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Come on in. Oh! Oh! Hwang Jung-min! Hwang Jung-min! Brother! Brother! Was the line "Come on in" in the script? You're a role model for a 'alcohol skin tone' [The secret to his alcohol skin tone] From morning to evening, no matter what. [Ahem] [Red-cheeked Hwang Jung-min / Favorite type of alcohol?] Ah, this is really hard. [Episode 202 / The meeting of red-cheeked Hwang Jung-min and Red-haired JaeJae] [MMTG / Spread the new culture] [July xx, 2021 / @ Gangnam-gu, Seoul] [(Peek-a-boo)] [(I see you)] What the hell is this ~? [Hwang Jung-min / Playing Hwang Jung-min in the movie "Hostage : Missing Celebrity"] Actor Hwang Jung-min coming out to meet me~ eh? Oi, brother! [(How do you do)] [Today's Concept / Jeong Cheong of the Movie 'New World'] Oh, yes, you look good. [(A parody of Jeong Cheong’s movie dialogue)] Isn't the reaction too dry, eh? [(Sweating)] [Never seen this kind of intensity before] [(Abruptly polite)] How do you do. [(Greeting)] [(Continued over-immersion in playing Jeong Cheong)] [(The person of interest is quite amused)] [Subscribe / Like] The actor Hwang Jung-min has come to visit us at the MMTG New Release Hot Spot. [(Welcome)] Once I copied your 'Friendship Trip'. Oh really? [Hwang Jung-min, Cho Seung-woo, Ji Jin-hee / Hwang. Jo. Ji's Hip Friendship Trip] [(A true story)] I went on a trip with the same theme. Let me show you. [Hwang Jung-min / JaeJae] [JaeJae copied HwangJoJi's trip] [(Shooting intention)] Let's get the angle in the same way~! [(Puzzled)] But why? [(An unexpected question)] [(Seriously curious)] I honestly want to ask you why. It's really trendy now. A lot of people, besides me, are doing it. [Hwang. Jo. Ji Themed Friendship Trip] Did you imagine that the friendship trip taken in 2003 would be talked about for this long? It's so embarrassing. To me. Why! I'm telling you, it's really hip. We're copying you because it's so hip. Oh really? It's grubby! No, No. So I met Jin-hee a while ago and we said "Let's take another trip." [(Gasp)] "Let's take a picture and post it again." And we said, "Yeah! Let's go!" But we couldn't go. We were all too busy. [Disappointed] [(Hwang. Jo. Ji's Friendship Trip Season 2 Coming Soon] What are some tips you have to follow? In order to copy this trip. From morning to evening.. [...Ahem] [(You can smell the alcohol without even talking about it)] Aha, so you have to begin with day drinking? Yes, yes. You are a role model for the alcohol skin tone look. [Subscribe / Like] [New Release Hot Spot Review Corner] [Actor Hwang Jung-min's Legendary Filmography] The first is Come on in to the underworld. Underworld~! It is still talked about by many people as a favorite movie. [Come on in to the underworld / ① New World] [Movie 'The New World' / As Jeong Cheong] He plays the ex-leader of the Bukdaemun gang. It is said that almost everything from hair to clothes to dialogues was made up of Hwang Jung-min's ideas and ad-libs. (In the first appearance scene) You appeared wearing airplane slippers. I heard that was your idea. This is Jeong Cheong's first appearance. The real Jeong Cheong would wear those because dress shoes are uncomfortable, [Hwang Jung-min's idea / Jeong Cheong appears wearing airplane slippers] There aren't many Jeong Cheong scenes in 'New World'. [Intense first appearance embedded in the audience's mind] This is a man who does whatever he wants. [(That's right)] who does whatever he wants. That's what I wanted the audience to see. [(Oho)] Also your hair, I heard that it's naturally curly. [(That's right)] Yes. It's not permed or anything. It's natural curls. Yes, my hair is completely curly. The hair in 'Hostage : Missing Celebrity', that's also my natural hair. My hair right now has been pulled straight. [(Blow-dried straight)] [(The hair has been pulled straight with a blow dryer)] Oh, is that how they pull it straight? Originally, that wasn't his style. [(A gangster trying to look like a businessman)] We were going to do a really neat look with a 2:8 parting Kind of pomade style? But as for Jeong Cheong, I wanted him to still have that flashy gangster look, so I discussed it with the staff. You did a lot of ad-libbing here. Here you deal with a gang of traitors, wash your bloody hands in dripping water and then rinse your mouth. I heard that this scene was also 100% pure ad-lib. This is a situation where he is cutting the throats of the police who infiltrated the organization He is killing them with a shovel and blood is splattered everywhere. Jeong Cheong knows that his friend Lee Ja-sung is actually a cop [Lee Ja-sung (played by Lee Jung-jae) was like a brother to Jeong Cheong] [But Lee Ja-sung was a spy planted by the police] Whether to kill Lee Ja-sung or not, there is an extremely complex emotion going on here [(On the script)] Because it says 'complex emotions are shown in Jeong Cheong's back' It's not that he just wants to actually wipe the blood but he is thinking how can he get past this and find a way to spare Lee Ja-sung. That is the vibe here. And it makes the audience think [Does Jeong Cheong know that Lee Ja-sung is a cop?] [Then what's going to happen?] [(Expressing Jeong Cheong’s unknown inner feelings)] And the relationship becomes more complicated. I thought Jeong Cheong didn't know that Lee Ja-sung was a cop yet. [(Impressed)] It's like you're opening up a whole new perspective. [(Famous Line)] 'Come on in' Was 'Come on in ~!' in the script? It wasn't. [(Shocked)] Gasp...! It wasn't on the script. Oh, so that was an ad-lib, too? When I first got the script, I discussed Jeong Cheong's lines with the director and I said "Let me edit the script." And I went to a person with a strong Jeolla-do accent and asked him to make my lines into proper Jeolla-do dialect. and asked him to make my lines into proper Jeolla-do dialect. I told the director that I will change my lines and also that I will add more swearing. After watching the movie, I wanted the audience to think Jeong Cheong? Swearing! [(Agrees)] Yes, that's right. I wanted to make sure that was the first thing they remembered and since I had to swear [(Accents and Nuances)] really well and realistically, I re-wrote my lines on the script. I wrote it and got it checked by the director, and after seeing it, the director said okay. And that was that. Wow, that's amazing. (The movie's ending) The last scene wasn't in the script either. [Yeosu 6 years ago] [The ending shows the strong past friendship of Jeong Cheong and Lee Ja-sung] So how did they end up in Seoul from Yeosu? I asked the director if he wasn't curious about that. That's why the scene was added. It was a situation that wasn't in the script but I discussed it with the director and made it into writing. [(Impressed)] [Two people walking towards you from afar] [The scene was an homage to the movie 'City of the Rising Sun'] In that scene, I go off the screen, fall out of the frame and then come back. [(Ad-lib where he goes out of the frame saying he needs to urinate)] That was also an ad-lib. We'll be walking and I'll quickly slip away, fall out from the camera angle, and then come back in~! And then blah blah blah, so and so, all the dialogues in the scene were ad-libs. This definitely was a real ad-lib. The last Yeosu scene was able to make people understand why Ja-sung believed in Jeong Cheong and why Jeong Cheong trusted Ja-sung so much. That's why they were 'brothers' The scene made you understand them. Yes. x3 You're a writer, Mr. Hwang~! [(No)] Together x3 Together! Together! We all did it together. The name of the producer is Together ~! With this exact feeling, there are a lot of people who listen to the New World OST. Oh, really? Yes, as soon as they hear this [(OST that makes you empathize as soon as you hear it)] Doo roo~ After hearing this, 'who wants to fight me' 'I'm pushing a shopping cart, but I feel like I'm serving my boss' I'm listening to this on MP3 and I feel like saying 'Oi ~ brother' and just grab the things into the cart You should avoid the kitchenware and knives section. [(Dangerous)] Things could get nasty. 'After hearing this song, I was going to present the documents to the team leader.' 'I did let him live' 'When I'm bored at night, I play this song and go out on the balcony' 'I keep my face straight forward and only my eyes looking down' 'I watch the people passing by with hands behind my back.' [Go out alone like this] [(With eyebrows raised to heaven)] 'Deal with it' You utter the line to yourself and then go back inside. Everyone is filming 'New World' in their daily life. Have you ever tried lamely to look cool while listening to music? [(Never)] If it were me, I would do it a lot~! Well, there was this one time. I was at the sauna. About 15 or so high school students just stampeded in. Oh no, a disaster. So I turned my back and took a shower but one of the boys recognized me. [(Interesting)] And all 15 of them just rushed over and went "OH! OH! OH!?" [(Extremely excited high school students)] [(The horror)] I was taking a shower and right behind me You were taking a shower? "Oh?! Aagh?! Hwang Jung-min! Hwang Jung-min!!!" "Brother! Brother!" I mean, it's okay if they just look at my face but [(Face) / (Down)] OH!! OH!! [(Up↑ Down↓ Up↑)] they kept looking up and down. I was so mortified. "Okay kids, now go~" I said "Now go away~" OH! OH! UGH! AAGH! My saying "go away~, go away~" to them [Jeong Cheong Magic, everything turns to 'come on in~, come on in~'] To them it must have sounded like he's saying "Come on in~! Brother!" That's a riot. At this point, you are officially a buzzword maker. [(The famous)] Suddenly shitty mood. [(A new take on suddenly chilly mood)] The shitty part had such a strong impact, now I keep saying suddenly shitty mood when I mean to say suddenly chilly mood. I keep saying that. This is how buzzwords are created. This is a linguistic talent you have. [Bonus Segment / New Word Quiz] Do you know what 'Inseuseu' is? Of course, I don't know 'Inseuseu'. Not even a guess? [(Contemplation)] I think this is the most difficult. I know, right? Why do they keep shortening everything? [(What could it be?)] Were you inseuseu? Were you inseuseu there~? Were you inseuseu? or outseuseu? Or maybe it's short for "Are you insane~? Make it shorter and it's "You inseuseu~?" Inseuseu ~ Inseuseu~ Inseuseu is [Answer / Inseuseu : Insta Story] Do you know? In★ Story? [Clear and simple)] I don't do In★gram, so... [That makes senseuseu~)] Then what is Cagong? Cagong. - Ca... What? - Cagong! Cagong? [Answer / Cagong : Study (gongbu) in a cafe] In a cafe~! Since you have a son I thought you might know what Cagong is. He doesn't study. You're very direct. I heard that 5 or 6 years ago, you used a scooter to drive your son to and from school? Do you still ride a scooter? The kid got so big, suddenly so he is now bigger than me. Oh really? He is now in 9th grade, but his height is 183 cm. [Shock} The fact that someone born in 2006 has already reached 183 cm... [Subscribe / Like] Going back to 'Come on in to the underworld', You worked with Lee Jung-jae again in another movie. [Come on in to the underworld / ② Deliver Us from Evil] [Movie 'Deliver Us from Evil / Plays Kim In-nam] It's about a man who is hiding a guilty conscience. [Reunited for the first time in 7 years since 'New World'] [Reunited for the first time in 7 years since 'New World'] A call came from him. Yes! Hey! I heard you're doing this movie? Really? Okay, I'll do it too! [(Cool deal)] I heard you two were really glad to meet again. [(Excerpt from interview with Hwang Jung-min)] In 'New World', there was actually no proper action scene. The action scene of 'Deliver Us from Evil' was a really high intensity action. Were you okay? It was difficult at first. If you think of it as a choreography, it's not too difficult to memorize the movements. You're shooting in slow video and then playing them fast. Ah, that's how you do it. In movies, there are scenes where you hit the face. If you really hit it people can get hurt so we shoot in slow video and we do the movements slower. And after the fist slowly meets the face, and that timing is over, we go back to normal speed again. Then we pick out the scenes to speed them up. [(Speeding up only the chosen scenes)] [(How to make a realistic hitting effect)] It's quite tricky to do. It's a little daunting the first time you do it. Because when you're making the gesture to hit the person being hit goes "Ugggggh" [(Realistic acting)] It's quite embarrassing. And then when they start to speed things up you have to go "Ugh! Aagh!". [(Being hit)] Ugh! [(Quick)] [(Slow)] [(Suddenly quick)] Yes, correct. That's it. I see. It was something I didn't know at all. Now you are the 'true' actor Hwang Jung-min, but in the 'General's Son', I don't know if you remember this scene but It was 1989. Were you even born then? I was born in 1990. So it was a year before you were born. Yes. [(His acting career is older than JaeJae's age)] But of course, I know 'General's Son'. His first line in the movie was "This happened because it's detective Maruoka's birthday." "I am sorry." Yes. x3 But he couldn't do that one line and just kept repeating "detective Maruoka", the director, Im Kwon-taek told him to forget it and just dubbed that scene. At the time, I was doing plays and was really cocky about it. But then there was the best cinematographer in Korea Jung Il-sung, and all this big-shot people on the set. Of course, I was under pressure. Yes, I got stage fright. I didn't even know what I just did. I started working really hard on plays, after that. You built up your skills. When you're in Daehak-ro, you feel like you're building your acting skills and you feel like you could go to auditions and no one would laugh at you. I was about 28~29, then. Almost 10 years. And then when I turned 30, 'Waikiki Brothers' I was cast in 'Waikiki Brothers' and that's when it all started. Before taking on the character Gang-soo, in 'Waikiki Brothers', you were thinking about working as a guide in Guam? That was when the IMF broke out. That's right. Since I was the eldest son, I couldn't only do what I liked. (Originally) I never thought of quitting theater. Right when I decided to quit acting and go to Guam and earn some money. Right at that point, I was cast in the movie 'Waikiki Brothers'. [(Amazing)] Right when he was about to quit! After receiving the acceptance call, he analyzed the character of Gang-soo by writing almost a novel on four A4 papers. "Yay! Now I don't have to be a guide~!" But how do you know so well? [(Amazed)] You know more than my family. You seem to know more than my wife. [Subscribe / Like] Where shall we go in now? Come on in to the police station~! [(Next stop, police station)] [Come on in to the police station / ① Veteran] [Movie 'Veteran' / Plays Seo Do-cheol] [(Wide area investigation unit = Gwangsu unit)] Yoo Ah-in played [A villain without humanity / 3rd generation chaebol Jo Tae-oh] To catch this bastard, your character went through a lot of struggle. There are many people who like the directness of detective Seo Do-cheol. I feel so satisfied when I watch that scene ~ One of them is "You're living a fun life" "Yes... But Tae-oh" "Let's not live a sinful life" [(Amazed)] You are good~! [(JaeJae, a prolific actress)] He praised my acting. x2 At the end, while fighting so gleefully in front of A*TBOX, I smash my chest into a fire hydrant and then "That's assaulting an officer" You say that line and to the crowd of people filming with their cell phones, "It's all filmed here, mot*erfu*kers~" That was the most satisfying scene. Those scenes where you crash into things, how do you film them? We take a real fire hydrant and make a rubber replica out of it. [Aha] [(Curiosity has been resolved)] It's really soft. [(Amazing)] Oh, I did not know that. [(A fire hydrant made of rubber is used for the crashing scene)] [(A real fire hydrant is used after the crash)] Oh, so it was plush toy~! If it's the real thing, you'll die!!! I did wonder why you didn't die! The next stop is not quite the police station but it's about people who are nearby. [Come on in to the police station / ② A Violent Prosecutor] [Movie 'A Violent Prosecutor / Plays Byun Jae-wook] Imprisoned in prison for being unfairly framed. Even if he takes on the role of a prosecutor, he ends up wearing a prison uniform. [That's right] You just can't avoid it. [Prison uniform is my destiny] It's not easy to pull off the prison uniform look so well. When it comes to costumes, before we start filming, we always have meetings with the makeup team and the costume team to discuss and share ideas together. Those people always look at the big picture, but I only look at the role I'm playing. So when it comes to details, I think I am more accurate than anyone else. That's why I try not to wear too many types of clothes. Just that one outfit that comes to mind when you think of the character. [(Impressed)] Wow! That way, when you put that person and the clothes together within the running time of 2 hours, just that one outfit will remind you of that person. That's why I don't wear many different outfits. So you always wear only one outfit. At this time, there is this meme that became a hot topic again. The title of the meme is 'Fan service is provided by Hwang Jung-min to his fan' [Hehe] 'but Gang Dong-won is more delighted' This was probably Gang Dong-won's fan. [(Aha)] She came up to say hello to Gang Dong-won. And the MC asked "Why aren't you saying hello to Hwang Jung-min?" And she felt embarrassed, so she came to me. [(Hugging in the heat of the moment)] So, Gang Dong-won's fan got hugged unexpectedly by Hwang Jung-min! And Gang Dong-won is going "Gasp!" [Subscribe / Like] Come on in to the nature~! Next stop is the nature! There is a movie set in a mountainous village. This place is really nature itself. It's 'The Wailing'. [Come on in to the nature / ① The Wailing] [(Nature itself)] I thought it would be 'You Are My Sunshine' That's forced! It is not forced! Where can you find a more beautiful nature than this? [Movie 'The Wailing' / Plays Il-gwang] [Spoiler Alert] [Jong-gu's daughter Hyo-jin starts to get sick] [They call the shaman Il-gwang] [It looked like he was doing the healing ritual for Hyo-jin] [But in truth, he was a summoner of evil spirits] Because he is a bad guy, I thought a lot about how to make him appear less like a bad guy to the audience, It was very mind-boggling. What scared you the most? I was suspicious of Kwak Do-won's character. [(The audience bit the bait)] [(Meanwhile, the real villain is relaxed)] A lot of people speculated and leaked a lot of false spoilers. I can't be the only one to suffer! Many people said Kwak Do-won's character was the culprit, so throughout the movie, I was going "that lying two-faced..." whenever he came on screen But he turned out to be a father who truly loves his daughter... He had a warm heart ~! And [I saw somewhere that Kim Hye-ja was the culprit. So I waited through the entire movie for Kim Hye-ja to come out] He says he waited. 'Kim Hye-ja should appear by now...' But she wouldn't come out. He didn't give up till the end and kept on watching for her~! Also the legendary shaman ritual scene. [The ritual scene was shot with real shamans] After the scene was over, the director Na Hong-jin stared into his eyes and said "It is you, Jung-min, right?" [(The scene was that immersive)] You have no choice but to be like that. The rhythm is so exhilarating. That's right. x3 It's like a proper dance club. A Korean traditional dance club. [(The beat is as exciting as the club these days)] It was really fun. It was a very new experience for me. When I first did this role the hardest part for me was that I'm a Christian. Ah, that's right. x2 So obviously I had my own bias about it. But after watching the rituals again and again, I realized that the shaman ritual was the best one-person play. You become the father, then the mother, you wail and you're basically vomiting out all the mental issues. Wow, he interprets it as the best one-person play. To train for the role, I shot the rituals with a video camera and watched and analyzed and practiced doing the ritual on my own. But without the actual rhythm, I couldn't do it on my own. I felt almost desperate and I thought "Oh, whatever, I'll just do it on the set" Yes, that's how I felt about it. Oh, really? The day before the shooting we all gathered at the ritual site. As soon as I put on the shaman costume I felt this eerie, [(Amazed)] this eerie energy coming into me. It was really spooky. When the shooting began, they started beating the rhythm, so I started jumping around and the scene immediately got an OK in one take. My shaman instructor was so happy. she held my hand and her eyes were the shaman instructor her eyes were filled with tears. So I told myself that all the time I spent worrying was not in vain. There are 2 shaman ritual scenes. We shot them all in one day. I wanted the audience to look at me and say "He's a real shaman, right?" I wanted them to see a real shaman. [(Sincere truth)] I really wanted to do it well. It really was a possessed acting. Yes, it was great fun. There is another one. [Come on in to the nature / ② You Are My Sunshine] I did this because Jeon Do-yeon said ["I think Hwang Jung-min is the only one who can play Seok-joong"] "I think Hwang Jung-min is the only one who can play Seok-joong" [Seok-joong is my destiny] She said it herself. [Played as Seok-joong in the film “You Are My Destiny”] Thank you, Do-yeon~♥ He sent a text message. [Thank you, Do-yeon...☆] He even bought sashimi. [LOL] A lot of people loved your work with Jeon Do-yeon. You’ve been friends with Kim Hye-su since “YMCA baseball team” Here’s a clip where she strokes your chin. Why??? Did you not shave? So she... Um... She loves me. LOL I didn’t have a friend that was my age But we were both born in the same year. Yeah, she even said he’s her “Only guy friend” I was looking through your interview about “You Are My Destiny” And found these photo. Do you remember this? You took this from Cine21. And this one...! What is this? [What’s up with your shoes?] I don’t remember why I took it like that. [Super upset.jpg] I really didn’t want to take the picture [And a picture of his pale feet] Ahh! I think they took it because My face is so red But my feet are so pale. LOL “How are your feet so pale?” [The reporter] “How are your feet so pale?” I think that’s the story. LOL So, because your face is so alcohol skin tone But your feet are too pale? Right. [Subscribe / Like] I've prepared a mini section. Since you like drinking. I noticed that there’s at least one drinking scene in every film. [Hwang Jung-min’s favorite drink world cup] Which one is your favorite? [“New World” kaoliang liquor VS.] [“Deliver Us from Devil” sake] Which one do you prefer? Kaoliang liquor. Kaoliang liquor!!! Next. [“Deliver Us from Devil” Yangmaek VS.] [“The Unjust” Somaek] I like somaek. SOMAEK! [“Ode to My Father” Soju VS.] [“Hush” Draft beer] [Of course] Soju! SOJU~! [“Himalaya” Rice wine VS.] [“You Are My Destiny” Wine] [Of course] Rice wine x3 Rice wine~! [We got 4 contestants] [“New World” Kaoliang liquor VS.] [“Himalaya” Rice wine] [LTE] Kaoliang liquor! Kaoliang liquor? [“The Unjust” Somaek VS.] [“Ode to My Father” Soju] Soju! SOJU~? Soju over somaek! Final round. Let’s go! [*Drumrolls*] [“New World” Kaoliang liquor VS.] [“Ode to My Father” Soju] [Neck and neck] [Pondering...] This is hard. If you can have one last drink Before you die, what would it be? You can’t even taste or smell the ones you didn’t choose!!! [NO WAY] You can’t even look at the wrappers! [Polite pose] I can’t really decide.. You have to promise. Promise to be loyal. [Debating...] I’ll go with soju. [Jung-min’s final choice, soju] I like all types of soju. It only has to be 21%. 21 no matter what~! [21%♥ / very specific number] Please write it down for the next company dinner. We got you something. [For you from us] Omg! [Thank you] [Yay] Thank you! Can I open it? Of course, we’re as serious about alcohol as you are. When I go abroad I buy nothing else but drinking glasses. [Ohh] I like collecting them. I didn’t know! Whenever my son goes somewhere He always gets me drinking glasses for me. [Take a look] On the bottom. [Opening] There’s an engraving. That’s amazing. OMG!!! [Excited] This is for my wife? Mi-hye and Jung-min. [Special present] Mi-hye and Jung-min love forever~! LOL It’s beautiful. Thank you so much. It’ll make me want to drink more...★ [Subscribe / Like] [Coming soon in theater August 18th, “Hostage” / Paid promotion included] Yeah, you've gotta prepare for it! It’s so important! LOL It is, for me. Let’s get started. Coming soon in on August 18th. [Featuring Hwang Jung-min “Hostage : Missing Celebrity”] Specially, in this film, You’re playing as Hwang Jung-min? What’s all that about? Literally. I’m playing as Hwang Jung-min. Hwang Jung-min played by Hwang Jung-min! So I’m an actor in the film. [Hwang Jung-min the actor gets kidnapped in the middle of Seoul] The idea came from... During VIP preview, I always make my manager drink. [I see] “It’s fine if I get drunk, I can go home myself” “Take a day off and drink” [Aha] [In real life] It’s what I’ve been doing in real life. [What if Hwang Jung-min gets kidnapped] [on his way home while drunk?] I told that story to the director. Kidnapped a guy and it’s Hwang Jung-min? Then the kidnapper says Can you say “Come on in” [The kidnapper] Please? [LOL] [In the film] Among the kidnappers there’s a guy who’s a big fan of me. They’ve watched my films, right? They’ve watched my films, right? They probably have a cultural life too. [Hostage-taker role] They were all new actors. Because they were unfamiliar new actors, it was more real and it looked like a fake documentary. I guess, if Hwang Jung-min is getting kidnapped and suddenly Yoo Hai-jin appears and goes "Aha~ This bastard here, isn't it Hwang Jung-min?" Hehehe LOL it'll probably be less realistic. [That's right] If this movies comes out, these people will stand out tremendously. You do an incredible amount of analyzing your roles. Did you study the role of the Hwang Jung-min actor this time? I can't really be the actual Hwang Jung-min, right? Right. If I was really taken hostage, I would... probably faint or die. [Very realistic] That can actually happen. You're right. I have to be the actual Hwang Jung-min but I pondered over how to reduce the gap between the role and the real me. That was what was difficult. 'This is really like me' 'This is just like me.' Are there scenes where you thought this? I was actually really tied up like this. If I just struggled side to side it was an ok cut but I couldn't keep my balance and I fell backwards with a bam. [Actual scene of when he fell] I just fell smack! on to the ground. [Even imagining it, it hurts] I was like Ahhhh~! But people thought that I was acting LOL Ahahaha LOL [Staff] Wow... This is really good acting! [This is real] It really hurts~~! :'( [LOL] [Finally] They called cut! and I came back and here :( it was really black from the bruising. Actually we already watched it. You all watched the film? We watched it at the premiere. I'm the only one who didn't see it. Oh, you haven't seen it? Yes. Hahahaha. [That's a pity] It was really good. [A movie to watch to cool down in the summer, 'Hostage : Missing Celebrity'] It's a movie you can really enjoy and have fun watching at the cinema. ['Hostage : Missing Celebrity (2021)' / ★★★★★ "It was summer."] [LOVE Summer] Let's leave~♪ ♬ Yayeeyayeeyayee [Clap Clap] ♬ To~! [Clap] ♬ the sea~! ♬ [Clap Clap] It's like we're at an after party. I think the after party will be super fun~! We have also created a segment [Hwang Jung-min VS The characters he played / Situation Q&A] If it was Hwang Jung-min, he'd do this and if it was Jeong Cheong from 'New World', he'd do this. We've prepared a Q&A for different situations. [Situation 1 You're kidnapped, you tried to hide your phone in your inside pocket when the phone rings, what do you do?] If it was Hwang Jung-min and if it was Jeong Cheong from 'New World', how would they be different? First of all, how would Hwang Jung-min react? [Crying] I'm so sorry. [Apologizes right away] [LOL] I didn't realize :( I didn't have it on manner mode. :( [Crying] I'm so sorry. :'( On the other hand, if it was Jeong Cheong? [So cool] So what? They're so different. The second situation is. [Situation 2 You're exhausted physically and mentally] [Situation 2 Suddenly you hear something outside, who has come to save you?] Who is it if it's Hwang Jung-min? Who is it if it's Il-gwang from 'The Wailing?' If it's Hwang Jung-min... it'd probably be real police officers. What if it was Il-gwang? For Il-gwang probably... Wouldn't it be animals? Ahahaha LOL A passing elk perhaps. I really think there would be one. An elk suddenly would go boom!!! pop up from somewhere. [Creepy] Wow, this is scary. The moment we say the characters, you explain the characters immediately you're the director, writer, and art director of your characters. [Actor Hwang Jung-min is serious about the characters he play] We'll end our time today with your thoughts about the interview. Thank you so much for inviting me here. No, thank you haha In the past, we ask you to come together holding hands but due to the situation like it is please come even on your own lol Please...☆ [Teary...] [Not sure why but his eyes are teary...★] Please ticket surprise us with 'Hostage : Missing Celebrity' We'll say that as our closing comment. Sorry, what? Please surprise us with buying out the tickets. [Okay] One, two, three Hostage : Missing Celebrity' Ticket surprise... [At the top of his lungs] Please surprise us with buying out the tickets!!!!!!! [Coming out on August 18th! 'Hostage : Missing Celebrity' Please ticket surprise us~!] [Spread the new culture!] [Subscribe & Like @MMTG]
Channel: 문명특급 - MMTG
Views: 1,531,386
Rating: 4.9168096 out of 5
Keywords: 문명특급, 스브스뉴스, 재재, SBS, 문특, mmtg, 개봉맛집, 황정민, Hwang Jung Min, 인질, 황정민 여행, 황조지 여행, 황조지, 조승우, 지진희, 술톤, 영화, 개봉, 영화추천, 1000만 영화, 신세계, 너는 내 운명, 곡성, 나홍진, 랑종, 베테랑, 검사외전, 국제시장, 히말라야, 다만악, 다만 악에서 구하소서, 아수라, 공작, 군함도, 남자가 사랑할 때, 댄싱퀵, 전설의 주먹, 부당거래, 달콤한 인생, 사생결단, 전도연, 김혜수
Id: rHTgH8aQzVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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