I 100% Built Until I Hit MARS In Roblox Tower Simulator...

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can I build a tower that goes all the way to Mars let's find out [Music] I'm kindly keying it as you can see Tower simulator got an update the Mars update what does that even mean does that mean that we can build a tower to Mars there's only one way to find out we need to start building apparently they've added a bunch of Easter eggs too I mean we got a lot of stuff to do so I'm sure we'll find some of them along the way but you guys probably know the drill here I mean we build that's what we do this guy loves my videos and he's gonna come along with me as we as we build this Tower to new heights I mean how ridiculous would it be if you've literally built a tower from Earth to Mars essentially building up a space Bridge we can also change the colors and the types of bricks that we use remember we got this twisty tube thing I'm not going to use the twisty tube I am going to change the color of my brick though maybe let's go like orange oh my gosh that looks ridiculous and I love it that's cool I don't know what this 2x is down here I know my my brick power is like way higher than it should be I think I spent a bunch of Robux on this I don't remember it's been a very long time uh yeah sure let's buy more brick power I don't know how much that helps us and then if I remember correctly at the bottom of the tower you can like add to the amount that the tower builds itself I'm gonna keep making this number go up for some reason and this number oh my gosh what is what is happening I just added 29 000 bricks to this what does that mean I mean I want to know what these new Easter eggs are I see a cowboy hat I don't know if that's new I did see a plane flying around also what is this thing wait what is that what is that is that some kind of floating barge or something what is happening it's got a string attached to it there's also a lake now I don't think there was a lake in this game before what is this thing and my tower building itself You Beautiful Tower I've got to know what this is I wonder if you have to build your Tower high enough to jump on top of it oh no okay I'm going for a ride [Music] um uh okay where are you taking me for Real where are we going I've been I've been fished up by a floating raft of some sort what what what is this this is awesome also I see stuff just kind of floating oh the I think these are like uh item drops and stuff and there's that plane that I was talking about no idea what it does let's go back to our Tower because I I suspect that the coolest and weirdest stuff is gonna be like way up in the sky you gotta build and that's what I'm gonna do I'm also gonna increase my brick power which is a very tedious process I wish that I could just buy like a hundred brick power for I don't what would that be 5 000 Robux yeah let's do that instead of having to buy one plus brick power at a time it's very slow process I was able to buy six more brick power oh I'm I gotta climb my tower too so this will give us a little bit more time to buy some more brick power come on just yeah let me buy it three hours later okay there we go and now we can like super speed build which is awesome should we change the color we should change the color I mean we have the option to change colors so let's get like weird with it let's just go all kinds of different colors this is going to be a rainbow Tower of Awesomeness it's going to be very good I've already surpassed the person that had the highest tower and I feel kind of bad because it took me like 15 seconds listen I have put way more Robux into this game than anyone ever should and I'm not ashamed of it I'm going pink hot pink let's do it oh that is a beautiful looking tower look at this thing look at that that looks awesome I think we'll go green next that seems like a good contrast color with the hot pink okay and then of course on our left hand side we have our our Tower meter so we can kind of see the different levels that we're breaking through as we build up I think we're about to to pop through the the atmosphere I don't know we're exiting the green section of the tower thermometer and moving into the light blue section what does that mean [Music] I don't know all right let's change to Green yeah lime green nice that looks so cool Hello Birds hanging out with some seagulls which I don't think seagulls typically fly up this High you guys should should probably make some changes because I don't know if you belong up here there's the floating raft that we were on top of earlier it looks like a building that's just on the ground at this point it would be really crazy and cool I don't know if it's possible but to be able to jump from the top of your Tower and then land on top of the plane is that something that could happen I do remember isn't there like a cannon can't you can't you add like a cannon or something to your to your Tower so that you can launch yeah a launch tube that that would help I would I would think oh what is that I I don't know what that is I am interested to find out what it is but we should change the color of our tower now we've done enough green what do we go uh yellow I guess new Yeller is this a different plane or is this the same one that we saw earlier because I feel like the one that we saw earlier was much lower love Tower Sim give us a thumbs up sure actually I think I already did did I yeah I did should I increase my brick power like should I just be spending spending Roblox you know me I love spending Robux so that you guys don't have to but in case you do ever purchase Robux uh just a quick reminder you can use star code key and do keep in mind though when you purchase Robux and you use star code key and I do receive a commission from Roblox just want to make sure that you guys are aware of that I'm buying brick power I'm just this is this is my life now I don't click on Towers I click on brick power and does this actually benefit me I don't really know to be perfectly honest I'm at 115 brick power I assume that this makes my my tower uh my clicks right more valuable which is great but how far do I take this do I go to 200 brick power I could it's gonna take a while am I wasting more time clicking this purchase brick power button that I could be using to just click my tower these are these are questions that I don't really feel like answering at this moment in time so I'm just gonna buy brick power check it out I'm at 126 brick power yeah is that good I think so I'm gonna go to 150 and then I think I'll be good on buying brick power-ups at least for now I also noticed on the leaderboard that there's now a section for Loops I don't know what that means that might be like a rebirth like maybe you can build your Tower to a certain point and then you can rebirth with like multipliers and stuff and that's a loop there's only one way to find out though we need to keep building almost there 148 just two more purchases come on take my Robux boo 150 go 150 150 there you yeah it takes a second okay let's change the color let's go toothpaste yummy okay it's time to get crazy with building we're clicking we're about halfway up the tower thermometer what happens when we get to the top of it well when we last played the tower would just break through the top of the thermometer thing and just keep going do you think maybe now when you get to the top that's where the loop starts and then you can build another Tower I don't I don't know I really want to know but I don't know right now but I will find out should we switch to cinderblock maybe that seems ugly let's do it and let's go purple magenta of course magenta why oh gosh it got weird I I forgot that the uh the cinder block tower is actually wider than the brick Tower so now our Tower is going to be extremely top heavy which obviously makes it way more dangerous than it was before but let's just ignore physics for now they're overrated anyways and then your amazing Tower collapses the weight of gravity ah just keep building this Tower is insane and I love how fast we can build too it just seems completely broken oh look at that we're starting to see the curvature of the earth and we're seeing uh asteroids meteors comets whatever you want to call them bright shiny things flying through the sky let's change our color what do we do what do we do we go red yeah really red not kind of red not sort of red really red jumping on top of that plane seems way more feasible than it did a few minutes ago you just kind of have to direct yourself and hope I don't know how much control I would have in the air as I was falling down but I mean it would be just so awesome to actually land on top of it I've gotta try at some point right let's get to the barrier of the tower thermometer which we're about to do it's about to happen it just happened and just like it used to you just bust through the top of it and it just keeps on going right there behind the Roblox icon straight off the top of the screen here we go goodbye Tower oh that's a rocket dude what okay so we're officially in outer space right there's no denying that rocket ships don't hang out under the the atmosphere we're in space and we should be able to like yeah see our jumps see low gravity okay now that we've made it this high up I really want to try to land on the plane and I'm aiming for that one you can kind of see it right there let's see okay all right all right all right I think we're oh my gosh so hard to tell I am catching on fire I have become a meteor oh dear oh gosh I'm fine everything's fine okay I completely missed the plane wasn't even close but that was totally worth it that was awesome look at my tower so cool looking okay so I'm gonna I guess stand on these spots where was that building that I saw when I was way up there I man I need to I need to climb my tower a little bit so that I can see the structure that we were looking at from way up there what is that is that no that's a that's a crashed meteor [Music] where is it oh is that it that just looks like a fallen tree from up here I guess there's that but I feel like we've already been there all right either way let's go check it out in a on the bright side my tower does still kind of build itself while I'm away it doesn't build itself very fast but it does build itself so at least it's doing something who's this guy why are you here why are you here what dude really you're just gonna be super weird about it uh your Tower is sinking I know aren't you concerned it was bound to happen wait does that mean the same thing's gonna happen to me who are you who are you uh I'm I'm this guy I'm me what all right that was a very insightful conversation thank you for changing my life there's the other building thing that we saw not sure what that is is that satellite is that a fallen satellite I think it is um yeah it's it's a fallen satellite wait what are you I just picked up a shiny radioactive brick um what what what what does that do what [Music] what oh there's more what oh I'm following the path of shiny breaks oh this is cool okay this is definitely one of those Easter eggs this was not here before and the bricks are so shiny follow the bricks where will they take us no one knows I'm sure some people know but I'm about to know little glowing brick breadcrumb Trail where are you taking me okay the bricks are getting further and further away from me as I follow this this path my gosh you're so far away they're also changing colors but if this unlocks a brick that that changes colors it's like RGB brick but no no no no no oh there it is oh my gosh I thought I lost it that would have been devastating okay we need to pay attention here I gotta know where the brick spawns I do not want to lose it okay okay I see it I also see something just sitting out here in in nothingness I would like to know what this is this this shouldn't ruin things for us right I'm gonna pick that up okay I I picked up a brick is that doing the same thing no it's not because it's not a shiny brick only shiny bricks can teleport oh no oh no I didn't see it oh there it is okay fortunately shiny bricks are very easy to spot because they're shiny oh my gosh that's so far away I need to keep my camera fully zoomed out okay it's way over there how many of these things are there oh oh wait what what is it what is happening I'm clicking it and it's shining but it's I'm not picking it up am I cleaning it what is happening it's like it's like Rusty hello what are you what are you doing I'm Gonna Keep clicking it it seems like something's happening as I click it maybe it's changing colors is that good or bad I don't really know is changing colors even when I don't click it though what's it doing Super glowy Brick what are you doing okay well I guess this is our reward I don't know what it did maybe gave me something it did not give me anything I want rainbow bricks where my rainbow bricks rude I'm leaving all right I'm climbing back up we're going to Mars well you can actually see orbits out there that's crazy well I figure while I'm running back to my tower might as well get some brick power upgrades I don't have anything else to do why not spend some Roblox um a rocket just took off what how do I get on that rocket seriously okay now it's time to climb the tower this is also going to take a while but again it gives us a perfect opportunity to upgrade our brick power oh this is the awkward part where I added the oh man okay wait we need to I need to get over oh yeah don't fall I need to get to where the girders are right that's how I yeah okay all right as long as I don't fall okay we've officially made it past the tower thermometer and there are birds up here space birds of course why wouldn't there be Space Birds I'm pretty sure this is the top right yes okay finally holy cow that took a long time okay we're at 181 brick power uh let's change the color of our Tower I mean we've been red for so long let's go like a a lightning no let's go with dark blue really blue I like it and let's start building all right we're in the uh floating tree section of the the tower Ascent a very normal thing that happens when you go to space obviously uh I can't see Earth anymore okay that's a little scary uh is that the Sun or is that the moon I can't really tell but I think we are going to pass it oh what uh uh what what does this mean what is this rejoin reality improve yourself you are weak reject reality reset game stay no I don't want to do that appease the left button what is that it's a hundred thousand bricks what do I do with that improve yourself I don't know what any of these things do I'm gonna say improve myself little self-improvement this is uh what what my tower is that a loop I've done a loop okay cool I guess is this good though that I don't I I'm stuck I'm stuck inside the I'm stuck in my tower oh gosh help save me I need to reset my character I don't want to be a part of this Tower I don't understand what just happened but either way I'm going back I gotta know what the other options do and this is going to be a very boring Tower because this tower has one purpose to get me back to that very strange place I made it back and I'm still very confused I'm scared of all these options you are weak you lack Faith rejoin reality does that just does that literally reset me back to the bottom I there's only one way to find out I got it no it lets me continue my journey my Ascent oh now we're talking oh my gosh I can't I can't see anything up here this is terrifying it's so dark which you know I mean kind of makes sense not a lot of light up in space we're up in Satellite territory okay I think that's like a progress marker right look at how fast my tower gets built when I start clicking though oh it's so good uh the colors are starting to get weird um I'm I'm glowing I'm turning red am I okay I don't think so but I'm gonna keep going oh it's getting real red oh my gosh Charlie are you okay he seems good he's still got a smile on his face good for him uh my tower is blue now I did not change the color to Blue oh my gosh I'm so red is this I'm am I next to the sun oh no are we going to the Moon is Moon time is this what it looks like when you land on the moon oh my gosh it's hurting my eyes the color oh it's so bright crank up that saturation like a YouTube thumbnail oh my gosh oh look a tree hello tree what is that oh meteors okay that that seems like a like a progress marker as well we got orbiting meteors obviously we look very different from what we look like a few thousand feet down I might be on fire I can't really tell with the color changed it's getting it's getting dark now uh uh um what um I'm blue die I'm very blue okay this is insanity what is happening what is that rocket no okay we've got a satellite up here holy cow we got these crazy looking meteors there's a rock oh there is a rocket hello where are you going oh you think you're real cool because you can go to Mars using like propelling forces of a of a rocket engine well what about me building a tower that will literally act like a bridge what do you think of that also all the color is gone um uh what oh my gosh yeah uh-huh an unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit we're sorry yeah me too so that's just about the saddest story ever told um I lost my tower it the it crashed not even Roblox was prepared for what I was about to accomplish but you know what I'm going back to see if it happens again I'm clicking I'm clicking my whole way back to an error screen but hopefully not hopefully we go past the air it was just a fluke right right okay I've made it back to the Blue Zone and can we see anything above us it doesn't look like it I mean aside from the Moon and blue meteors okay it's getting dark again and now we're in the gray Zone and I think the next step is super bright and then crash but don't crash did it [Applause] what the heck happened um is is this it is this Mars This is insane oh my gosh it actually worked this time I can't believe it it did not crash we've exceeded all expectations and it was totally worth it there's a UFO I just turned that UFO into a brick take that UFO oh man through trial and tribulation we have made it to an unknown part of the universe and this is awesome I need to jump we have to know what this looks like this fall I'm being teleported to a new dimension man oh my gosh oh okay yep and then we light on fire and we've returned to Earth we've created a bridge an Earth Mars Bridge that's amazing
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,158,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, roblox, tower simulator, building to mars, building to space, new roblox game mode, roblox game mode, new, roblox tower simulator, funny roblox, new roblox
Id: MnJ4U4UsqZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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