Hybrid Cloud Architecture Part 3: Security

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hi everyone my name is psy venom and I'm a developer advocate with IBM today I want to talk about security with hybrid cloud architectures this is going to be part three of the hybrid cloud architecture series security is a nuanced topic but to kind of help me explain I'm going to start with two major concepts of north-south network traffic versus east-west network traffic when I walked into the office today I had to pull out my badge and scan to get into the building this is something called perimeter security and it's a core part of north-south network traffic essentially what that refers to is any traffic that's traveling from end-user applications to your data centers or public or private cloud environments let's take a step back and kind of explain these pieces here so we've talked about this in the previous videos but what we've got here is the stock trader monolith which is gonna be on an on-prem data center we've got a couple of services here maybe something to help us talk to the cloud and maybe a data store as well so we mentioned perimeter security and that's something you honestly you take as a given with data centers that you have that firewall sitting in front of that data center giving you a private network for your actual data center and the applications and workloads running within it this made security a lot easier to tackle when working with monolithic applications but it did put the onus of security on the application the enterprise application developer the the the main thing here to actually secure these endpoints was to make sure that all the capabilities that this monolith exposes those API endpoints or secured and to do that we could take advantage of something like an api gateway so traditionally what we would see is a gateway that's set up in front of that that on-prem application with key capabilities exposed that may be required by that front-end to render the application and potentially the same for a mobile app as well so that I think helps tackle security with north-south and network traffic on the on premise side but let's shift gears here for a second and talk about the public cloud side or even potentially a private cloud I'll talk about the different components here later in the video but let's start with this piece right here which is the kubernetes worker within the kubernetes worker we can assume that we have a couple of services that we need to actually render the stock trader application whether it's mobile or in a web app so I have a couple services you can assume they talk to one another so what happens when an end-user actually accesses that application well one they'll actually have to hit that endpoint that becomes available at which point they will enter the public cloud and at that layer we get things like denial of service protection and other kind of things that the cloud provider offers you to make sure that those requests or maybe authenticated or you know they're they're coming in in a safe manner the next thing that happens that requests will get forwarded to your actual kubernetes worker node with the capabilities that it exposes so at that level we have a couple of options for securing those endpoints so let's say you know we want to hit this first micro service running in a kubernetes worker there's two ways that we can kind of configure security policies the first is gonna be at layer 3 which is if you're familiar it's it's things like IPS and ports basically allows you to configure policies for any network interface that's gonna be done with things like calico or the native kubernetes api policies so that handles the the layer 3 security level the other option we have here is to use something like Sto for layer 7 network policies and and routing for security together with those two capabilities we can cover everywhere from layer 3 to layer 7 network security policies so the request comes in and you know granted that it passes those policies gets forwarded to your worker and whatever services it might hit so this is the ingress application flow and then for external requests that a service might make for egress calls you know the same can be configured in sto or calico going everywhere from layer three to layer seven so that kind of talks about north-south traffic ingress and egress so communication with the clients as well as the data center or public private cloud environments so that tackles north-south network flows next let's talk about east-west so these are going to be essentially communication happening between services running on Prem or in your public private data cloud environments so for east-west going back to my analogy so I badge tin to my building they let me into the perimeter but to actually get to my floor where I where I work every day I have to badge again and that's going to be on it's actually the third floor of the building right so I go up to the third floor and I'm forced to actually scan my badge again if I tried to enter the fourth floor I actually wouldn't be allowed to enter as I'm not on the design team so essentially what that refers to is a concept called segmentation so within the actual building or an application infrastructure maybe a public cloud environment we want to create segments of what users are allowed to access what admins are allowed to access what processes are allowed to access when when talking to one another so at that level we actually call this an customer or in kubernetes environments we call that micro segmentation so in the customer managed environment what that would look like is essentially setting up using something like sto TLS between all requests going between micro services the thing about encryption it's one of those things that you want to encrypt any requests as early as possible and decrypt as late as possible so with traditional kind of kubernetes micro services architectures you want to make sure that all of those requests are being encrypted at the earliest level possible so that's kind of handles micro service - micro service architecture but we didn't really need to consider that with the monolith because again as we mentioned monoliths would be using RPC or remote procedure calls software based calls which remove the requirement of of you know talking over a network so we wouldn't actually have to take advantage of TLS but you can imagine that you do want to make sure that the the network calls may be made to the database would be secured TLS the next concept I want to introduce is what we've have sketched out here on the cloud manage side of our cloud so what we've got here is the kubernetes master node and one thing to kind of remember here is that when you're working with a managed kubernetes service the the master node is actually going to be managed by the cloud provider so whereas you control the worker nodes the master is completely managed and houses a very important piece of the architecture the @cd data store so in the kubernetes world that CD datastore is something that you want to be really careful about protecting because that has all the information about your services your deployments and all of the kubernetes api resources so secure in that CD is going to be very important it's paramount to your security architecture and to secure that a cloud provider traditionally will have a kind of a three phase process so what we'll have is everything from we'll start with step 1 which is authentication so TLS next we've got our back which is kubernetes role based access control for authorization and then finally over here the last piece of that puzzle is going to be the admission controller which is a kubernetes concept that you know once you've made it through the authentication and authorization there's another level of security to make sure that those API requests are our Mutai or you know massaged and made sure that they're in the right format to access that data so they'll access that EDD data and to send that back to your work or note where your application pods need to request that information or or you know pass information to it there's a Open VPN server and there's also going to be a client as well but that's going to enable you to basically access that EDD data store and return data back into the kubernetes worker so that kind of covers the the pattern of how kubernetes is set up in a cloud provider service with master node being managed and the worker node being able to kind of work with that master node in a secure fashion to make sure your assets are protected at all times the other thing I want to mention here that EDD city data store is gonna be backed up is about this arrow here that EDD CD data store is going to be backed up in a cloud object storage capability to make sure that you know worst case scenario you do have those those assets in a secure place so I think that covers you know north-south network traffic as well as east-west where we talked about network traffic coming in from clients or at least network traffic going between services from your data center and your private environments private or public cloud environments the last thing I want to talk about is a concept called dev sec ops notice here that you know it's essentially dev ops with the word security right in the middle and essentially it's a way to ensure that security is something that you think about from the ground up when you start architecting the application all the way until you move into production and that's something you want to take advantage of to make sure that you know you don't have any any issues when we're moving to production you don't want to architect an application the incorrect way and then realize you have to go back and rework all of that so thinking about security from the beginning is going to be an important thing when working with a cloud provided kubernetes service there's something that makes it a little bit easier to to make sure your flows are secure and one one consideration you want to have here is to make sure that your CI workflow that DevOps flow has security embedded within it and is automated so you can imagine maybe you have your favorite kind of code repository holding your application code your your docker files whatever they might be I'm going to automate that process and make sure that you know maybe only the developers who are building that code have access to that git repo next you want to make sure you have a trusted signer to make sure that that code when it gets pushed into a registry well will go ahead and sign it as a trusted image which is something that's available with the cloud manage registry so we'll push that image into that registry once there there's the capability called vulnerability advisor that's going to scan that image and make sure that there's any issues or any vulnerabilities that are detected everywhere from the base operating system to may be the runtime that you're using that if a vulnerability is detected you'll be made aware of it once it passes that vulnerability assessment you can tie that in to build that image and push it directly into kubernetes at that stage you can use something like an admission controller which we talked about in the kubernetes master an admission controller to make sure that that image is again secure and without vulnerabilities and finally there's an live scanning capability to allow you to scan your images running in production to make sure that there's no vulnerabilities in there so dev sack ops an important a very important concept that ensures that from the ground up you're managing security when doing DevOps thanks for tuning in to part three of the hybrid cloud architecture series on security if you haven't already be sure to check out the introduction part 1 and part 2 the links will be below as always feel free to subscribe if you want to see more of these videos in the future thank you
Channel: IBM Technology
Views: 12,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hybrid cloud, security, devsecops, application, network traffic, microservices, Kubernetes, containers, monolith, cloud, firewall, api gateways, kubernetes master node, kubernetes worker, istio, public cloud, private cloud, data center, calico, layer 3 security, layer 7 security, ingress, egress, segmentation, tls, encryption, etcd, authentication, authorization, admission controller, vpn, cloud object storage, devops, registry, vulnerability adviser
Id: _bjDY9omL9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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