Hydrogen - The LIGHTEST Gas in The UNIVERSE!

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hi everyone today is a beautiful day and it would have been impossible to have it without our thermonuclear reactor which we call the Sun turns out the lightest element in the universe which has hydrogen comprises 73 percent of our nearest star it is hydrogen that supplies our luminary and by extension us with energy but how did hydrogen come about and what properties does it have well let's find out foreign [Music] still haven't recovered from the New Year vacations I understand that it's not easy and the lack of working activities affect you I recommend a small but Pleasant exercise for your brain to recover as quickly as possible skillshare is a planet firm where we'll find thousands of online classes and members from 150 countries here you can learn creative things that are new to you have you been interested in photography for a long time Now's the Time to get started with skillshare want to paint pictures or create designs for Logos and companies this is a perfect start not only 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stars were formed and thermonuclear reactions synthesizing fewer elements from simplest hydrogen began to take place inside them during the life cycle of many stars hydrogen inside their cores began to run out and after that he were atoms such as helium lithium oxygen and silicon began to merge together and form iron atom core can't merge with another iron core because of the inefficiency of such nuclear fusion inside Stars for heavier elements to form there has to be terminuclear explosion or in other words a supernova which is such an extreme compression of the star to the point of burning absolutely all of these light atoms causing a highly strong burst of energy and spread of its content in space or star and how the planets around it were formed out of several dust clouds which formed this way in turn we became the end result of all of these it can be said that we are a Celestial thus synthesized from hydrogen atoms that have learned to speak and even collect Celestial dust on other planets but let's move from Theory to practice synthesize some hydrogen and learn about its properties in our atmosphere hydrogen is almost not found because it's much lighter than air and easily vanishes from our planet that's why hydrogen mostly gets chemically synthesized the most frequently used hydrogen synthesis method is a reaction of metallic zinc with hydrochloric acid since chemical properties of hydrogen slightly resemble those of metals and it's less active than zinc it's easy to reduce with a more active metal from hydrochloric acid molecules during this process it releases gas bubbles streaming out of the laboratory flask basically hydrogen can be reduced from hydrochloric acid using any metal which is located to the left of hydrogen in the reactivity series zinc is used because of its low price and because of being easy to handle because of being highly chemically active the obtained hydrogen Burns well in the air forming a very hot flame reaching the temperature of about 2000 degrees Celsius which is 500 Degrees smaller than the temperature of a regular candle flame this small flame easily melts the aluminum foil and if we take more hydrogen and burn it with abundant burner we can easily melt a copper wire with such a hydrogen Flame besides the conventional and demonstrative methods of hydrogen synthesis there are more interesting ways of extracting it for instance using the reaction of metallic calcium with water because calcium is a highly active Alkali Earth metal it easily reduces hydrogen even from water oxygen easily oxidizes the obtained hydrogen bubbles forming a regular water once again the United States armed forces even patented this method of hydrogen extraction from calcium and water in order to be able to obtain hydrogen in field conditions for instance for heating food it's a rather interesting and unusual method but it's a beautiful that this method is expensive and dangerous because metallic calcium is very active and isn't that cheap speaking of aluminum which can also be used for hydrogen extraction it's even cheaper and more expensive than calcium to synthesize hydrogen from aluminum I'm adding some hydrochloric acid into a big Beaker and I'm dissolving some copper chloride in it after that I'm lowering a piece of aluminum foil into the beaker that immediately starts reacting with the solution releasing hydrogen to amplify the effect I'm turning off the light and igniting the release in hydrogen which burns with a beautiful blue flame because of copper ions in the solution it's a Pity that this reaction runs way too fast and obtained hydrogen can only be used for amusing the public and demonstrating how hydrogen Burns at lectures in 2008 American scientists invented an even more interesting hydrogen extraction method from aluminum to use this method first you need to take one unusual metal gallium and melted fortunately because of gallons low melting temperature of just 29 degrees Celsius you can melt it with a regular hair dryer after that gallium Alloys with aluminum and it happens even at room temperature if you use aluminum powder or finely sliced aluminum foil as a result you get what looks like glitter and porridge which is an area of garden with aluminum which when mixed with water Stars actively reacting with it releasing hydrogen in reality through it is Aluminum that reacts with water and gallium only helps to remove the protective oxide layer from aluminum surface serving as a catalyst which doesn't get wasted when the reaction is our Gallum just sinks to the bottom and interior it can be recycled to make an allo of gallium with aluminum again unfortunately because of the higher price of gallium and because of how difficult it is to recycle it this method of hydrogen extraction has not become commercially attractive and there is a good reason for that because a simple and more convenient method of hydrogen extraction has been available for a long time which is electrolysis using this method I put together a special setup for extracting hydrogen Emporium in silver five percent sodium hydroxide solution which is a quite strong base in order to improve electric conductivity of the solution when I turn on the power supply a large volume of gas starts being released on the electrodes inside the device that is hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen is being released on the negative electrode because it gets reduced by electrons running up as a course whereas oxygen is being released on the positive electrode because it on the other hand releases electrons which then wrap up the chord and close the electric circuit thus you can break down water into oxygen and hydrogen which can easily be transferred into a taste tube because this gas is much lighter than air when ignited a slight band can be heard it shows that there was pure hydrogen in the test tube without oxygen impurities because hydrogen is an extremely light gas it can be used to fuel some flying objects for instance such an air shifts that were very popular in the early 20th century interestingly because of their enormous size and been easy to control passenger cabins in such aircrafts were even more comfortable than some first class passenger cabins in modern airplanes unfortunately this Comfort was mean to last long because of its high chemical activity hydrogen is highly flammable just look how easily this pile of balloons turn into a huge burning wall [Music] the same thing happened to the infamous Hardenburg airship in 1937 when in front of the amused public a huge hydrogen Zeppelin suddenly ignited and began to fall out of the sky with a terrifying holding sound claiming the lives of 35 people on board because this incident received widespread publicity this tragedy marked the end of the Airship era it was too expensive to fill huge Zeppelin with non-flammable helium and the new transatlantic passenger Jess quickly filled the unoccupied transport Niche nevertheless today is the flammability of hydrogen still has practical applications in many fields of science and technology for instance in hydrogen oxygen burners that can burn with flames reaching the temperature of our 3000 degrees Celsius and that produced just one combustion byproduct which is water for instance you can easily melt one of the most refractory metals tantalon that was melting point of 3020 degrees Celsius these days usually hydrogen oxygen burners are used to melt platinum and its errors because for instance propane oxygen burners can increase the aloe with carbon taken from the carbon dioxide formed during the burning process of such burners besides that nowadays such pure and hot hydrogen Flames are mostly used to milk quartz glass for making optical fiber in order to keep the content of the made the last precise what's really convenient is that you don't need to carry with you a large gas cylinders in order to create such high temperature Flames a small device and couple of grams of alkaline dissolutely water will suffice in this electrolyzer under the influence of electricity water breaks down into what known as oxyhydrogen that is a mix of hydrogen and oxygen in an ideal ratio that also Burns well in this not so big burner and is able to melt even this piece of volcanic rock this mixture of gases is also called band gas and there is a good reason for that because when it burns it can make a loud sound that's why for the sake of safety I will be conducting the next experiments remotely filling the balloon with different gases and lighting it up with the help of an electric match this is how a balloon with hydrogen ignites it's more stuff node that in slow motion we can see how first the balloon itself explodes after that hydrogen mixes with air and after that it ignites if we first fill the balloon with pure oxygen and hydrogen in a ratio of 1 to 2 then it will act differently when ignited so-called band gas really Banks and if I didn't wear headphones then I think just one balloon massage gas will defend me quite severely besides this you can also see how bright a flash is created when an ideal mix of oxygen and hydrogen bonds you can also extract energy from the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen in a safer way using a special hydrogen cell which accumulates electricity instead of creating a fiery balloon and a bank as a result of the reaction of these two gases here hydrogen supplied into the cell gets oxidized by oxygen from the air on a platinum Catalyst creating an electromotive Force you can even start a small electric motor on other devices using the obtained energy interestingly enough when using such cells energy intensity of one kilogram of hydrogen turns out to be higher than that of even the most efficient battery which is why these gas can be used as a great and self-contained energy accumulator for instance in amount vehicles and drones capable of flying without refueling for hours besides oxygen hydrogen can also react with other gases for instance with chlorine I put together such as a tab for this experiment first I'll synthesize some hydrogen using the reaction of a piece of magnesium and some diluted hydrochloric acid in the left part of the setup I am collecting the obtained hydrogen with a big syringe after doing that I'm attaching it to another test tube in which I'll synthesize chlorine use interaction of hydrochloric acid with species of tricolor is a cyanuric acid it's also used as a chlorine Source in swimming pools after filling the syringe with chlorine and hydrogen in Nicola Mass we can start the reaction with the help of a laser as you can see a red laser doesn't affect the mixture of these gases in any way but as soon as I bring a wall utilizer close to the syringe the mixture of gases immediately starts reacting making a loan bank the thing is a mixture of chlorine and with halogen is extremely sensitive to ultraviolet light which forms free radicals which stars this reaction and as a result of this reaction there forms hydrogen chloride besides these notice hydrogen is also used to extract some pure metals from their compounds for instance if a patch some iron oxide or regular rust into a taste tube then we will see that this oxide doesn't get attracted to a magnet if a pass hydrogen for a test tube heat in it a reaction of reduction of iron oxide with hydrogen will start during this reaction oxides will be turning into pure metallic iron changing its color in the process we can verify that there is iron using the magnet because magnets attract iron powder well besides iron you can also extract other metals using this method for instance we can extract Copper from its basic carbonate or Malahide powder as a result it can obtain highly pure copper powder it will be difficult to obtain using other metallurgical methods besides reducing metals from their oxides hydrogen can also oxidize some metals for instance if we part some active Alkali metal like sodium in hydrogen stream then when heated hydrogen will be able to react with sodium metal forming a highly chemically active powder called sodium hydride when this powder comes into contact with a weight piece of fabric it immediately starts to break down inter-metallic sodium and hydrogen thus this chemical can be used in Laboratories for instance for storing hydrogen instead of bulky and heavy steel cylinders besides inorganic compounds hydrogen is also used in organic chemistry for hydrating many compounds for instance margarine is made by passing hydrogen through a regular vegetable oil with a Palladium or nickel Catalyst as a result of this process hydrogen sticks to triglycerate molecules turning unsaturated fats into saturated fats thus vegetable oil can be turned into semi-solid margarine which is much easier to spread on bread and is more suitable for making Bakery products puffy well you have seen the main chemical properties of hydrogen however besides the lightest element with just one proton in its core there also exists an extremely rare isotope of it called determ besides having one proton its core also has one Neutron in nature the ethereum compounds are 10 000 times rarer than hydrogen compounds that's why deuterium oxide or so-called heavy water is one million times more expensive than a regular water heavy water is most obtained using electrolysis of regular water water which contains a small amount of heavy water or to be precise 30 thousands of a percent unfortunately pure deuterium just like hydrogen doesn't occur naturally because of its ability to disperse from the atmosphere in the outer space that's why I'll have to synthesize deuterium by myself for the next experiments to extract deuterium from heavy water I decided to use the reaction with metallic calcium in a special setup as soon as I started dropping heavy water into the calcium granules the laboratory flask immediately started filling with deuterium gas which I'm passing through a dehumidifier with silica gel and collecting it into a balloon I had prepared earlier like regular hydrogen deuterium Burns well in the air also because of its large atomic mass its flame is 16 percent colder than flames of hydrogen burning in the air which is why it appears to be more realish nevertheless nowadays scientists are more interested not in the chemical reaction of burning day theorem but rather in the reaction between its course that releases a lot of energy for instance this is what happens during the early stage of star formation deuterium atoms starts merging inside the notes so called core of a protostar thus increasing the temperature to 50 million degrees Celsius at this temperature hydrogen starts burning starting a long-terminuclear synthesis inside the new aluminary is a first Hydrogen Bomb called IV Mac was created in 1952 in the USA using this very principle its yield was swooping 12 megatones which is one thousand times more than the yield of atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. this bumper looked like a huge barrel with liquid determ which was ignited by the temperature of the initial nuclear charge because of its enormous size and the huge battle with determ at that time either Mac was called liquid bump by the way when 2D ethereum atoms smashed together then confirmed a radioactive traitor also known as super heavy hydrogen which consists of one proton and two neutrons after loss of nuclear and thermonuclear tests is a 20th century and also during the work of nuclear plants some out of the Rhythm on our planet grow from 2 to 20 kilograms which are still scattered in the atmosphere but this pose is notary to people because the concentration of this isotope in the atmosphere is naturally small and is much easier to get irradiated by Red in a basement than from light rhythm in the atmosphere nevertheless in nature tourism is most frequently formed when cosmic rays hit the earth and collide with other atoms for instance with nitrogen usually this phenomenon could be observed during auroras where atmospheric gases even start glowing as a result of exposure to a powerful stream of cosmic radiation is a bit cannot be extracted from the atmosphere because of its high volatility and because of being widely dispersed that's why nowadays for application purposes the rhythm is mostly extracted as a byproduct from the Canadian heavy water nuclear reactors in these reactors under the influence of neutron streams heavy water turns into Super heavy water or in other words 3 term oxide is a street of extracted from super heavy water can be pumped into organized ampule which does get slightly tainted over time because of the stream of better particles formed as a result of decay of terratum because of its pretty short half-life of 12 and half years this hydrogen isotope is quite redactive my dozimeter mass probably shows breaking radiation which forms as a result of absorption of the fast flowing electrons by the glass walls of the ampule this property of Tourism to radiate a powerful stream of beta particles is used in tritum K chains that so many of us know such titum amples are coated with Lumina 4 from inside that give off light as a result of absorption of fast flowing electrons besides this nowadays tritium is used in making some organic compounds in order to test how they react with each other or to test how human organism absorbs new medicine to begin with under the influence of a character analysts some hydrogen atoms in organic compounds are substituted with treaty and after that Vapors of such chemicals are sealed in glass ampules for storage in order to detect compounds marked with treatment first Vapors get Frozen in liquid nitrogen after that they are separated in a chromatography and placed in special liquids insulators capable of detecting even extremely weak better radiation in Solutions huge amount of Tourism is needed for such a research and also for military purposes as well that is in short supply now which is why its price now is not low at all it costs about forty thousand dollars for one gram of to return and because of its pretty short half-life every day there is less and less of it on the earth and at the end of the video I want to show how all hydrogen Isotopes behave under the influence of a strong electromagnetic field hydrogen deuterium and tritium induced ampules are under lower pressure and when they are drawn close to a small Tesla coil we can see a beautiful glow of these gazes its first love note that the here and atomies the more valid glow is gas gives off in an ampule foreign well after watching this video I think you know more about such an interesting guys as hydrogen and if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting [Music] [Music]
Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Views: 44,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hydrogen, hydrogen chemistry, hydrogen synthesis, experiments with hydrogen, the lightest gas, a balloon with hydrogen, burning hydrogen, hydrogen extraction, hydrogen cell, hydrogen electricity, deuterium, hydrogen isotopes, deuterium extraction, experiments with deuterium, burning gasses, tritium, tritium extraction, tritium chemistry, radiation, inorganic chemistry, elements chemistry, experiments with elements, gasses, Thoisoi channel
Id: jB87i_mMAIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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