Istio & Service Mesh - simply explained in 15 mins

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in this video you will learn about service mesh and one of its implementations which is istio in order to understand the concepts we will first look at the challenges of a microservices application and then we will see how different features of a service mesh solve these challenges we will look at how istio implements service mesh and learn about istio architecture as well as how to configure istio for our microservices application istio is a service mesh so in order to understand istio we need to understand what service mesh is service mesh is a popular solution for managing communication between individual microservices in a micro service application so why do we need a dedicated tool for microservices communication and what are the challenges here now when we move from monolith to microservices application we introduced a couple of new challenges that we didn't have with a monolith application and let's say we have an online shop application which is made up of several micro services we have the web server that gets the ui requests payment microservice that handles the payment logic let's say we have a shopping cart product inventory and database and probably some more services and we're deploying our micro service application inside a kubernetes cluster now what does our micro service application setup need to run successfully or what are some of the required configurations for such an application first of all each micro service has its own business logic right payment service handles the payment logic web server handles ui requests database persist data and so on now services need to talk to each other when user puts stuff in the shopping cart request is received by the web server which hands it over to the shopping cart microservice which will talk to the database to persist the data so how do services know how to talk to each other what is the endpoint of each service all the service endpoints that web server talks to must be configured for web server so when we add a new micro service we need to add the endpoint of that new service to all the microservices that need to talk to it so we have that information as part of the application deployment code now what about security in our microservice application setup generally a common environment in many projects will look like this you have firewall rules set up for your kubernetes cluster maybe you have a proxy as entry point that gets the request first so cluster can't be accessed directly so you have security around the cluster however once request gets inside the cluster the communication is insecure microservices talk to each other over http or some other insecure protocol also services talk to each other freely every service inside the cluster can talk to any other service so there are no restrictions on that so this means that from security perspective if an attacker gets inside the cluster it can do anything because we don't have any additional security inside and maybe for small applications they don't really have any sensitive user data it may be okay but for more important applications like online banks or apps with lots of personal user data a higher level of security is very important so you want everything to be as secure as possible so again additional configuration inside each application is needed to secure communication between services within the cluster you also need retry logic in each microservice to make the whole application more robust if one microservice is unreachable or you lose connection for a bit you want to retry the connection so developers will add this retry logic also to the services what about metrics for your services you want to be able to monitor how the services are performing what http errors are you getting how many requests are your microservices receiving or sending or how long does a request take to identify the bottlenecks in your application so development team may add a monitoring logic for prometheus for example using prometheus client library and collect tracing data using a tracing library like zipkin for example so as you see teams of developers of each microservice need to add all this logic to each service and maybe configure some additional stuff in the cluster to handle all these very important challenges in the microservices application and this means that developers of microservices are not working on the actual service logic but are busy adding network logic for metrics and security and communication etc for each microservice which also adds complexity to the services instead of keeping them simple and lightweight now wouldn't it make more sense to extract all the non-business logic out of the microservices and into its own small sitecar application that handles all these logic and acts as a proxy and this small application is a third party application the cluster operators can easily configure through a simple api without worrying about how the logic is implemented and developers can now focus on developing the actual business logic and note that you don't have to add this sidecar configuration to your micro service deployment yaml file because service mesh has a control plane that will automatically inject this proxy in every microservice pod so now the microservices can talk to each other through those proxies and the network layer for service to service communication consisting of control plane and the proxies is a service mesh in addition to the above features one of the most important features of a service mesh is traffic split configuration so what is a traffic split when changes are made to a payment microservice for example a new version is built tested and deployed to a production environment right now of course you can rely on tests to validate the new version but what if the new version has a bug that you couldn't catch with the tests happens very often depending on the test coverage so in this case you don't want to end up with a new version of payment service in production that doesn't work it may cost your company a lot of money so you want to send maybe only one percent or 10 traffic to the new version for a period of time to make sure it really works so with service mesh you can easily configure a web server micro service to direct 90 of traffic to the payment service version 2.0 and 10 of traffic to the version 3.0 which is also known as canary deployment and as i mentioned at the beginning service mesh is just a pattern or a paradigm and istio is one of its implementations and in istio architecture the proxies are invoice proxies which is an independent open source project that istio as well as many other service mesh implementations also use and the control plane component in istio is istio d which manages and injects the envoy proxies in each of the microservice pods now note here that in earlier versions of istio up to version 1.5 istio control plane was a bundle of multiple components you had the citadel mixer galley and some other components so you had multiple pods when you deployed istio however in version 1.5 all of these separate components were combined back into one single stod component to make it easier for the operators to configure and operate istio so if you have read articles or watch videos where all these components are explained separately note that this is only relevant for the earlier versions now you only worry about one single istio d component so istio architecture is comprised of the control plane which has esteod component and control plane manages a data plane which is group of all the invoice proxies so now the question is how do we configure all these above features for our micro services in istio as i mentioned you don't have to adjust deployment and service dml files for your micro services so all the configuration for easter components will be done in istio itself again having a clear separation between the application logic and configuration and the service mesh logic and configuration and the great thing is that istio can be configured with kubernetes yaml files because it uses crds by extending kubernetes api crd is basically a custom resource or custom component in kubernetes that can be used to allow configuring these third-party technologies like istio prometheus etc using the same kubernetes yaml files and apply them using cube ctl without having to learn a technology specific configuration language and adjusting that configuration directly inside istio for example so using a few sdo crds we can configure different traffic routing rules between our microservices like which services can talk to each other traffic split configuration the retry rules timeouts and many other network configurations and there are two main crds for configuring service to service communication virtual service which configures how to route the traffic to a specific service and once that traffic is actually routed to that service on top of that using destination rule component we can configure some policies on that traffic light what kind of load balancing to use to talk to the pods behind the destination service so overall as you see we create these crds custom resource definitions in kubernetes that istiod component which is is the control plane will read and convert into invoice specific configuration and send that configuration out to all the invoice proxies so we don't configure proxies we configure control plane and control plane itself will then push that configuration out to all individual invoice proxies and the proxies themselves can now communicate with each other by applying this configuration that we define without having to go back to the easter control plane so they can independently talk to each other because they have all the logic and configuration they need without talking to the control plane in addition to configuring the proxies stod also has a central registry for all the microservices so instead of statically configuring the endpoints for each microservice when a new microservice gets deployed it will automatically get registered in the service registry without the need of any additional configuration from our site because istio automatically detects the services and endpoints in the cluster and using this service registry the envoy proxies can now query the endpoints to send the traffic to the relevant services in addition to this dynamic service discovery feature istiod also acts as a ca as a certificate authority and generates certificates for all the microservices in the cluster to allow secured tls communication between proxies of those microservices and finally sdod gets metrics and tracing data from the invoice proxies that it gathers they can be later consumed by monitoring server like prometheus or tracing servers etc to have out-of-the-box metrics and tracing data for your whole microservice application istio has another component called istio ingress gateway that basically is an entry point into your kubernetes cluster you can think of the istio ingress gateway as an alternative to nginx ingress controller so istio gateway runs as a pod in your cluster and acts as a load balancer by accepting incoming traffic in your cluster and gateway will then direct traffic to one of your microservices inside the cluster using virtual service component and you can configure istio gateway using a gateway crd so now the traffic flow in your kubernetes cluster with all these istio components will look like this so user will initiate a request to a web server microservice in your kubernetes cluster the request will first hit the gateway because it's that entry point of the cluster gateway will then evaluate the virtual service rules about how to route the traffic and will send it to web server microservice and finally that request will reach the proxy the invoice proxy inside your web server micro service the invoice proxy will evaluate the request and forward it to the actual web server container within the same pod using localhost now the web server will initiate another request to a payment microservice for example so the request will move from web server container to the web server proxy which will then by applying the virtual service rules as well as destination rules and maybe some other configuration will communicate with the proxy envoy proxy of payment microservice using mutual tls and the same will repeat for communication between the payment service and database and all the way back the response will be returned to the ui and during this overall request flow the proxies will gather all the metrics and tracing information about the requests and send it back to the control plane so we automatically have monitoring for our application so that's it for this video subscribe to my channel for more content like this and if you want to see behind the scenes content and previews follow me on instagram as well thank you and see you in the next video
Channel: TechWorld with Nana
Views: 163,938
Rating: 4.9621329 out of 5
Keywords: service mesh, istio, microservices, istio tutorial, service mesh istio, service mesh kubernetes, service mesh tutorial, istio kubernetes, istio explained, service mesh explained, service mesh architecture, what is istio, what is service mesh, what is service mesh in kubernetes, how istio works, how service mesh works, istio mesh, kubernetes, techworld with nana, istio architecture, kubernetes service mesh, envoy, envoy proxy, what is service mesh in microservices
Id: 16fgzklcF7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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