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alternative title: biggest and luckiest sone jaejae flexes the legendary taeyeon and SNSD for 22 minutes straight

but seriously, i could watch giggly taeyeon react to her younger self all day 😭😭 shoutout to jaejae for mentioning I Got Love, one of her best songs 🗣️🗣️🗣️

excited for mcountdown stage later 🤓🤓

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Taeyeon's curse/blessing continues, turns out Four Seasons wasn't really her type of song but it ended up becoming her biggest hit in years lmao

Man she really loves aespa, she got that Ningning imitation down pat haha

JaeJae straight up asks her when SNSD will return and she said "someday" and then JaeJae was like "If you torture us with hope like this we'll be crying everyday" mood

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/joesen_one 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can't believe someone finally brought up Devils Cry to her xD

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/sofunt 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/CronoDroid 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
"I can't give up." [Perfect impersonation. Taeyeon's comeback.] ["This is Taeyeon"] "I agree" [hahahaha] [Training time for Taengoo, who tore the studio.] "Start training~!" Follow follow me~ RUN DEVIL RUN~ [Episode 199_no.1. JaeJae and Taeyeon again and Taeyeon's new song, 'Weekend'] [Civilization Express; Spread new culture] [June, 2021. SeonDong District, Seoul] The first service! [Comeback restaurant service 1. Excellent banner] The second service! [Comeback restaurant service 2. Fresh Juice] The third service! [Comeback restaurant service 3. Cool sunglasses] Let's welcome Taeyeon. [Taeyeon who released her new song 'Weekend'] [S NE is welcoming Taeyeon] [Clapping] Healthy clapping. x2 Circulate, circulate, blood circulation (find banner) Wow~ I think I took this photo when I took my jacket photo. (Amazing) Oh~ Actually, I think this pair of sunglasses really suits you, Taeyeon. Really? Great. It's interesting. [The studio went wild as Taeyeon wore the sunglasses] [Can't say anything] [Training angle comes up.] Wuuu~ Let's start training. [Just like watching 'Weekend' MV in the studio] [Air-conditioned voice, Human Weekend, Human Staycation.] [Taeyeon is a national treasure singer.] [WOW / True reaction] (Embarrassed) hahaha [Subscribe and hit the like button] I copied you a lot on the Civilization Express. Have you watched them? I don't think you saw them before, so let me show you. [SeoHyeon, TaeYeon / JaeJae is coping TaeYeon's behaviors.mp4] [Bus passed] [Only SeoHyeon saw it.] [Dancing again] [Bus passed again] [Only SeoHyeon saw it again.] I went to the same place. [Copied what Taeyeon did.] [Perfect copy] 'Only SeoHyeon saw it' SeoHyeon [Acting silly towards Maknae] to SeoHyeon [starts to act silly when the bus passes] But at that moment, the bus passed. I did it in purpose [? / In purpose?] (You didn't know that, really?) I did it in purpose. Ahhh! Because people can't film it when the bus passes. I can do whatever I want at that moment, so I acted silly when the bus passed. Ewwww... like this [And act like nothing happens when the bus passes.] hahahaha [What happens?] (In front of the camera) Be a celebrity. [Celebrity / Hi] Nobody knows that was in purpose [According to Taeyeon / That's only for SeoHyeon] [Subscribe and hit the like button] [Comeback restaurant corner / Taeyeon's playlist] We can listen to Taeyeon's song for a whole day. Don't want to miss any moment! It's a 24hr talk. Huu~ There is a song that we want to hear when we just wake up. Morning song? What's that? [Good morning I (Feat. Verbal Jint)] [Great melody from the beginning] Play~I~I~I~ My life is a beauty~ When I first listened to this song, the chorus starts at the beginning. [when Taeyeon first listened to it] Let's choose this song for the first title song of my first album. Huu~ [I even remember where I watched this teaser] [All the classes were listening to this song. hahahaha] Wow~ [Legendary music video] It's New Zealand. New Zealand~ But more than half of the screen is my face, so we don't know where it is. [Actually, it's New Zealand / Just like a sheep ranch in Daegwallyeong ] Hahaha Now, nature... Nature Taeyeon puts her hand on Taeyeon who is having a hard life in the city using the butterfly as a medium. What's happening next? Then suddenly it becomes a robbery. hahaha [Robbery?] [Taeyeon in MV is suddenly stealing the car key / Bye] (In the music video) It's the CEO's car. (CEO) can catch you but then (he stays at the same place) 'What are you doing~' [CEO doesn't care about it.] hahahaha He let her go away. In 'I', many fans like the high notes. The highlight. Fly high~ I~ Fly high~ I~ It's so high. (Agree) Hahaha It's too high. It was a low note. (But) There should be a high note there, so I changed it to a high note. You sang the high note ad-libs while you were in Girl's Generation. Yes. High note machine. [High notes from Taeyeon from Girl's Generation.mp4] I like that. Which one? In the long tunnel~ [What's that song?] (!!!!) I was waiting for this moment~ How did you know that? hahaha RUN DEVIL RUN~ [a song of chasing the Devil] [Intro song 'Devil's cry' in 'Run Devil Run'] Wow! No mercy. No tears~ I'll eat everything. You know more of the lyrics than I do. Hahaha Before 'Run Devil Run' started, suddenly (Strong accompaniment) Bam bam bam... Rocker came out. Hahaha [Run~!!!] (Just like) wearing the ostrich cloth. [Rocker with ostrich cloth came out] hahaha. Wearing the ostrich cloth. hahaha with Changmin in SBS "Gayo Daejeon" hahaha (She forgot about it) Yes, that's right. Changmin sang the original key. (Angry lyrics) Without any love~ No love, don't laugh~ I'm gonna crush you. Crush you~ RUN~~~~~!!!! [After listened to the first verse] [heartbeat / her heart reacted] hahahaha If you do that once more, (ask and answer by herself) I'll do that when all the members of Girl's Generation are together. hahahaha Save your stories about Girl's Generation. Put that away. Put that away. x2 Okay~ Recently, in a Cosmopolitan (magazine) interview, you thought you did great on 'U R'. Did GREAT. What's that? hahahaha [hahahaha] Just like I tore the paper with my jaw. (As I said) I tore it (I did great). [UR] hahahaha When I recorded 'U R', I felt like my organs will come out. Really. (High notes) That's very long, right? [Legendary U R which tore up the stage] (Literally) You tore it. [Endless motion] hahahaha Your are talented. I am talented, really? You are talented at doing reactions. Yes... I can't bear the silence. I can't. I'll be crazy~ You have these kinds of moments. Hahaha [Preview of later reactions] Ahhh! But it's cute. [hahaha] Oh my goodness. x2 [Subscribe and hit the like button] Let's go to 'Lively afternoon'. What is 'Lively afternoon' about? [Lively afternoon / Sparks] Hu~ huhuhu~ The hottest small sparks in myself. Spark, please sparkle yourself (excitement)~ [Clapping sparks] (Words and music by) Kanzi said he decided to put the word 'sparks' in the song after he heard this word at the beginning. [The concept of 'sparks' really fits Taeyeon.] We use the expression of 'selling like hot cakes (sparks)'. Sparkle. Collide and then... Working hard x2 But honestly, my mood was down. [Taeyeon didn't feel that much excitement.] (But) I become more lively because of the song. I followed the song. 'I don't care, just do it'. When I went to Seoul Music Awards, (a stage after a long time) it's unbelievable. [The stage that let fans sparkle] It started with covering the mouth. Blow it. Huuu~ Hahaha [Original version] Blow it. Huuu~ [King Taeyeon took over the stage from the first verse.] Everyone thought of 'Hera'. Hera from the Roman myth. [Like fire version 'Elsa'] But after people watched this stage, [MinSeo, your sister looks like this.] It's MinSeo! hahaha MinSeo. hahaha (So glad) hahaha [Taeyeon's cousin, MinSeo] The comment is under the video 'Sparks'. You meet MinSeo when you go back to your hometown during festivals, right? Yes, my best friend. She always chases me. (Happy) She is so annoying~~ You seem tired but you always play with her. Our conversations fit MinSeo's age. I asked 'Do you like poo-flavored curry and curry-flavored poo.', she said she likes curry-flavored poo. (Shocking) hahaha (Shocking choice) [Unbelieveable] Curry-flavored poo?? [Balance game with MinSeo / poo-flavored curry vs curry-flavored poo] Ewwwwww [JaeJae from Grade 3 Class 2 laughs because of poo.] Curry-flavored poo? Which one do you want, TaeYeon? Curry is ew..... Poo is also ewwwww. Did MinSeo watch your stage in 'Seoul Music Awards'? I don't know. hahaha Show her. [Have a look, MinSeo] I think she didn't. Okay. Hope MinSeo can stay healthy. Then you got an award after the stage. I didn't expect to get an award, so my impression was superficial. (joke) It was very superficial. Hahaha (Embarrassing) I'm so flustered right now, but thank you so much. (Flustered) Yeah, I think there are many people here that can get this award. So the members were going crazy. Yeah, at that time. They shouted 'Sosiiiiiii' (Almost being painful) Sosiiiiii! Sosi~ hahaha oh~ my dear~~ You got an award! You got an award! Our group chat was a hot mess. 10 years ago, wooowww~ [10 years ago, 2010] [Girl's Generation winning 3 awards from Seoul Music Awards] [10 years ago, 2010] [Girl's Generation winning 3 awards from Seoul Music Awards] [10 years later, 2020] [Taeyeon winning 3 awards for Main, OST and Best Song] For the OST award, Sooyoung(from Girl's Generation) was there. [(Sooyoung giving the award - Taeyeon winning the award)] [Heartwarming moment of Girl's Generation giving & winning the award] I really didn't know that I would win the award like that. (Especially) The one from Sooyoung. I think you really have the goddess of luck on your side. [The goddess of luck] No Girl's Generation, not yet!!! (Because we are going to get there later) [Shut up] [Phahahahaha] [(Multiple identities)] [Crying] (Quickly moving on) Speaking of OST, You do know that 'If' is still on the karaoke chart and popular, right? [Released in 2008] [If (OST for the TV series 'Hong Gil-dong'] It was mentioned in one of TV shows (recently). [[From DJTBC] Taeyeon - If] [15.17 million views] Being loved by people for 13 years like that since 2008, that's like Queen or ABBA, I think. (Meaning that she's another legendary singer) Dancing queen~ [(Taeyeon X ABBA remix out of nowhere)] [Pahaha] You are Freddie Mercury(Queen) right now. (Full of reaction) Eh-oh. 'Eh-oh.' Hahahaha, eh, phahaha. [(Freddie Taeng-cury)] Laaalal@b#$%$%^ You really don't need to fill every silence, please. You had to do that 'eh-oh' lol Ehehehehe (Back to hosting the show) You sang that song, 'If', only 6 months after your debut. Wow, did I? That's like someone who was born in 2002 is singing the song this year. Wow. (Unbelievable) Who was born in 2002? It's like Ningning(from aespa) is singing the song. (Wow) Ningning~ (On point) 'I'll never give up~' [(Taeyeon's sudden impersonating makes her faint)] [OTL] [♬ I'll never give up] (Possessed by Ningning) I'll never give up~ [♬ I'm on the next] [Level~] [(Suddenly dancing together)] [(Singing together) Next level~] I'll never give up! Hahahahahaha (Shy) Ningning impression. Ahahahaha Can't believe that you practiced that impression. The point is it's like Ningning sang the song this year. By the way, you were the reason why the whole expression 'fan training' was made back then. Ah, yeah. [(Reminiscent)] You were just so cute and adorable. I remember you from SBS 'Challenge 1000 Songs' or something, you opening your mouth to get confetti pieces. Oh, my, that's really a long, long time ago. You were almost a trainer(for fans). You had that ability. I only realized it after I heard about that nickname. I was like, 'Oh, am I really like that?' That's also when you got the nickname 'The LW(lightweight) Taeyeon,' because you only drank a sip of soju on the ship heading to some island and... It was like half of half of a half cup of soju. [(Back then, when the lightweight Taeyeon was drunk with a sip of soju)] I really was drunk(at that time) by the way. For real. So cute, isn't it? I can't. [On school timetables, pens, pencil cases, etc] [Back then, when everyone put Taeyeon on stationaries] They did? I didn't know! I'm sure that everyone had this picture here. [Like, 'Taengoo' on the pen] I just look like a cocoon, though lol What do you even mean by a cocoon! Don't be so disrespectful to our Taengoo! Ahahahaha You were also a DJ of (the radio show) 'Best Friend' at that time. [MBC FM Radio] [Taeyeon's 'Best Friend'] [(That's true~)] I've heard that it's so legendary that some people are willing to buy streamed video files of the show, even now. Streamed videos of that show? Wow. Because that show was like seeing Taengoo training fans every day. [(Admitting it without hesitance)] Yahahahahaha It's so true (honestly). Even after you said the last line for the show, you kept... I don't know if you still remember it, but there was one time when you put strawberries (in your mouth) and... It's just, (staff) they kept filming me to do their job, and I didn't want to sit there doing nothing... I don't know. I just couldn't do that. It's just, I think I felt a bit guilty for doing nothing. [(Being shy)] So much training skills, I can't even... [(The king of training fans, finally admitting it)] Pahahahahahaha [Subscribe / Like] Alright, now we have a song for the evening. It's a perfect song for that time when it gets all nice and breezy. Play the song, please. [For the breezy late afternoon] [Fine] [F-ah-ah-ine] [(Crazy tempo control)] [(Still feeling it) Fiiiiine...] [Ahh-um] [(Fascinated) Ehahaha] (Fine) The melody of the song sounds just so perfect for 4 or 5(in the afternoon), I think. Did you see KEY'S(SHINee) impersonating for this? In the beginning of MV, you are like... [(Already doesn't like it)] [(Jaejae's sorrowful acting and Taeng being tortured)] I did hair yesterday. Changed the color and... I just had enough time to do that somehow, you know..? Nooo... I don't even know why I am talking to you like this... Ha... I don't even know why I am talking to you lik... This is the highlight lol lol It should be cut before 'like this.' (Cut, cut) Come on! (Unfair) It was just the director's order. *crying* That's what KEY reenacted. [(KEY'S Instagram live)] He makes fun of me like that. You also do a lot of performances and mastered it, right? And what's interesting is I've heard that you always spray fragrance to your concert hall. [(It's true)] You actually had made the scent with a perfumer and sprayed it, and you managed to make that into a room spray and perfume as your merchandise. It's about memories from that concert hall, It's about memories from that concert hall, [so I keep those memories through a scent] [It's actually called the Proust effect] [Proust Effect] [The effect of fragrance Bringing back specific memories] [Wood, rose, bergamot, and vanilla..] [I heard you liked them?] [Yes, it's kind of a] [sweet and powdery] [fragrance to put it simply] [Well, I guess only the ones at the concert would know :)] [Wow] [(Her fan training skill makes us scream)] [(Honest) I seriously want to be there...] [I wanted it to be more rare, you know?] [So I wanted it to be somewhere they really want to be] [You tore it;;;] [So 'Fine' was your first full-length album] [And it's famous for having all unbelievably good tracks] [I put a lot of effort into each track in my album] [Not only the title track] [You even released a music video for one of the tracks] [I Got Love] [Oh....! Yes] [Why you baby, Just come to] [My universe, need you closer] [Need you closer, when I fall in love] [Released in 2017] [I Got Love] ['I Got Love' was actually one of the candidates for the title track] [Oh~] [They were both so good] [So I said] [I want to do both] [That's what happened] [I saw this comment] [(Comment) I come to watch this video regularly] [But this video of the proof of the fact that Taeyeon is the genre] [I thought] [The musician Taeyeon] [(Deep thinking)] [Doesn't really have a clear color] [If you put it negatively] [It would be having no color] [And if I put it the good way] [it means I would fit into here] [and there anywhere] [I think that is the voice I have] [So I don't sound awkward anywhere] [It's just] [I used to be so self conscious about that] [I wanted to have a] [distinct voice] [or a habit you know] [but I don't have one] [So when someone is asked to impersonate Taeyeon] [absolutely no one could] [so at one point] [I realized oh, this must be it] [Of course] [Just enough to fit everywhere?] [(Right) Just enough so that I don't sound awkward anywhere] [That's the] [Goal I have] [She seriously tore it] [Like / Subscribe] [We are with] [Born-to-be-a-singer, Taeyeon] [We are going to move on to 'Sunset Evening' now] [Which song is waiting for us] [on Sunset Evening?] [Sunset Evening] [Four Seasons] [(Heartbreaking lyrics)] [Ho~~~~~~Hoo] [Hoo~~~~~ Hu] [This is the famous Melon Zombie song] [Hahaha LOL] [A zombie song LOL] ['Four Seasons' was your] [First song to record 1 million streaming counts] [Really?!!??!?!?] [This song was on the M company's chart for a year] [(Unheard of)] [(7th most streamed song in 2019)] [She entered TOP 10 for the first time as a solo artist] [And entered the yearly TOP 10 streamed songs] [(Never knew) I had no idea] [You didn't know!?!?!] [There was a saying] [(Curious) What?] [If Taeyeon likes the song] [The song will never make it big] [But if TAEYEON doesn't like the song] [The song would be a hit] [I didn't like 'Four Seasons' in the beginning] [She said she couldn't relate to the song very well[ [Yes!!!!!!!] [I had no idea] [how I was supposed to sing the melody] [It wasn't my vibe] [It just didn't fit my style] ["Did I really love you?"] [This part in the lyrics] [I heard you thought about it as you and music] [At the time] [I didn't know what to do] [What am I?] [Why are there so many talented people?] [Should I quit music?] [(Oh my)] [I even thought about these] [There is still a long life ahead of me] [Maybe I have another talent, you know] [Am I depleted?] [Should I look for something else?] [Those thoughts] [(Very realistic concerns)] [It was when I was going through these] [Then I got to read and read the lyrics over and over again] [Trying to] [take in the lyrics] [I ended up putting music and my life together] [That's how] [Taeyeon's interpretation of the song 'Four Seasons' was born] [So when you replaced it with music] [you thought 'This is the emotion'] [When the song is written by someone else] [I tried to take it all into my body] [then let it out] [(Amazed) Wow] [Music / Music] [I would like to absorb the music before I sing] [You make it completely yours before you sing] [This is Taeyeon's ability] [I want to be sincere] [(Impressed) Sincere!!!!] [That's it] [Being sincere is very hard to get] [(Realization) Oh, it's being sincere~~~~!!!!] [(Yes) Nobody could ever take that sincerity from you] [Hahaha] [(Shy) Hahaha] [We're seriously running late] [The 2nd episode with the rest of Taeyeon's adorableness will be released] [Spread the new culture!] [Like & Subscribe @MMTG]
Channel: 문명특급 - MMTG
Views: 2,105,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 문명특급, 스브스뉴스, 재재, SBS, 문특, mmtg, 김태연, taeyeon, 소녀시대, snsd, girl's generation, album 새앨범, 신곡, 컴백맛집, 위켄드, weekend, 위크엔드, 믿듣탱, 보컬, 사계, four seasons, what do i call you, 불티, spark, 만약에, 라방, 인스타, 아이돌, idol, 라이브, 콘서트, kpop, performance, mv, music video
Id: DqmkcddhPAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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