Top 5 KTM/Husqvarna 250 and 300 TPI Tips

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hey guys this is Justin with Rocky Mountain atv/mc and this is my top 5 tips for the KTM and Husqvarna 250 and 300 TPI motorcycles [Music] [Music] all right so this video is for you guys or gals who bought a 250 or 300 k TM or husky fuel-injected two-stroke now it also goes by the name TPI which stands for transfer port injection now I've had my bike since December of 2017 when they first came out the 250 was the only option we had here in the United States for 2019 the 300 is also available I've put about 40 hours on this thing and I've loved it it's been a great bike I haven't had a single issue with it it runs great and best of all when I go up into the mountains do some trail cleaning or trail riding whatever I'm doing this thing runs crisp just runs awesome now there's a lot of misinformation on the internet with these bikes people are doing weird things with them you know trying to adjust them make them run faster or whatever I can tell you right now it already runs great runs plenty fast but there's a lot of misinformation so between my experience on my bike and talking to different people at KTM and husky I wanted to give you my top 5 tips to help you get the most out of your TPI motorcycle [Music] alright guys so tip number one don't mess with the power valve now if you've had a KTM or husky in recent years you've probably messed with the power valve down here you can adjust the little bolt in the end to adjust the tension on the spring and you can also even change the spring to get different characteristics from your power vowel have it open and close at different times with the TPI models KTM and husky say don't touch it the way it's programmed with the fuel injection and the oil injection it's set perfectly with the spring and the tension that they have in there so unfortunately you can't mess with the power valve on the TPI models but I will say that having a carbureted model last year and I played with the power valve and and tried to get the the power curve just right I haven't felt like I've needed to do that on this bike so for you guys that are really tempted to play with that thing you can't play with the power valve on this bike alright my next tip is with the spark plug now if you're riding a two-stroke especially in the mountains you should always be packin a spare plug now the plug on the new TPI's has changed it's different than the carbureted plug and it cost quite a bit more so apparently a lot of guys are tempted to grab their old spark plug from the carbureted bike and run it in the TPI not a good idea it's not going to run as good and KTM and husky say it could cause some damage so don't do that if you look at the two plugs I have the new plug here on my left you can see it's a bit longer and it's just shaped a little bit different so spend the extra 10 bucks or whatever it is and get the right plug for your TPI motorcycle alright guys next on the list let's talk about our two-stroke oil or premix now KTM and husky are very particular in the type of oil they want you to run in these TPI bikes that's because this oil is the right viscosity right formula to work with their injection system so for my KTM they're saying to run motor X 2 T or cross power 2 t oil I've run that the whole time and I haven't had any issues with my bike I've had it really hot and technical stuff gone fast out in the desert I haven't had any issues so stick with the recommended oil now another problem KTM is running into is guys on the internet are saying hey to be safe put a little bit of oil in your gas so there's always a little bit of lubrication there don't do that they say it messes up the injector and will cause a lot more harm than it will good so don't add the oil to your gas now these bikes have a nice little reservoir the caps right here on the neck of the frame and the tank is actually right down here under the fuel tank now another little tip I've noticed when filling this thing it's hard to see how much oil you have you know when it's full and then you've got your little tube going up your frame so when you're filling this thing you'll be filling it and all of a sudden it's full and then dumps all over your frame and makes a mess so a tip there feel it really slow now there's no reason to ever run this thing out of oil it uses the oil really efficiently so as long as you're in the habit every couple rides check it add some oil and you're gonna be fine now if you do run it out of oil and hopefully you don't hurt your engine but if you do run it out or if you're changing reads or unhook the oil line for any reason you're going to have to prime the injection pump so to do that KTM actually sends the bike with this little plug they call a wake up plug and to prime the system all you're going to do is pull the seat you're going to hold the throttle wide open plug the little wake up connector in and then you're gonna wait about five seconds at least five seconds let go of the throttle and you should hear the pump run and as soon as the pumps done running you're able to unplug the wake up plug and this system should be primed but always check your oil line make sure there's no air bubbles in it if there is repeat the process so not a big deal it's something I actually haven't had to do yet I've done it just for fun just to see what it was all about but just one more little thing that you've got to keep in the back of your mind when you have one of these TPI bikes alright so onto my fourth tip we're going to talk about the ignition map switch now the 250s and 300s come with two different map settings one setting is the performance setting and the other setting is the soft setting which is better for muddy or technical conditions kind of mellows the bike out a little bit now on the KTM x ews they actually don't even come with the switch I believe the six days model does but the regular xcw will not instead it has a plug underneath the tank if you want the soft setting you're supposed to pull your tank unplug it and then you have the soft setting none of us want to be pulling tanks on and off to get that setting so you're better off just to buy the switch plug it into those plugs and run it up to your handlebar now the Husky models I believe come with this switch so right there on your handlebar you can change it on the fly now a lot of guys get confused on which setting is which number one is the performance setting number two is the soft setting so if you remember that it's kind of nice to be able to you know toggle that switch depending on the situation you're in all right my fifth and final tip has to do with riding in elevation now I bring this tip up because I know you're not gonna read your owner's manual even though you should but anyway my favorite thing about this bike is that it runs good all the time I can write it in the valley I can take it up in the mountains and it's always jetted correctly it just runs crisp clean all the time but my first time I took it up in the mountains this spring I started you know I loaded it up at my house at 4,000 feet took it up to seven or eight thousand feet got it out of the truck started it let it idle while I put my helmet and goggles on and then I took off and the theme kept cutting out bogging and I was starting to wonder what the heck is wrong with this bike and then I remembered reading in the owners manual that if you're going to be making extreme elevation changes like that when you haul it in your your truck or trailer you need to start the bike turn the bike off let the bike adjust for the ambient pressure and then start it again so so I remembered that stop the bike on the trail let it sit for about five seconds fired it back up and it ran perfect all day so if you ride you know take your bike from extreme elevation changes whether you're going up in the mountains or you're in the mountains going down into the valley make sure to fire it up kill it let it sit for five seconds at least and then start it up again and that allows the computer to adjust to that ambient pressure and it should run perfectly now if you're starting in the valley and riding up and do the mountains that should give the bike plenty of time to be recalibrating all the time so you shouldn't have to worry about it it's typically when you load it up in your truck and make the big move anyway so that's my five tips for the KTM and husky TPI 250 and 300 models like I say this has been an awesome motorcycle I've really enjoyed it we carry all the OEM and aftermarket parts for these things so be sure and check out our website for all your parts apparel and accessory needs and subscribe to our YouTube channel we've got a lot of different how-to videos product spotlights and top fives thanks a lot for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rocky Mountain ATV MC
Views: 133,028
Rating: 4.8584666 out of 5
Keywords: Rocky Mountain ATV/MC, rmatv, rmatvmc, atv/mc, atvmc, motocross, rockymountain, dirt bike, motorcycle, parts, accessories, rocky, mountain, top 5 tips, top 5 ktm tips, top 5 250 and 300 tpi tips, ktm tpi problems, ktm tpi 2 stroke, ktm tpi review, ktm/husqvarna, Top 5 KTM/Husqvarna 250 and 300 TPI Tips, ktm tpi, husqvarna tpi 300, husqvarna tpi 250, tips, top 5
Id: IcKDfjP8g9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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