Hybrid Cloud Architecture Part 1: Connectivity

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hi everyone my name is Savannah and I'm a developer advocate with IBM today I want to start with the first part of the hybrid cloud architecture series with a deep dive into connectivity connectivity is an important concern when you're starting with your hybrid cloud strategy and that's why I want to start with it first by establishing connectivity we can then start thinking about other requirements and then move on to the other parts of the series there's three major parts about connectivity that won't that I want to hit with this video starting with very simply how do you actually connect private and public cloud environments next I'll be moving on to the service mesh essentially enabling your applications and micro services to work with one another as one singular mesh and then we'll close it off by talking about some integration tools that we have available to make it easier to connect up your services and third-party services and that kind of thing to better explain and set the set the stage for the rest of the topics I want to introduce a stock trader sample application that will be kind of revisiting with this architecture so let's get started over here we have a consumer application whether it's a mobile app a web browser whatever it might be and whenever user accesses the stock trader application they'll be hitting the private cloud endpoint at this point they'll be fed into the kubernetes cluster that we have here and within this kubernetes cluster we have a number of services the first service that they're going to hit is the the trader so this will be the end of the application so there'll be kind of an exposure from the trader to the outside of that cluster the trader in turn goes in creates portfolios so this essentially is the the reason why people use stock trader is to create these portfolios to manage their investments and their and their trades and that kind of thing this portfolios app then in turn has a couple of services that it takes advantage of which it actually pulls from the public cloud one it actually needs to get the price of a stock and to do that we have a service in the public cloud which we'll call get which actually goes off to the investors exchange API to access the the current stock price so it'll take advantage of that and then to kind of feed that data back we have a egress setup so external API request that allows the portfolio app to work directly with the service that we have in the public cloud another service that we have that backs is a stock trader application is the mq service which is essentially a message queuing capability and we're going to be using that to keep track of the loyalty levels that a user has when working with their portfolios so various Commission's would be changed based on how long that they've kept a particular stock within their portfolio and the same thing here so in addition to portfolios working with the public cloud the mq service is also going to be accessing the public cloud however the mq service isn't concerned with getting stock prices instead it wants to notify users whenever there's a change in their loyalty or in their in their portfolio and to do that we're actually going to take advantage of several as capabilities using cloud functions which in turn will go and send a message to the user using a slack integration so this kind of sets the stage for the various parts that we have within the stock trader application and actually before I forget there's one more piece to actually persist the data for the portfolio's we have a dedicated database service that's hosted in the private cloud outside of the cluster that the portfolio's application will be using to persist the data this kind of sets the stage for us to jump into the very first piece that I want to talk about which is connect so although we've laid out the architecture here we haven't really talked about how these applications are able to work with the public cloud services although you know generally a private cloud is going to be behind a firewall it's going to be in a restricted network there's one very easy way to expose services from private cloud to a public cloud and that is by taking advantage of a VPN tunnel and that's one of the easiest ways to get started an IPSec VPN tunnel essentially exposes a subnet of IPs that can be exposed from the private cloud and public cloud enabling those connections to happen so we'll create that VPN tunnel between the two environments and one key thing to note here is that this is all happening over public internet so this has some caveats although it was very easy to setup the problem is that when you're working over the public Internet you're kind of you can be kind of affected by variability in the amount of time a request takes to travel between the private and public cloud in addition VPN you know you're not gonna get the best bandwidth capabilities out there because you're going over the public Internet flows so there's an alternative to VPNs and that's taken advantage of direct link capabilities to create entirely private connections between your private and public cloud this is made possible by taking advantage of apop which is a point of presence generally provided by a public cloud and enables completely private connections to that private cloud and this kind of always exists to enable your existing architecture to fit into this you will need to work with your network service provider and create a direct connection for all connections coming out of your private cloud maybe you have a whene wide area network to make sure that all of these connections flow privately in this way you never actually actually take advantage of you're never actually using the internet for this connection it's all private and in addition the big advantage of that is you get much higher bandwidth capabilities there is one thing though I want to mention once you have a direct link like this setup it's also possible to have a failover which in case that this doesn't work it'll kind of fall back and use the VPN over Internet and by using those two in conjunction I'd say that's probably the best way to connect up your networks from a private and public cloud environment next I want to talk about the service mesh there's a great project out there that you might be familiar with it's completely open-source it's called Sto it was created by a number of industry leaders like Google IBM lifts and a number of other leaders out there and you know when we've noticed here we had taken advantage of kubernetes on our on our private cloud and let's say that we're also using kubernetes on the public cloud although we only have one service in there so far we'll get around to creating some additional ones later on so what we have is two different clusters in different environments we want to make sure that they get managed in an easy way so that your operations teams don't have to concern themselves with working with multiple environments multiple clusters which can lead to you know an increased kind of load and and it can be quite difficult to manage so a service mesh essentially in generally in the context of is do you manage the services within a single cluster but there's been new developments in STL that allow you to connect up multiple clusters together and have the services behave as one singular cluster one mesh across multiple environments to better kind of explain this let's let's say that stock trader wants to create a new version of trader so we've got v1 here and we want to make v2 and this time we want to host it on the public cloud let's say because we want to have the front end of the application geographically closer to wherever most of our customers are so we'll create another trader application and this one is going to be v2 let's say that you know all this traffic coming right now so a hundred percent of traffic flowing into the application is flowing in here with Sto what we're going to essentially set up is a gateway right here and this gateway has a number of policies that are kind of enabled and set up by a control plane so we got here make a misty Oh control plane so we've got sto here and that's essentially enabling us to create policies for this ingress gateway so essentially all requests that are flowing in and now let's say that we want 50% of traffic to flow through to v1 and then we want 50% of traffic to flow to v2 very simply once we have the service mesh set up all we have to do is create a policy in sto that tells the Gateway to route the other traffic and that will actually go ahead and take advantage of the VPN or the direct link connection we have to move 50% of all traffic to this version of the trader application so you know very simply taken advantage of sto our existing connection policies as well as a control plane we're able to create a policy that allows us to route a certain percentage traffic to the new version of the application this is very useful when you start thinking about creating new versions of your app and rolling them out to your users the last thing I want to mention along with a steal you also get a number of awesome analytics and metrics tracing management capabilities so all of those health management capabilities that sto offers they're not limited to the cluster itself they will actually manage requests that flow between all of your services that your STL mesh is connected to essentially this gives your operations point operations team a single point of management for all of your services across your environments and the last thing I want to touch on is integration so there's a lot of things out there that are repeated quite often that means customers are kind of constantly doing these things so iBM has created a suite of tools to make integration with those services easier for example let's imagine that you have a set of user data that's stored in Salesforce and you've already taken advantage of this data this account data and your on-prem private cloud applique but you want to start reusing those capabilities in the public cloud so in the public cloud maybe there's certain network or network challenges that that change how its implemented you can take advantage of these integration tools to very quickly move that data between Salesforce and your public cloud micro service applications take an advantage of some of these tools this is made possible through connectors that you know not only connect up Salesforce but a lot of other services out there things that we notice that our customers are doing quite often another integration tool I want to talk about is an API gateway and we're noticing more and more that this is something that really is something that's really important to the overall hybrid cloud architecture especially when you're working with third-party services so here we actually have a number of them with Salesforce slack and the investors exchange let's say that one of our engineers has a bug that accidentally hits the investors exchange way too many times and they're throttling us which ends up bogging down the whole system to prevent that from happening or just to be more secure about how we're accessing third-party services what we can do is create a gateway that essentially sits in between the public cloud and those third-party services and allows you to do things like manage rate limits create authentication since like oh ah there maybe even basic keys to really restrict how your public cloud services as well as users are accessing those third-party services so we've noticed that API gateways in addition to those suite of tools that I mentioned are a core part of connecting up your your cloud services to third-party services and as well as kind of some of the things that you have going in your private cloud I'd say that these three topics are the main things you want to think about when figuring out connectivity with your hybrid cloud architecture as always we're checking comments for feedback or ideas for new videos so feel free to drop a comment below and definitely subscribe because the next part of this series would be talking about strategies to modernize legacy applications thank you
Channel: IBM Technology
Views: 36,532
Rating: 4.9679999 out of 5
Keywords: hybrid cloud, cloudcomputing, microservices, cloudprivate, security, hybrid cloud architecture, connectivity, private cloud, public cloud, service mesh, integration, mobile app, kubernetes, kubernetes cluster, api, cloud functions, dedicated database, firewall, vpn tunnel, direct link, wide area network, istio, ingress, egress, policies
Id: Fp2In_la9DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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