Kubernetes Explained

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hi everyone my name is sai venom and I'm a developer advocate with IBM today I'm back with another video where I'm gonna be talking about all things kubernetes kubernetes is an orchestration tool allowing you to run and manage your container based workloads today I want to take a high-level look at a reference architecture of managed kubernetes services and dive a little bit deeper about how you would do a deployment of your micro services let's get started here so we've got here sketched out kind of two sides of the puzzle here on on the left side here we've got the cloud side and what we've got here is a very important component it's gonna be the kubernetes master the kubernetes master has a lot of important components in it but the most important piece that we want to talk about today is going to be the API server the kubernetes api server running on the master is integral to running all of your workloads and exposes a set of capabilities allowing us to define exactly how we want to run our workloads on the right side here on the customer manage side we've got our worker nodes which are all also kubernetes based there's one major component that I want to point out running on every single kubernetes worker node and that's gonna be the cubelet the cubelet essentially is responsible for scheduling and making sure our apps are healthy and running within our worker nodes so you can imagine that the master and the cubelet are gonna be working together quite often let's take a step back why would someone want to start using kubernetes well maybe they have some micro services make up a cloud native application you know as we all know micro services are talking to each other over the network to really simplify this example let's say we've got a front end and a back end and those are the two components that we want to scale out and deploy to the cluster today so kubernetes uses yamo to kind of define the resources that are sent to the api server which end up creating the actual application so let's get started with that by sketching out what a simple yeah Mille for deploying a pod a really small logical unit allowing you to run a simple can and a worker note so we'll start with that we'll say we've got a pod and what we need with that is an image that's associated with it let's say that you know it's a container we've already pushed it up to dr. hub and we'll use my mic right my registry for this one and very simply let's say the name of the application is just F for front-end version one and one more thing that we want to add here let's just say we've got labels so labels are very important and we'll talk about why in a second here but allow us to define exactly what type of artifact we've got here is so for the labels we'll just say the app is F for front-end all right so we've got that created and what we want to do is push it through our process to get it into a worker node we've got here is cube CTL cube cuddle I've heard different ways of pronouncing that but using that we're going to be able to deploy the simple manifest we've got and have it in our one of our worker nodes so we'll push the manifest through cube CTL it hits the API running on the kubernetes master that in turn is going to go and talk to one of the cubelets because we just want to deploy one of these pods and start it up so taking a look let's say that it starts it up in our first worker node here with the label that we've given it app is front end and one thing to note here it actually does get an IP address as well so let's say we get an internal IP address that ends in a dot one so at this point I could SSH into any of the worker nodes and use that IP address to hit that application so that's great for deploying a simple application let's take it a step further kubernetes has an abstraction called deployments allowing us to do something and create something called a desired state so we can define the number of replicas we want for that pod and if something were to happen to that pot and it dies it would create a new one for us so we've got that pod as you know app is front-end and we want to say that we wanted to create maybe three replicas of that so going back to our manifest here one thing we need to do is tell kubernetes that we don't want a pod we want a template for a pod right so we'll scratch that out and we'll create a say that this is a template for a pod on top of that we've got a few other things that we want right so the number of replicas let's say we want three we've got a selector right so we want to tell this deployment to manage any application deployed with that kind of name here so we'll say Maj that selector here again this is not entirely valid Djamel just want to give you an idea of the kind of artifacts that kubernetes is looking for and the last thing that we've got here is what kind of artifact is this and this is going to be a deployment all right so we've scratched out that pod and we've got a new manifest here what it's gonna do we're gonna push it through cube CTL it hits the API server now it's no it's not an ephemeral kind of object kubernetes needs to manage the desired State so what it's gonna do is it's gonna manage that deployment for as long as we have that deployment and we don't delete it it's going to manage that here so we'll say that creates a deployment and since we've got it three replicas it's always going to ensure that we've got three running so as soon as we got that deployment created to realize a something's wrong we've only got one we need two more it's what its gonna do it's gonna schedule out deploying that application wherever it has resources so we've got a lot of resources still most of these worker nodes are empty so decides to put one in each of the different nodes so we've got the deployment created and let's just say we do the same thing for our back end here so we'll say we'll create another application deployment application is back-end and for this one let's just scale it out two times so we'll go here application is back end and all right everyone's happy now we need to start thinking about communication between these services right we talked about how every pot has an IP address but we also mentioned some of these pods might die maybe you'll have to update them at some point when when a pod goes away and comes back it actually has a different IP address so if we want to access one of those pods from the back end or even external users we need an IP address that we can rely on and this is the problem that's been around for a while and service registry and service discovery capabilities were created to solve exactly that that comes built in into kubernetes so what we're going to do now is create a service to actually create a more stable IP address so we can access our pods as a singular kind of app rather than individual different services so to do that I'm going to take a step back here and we're gonna create a service definition around those three pods to do that we're gonna need some more manifests gamal so again so we'll go back here create a new section in our file this time we've got a kind service and we're going to need a selector on that and again that's gonna match the label that we've got here and the last thing that we need here is a type so how do we want to actually expose this but we'll get to that in a second by default that type is gonna be cluster IP meaning our services can be accessed from inside the cluster so deploying that through you know cube CTL hits our master goes over here and creates that abstraction we talked about and we can say it created recurred another one for the backend as well so what we get now is a cluster IP let's just say CL IP IP say ends in five and then another cluster IP for our other service here and will say that has in ends in 8.6 so now we have a IP that we can use to reliably do communications between these services in addition the cube dns service which is usually running by default will make it even easier for these services to access each other they can just use their names so they could hit each other using the name front-end back-end or F or B for short and so we've got that and we've talked about how now these services could talk to each other you know by using these cluster IPs so communication within the cluster is kind of solved how about when we want to start exposing our front-end to our end users to do that what we'll need to do is define a type of this service and what we want is a load balancer there's actually other ways to expose like node ports as well but a load balancer essentially what it's going to do where theses internal internal to the actual kubernetes worker nodes we can create an external IP now so say external and this is this might be you know let's say a 169 address and now what we can do is actually expose that directly to end-users so that they can access that front-end by directly using that service we talked about three major components here today we've got pods pods which are then deployed and managed by deployments and then facilitating access to those pods created by those deployments using services well sort of three major components working together with the kubernetes master and all the worker nodes to allow you to really redefine your DevOps workflow for deploying your applications into a managed kubernetes service I know we talked about a lot today but we want to get into more in-depth topics in our future light boarding videos I mean for example something like deployments so feel free to drop a comment below leave us any feedback definitely subscribe and stay tuned for more light bording videos in the future and thank you so much for joining me today
Channel: IBM Technology
Views: 356,459
Rating: 4.9122338 out of 5
Keywords: kubernetes, what is kubernetes, kubernetes explained, containers, containerization, microservices, apps, worker node, master node, cloud, hybrid cloud, kubectl, yaml, kubelet, container orchestration, kubernetes deployment, kubernetes cluster, API server, cluster, kubernetes pod, pod, image, IP address, replicas, desired state, cluster ip, kubedns, services, kubernetes clusters, kubernetes architecture, kubernetes pods, kubernetes security, kubernetes tutorials
Id: aSrqRSk43lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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