Husqvarna TE250i Full Review | 2 Stroke EFI Dirt Bike!

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hey there thanks for tuning in you're watching dirt bike Channel I'm your host Kyle brothers and today we're going to review this Husky te 250 I stick around [Music] [Music] thanks so much again for tuning in I can't wait to talk about this first-of-its-kind fuel-injected two-stroke the Husky Husqvarna te 250 I this bike is something that we've been waiting for here in the United States to come over it they can't in very limited quantities these bikes first went to Europe because that's the reason why we have the fuel-injected two-stroke here is to be able to meet the emission standards in Europe and Ollie and and obviously that doesn't hurt here in the US but that's why we're getting it it isn't because carburetors are terrible it's because well efi is the best way to meet those emission standards which are coming down the pipe in europe here's the too long didn't watch your video summary this thing is awesome it i don't think that we're giving up really anything from the carburetors and we're gaining a quite a bit especially for a lot of people that have never had a two-stroke running properly before this thing is going to blow people's minds is it perfect no i'll get into a bunch of things that i like i'll get into a bunch of things that I don't like but if you're on the fence thinking is this gonna suck I can tell you right now it does not suck it's awesome if you're stuck I can tell you right now it didn't suck so let's let's jump into the video and let me tell you some of my thoughts of why I think this thing is going to save two strokes at first I thought the efi was just gonna be another thing that was going to be add complexity weight and cost and it does all those things the other thing though it's gonna do is I think it's gonna save two strokes and it's not just because of the omission things in Europe and and then here later in the United States it's gonna save two strokes because there's gonna be thousands of people that ride one of these things and they're going to experience for the very first time what a two-stroke is supposed to run like there's a whole group of people out there that have never spent the time to tune the carburetor on their two-stroke and never got it running and done and running properly and most people are gonna have their eyes opened and their minds are gonna explode when this thing gets on the pipe and they're going they're just going to be like wow this is what I've been missing because I think there's very few people that have actually had a two-stroke that ran as good as this I this bike runs as good as any two-stroke I have ever seen it just runs incredible the motor is crisp the motor is responsive the motor is powerful it doesn't maybe have as much low-end torque down at the bottom and I think they'll be able to help you tune that in in future models and it might be just because it runs pretty lean so there's maybe not a ton of low-end torque down on the bottom but the thing runs so well I think it's gonna save two strokes because it's gonna rekindle the passion that a lot of people used to have and it's going to get a whole bunch of new fans because it just runs amazing after the thing warms up you just forget how about EFI or any of that other nonsense and you're just riding and it feels like you're connected you know directly to the ground that this bike is just is just has such a great feel and when you're twisting this throttle up here it's it's like it so it's like it's electric it's like this is connected to an electric motor and this is also connected to your smile up here on your face and as you twist the throttle you're immediately just you know the your lips curl up into a smile it just it's such a connected feel it's hard to describe and because this one's a 250 it revs super quick and it's super playful it I cannot stress enough to you how good these things run and how fun it is to just feel that electricity pumping through the bike and pumping through you and it's smooth too because it's a counterbalance two-stroke motor in 2017 they went to counterbalance Kalyn about counterbalanced motors on these things and so it's smooth the power band is a little bit more linear I think then a lot of the carbureted models some guys are not gonna like the way this runs on the bottom end because it runs so crisp and clean I can see how people are gonna complain well one of the things I've learned with this is it's hard to please everyone and I know there's gonna be some detractors that say the bike runs too lean and I can't get traction down low through the gnarly stuff but I took this bike on some gnarly stuff and I can tell you I had no complaints at all it didn't stall it didn't quit it's got enough low-end torque to do anything you want to do but there will be some people that complain about how Chris the bike runs on the like real low rpms I'm sure of that one thing that surprised me a great deal with this bike was how light it feels I mean I did put it on the scale and the bike weighed a quite a bit it actually weighed this bike the Husky weighed about seven pounds more than the KTM EFI bike that I've got just over there and this bike weighed about fourteen pounds heavier than my 2017 KTM 250 XC which was really kind of strange but when you ride the bikes this bike felt lighter than my KTM 250 XC which we rode back to back and it felt every bit as light is the KTM over there the the xew TPI so the lightness factor of this again the weight on the scale isn't always the weight on the trail this has a low center of gravity and it feels very playful for whatever reason the way that they've done the geometry with this te 250 I and the and the KTM xew this thing feels really planted and it just feels quick to move on Hanan bars the the motor is quick revving the steering is quick but yeah it didn't feel unstable and it kind of blew me away I loved this bike I loved riding it at first I thought I just liked riding it I'd ride it with other bikes like a KTM 300 XC or a 250 XC bikes that I knew I absolutely absolutely loved and then I'm like I like this bike just as much I like I like everything about it it's so fun one of the things that everyone's gonna love about this is there's gonna be no more jetting because it's EFI it's being controlled by the computers and so you don't have to jet the bike you can just get it you know bring it home check the tires check your clickers do some of that stuff and go out there and ride and that's a huge selling point to a lot of people something else guys are gonna love there's no more mixing gas because this thing is gonna do it for you you put your oil right up here this is oil injected as well so you're gonna put your two-stroke oil right up here with this with this easy to access oil reservoir right here you'll put your straight pump gas or whatever whatever types of gas you're gonna run directly into the tank so you can go right to the fuel pump and put gas in this thing which is awesome it's I think it's a 700 milliliter oil oil reservoir that comes there's a flexible hose that goes under in the frame under the seat down here and then your oil reservoir is under the seat and this will last you I don't know anywhere from four tanks - five six seven tanks just kind of depending on what's what's going on with that so it's gonna be really easy to put oil and it's gonna be really easy to put the gas in unlike the petah that i had that was only injected the oil reservoir was under the seat I think this is a little bit better place to put it although I will get into a downside with this later with the oil reservoir so those are going to be some pretty awesome things these things share a lot of things in common with their four-stroke EFI brethren including the no petcock for for turning off the fuel you've also got a really easy to use quick release fitting right here on the fuel tank so it's easy to take your fuel tank off and these things are sharing the same fuel pump with the four-stroke EFI bikes so there's some of those shared parts there and it makes it kind of nice because you know it's easy to take this tank off you just you just take your seat off and then you remove you know your fuel pump connection to the to the fuel tank and you remove your your hose here and it's easy to take the take off so and you're not it when you set this bike over on the hill or down on the trail or something like that you're not just dumping gas everywhere because it's it's a closed system so that's kind of nice the forks that they give you on these bikes these are they explore forty eight millimeter Fork so they call the Explorer forty-eight Fork I've had these Forks in the last year on I don't know between four and six bikes it was on a bunch of different bikes that I've had and the more I have used these Forks the more I like them actually I think there's a great Forks this is a fantastic conventional style fork it's not the air fork and honestly I don't really care I like it pretty much just as much as the air fork and in some cases I think I like it a little bit better these things don't do anything stupid they're very predictable they're very plush and forgiving through the rocks and though in the small chop the way that I have them set up right now they're not like as great through like this super super fast whoops but that's just because I've got them kind of on the standard setting you can you can stiffen these things up and that's one of the things I like is your compression and rebound is right here up on the top you don't need any tools to adjust that so if you're out on a ride you're like we're pounding through a bunch of whoops and it's gonna be a lot more high-speed you can you know tweak your clickers right there on the top without like getting underneath with a screwdriver or anything I really like that these Forks are very very good in my opinion we went on a ride with a bunch of guys down in Southern Utah where we had this fork up against the air Fork on two different bikes and everyone was really shocked how awesome these things were so the forks really good on the rear suspension this 2e 250 I is using a linkage style setup for the shock that's more of a motocross style setup and a lot of guys are gonna feel really comfortable with that the alternative is to have PDS where the shock would hook up on top of the swing arm here like the KTM does we I felt really at home with this and too be completely honest the guys didn't really notice a ton of difference between this bike and the KTM when we were riding him back-to-back but suffice it to say there's a bunch of people that are going to prefer the Kate the Husky version of this because of that linkage you're just gonna feel it home down there that's that's a good thing especially for all those guys coming over from Japanese bikes Japanese motocross bikes something a little bit different about the Husky version of this bike is they come with the Magura breaks the Magura front brake rear brake brake and clutch and these are phenomenal the KTM s come with with the Brembo brakes the Magura brakes are every bit as good maybe even a little bit better feel it's it's maybe splitting hairs but the maguro brakes are great I love I love the way that the the fitting is up on top look and feel let's take a look at those real quick so now you're looking at the clutch here with the maguro these things are fantastic and it's a really really clean look same thing over here with the with the brake side there is definitely no drop-off in these in these things as far as from the Magura to the girl to the Brembo I think I almost like the Mugu rows a little bit better so you're getting phenomenal brakes and phenomenal hydraulic clutch with this guy I love the light feel of the throttle this gives you the feeling that the four strokes have where you're not pulling up a huge heavy spring as far as a slide in a carburetor you're just basically I think turning the butterfly inside of the the air intake that fuel injection manifold there so it's a really light feel on the throttle and it just helps to again make the bike feel light and easy to ride and you when you switch from this bike directly back over to a carbureted two-stroke you feel the extra weight that you're having to pull on those carbureted throttles and so this is just kind of a nice feel it's got the it's the it's the dual the dual cable system just like the four strokes have so guys are gonna be really comfortable when they're switching these out because you know if you're coming from a four-stroke this will be the same type of throttle and it's a light feel on that so that's a that's a positive thing I like the seat on this bike it's a little bit more of a grippy seat with this textured feel and I liked this seat better than on the KTM seats it's just far just as far as the seat cover goes because it was pretty grippy I also love that it still has the kick start one of the problems that this bike has which I'll get into is that it doesn't love to start when it's cold especially if it's really cold outside I'm talking like 20 degrees this bike has a hard time starting and sometimes it won't start unless you have this kick start it's got a good battery it's got a lithium ion battery and it makes fine cranking power but you can kick the bike over faster than your pin your electric start can do and there are multiple times that the only reason that this bike started was because I had the kick start so I like that I'm glad that they left that on there and I hope that KTM and husky leave this on forever more because it's not just that your your electrical system could fail it's that sometimes the bike is too freaking cold and it won't start so let's leave those guys on there I love the grab handle that they gave you you've you've got kind of a notch in here that you can grab right here but they actually made handles right under the fender right here that make this bike make it very easy to move this bike around and to put it you lift it on and off stands and it's not going to you know cut your cut your freaking fingers in half like it does on some of the other hung up on that hung up on that linkage it's not gonna cut your finger in half to grab this thing it's really comfortable on both sides to just grab it here so that's a really good thing well I spend a lot of time praising the bike another thing I didn't mention it is is it does have a headlight that's nice for those longer trips where you might be getting back after dark but I knew I do need to tell you some of the things some of the problems that I had with the bike I freaking hate this kill switch they didn't do a kill button on this one like they did on the KTM version of this they have a kill switch the problem with the kill switch is you you hit you hit you know you kill it and if you don't remember immediately to turn that switch back to run sometimes you can't get the bike started and it's just super annoying the other problem is this switch doesn't work all the time it's like there's some sort of a short in here there were times that I would hit the kill switch and it would take four or five seconds for this bike to start or for it to kill if this was my bike cuz this is a loaner bike from husky but if it was my bike I'd be swapping this out for a kill button immediately I hated this thing something else that I wasn't absolutely absolutely enamored with was the bike just kind of starts slow now let's let's break this down into two parts when the bike is cold and it's January when I'm doing this review when when it's really cold outside this thing will not start on off just awesome off just your electric start it just Andy that's it's turning over quick enough but I just don't think even though it's got that it's got the cold start button down here on the throttle body which is supposed to probably rich enough the fuel mixture it just doesn't I think throw enough fuel at the motor where this thing can fire with with your electric start and so every time I took this bike out when it was cold because we're cold basically every time I wrote it I had to use the kickstart in order to start the thing the very first thing in the morning now we're talking 20 degrees sometimes the warmest that I ever tried to start the bike was when it was like 35 degrees so I had to kick-start the bike the first time in the morning which it's fine as long as they don't drop those kick-starts off these bikes like everyone else seems to be doing the other thing though is once it does get warm it's still just a little bit slower to start than the carburetor bikes we had carburetor bikes next to this that we ran a bunch of times and all those bikes have an easier time starting quicker this sometimes this but this bike will crank over for you know a half a second sometimes it's a full second sometimes it's two seconds and there were times when I would have to crank this thing over for six or seven seconds specifically if I left the kill switch in off it would make one pop when you went to start it and then it wouldn't go and then you realize oh I've got it on I've got it on kill switch this thing back over to run and then crank crank crank crank crank crank crank crank crank fire and so it just doesn't quite start as quickly is the carburetor two strokes which hopefully is something that they'll be able to figure out and to tune out it's got a really nice trip computer up here but guess what the things stopped working immediately when I got it I don't know if it was because the guys who had it before me were jumping in motocross stuff or whatever but the wires are out of this thing and so the wires can fall out and it didn't work now it's the only bike that I've had where the computer started stopped working but this one did stop working and so that was a little bit of a debbie downer on it hopefully your bike doesn't have a problem with that where your wires come out and this thing will stay working for you here's another problem the gasket that they use under this oil cap isn't good enough this this the little rubber gasket that they have under here isn't fitting tightly enough to keep oil from splashing out of the top of this at the top of your oil reservoir and I thought it looks just super ugly because all of a sudden oil starts to leak down here and it leaks right under your gas tank and down the frame and just make some mess under there I'll show I'll roll in some footage when I took the tank off to show you kind of what's happening under here and I wondered if it was just gonna be this this oil cap and if it was going to be fine on my KTM well the KTM over here it has the same issue it's it's leaking the more that the more hours that I put on this bike the more that starts to leak and so they need to figure out that gasket thing because it just kind of makes a mess under there it's a really convenient place to have it but they just need a better you know a better sealing mechanism inside of that cap so that it isn't leaking oil on your frame and just collecting dirt and dust and crap there's this matte switch right up here on the Husky which you don't get on the KTM version but guess what this map the map number two if I can get this back the map number two blows chunks so the only one that you want to run this on is map setting number one because map 2 just makes the bike run horribly it just it makes the pike feel like it's running crappy it vibrates more it doesn't have as much power I mean I know they're trying to say oh map 2 is is 4 you know getting better traction or something but honestly map 2 sucks on the KTM the only way to get to the second map is by taking the seat off and unplug and a wire and honestly it doesn't matter to me at all that this one has the map switch because Matt 2 sucks so until they give you a bet until they give us a better map it doesn't matter that you got to switch up here it's just another thing to break off or or have to deal with because you're never going to put it over the map to something else that's annoying is you have in order to get your C you have to take the entire side panel off so you remove your side panel here exposing your your you know your air box and I don't love that this is all one piece but now I can access this bolt here this this eight millimeter bolt to get my seat off I would rather be able to take my seat off without having to take the side panel off just a little bit of a gripe for me on that while we're on the topic of side panels guess what you're not gonna be able to adjust your shock unless you take this side panel off how ridiculous is that this this screwdriver won't get in here we you can never get on straight straight on to this I mean you can you can try to kind of try to pull this around which is kind of what I was doing just trying to angle this around so I can get my screwdriver in here and get on to on to my compression and you can maybe adjust here with the screwdriver but if you want to adjust your high-speed compression which is a 17 millimeter socket you cannot get that socket on here with this side panel on so this side panel you've got to remove and guess what it has some quick-release things in here to pull that off but you also need to pull out this 8 millimeter bolt over here if there is a bolt on this side side panel so you want to adjust your shock here's what you're gonna have to do on the trail you're gonna have to remove this bolt you're gonna have to take this whole panel off and then you're gonna be able to get at your high speed and low speed compression up here on the shock that's ridiculous guys all you have to do is make a little bit of a cutout here just like it has on the KTM and basically every other bike that I've been on and you wouldn't have to remove your freaking side panel to adjust your shock that's a fail I might be forgetting something I took a bunch of time writing down notes and and comparing all that all the things that we talked about when we went riding this thing let me just suffice it to say though that this bike is a phenomenal bike there's way more things that they did right on this than what they did wrong and I liked it actually I didn't like it I freaking loved it this bike is awesome and I could totally have this bike as my primary bike I'm super sad that I have to give it back to have ski i wanna i want to thank Husqvarna for lending this bike to me to do this review because that was awesome and it really opened my eyes i I fully believe that these things are going to save the two-stroke dirt bike and I fully believe that there's gonna be a ton of people that are going to absolutely positively love these things to death because they are awesome they're just awesome there's so much more again that they did right and then what they did wrong you know it's got everything it's got the 18-inch wheel it's got good Forks it's got a good shock it's got a great throttle response it's got great-great-great-great-great there's a couple things that we nitpicked on here I think those things can we can overcome those in time with some more you know reset with some more development on these things it would be nice if they give you a way to tune to actually tune the bike you know if they give you some way you know to tune the the power character power characteristics of this thing and give you actual usable you know adjustable map settings and things for the ignition that would be really cool and that probably is something that can happen down the line but just in its form right now the thing is absolutely phenomenal and I love this bike if you have a chance to get one of these things go for it I didn't mention gearing in this bike or in this video very much because the gearing is so subjective from one rider to the other but I can get used to the gear head don't love the low first gear I don't love the gap between second gear and third gear because it's a wide gap and that's my biggest issue with this is just that your gap between second gear and third gear is a little bit too wide for me which means a lot of times when you slit shift into into third gear it's too far out and that's because that wide ratio transmission but some guys really really love that so you know that one is not really a plus or minus just depends what where are you riding what type of rider you are and what terrain you're on but I could have this bike as my primary bike and love it it's that good guys if you like what we're doing here please remember to like these videos share with your friends subscribe to the channel follow us on Facebook false on the Instagram we're doing stuff over there if you want to support what we're doing you can use my parts link over at dirt bike channel comm forward slash parts those are affiliate links that help give us a little bit of a bonus that that that comes back in the coffers over here you can also support us on patreon if that if you're interested doing that there are some cool rewards over there so again thank you for coming over apologize these videos are so long but if you've listened if you watch the video this far I hope you've gotten some good information and some good insight into what this bike is I love it if you have a chance to go get one of these things go do it you're not going to regret it thanks
Channel: Dirt Bike Channel
Views: 151,683
Rating: 4.9116721 out of 5
Keywords: enduro, motocross, dirtbike, ktm 2016, ktm motorcycles, shootout, ktm range, erzberg, graham jarvis, johnny walker, best dirtbike, 125, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 525, exc, sx, how to, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, video, review, ktm, husqvarna
Id: 4zv-Xjj7fKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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