Husqvarna TE300i 2019 torture test

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all right we're waiting for the boys to turn up so while we're doing that just thought we'd go through um go through the bike and what i've got um in terms of mods and accessories so it's a 2019 te 300 that is the injected model and unlike everyone else i i haven't had a single drama with it engine wise touch wood so it's got about 150 hours on it slightly more i've done the top end at 80 hours as per the manual and when i pulled the piston out it looked and measured brand new so this uh this second top end it's got in it now i'll probably take that through to 100 hours um before i change it uh yeah so engine wise completely stock you can see you know power valve adjuster haven't touched it left exactly where it is idle screw or mixture screw or whatever it is air bypass screw i think it is i've left that in the completely stock position as well so it is um i guess slightly fluffy off the bottom ends um you know it would probably have prompted me to change jets i probably would have gone slightly leaner try and make it a bit crisper if it was a carved bike however you do get used to it um and it's not bad enough to um in my perspective for my skill level it's not bad enough to um you know to go down the ecu remap and um different heads and lots of stuff it's for me it's just not worth it so the next thing that we've done um as usual is protection on the bike so i've always had uh bike busters bike busters really good products they're the ego barkbusters the newer style ones just the conventional mounting brackets nothing fancy there they've been really good these little plastic things every now and then we've got to replace them probably on my second or or third set of the plastics um but that's my fault because i keep dropping it uh more protection uh down the front we've obviously got radiator guards you can see they're the fourth accessories radiator guards when i got this bike there wasn't too much in terms of aftermarket so i knew force and i was happy to go with the fourth again i did have the uh matching force force bash plate and pipe guard uh however i've since gone to the b b aluminium um combination and i must say from a bloke who's had force everything on all of his bikes the bmb bash plate is far and away uh better in terms of engineering strength protection looks functionality it's just it's awesome the um the reason i went to this you can kind of see uh down on the bottom of my frame rails there we've got a bit of paint coming away a little bit of rust starting to form um well that's as a result of um i believe the way the force bash plate mounted uh and also whether you can see it but you can see that rust forming on top of the frame rails there again from the force bracket the fourth bracket was also steel threads into an alloy block uh in terms of mounting and it threaded every other day um the reason it threaded or i had to thread it on and off the bike was after every ride on the force bash plate i would have to clean all the mud and crud out from behind the bash plate so since i've gone to the bmb not only does it actually come up higher on the pipe and cover more but you can see you could pretty much go up against a tank with the way this thing's engineered so not only is it stronger and covers more of the pipe but also i don't get you get a little bit of stuff down behind the bash plate there but just because of the way the um the bash plates formed and you know the drainage holes it has in there um you can just give it a quick hit with a hose when you get home and it all tends to come out uh it's a two-piece combo so you can see you've got the bash plate there which is a separate standalone item and then the pipe guard there and in combination you can see the amount of coverage that they give right away under the bike so yeah that will um i i'm a completely i'm a convert to bnb uh that's that's awesome on my next bike i'll definitely be going with one of these again and i'll probably go you know if this is any indication i'll probably go with the radiator guards as well um cool so the next thing we've got i can just see up in there i can't even remember what brand that is but that's one of the exhaust flange braces or protectors um you know the the cylinder head with this with on the um ktm and huskies late models i think it's 18 19 onwards they change the design slightly and you know that's now a female type exhaust flange i i guess you'd call it uh and you know not entirely sure but apparently if you break that it's big dollars you have to replace a significant component of the cylinder so yeah put one of those braces on there on the recommendation of everyone else who's got these bikes so still talking protection again the force um shark fin or discard on the rear there um and kind of been meaning to put one on the front for the longest time but just just haven't got around to it and to be honest i haven't done any damage yet on the front disc either still on protection i've got the um pro-tec lower fork guards um as you can see they're a bit like the old-school ktm ones in that they wrap around a significant portion of the lower fork staunch and i put those on after i got a minute scratch on the on the chrome um and it went through two two sets of fork seals before i figured out what the issue was and managed to polish it out without it costing me an absolute fortune but nevertheless yeah didn't like the newer style kdm husky lower fork guards because they sort of they come around to you know not even halfway around or or only just halfway around and they leave these exposed all right if you're just touring in the fire trails um or doing the easy flowy single track it's probably not going to be an issue but when you're mucking around in rocks and stuff you can see there okay that what that's from is the front wheel going past a rock and then you know for whatever reason i've stalled it or run it run out of talent uh and if you can imagine this is a rock and the bike rolls back um you know you're now doing damage to the fork uh chrome on the forks which is an expensive fix uh so i'm on my second set of those i've absolutely tortured those due to my lack of talent um and they've been really good um okay other accessories um tugger strap um on the front there that just helps people with more talent than me um get get me where i need to go uh i've got a mount for my phone there which i use for navigation and i've just got that routed into a pretty simple um byte from j car um usb power source which is wired directly to the battery i've got a um a grip donut on the bottom of the oil filler neck and what what that does is it is it does one of two things it either just catches a little bit of excess that you get when you fill it up right to the top which i do because more is better or it just pushes the um [Music] pushes the cap up enough so that it seals you can kind of see to the front there just it just pushes it up and gives it a bit of upward pressure um slash catches the overflow and that avoids it dripping down the frame uh and under your seat and into all your electronics um okay i have got this um super dodgy rear tugger strap which is just a bit of 25 mil uh webbing strap which is rounded in through the uh frame and under the strap under the seat and tied in a knot and i've just put a little bit of a half inch pvc sort of pipe over it to give it a bit of um be a bit kinder on the hands uh steg pegs i keep taking them off and putting them back on at the moment they're on um they they do what they say on the box they definitely help um grip onto the bike and um yeah i'm i'm finding myself you know i'm a weekend warrior so i find myself standing a little bit more and trying to grip the bike with my legs a little bit more just just knowing that they're there you do have to play around and get them mounted to in the correct position um otherwise they can be quite annoying but once you've i'd say if you have them stick with them um and they do they do make my life easier at least um that's pretty much it so oh yeah sorry i've got the um trail tech endurance too and i've got their their um their light dash mount package there as well mainly because i smashed the stock one and my ocd does not allow for the speedo to display a different amount of hours than the bike actually has so the the easiest option that i could find was um the trail tech endurance 2 actually allows you to program the hours and kilometers into it so although i smashed that speedo um probably only 30 or 40 hours ago you can see that if my phone will ever work you can see that it's got um kilometers and hours programmed in um to that speedo that match what what would be on the ecu um so that's the main reason i went with that there is a bit of jitting around um to make that all work you do have to there's a bit of a wiring diagram which if guys are interested i can put in the description which allows you to figure out what's what in terms of the warning lights so i've got my my oil light engine light fuel light and high beam indicators there which replicates what the stock speedo has internal to it um okay damage that i've done i've been through a front brake hose don't ask me how but you know somehow we've taken an impact there which has pinched the front brake hose against the fork and it's you know mangled the air casing and got down to the braided casing underneath that plastic and because it is a front brake and you do need them i replaced it just to make sure that i wasn't going to have a surprise no front brake moment funnily enough i've also been through a rear brake hose so on all the bikes i've ever had and my kids bikes and all the bikes they've ever had and all the silly things we've all done on bikes i've never ever seen or heard of a brake hose being damaged and requiring replacement but here we are this bike needed to front and back um but you know aftermarket relatively inexpensive pretty easy to do um i've been through you know all the consumables you would expect brake pads tires um this bike had a bit of a reputation with poor spokes and i have had a spoke snap on the rear um so you know when i had a look at it and had a look at how tight they become and worn they become i just replaced all of the spokes on the rear wheel but it's got the original rim so i went with aftermarket spokes so they're not the stock spokes that come with a bike they're a different brand i think they might be xl which you know 120 bucks for a complete set of spokes and um and about four beers in the garage and and there you go i've done chains and sprockets um and fork seals nothing you wouldn't expect for a bike of this vintage or this amount of hours on it and yeah in terms of damage that's pretty much it what i will say is that white plastics are a stupid idea for a bike that is used in australia particularly with where i live and after the bushfires went through it was just completely trashed a completely trashed plastic scratched stained uh and the white plastic really showed up all the black soot um and stuff that was coming out you know that was you know as a result of the bushfires so went to the blue uh and then up you know last real thing is the seats on these new huskies or 2019 models worst thing i've ever sat on in my life um went through two seats multiple seat covers and it was still worse than just sitting on a piece of wood so i wasn't going to pay the exorbitant prices um that you know we pay in australia for seek concept stuff although i have used them before and they are awesome so sp split the difference and got one of these a service or a cherrabis or however you say it um x seat and that has no seat cover so we've got the seat base uh and then we have a big piece of foam um which has only now just started to show any damage but up until now damn it just notice that uh up until now that's been really good uh quite comfy and grippy and has taken a absolute pounding yeah but that's probably got 50 hours of gumby use on it so not too bad um yeah so that's pretty much it it's probably a long enough video for you all um but on the whole pretty happy with the bike pretty happy with how it's performed i'll take it out to about 200 hours um and then it'll be new bike time um in a few months so overall good i'm happy i guess the conclusion is um if you want a bike that you can just hop on and ride and not have to jet and tune and worry about this is an option for you however and it is a very good option however i'm i'm not sticking with the brand i'm going to something else mainly due to [Music] the tpi system just costs more to run every time you do a top end you need to do the oil pump in there which is a the oil pump in australia um costs about as much as a complete top end on any other bike so for me um that's what's put me off and i'm uh i'm going to be going elsewhere so stay tuned to see what that is bye
Channel: Coast X Enduro
Views: 382
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Tosrcisw07U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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