I Made the Rarest Quantum Glass!

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hi everyone sometimes I look at my sniffer made of uranium glass and I think to myself how can I make the same one but for instance without the use of rather toxic and radiative uranium and how can I make this glass glow beautiful in ultraviolet light and perhaps even do so in different color the thing is possible well let's find out [Music] thank you by the way have you ever wondered that you can spend 15 minutes every day on with great benefit I have one great answer that you will definitely love blinkist is a unique application that aims to develop you and with pleasure no one wants to spend precious time reading non-fiction and documentaries and even more so if you are busy working or studying as a university blinkist will do everything for you and all you have to do is set aside 15 minutes a day to improve your horizons agree because this is quite a bit the application offers you unique and very diverse content more than 5 500 titles in 27 different categories you download the app 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decided to add some uranium containing minerals like autonite or molten glass which is Uranium phosphate containing up to 60 percent of uranium besides being highly or addictive this mineral also has a very beautiful lumination property which means that it glows beautiful in ultraviolet light perhaps this is the reason why uranium containing minerals began to be added to the glass back in ancient Rome because some uranium was discovered in the glass pieces in this Mosaic in one ancient Roman villa however because of the reality and difficult access to uranium ores and also because of the early stage of the glass or development uranium glass became popular only in 19th century when Glass Masters of that time learned the annealing technique which allowed to finally make glass were perfectly transparent and make it Sparkle in the sunlight besides uranium other metal compounds are added to Glass to give it different Hues for instance nowadays green glasses containing two violent iron oxide is one of the most frequently occurring glass colors to make regular brown glass sulfur is added to Molten Green Glass and to make beautiful blue glass you need to add turbulent Cobalt oxide to the glass Mass modern day blowers can make glass of any colors and Hues and can even make her as a rare red glass with the use of gold also it's possible to make such glass less expensive by adding selenium and cadmium oxide to the glass mess instead but still all this metal oxide additives just diagulize different colors and only radiate the uranium compounds can make it Glow beautifully in ultraviolet light is that really so I had been thinking so too until I watched a video on the channel of Oleg Eisen in which he examined a Chinese pendant made of so-called torum glass it turns out that nowadays the Chinese get rid of useless term oxides by dissolving Zen in glass and selling them as some magic pendants with scalar energy which in reality are the active glass pieces that don't have any useful properties however they do happen to have one interesting property which is luminescence in the ultraviolet light which is very unusual for totem compounds because usually they don't glow in ultraviolet light perhaps this happens because the glass contains atoms of some metals for instance torum which form ions that react with ultraviolet light more easily than insoles and other compounds of course that's great and basically besides uranium compounds term dioxide can be added to Glass too and such glass just like uranium glass will be glowing green beautifully in ultraviolet light the problem with storm is that like uranium it's already active and quite toxic that's why the issue remains unresolved there must be something else that is not radioactive and is relatively safe after some meditation I record my experiments with so-called lanternize that are located somewhere separately from All Metals in the Periodic Table of chemical elements and have properties that are slightly similar to a Zeus of torum and uranium and besides they are not reactive like rare earth metals lanternoids are extracted from such minerals as monotide and godly Knight that can easily be found with a radiation decimeter the thing is the chemical properties of lentanites are very similar to zoos of radioactive actinides and they are often found together that's why oftentimes term or less frequently uranium can be found in rare Earth's ores for instance here in an old mine next or Swedish Village of iterby where there is a massive deposit containing many Rare Earth elements mixed with storm and my decimeter is detecting it nowadays often times after extracting some lanternize from such oars torum gets left and to this it's rarely used that's why the Chinese get rid of it in the most bizarre waste for instance using it in toram glass after several years of my experiments I got an entire collection of different plantainite and the rare earth metal compounds and some of them have very unusual properties for instance Homme oxide can change its color depending on lighting when light by light emitting diodes it's yellow but it turns orange in the light of a fluorescent lamp the same thing happens to nadimir Chloride solution its Violet under the light of LED lamp but it turns yellow under the light of a fluorescent lamp if you point an UltraViolet loud torch on other lanternite oxace then we can notice how European oxide will start gloving already faintly which is extremely unusual for an offset of any metal this unusual property of metals and their components from the lanternate series is a result of their unusual electron shell you need outer electrons in the atom are located in the 4f subshell OR to put it simply the probability of the electrons in the atom of these Metals being further away from the core is higher than being closer to the core this is why there are more prone to the influence of external electromagnetic forces on the basis of the previous experiments I learned that European oxide and its other compounds like its nitrate can Global nitrate in ultraviolet light I think that glass with Europe and oxet will be glow in red too like compounds of this metal do but it's better to test my guesses to do that first I need to make glass that is to make some substances together and melt them at very high temperature nowadays soda glass mixture is the easiest and cheapest mixture of glass Mass you can see the exact proportions of the components on your screen today transparent glass bottles and some cheap glass kitchenware are made of this kind of glass because this glass contains soda which is sodium carbonate first of all we need to obtain it to do that I used a regular baking soda which is sodium bicarbonate and I bought around 250 grams of it into a beaker made of highly heat resistant quartz glass the overall mess with the beaker is 318 grams now I need to heat the content of the beaker to 300 degrees Celsius in order for the baking soda or sodium bicarbonate to start breaking down into sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide with the water after 30 minutes of cooling I wait in the bigger in and it has become 40 grams lighter which means that almost all sodium bicarbonate has turned into sodium carbonate and have pure soda in my Beaker for making soda glass now what's left to do is just to weigh the exact amounts of the needed chemicals for making a so-called bash or in other words material for melting glass Mass besides soda we'll also need quarters sand which is practically pure silica oxide but I'm simply using highly pure silicon dioxide because today it's even easier to buy than quartz sand besides this I'll also need calcium oxide or in other words quick lime and also aluminum oxide so after weighting all the components they need to be mixed froefully by the way I think it won't suffice to just mix the components in a plastic container for making high quality glass each component of the glass needs to be floorfully mixed with other components [Music] to mix all the components of my do-it-yourself bench well I used a regular coffee grinder and in 5 minutes of grinding all the components of glass turned into powder and I'm satisfied with the fineness of this powder I learned this technique and some other tricks in Glass Mountain in the applied science channel in one of the videos on this channel bancras North share different techniques of making and melting do-it-yourself Glass by the way a link to this channel in the description initially I decided to melt glass in small quartz crucibles with the help of a regular microwave oven turns out that it can be done very easily this is why I bought special mini furnaces for my Chinese manufacturer coated in a silicon carbide layer on the inside this substance heats up quite well in microwave and glass can be melted much faster this way than in a big muffle furnace I think it's better to take the plate and the plastic holder out of the microwave oven in order for force them not to get damaged at higher temperature after putting a crucible with a badge in microwave I'm covering it with such a mini furnace and I'm heating it at full capacity for 7 minutes if I look inside we can see how quickly the content of such Amino furnace starts glow in red and I think seven minutes later a heavy liquid glass and a mixture of different oxides in The Crucible yes judging by the color of the Furnace glow the temperature is our 900 degrees Celsius and the glass is already supposed to be liquid but still this hasn't happened for some reason and the content of The Crucible is still hard perhaps I put in too little Bash that's why I decided to add it to The Crucible and to hit it one more time in some microwave oven while my glass is being heated I decided to prepare space for casting my glass nuggets to do that I took a regular graphite plate because glass doesn't stick to it and I heated it over a gas burner and other for the freshly made glass not to color off too quickly and not to spill because of thermal shock after hitting The Crucible for the second time I decided to cast some of my do-it-yourself glass for a test but for some reason it remained almost hard even after 10 minutes of heating and it also wasn't transparent which is very strange evidently part of the glass reacted with the quartz Crucible or the composition of this Glass isn't very suitable for simple experiments I need to look for something that is easier to melt and more transparent for my second experiment I decided to make barium borite based Optical glass rather than soda glass because it's supposed to be more liquid at higher temperature and it's also supposed to be highly transparent to do that I took 33 grams of boric oxide and 16.5 grams of barium oxide and roughly mix them in a coffee grinder because I can only fit the smallest Crucible into the small microwave oven and I cannot put a large amount of glass bash into it I decided to buy a real mouthful furnace that can be heated to 1000 and 200 degrees Celsius for my next experiments I'm setting it to heat to 1000 degrees Celsius for now this temperature should suffice after heating the furnace to the needy temperature and put in a crucible with the optical glass bash into it and I'm leaving this mixture for 40 minutes in order to melt boric outside and for it to react with barium oxide creating barium borate 40 minutes later we can see that the volume of the content in The Crucible has decreased which means that all the oxides have broken down and created a glass mess I think we can cast a small nugget of the obtained glass onto the heated graphite plate yes I was not mistaken and this kind of glass really turned out to be very liquid and it spread hours the graphite plate like a sugary syrup but for some reason it was not all transparent some time later the obtained glass even began to grow murky right before my eyes and it began to form something resembling cracks which is quite unusual after colonov's obtained material began to spread about and just would not come off the graphite plate apparently a more complex technology needs to be used when dealing with Optical glass for instance lone annealing in special furnaces rather than just pouring glass Mass on graphite well solar and Optical glass didn't work for me that's why perhaps I should try the composition of heat resistant glass I remember her several years ago I visited a factory where heat resistant laboratory glassware is made and glass made of that material with two temperature fluctuations really well and it was also solved as a relatively low temperatures of 700 degrees Celsius for my another test I decided to make a glass batch with a rather simple composition it was made of 15 grams of sodium carbonate or another white soda 15 grams of silicon dioxide and 15 grams of boric acid thus I got a glass batch for my heat resistant borrow silicate glass to taste the color of the glass I also added 3 grams of neodymium oxide as them through foreground the mixture after placing it in the muffler furnace I'm hitting the content of The Crucible for about 30 minutes during this process we can see well how boric acid and sodium carbonate starts breaking down after that they fuse with silicon dioxide forming porosilicate glass finally the Moment of Truth has come will I finally manage to make something resembling colored glass I think so the obtaining glass mask turn out to be reasonably liquid and doesn't wet surface of the graphite excessively which means that most probably it won't stick to it the color of the glass is great too I managed to make real neodymium grass what's left is just to anneal the grass on the plate for several hours after annealing the glass didn't crack and managed to make a rather beautiful piece of neodymium glass that can change its color depending on lighting just like the oxide of this metal can in the light of light emitting diodes it looks Violet varies in the light of a fluorescent lamp this piece turns navy blue which is quite unusual besides these such glass is also capable of blocking the yellow spectrum of light for instance it can do so with incandescent light bulbs and certain Vapors treat light lamps and this property is often used in film studios as an unusual filter glass blowers also often use nadimum glasses because they block bright yellow color emitted by sodium ions alone Masters to work with glass without the unknown illumination finally I have selected a suitable glass mixture and found out that it dissolves rare Earth's metal oxides really well we can try to make less that is analogous to uranium glass capable of glowing in ultraviolet light after first successful experiment I decided to make one more borosilicate glass mixture but this time adding 2 grams of European oxide in theory this should make our glass glow red beautifully in ultraviolet light after heating the glass mixture in the furnace for half an hour and pour a need on a graphite plate I'm waiting for it to cool off and anneal after two hours of annealing the obtained nugget looks like regular bottle glass in LED lighting but when I pointed an UltraViolet torch at it it started glowing bright red it's amazing how drastically a small amount of European oxide can change the properties of regular glass but still my uranium sniffed her glowed Green in ultraviolet light that's why it will be great to make glass that can glow like uranium but doesn't contain already active elements after doing a little research on the internet I found out that glass with turbine oxide can glow in ultraviolet light too and it does so with the same green color that uranium does fortunately I had a mixed turbine oxide of such an inconventional dark color in my collection that differs from all other oxides without wasting much time I mixed one more borosilicated glass bash with two percent turbine oxide and after that as usual I ground it fruitfully after putting the bash Into The Crucible I just need to wait until all of this turns into glass Mass activated by tear room in the furnace after casting a nugget as usual I annealed it and three hours later I decided to test a good glass nugget in ultralight light as you can see it works this glass glows like uranium glass in ultraviolet light and at the same time it's not already active and it's much safer to make than working with stock security active uranium compounds only the color differences from the uranium snifter but as far as I know pure uranium glass like one in this drop has a yellowish color and additional iron oxide additives give it a greenish Hue creating so-called Vaseline Glass that was popular in the 20th century so I have managed to make two pieces of unusual glass that in my opinion even exceeded uranium glass in terms of its properties because they are not reactive and their production can be launched even now without needing to comply with special requirements over the Asian Safety Services by the way after conducting my experiments I learned that it's possible to make glass that glows not on a red and green in ultraviolet light for instance you can make blue glass if you add two percent serum oxide to a glass mess and dispersium oxide can make glass glow yellow in ultraviolet light so I think after watching this video you will know more about glass production and how to create unusual glass types that are not predictive but can glow in ultraviolet light and if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Views: 18,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glass chemistry, quantum glass, uranium glass, cooler, cooler than uranium glass, how to make glass, uranium, thorium, radioactive glass, glowing glass, unusual glass, glass experiments, melting, chemistry video experiments, chemistry experiments, inorganic chemistry, substance chemistry, metal chemistry, unusual substances, cool chemistry, Thoisoi channel
Id: cUUjG1l1nTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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