ball instead can't blame a guy for trying at least I was finally able to complete the blueberry Pokedex by trading over the ancient paradoxes it's funny because Sano congratulates me on catching all 240 species in the terrarium when four of them were in fact in Pala nonetheless I earned the mark charm and a diploma certifying my great feat now if only I can figure out the missing coaches turns out I never finished all my classes in Violet in Scarlet I got them all done but I didn't want to go through it all again for the lousy reward of five medium rare candies well I ended up doing it again and unlocked everyone save for three that are locked behind events Just One Last side quest remained before catching legendaries helping these two nerds out back at pdea's Academy huh that's giak and this is Arie I'm sure that was obvious where your clothes at Ortega and attakus also look a lot different trying to behave at school since they missed a lot of of school during their rebellious days I'm here to help tutor them in preparation for makeup tests Mela comes around as well but even without her ginormous boots she's walking like she still has them on boots are for walking Penny drops by as well to help me teach them to show their thanks they gave me some teamstar swag including this helmet to cover up my dumb haircut however the outfit I wanted the most was drayton's so I rematched him with my ogre Pond and Clefairy lead swept his entire team and put on the luxurious black and gold tracksuit now finally on to the legendaries I'm only going to cover one of the 26 because this method was so whack I saw so many people trying to figure it out online and I got to give credit to the community for figuring this out you have to spin 10 to 20 seconds in this exact area in the midst of a whirlwind of leaves finish the spin while facing this direction pull out the camera switch to the sepia filter then listen [Music] turn around 180° and there's Meloetta jeez how did anyone figure that out my other question is why is Lugia just big chilling in the middle of the sea anyways that's how I 100% in Pokémon scarlet and violet the Indigo disc if you made it this far why not support the video by liking it and subscribing to the channel then there's my Instagram for more personal supplements content you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 420,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet and violet dlc, pokemon scarlet and violet gameplay, can i beat pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet and violet 100%, pokemon the indigo disk, pokemon the indigo disk 100%, pokemon scarlet and violet indigo disk, can i beat pokemon the indigo disk, pokemon indigo disk gameplay, pokemon indigo disk trailer, pokemon the indigo disk review, pokemon the indigo disk dlc
Id: Z-o7bph_za8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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