Pokemon Sword But I Can Only Use SHINY Pokemon!

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Pokémon sword has some of the coolest Chinese out there they may not learn any cool new moves or even have better stats but they look amazing well maybe not all of them shinies may be super hard to find but I'm up for the challenge I wanted to see if I could glide through galar using only shiny Pokémon with a formidable list of added rules to push my team of creatively colored creatures to their Max can we shine brightly or will our glow fade let's find out I made my way to the starter Pokémon and with the help of a couple mods I was able to hunt for a shiny starter I chose to look for a groi and finding this bright green monkey was no easy task it took me over 22 hours and 3,100 encounters but it was all worth it as I finally found myself a shiny groi who I called lime and as I took on hop in battle I got to see lime in battle for the first time and boy does this guy look great that wulu stood no chance this was one of my longest shiny hunts ever so if you support me not touching grass please leave a like on the video and subscribe my first big challenge in Milo has me facing a grass type team and as his Elder Gus Breaks the Rules of This nuzlock by dynamaxing I'd need a few upgrades before taking it on flying type Pokémon are the perfect counter to the first gym leader and who better to hunt for than a rooky d so I spent the next 13 yeah 13 hours and over 6,000 Encounters in this stupid patch of grass until I finally found this yellow cutie who I caught and called Emerald as I've already spent over 40 hours on this run you'd think I'd be super careful with my Pokémon and I tried but completely forgot about this hop battle which could absolutely ruin my run I took him on super underleveled and although Wu wasn't much of a challenge his rookie D would be a different story I tried tanking a super effective Peck but I was outsped and hits hard while scratch barely hurts him I knew I had to swap out into emerald and although he looks a in battle he was crit right off the bat I then got hit by yet another critical hit Peck right after and was left at just three Health while once again my Peck did nearly no damage I thought it was already going to be the end of Emerald's Journey as I had to stay in here but for some reason he went for a Lear letting me get off yet another Peck I thought this could be it as I swept out into lime and saw him go for yet another Lear and another one too this let me get off a scratch but he survived on Health hop then gave him a potion but just kept learing every single turn letting me eventually take it out at minus four defense and 13 Health yep it's not looking good subel was sent out and I crossed my fingers as he went for a bind but thankfully I was left at just 5 Health my Branch poke wasn't able to KO but that's when his bind hit me for residual damage and left me at literally one Health and while he could have ended my nuzlock on the next turn he growled which let me score the KO with another hit holy I should not have won that battle it was time to buff up my Pokémon after injecting my team with a couple of completely legal substances lime evolved into this banana look aik of a thy and emerald gained a ton of extra Swag by evolving into this emo corvisquire now this is a team that's worthy of facing Milo he sent out a gosur while I led with Emerald although I forgot to heal her up before the fight I was not worried as G FL Took a ton of damage from a pluck and Rapid spin really didn't hurt Milo sends out his Dynamax Dela gust next and my pluck did a shockingly low amount of damage while his max overgrowth actually hits hard I was able to go for one more pluck but igos was just way too powerful and I knew I had to swap out into lime he was thankfully way tankier and Max Sil growth only did 10 damage and while he missed his first hit double hits did a surprisingly good amount of damage and as El the GH chose to select his worst move and go for a leafage it was clear to see how this battle would end and just like that I had earned my first gem badge although nissa's water types would be a much easier challenge I had some business to attempt to First yo we should totally steal that old guy's bike what I would never get out of here team star so anyways after stealing that old guy's bike I was confident I could wipe the floor with the second gym leader and I don't know what FY sticks are made of but I wouldn't be surprised if they were knives seeing as how easily he sliced through nessa's team while the water type gym would be the easiest in this run Cabo's team of fire types would be the complete opposite and what better way to buff up my team than looking for my next encounter but I don't think I'm ready quite yet Ah that's much better with an outfit like this I was sure to attract a Shiny Pokemon with these I mean who wouldn't want to join this guy's party if there's one Pokémon I've always wanted to try it's colossal well I was thankfully a bit luckier while searching for this guy because after around 6 hours and 2,900 encounters I found myself a shiny roly KY I caught him and called him grass but this was just the beginning as it would go on to evolve into this bluish mine cart now that I've already caught three awesome shinies let me know what you think my team's name theme is in the comments down below and also tell me who your favorite shin and galar is okay okay enough playing around let's see how my battle against kabo went he led with nine tals while I sent out grass and while he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed quick attack was Next Level stupid as he only managed to get in three damage Before ice struck back hard with rock blast he then charged up a powerful quick attack which didn't even scratch grass as I went for yet another rock blast which actually struck four times and let me Knuck up C the ninet tales basically unharmed Arcanine came out next and while his intimidates would have been a big issue I just swept out into lime who easily tanked a bite and as I swept back into grass Arcanine went for a willow wisp which grass is of course immune to and I was basically back to full strength arcanine's bites actually hit really hard and I was left at just half Health after the second bite but by some Stroke of Luck Rock blast hit five times and I managed to knock it out in a single hit senta Scorch was last up and although he's quite weak to rock this would not be an easy battle by any means Max flutter bite hit grass for a ton of damage and his oreberry really didn't do much to help here Rock blast did thankfully hit three times and after the next Max flutter by struck back super hard I ended up missing the next move and in the blink of a night this battle had taken a turn for the worst I knew I could no longer stay in so I swept out into Emerald while Santa Scorch managed to get off a Critical Hits nearly koing him his Dynamax did thankfully wear off on the next turn though and with the power of Emerald's super effective pluck I was able to somehow scrape off a win here and my third gallerian gym badge with three badges under my belt I was now able to find a bunch of new and awesome Pokémon to hunt for and after a quick pep talk from my fashion inspiration I was confident that the next hunt would be a little faster the fourth gym leader baa has a team of absolute tanks that my current rust would not stand a chance facing so knowing that I decided to hunt for one of my personal favorite gallerian Pokémon a yam mask now this route also had a bunch of other amazing Pokémon I could find so I'd be happy no matter what but after around 3,500 encounters and nearly 7 and 1/2 hours I found myself a shiny M mask I caught it and called it booms slang my team welcomed the new find with a lot of Joy so much so that lime evolved into this grassy gorilla grass just heard his own name and that made him evolve too and this big boy would be my absolute savior later on in this run now yam mask's Evolution method in Pokemon Sword is uh interesting to say the very least after torturing my little ghoul in the wild it evolved into this absolute stunner of Aruna Ruez and with a team like this the next gym challenge was going to be a walk in the park or so I thought this was actually my first time playing Pokémon sword so I had actually prepared myself to fight Alistair instead of Bea Bea sends out hit M up while I led with boom slang as he doesn't have any moves that could hit me this was a free Koo pangoro's night slash however would really hurt so I swept into Emerald to tank the blow but he actually went for a workup instead which was not good news my drill Peck however did hit him hard and although his night slash was a heavy hitter my Citrus Berry came in clutch here as I take him out with half of my health remaining next up was Sir Sur fetched and after a quick stall I got off a drill Peck dealing good damage he chose the Swords Dance on the next turn and that let me take it out unharmed herat champ was out next and after dynamaxing any hits from it would be deadly so I swapped out into colossal who tank the blow with ease I was sure he'd go for a fighting move next so I swept out into boomslang and this was the perfect choice as he took no damage at all I then did one final swap out to avoid a gmax move and finally sent in boom slang to end this battle off once and for all with half of galar's Gym badges secured Emerald finally gave in and evolved into this absolute Beast of a corvite uh why is there a kid under the bronzong I'm trying to see if it has a button that makes it Go dingdong like a doorbell uh what is that anyways after making it through this absolute fever dream of a forest I took on the fifth gym leader and then the wallpaper started with Whispering secrets about the basement it knows too much oops wrong house well after auditioning for opal's talent show I finally took her on and it was time for Carbonite to shine literally I hit wheezing with a powerful steel wing while fairy wind in return did less than 10 damage while moell was sent out as my next foe I swept into grass to get up a flame wheel but after Mel's iron defense it didn't do much damage at all to be fair Mel's crunches were even less effective so I still managed to get the upper hand here Togekiss was up next so I hit her with a rock blast and while it only hit twice it still did some great damage and after absolutely Rising opal up I have got to hit her with another rock blast and finish off her Togekiss okay let's pretend that never happened I was really scared staying in as herl creamy gigantamaxed into this Mega wedding cake but still decided to go for a rock blast and thankfully I did as it hit four times dealing loads of damage while I somehow tanked her hit with ease my next Rook blast only hit twice but once again her gmax hit was lackluster so I just kept spamming Rock blast until this battle was over and done with and that's the story of how I got my sixth gym badge look I know I beat opal and all but I didn't mean to make her go crazy is she looking for snacks in bead's hair what is going on while opal may not have been much of a challenge Gordy would be a different story he led with barbaracle while I sent out lime's newly evolved form for the first time and not only does this guy look sick but he's one hell of a base too as barbaracle was knocked out in just one hit chuckle did kind of worry me though so I sent out boom slang to tank the rockt and that was definitely the right choice as she literally only took three damage struggle bug hit loads harder this time dealing a whooping four damage so although I didn't hitch very hard either it wasn't long before Shuckle was knocked out I honestly wasn't sure how I'd Faire against Stone Stone Jer but after he set up a wonder room I was relieved to see it got knocked out in just one bulldo last but definitely not least was his gigantamax colossal and while bulldo did an insane amount of damage on the Beast I really didn't have a safe choice to swap out into because of his max flare so although I was hoping to outspeed after bulldo dropped his defense it just didn't happen and unfortunately boom slang was knocked out you did great buddy the only Pokemon not weak to fire at this point was grass well that's ironic so as I sent him out to go for a rock blast he struck first and did some okay damage but got hit like a truck by gmax Vali grass was thankfully faster than colossal at this point and helped me win this battle Ander my sixth gy badge after the sad sad loss of booms slang I was heartbroken and I was barely even able to defeat the likes of hop there was no way my team would even stand a chance of facing Pierce and his dark types at the seventh gym so after accidentally walking in on this dreadn serenade go dreadn show us your best Splash are you guys seriously cheering for a while dadna yeah we're hoping he'll join team yel and give us swimming lessons well the only thing I'd be swimming in is my tears after losing boom slang but enough feeling bad for myself I think it's time for yet another shiny hunt this Mission took me over 10 hours and around 5,000 encounters until I finally found myself this awesome shiny moreni who I cut and called cucumber its pinkish color scheme looks great but suits this tox Apex even better with four sick shinies on my team I felt confident taking on the seventh gym leader here we go Pierce he led with Scrafty while I sent out cucumber I started off by going for a baneful bunker which poisoned the scray he then hit me with a payback which really didn't hurt but after scr's intimidate neither did my liquidation now that scray had taken some serious damage I swapped out into Emerald on the next turn and easily finished him off with a Drill Pack Malamar was my next Foe and while his Foul Play did some decent damage my drill Peck did around a third of its Health in return but after malamar's third Foul Play I was left on just 25 Health but that didn't matter as I was able to knock it out right after next up was Pierce's obstagoon so I sent out cucumber to tank a throat chop and she did with ease I then of course hit him with a banful bunker leaving him poisoned and after 10 ining another throw chop I struck back with a liquidation dealing around three damage but that was okay as after stalling through another two turns obstagoon was left at under half health I then swept out into grass who I thought would absolutely destroy the obstagoon with a rock blast and although that didn't happen poison damage helped me secure the KO last up was his scun tank so I swept out into cucumber literally just to stall and after scun tank ran out of Sucker Punch PP I sent out grass to finish the job and while one hit wasn't quite enough to ko. the next hit was and with Pierce out the way I only had one more gem challenge left to go but rhon would be no easy feat not even one of my Pokemon would be able to hurt Deron in any meaningful way not to mention his powerful Flygon it was clear I'd need a little extra help if I wanted to stand a chance against rayhon so I had to take some Extreme Measures here after Excavating a couple of fussel I started my hunt for a shiny Draco Alt and while I got super lucky it still took me over 8 hours and 2,200 encounters until I finally found a shiny Draco Al I was really excited to add this guy to my party and I called him bamboo I thought this guy would be my team savior but this couldn't be further from the truth after taking on ryon's gym trainers I realized that bamboo just wasn't as good as I imagined him to be with a subpar move pool and a terrible speed stat I backed out of the last gym Challenge and made my way to glimwood tangle a shiny random Pokémon sword just wouldn't make sense without hunting here I mean every encounter here is absolutely insane and I would be happy with anything although I really would want a morr well after around 3,500 encounters I finally saw some sparkles as I found myself a shiny hat tram I caught her and called her Amazon although she wouldn't become that Majestic Grim snarl I was hoping for her fairy typing would be a Saving Grace when facing ryon's dragon types she evolved into this beautiful hatterene and with the likes of dazzling gleam and psychic in her move set it was time to take on my final gym battle rhon led with fly gun and gigalith while I sent out my pretty pink Partners into battle I of course LED with a baneful bunker with cucumber to poison Flygon and counter its Thunder Punch while I had Flygon hard with a dazzling gleam almost kooing it and gigalith took some decent damage too Flygon struck first on the next turn and hits Amazon really hard but I wasn't too worried as cucumber's liquidation did loads of damage on the gigalith and dazzling gleam almost koed it too but I was actually happy it didn't KO because as sandaconda was sent out I could send in emerald and lime and although this left Emerald pretty low it was just what I needed as on this turn I was able to KO both sandaconda and gigalith and take on jodon on a straight 2v one I swop out into cucumber in fear of a one hit KO and emerald and as Deron gigantamaxed it actually struck lime and hit it hard I was able to get off a screech to lower its defense in return though one more hit would have been the end of lime so I had to swap out once again this time sending Emerald back out and he thankfully tanked a Max Steel Spike with ease once again though I was vulnerable and had to send out grass in place of emerald and thankfully Deron targeted cucumber letting me get the free swapan at this this point duron's gmax was over but he still nearly koed grass with a critical hit Stone Edge but with his lower defense I was able to hit him down low too I had to do one last swap in here and I guess bamboo did come in handy as he tanked the Stone Edge well and surprisingly it was actually cucumber who finished this battle off with one last liquidation and just like that I had earned my eighth and final gy badge with a team full of awesome shiny Pokémon the only thing standing in the way of me becoming champion was Winden stadium and while Mar's team of poison types would have been a real threat earlier on in this run Amazon psychic typing paired with Emerald steel typing made this pedal an absolute walk in the park now you'd think after battling me countless times throughout this run he'd have improved significantly and come up with a strategy to destroy me nope dynamaxing just isn't going to be enough to beat me hop well that was fast well while oana and her big bag of garbage tried to stop me from foiling Rose's ear evil plans Emerald was not having any of it and absolutely destroyed her with a couple of Steel wings and H well as his team is full of fairy types this battle really wouldn't be a struggle for Emerald either bead leads with a M while but I actually sent out grass first because I had a plan after being hit by an iron head I hit the mile with a willow wisp not only burning it but also having its attack I then sent out emerald and left her in the perfect spot to start setting up both with iron defenses and home Claws and the the goal here was just to buff up her attack as much as possible and after quadrupling her attacking power it was time to get this battle started guard ofir was up first and guess what here comes a steel wi and what about rapid Dash steelwing last but not least was a Dynamax Tarin steel wi next up was a rematch with my favorite gym leader Nessa because just like last time lime absolutely wiped the floor with her you've really got to get rid of that dread maybe team star will take it oh Al though I relied completely on Boom slang to help me destroy Bea during our last encounter this time I had emerald and Amazon battling this fighting type leader was not a struggle at all and while rhong caused me a lot of pain the last time we met with a couple of one hit Kos via Amazon and another massive setup with Emerald duraladon went down without a fight now before taking on my final battle in leyon I still had a couple of tasks to complete before I'd be ready but the only real roadblock I was facing was perhaps the hardest ble in this run in chairman Rose his team of Steel types were basically the perfect counter to most of my team while I really had no type advantage against him I mean grass is and all but with a low speed stat and no way of setting up attack here it could only get me so far here's how it went chairman Rose started off with an escavalier while I sent out grass a Heat Crash was more than enough to earn me the ko. here Ferrothorn was also slower and that allowed me to secure one more easy dub because even though it didn't KO he just cursed in return letting me end the D right after okay cling clang was a super easy k2o but this is where things get tricky wait my bad that was a little early okay now here's where it gets tricky karaja would be able to on-shot basically any of my Pokémon upart from Emerald but although I could safely swap her in I had no moves that could deal any meaningful damage to that massive Mammoth my best bet here was just to stuck up on iron defenses and pray that she wouldn't land a crit on Emerald because although I could relatively safely set up iron defenses and home claws if a crit hit through my defenses and KO Emerald karaja could and would absolutely wreck the rest of my team too thankfully for me that didn't happen and I managed to scrape the barrel and defeat my penultimate foe everything in this run all my challenges and struggles all have led to this following moment I stepped onto the battlefield for One Last Time facing my last Challenger in Champion Leon let's see if I can become champion of galar using only shiny Pokémon Leon LED with ag slash while I sent out grass he protected himself with a King shield which lowered my attack and I thought that would prevent me from getting the upper hand here but after tanking a sacred sword surprisingly well I found that Heat Crash was still enough to get the one hit grass you're one hell of a beast haxus would be an issue though but as I knew he'd go for an earthquake I was able to get the free swap out into Emerald while outrage was his next move of choice I really wasn't worried as I could start my setup right after his outrage started doing less and less damage while steel Wing was actually pretty effective Emerald was able to finish off haxus all by herself Cinder had the typing Advantage here so I sent out cucumber to play defense I of course started off with a banful bunker to leave the bunny poisoned and while he could barely hurt cucumber with acrobatics liquidation hit back hard and after poisoning it one last time honestly just for the fun of it I finished this dual off with one last liquidation seis Toad's Ty left it super vulnerable to Lime but not wanting to unnecessarily hurt him I thought it would just be smarter to let cucumber get koed for the greater cause you did amazing though lime's quit Effectiveness was never not going to result in a one hit on seismo dragapults flamethrower would have been a one hit so I had to swap out into bamboo for some safety it tanked the hit like it was nothing and after resisting a dragon breath super well its dragon tail somehow one hit the dragapult wow maybe I was wrong about it Charizard was was my last Foe and while I would have loved to save bamboo there was no chance and so I just had to let it go it really pained me seeing my longtime Partners get Koy but it was for the better of this battle as I unfortunately had to sacrifice Emerald 2 I was hoping lme would be able to outspeed here but of course there was no chance and I was left at my final two Pokémon but there was some good news here Charizard's gmax was over and grass had a stab boosted quite effective move in his Arsenal and after tanking an ancient power like it was nothing one rock blast was enough to KO Leon's Ace well close enough and that's the story of how I became champion of galar using only shiny Pokémon make sure to leave a like And subscribe if you like the video and I'll see you guys later
Channel: DarkraiTV
Views: 71,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon shiny only, shiny pokemon, pokemon video, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, darkraitv, pokemon violet, pokemon shiny challenge, pokemon sword shiny only, shiny, pokemon shiny team, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon shield shinies only, shiny pokemon challenge, new shiny pokemon, new shinies, custom shiny pokemon, new custom shiny pokemon, custom shinies, pokemon new shiny video, new shiny pokemon video, new shiny pokemon challenge, custom pokemon
Id: VBve9h6_smU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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