How I Beat The Hardest FPS Game

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may your L's be many and youres [Music] few today we're going to be playing Ultra kill and there's a few things I know about this it's one of the only games that has Bud plug connectivity uh the other game obviously being chess and that came out thousands of years ago uh so really uh it's been an underutilized mechanic of Gaming all I know about this game is that it is basically like visual cocaine and it's a shooter I don't know anything let's just jump let's see if it's fun machine ID V1 location approaching hell current objective find a weapon mankind is dead okay blood is fuel hell is full okay oh my God oh my Lord all right okay that's fun okay that felt very fast already oh my God Jesus can I punch you wait that's so sick whoa okay oh I can Parry their punches oh my God leave me alone all right is this supposed to be this [Applause] dock oh my God wait I do no damage to him I want I want to Parry that I Fu [ __ ] did it too early [ __ ] comp par hit scan oh really okay okay we got him we got him he's a clap okay not bad if you punch as you fire you can hit your own what that's [ __ ] press alt fire to throw a coin what the that sounds sick y want that oh wait that's so sick I missed I want to punch this actually no I'll qu it oh huh huh Fu wait this is so hard to consistently do oh huh I got him I got him wait what was that wait I'm actually kind of nutty at this huh who's that guy huh [Music] [Music] no oh I thought he was one HP that's not one HP [Music] Connor I got him okay okay this is pretty fun did that lower my health I oh my God I'm dead all right this is like a boss room oh no no stop missing the coin all right we got him almost through I did almost throw for a second there sharpshoot hold Al Fire to charge a piercing beam that Ricochet sure wait this is sick wait what is this whoa oh my God I hit the coino no no no wait I'm how am I boosted [Applause] Conor oh that [Music] crazy oh that's so sick oh my what okay I keep forgetting about the ground Smash and the slide to be honest I feel like I got to utilize those more shotgun pump wait this looks so dumb wait what is this oh my god oh I don't need to hold it down okay what oh my God oh my [Music] Lord what the what huh oh that's like a desperation shot oh my God wait this guy's actually wait he's actually so strong wait wait his what his friends joining in huh huh huh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do that okay I got to try that oh my God how did that happen oh my God you can chain all four coins at once no way that's that's so risky whoa this m it doesn't like Minecraft this looks peaceful I'm sure nothing is going to go wrong h Huh what are you guys doing here me alone wait guys guys no need to fight wait what the [ __ ] guys guys all right oh my Lord oh my God okay oh wow what did I do you found a secret mission okay oh I see for [ __ ] sake no I don't like this no no why you making me do this no why I don't want to do this I don't want to be here oh my God this is law I don't want LW chat why how many of these are there this is ridiculous come on I got do no [Music] okay something about religion or something not a big fan of that what the [ __ ] whoa what the what are these guys unparryable okay got it sake why do you to jump scare me all right I didn't miss God I hate those guys no not this Bast again what the I don't like the multiple coin toss chat uh hello give me another pump give me another pump [ __ ] bye guys okay okay we go up here one 2 3 boom how I miss that 1 2 3 4 no okay help me out chat here's the Strat here's the Strat Go Up High flick flick flick boom Oh my God how are you not dead there a sex mod there is a sex mod yeah I got to figure out how to turn that on Def want to make sure I have sex enabled oh boss stage oh my God oh my God I'm kind of nutty when I want to be okay okay oh no I I got to sty on him I'm actually kind of crazy why is everything under construction huh what is it the okay come on something's got to be ready to oh really another boss okay I'm really oh no oh I got a full heal up that wait what the [ __ ] him all right easy clap this the way I came oh no it's the ending oh my Lord is it legal to be this good at a video game limbo climax me what forgive me okay okay well this looks like a boss battle hello wait I'm V1 right he's either just the better of me wait what wait wait he wait wait he he got guns too oh my God wait he's actually cracked wait that did like no damage wait wait huh oh my God god dude what the [ __ ] [ __ ] me how is he so [Music] strong aha he didn't plan that oh I got get your ass wrecked oh nice here's your waa is this shck oh my God W you beg me to oh my God I did it again live live live live live live live live live God I love that you're like this's a secret the secrets that I [ __ ] look at him what are you guys do whoa guys what are you guys what are you what are you guys doing the oh what's this that was just like what sound do we do for that let's just do speakers being destroyed do the coin flip with the rail gun can you do that that sounds disgusting all right let's try it so I got to what Ultra Ricochet oh he just insta died is it next level oh my God oh my God there under of course it's underwater why wouldn't there be well all the chees travel slower under water too [Music] no oh my God I'm so nutty with it oh my God I killed him it's too easy someone in chat said this is like that one balloons level earlier I I have no idea what you meant by that all right huh okay that's not good huh huh huh huh what is it what is what the is this ass Bongo game what the oh I seees all I got him uhoh the corpse king of okay whoa guys guys oh my God guys chill oh I got I got that hit off but it didn't do [ __ ] huh what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that what is it can I have your blood please Blood please hello blood donation please okay okay he's cringe he's so CR he's so cringe can I par this [ __ ] oh my God oh my God that's crazy I just I bodied him I bodied him that's like a two second boss fight whoa whoa this is [ __ ] I hate that [Music] enemy no not this again dude I'm kind of like too good at this game they need to make uh Conor difficulty actually do I'm feeling myself though I think the game's doing that on purpose though it's trying to make me think I'm good that's going to give me some crazy stupid difficult challenge at some point the eye oh not a fan of this not a fan of this okay hold on hold on hold on hit me out guys as I was saying please hold on no I put the entire Reserve bullets of the United States military into him how is he alive okay no no I'm going for the the play the play oh I hit it oh I'm nasty okay let's H with this oh my you [ __ ] you can he die wait wait I I I can cheese this I can cheese this I just realized did that Miss oh they're dead no oh my God wait the coins were still in motion he's crazy with it oh my Lord how does he do it how does he consistently do it machine turn back now the layers of this Palace are not for your kind okay oh this is going to be sick oh this going to be so wait to get my [ __ ] rocked your choice is made made as the righteous hand of the father I shall Rend you apart and you will become inanimate get the buff plug ready all right guys get the buff plug ready all right Behold The Power Of An Angel oh my God I already like clapped his cheeks hold on oh my okay wait he's clapping my cheeks oh my God even more no he's so fast where' I see him no no no I need to De an imperfection Tolar no wrong run okay can I heal can I heal off that please where is the healing ma no I missed it [ __ ] no no no no no no stop stop to corre no no no no no no I had that I had that I I just couldn't a [Music] no okay got him you got a heal please please give me a heal Gabriel you [ __ ] a enough oh my God the drill heal is so op I could just sit on top of him and spam his face this this thing let's go you insignificant [ __ ] this is not over I think it's over be many and your days all right we got it slaves to power oh this is sick see you losers God this gun is so [Music] ridiculous who what's that a Kimbo oh I had one HP W where are these where are they oh my god dude this is so crazy what the guys who take the second a Kimbo wait why doesn't is it I I wouldn't think it would stack [Music] right oh my God okay this is the best game of all time fine this is the dumbest thing ever and I love it oh oh my God can can I quad no shot I missed did I miss I'm going to I'm going to cry all right this guy doesn't seem too difficult I correct this oh my God can I Parry that I mean I must be able to right oh that was so fun want to do that [Music] again nice okay another boss battle I'm guessing oh no that's me I can't be me I'm like the best thing [Music] around oh God huh he can shoot my coins let's just start let's start strong okay one thing I know that will hit him if I hit him with this he's danzo he's got the same weapons as me [Music] Sake [Music] okay I got to hit him with one of these huh wait what [Music] huh what wait but I killed him no goodbye wait why does that keep happening [Music] nice what is that oh no in the wake of P that sounds badass wow this is [Music] sick this is great I just wanted to do that I just wanted to do a I want to kill him like that okay oh hey guys huh oh someone's [Music] protecting whoa that's the guy I uh read about in the books oh my god really you're so cringe how did I throw the coins into the void so cringe W oh my God I somehow hit that oh ribbo Zone oh you're so dumb wow where did that religion get you now huh what oh my God there we go oh who's this what is this you can ride them huh it's kind of spooky H [Music] oh oh oh got a little thing on top I see it where is it huh okay that was never going to work out for me well I guess I did something no where am I what the how am I this [ __ ] where did it send me what what I got I got s to the edge of the map what the [ __ ] this ISS scary these things H the shotgun is pretty damn good what the [ __ ] my God I can't see anything so okay well this looks fun ah okay sure oh one that's great come to me um okay no I got what Jesus you know I just realized chat I've been I've been I've I've played this whole game I played this whole game I just realized now on my gun it tells me how many coins I have left I didn't realize this look at it has four I I never noticed that I just noticed that [Music] now Aesthetics of hate okay well that's that's a British aesthetic this is true Secrets purged all life on the upper layers and yet mean us you you've taken everything from machine W now all thats is perfect what did I find hat what did I just [Music] do wait it's him again wait what I I thought I found a secret thing Cut You Down what did I do I short cut it huh of your propane form across the Stars I will grind you down until the very Sparks cry for Mercy my hands shall relish ending you here and [Music] now I my RO you need more power is that the best you got oh I got to not eat those oh if I had run into I I heal through it oh it's so risky have the best you got [Music] can St what the was that how did that work how did that work what the I I did nothing how did that worky is this my blood I've never known such such relief I I need standing here I we will meet again machine oh my God may your Wes need many and your days few how did that work got act three isn't out yet right when is it out no I want to play [Music] it but that's actually kind of cute bring me sacrifice it will give me the power to escape what thank you I shall now lay waste to this world what what the [ __ ] what my game rashed what the it closed my [Music] game
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 548,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, Connor, ConnorDawg, ultrakill, playthrough
Id: oo4EfHzNqms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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