Hunting RIVER BOTTOM Turkeys from KAYAKS

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we've got a couple hundred yards to plug down and I've already got and that is exactly why we don't want to float too far [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's pride [Music] [Music] more than everybody druvan i actually the whole crews out here on a small tributary in the state of georgia and we are in our new canoes floating down the river turkey calling sholde ice fishing spot Titian and I'm gonna tell you right now just in the first 5 min of yours this is absolutely paradise drew and I are just in awe of what we're looking at and what God creates here it's unreal we're hoping we got a pretty good scratch the road right here several miles and we're drew and I are just gonna float the boys are back here fishing behind us we're just gonna float down the river I'm gonna call a good big throw some real loud calls out supply down cackles some cutting of excited hen and I'm trying to just strike a bird we're just gonna start flow right now and see what happens and maybe just maybe it'll happen [Laughter] this is not my first time on this river so I've been hunting the rivers since a kid literally in a John boat so what I've done is I've gone on my own Exmouth not gonna pull it out right now after them actually getting everything wet but on my own X I've marked certain branches or hardwood bottoms or creeks tributaries that come off of this main river and a lot of times that's where the birds are roost happy so I've marked them down through here and the goal is to get to them and what I'll do is the banks are ten to twelve even 15 shoot maybe yeah 15 feet high you can't hear real good down in the river so we're gonna have to pull the kayaks up to the bank tile run up on top of the bank and I'll call and I'll be really aggressive because I'm trying to strike one I'm not gonna sit there and then if I don't hear you I'm back in the canoe back down the river so right now that's kind of what we're what we're tackling [Laughter] we just heard perspire he's on the wrong side of the river importantly I'm gonna play with him a little bit here and just see what he does if he starts coming hard then we'll go ahead and set up on the other side and see if it's cross but chances are very slim for that isn't it right just like I was telling you they get in these hardwood drains it Ronna right off the grate laughs the river he drowned my agent he's literally in this drain right here while we're coming back I just need him in this ad he keeps coming so he's gonna be at the riverbank in just a minute [Laughter] there we go right there so I'm just trying to getting the pitch across the river if he pisses across it's in this big around [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] absolutely perfect call that bird across the river and Benelli is known for if the chamber gets bumped just like that when you're climbing up the bank like this it doesn't seek properly and that's exactly what just happened I tried to shut one and then shoot him in the butt right before he went across the river they used to fall trying to just get a pellet in his head like 60 yards looking dummy what it's turkey hunting right there I mean see this right here so if you if your shells up in the chamber right here there's a little latch right here and if this thing just these Bonelli's bump real easy now it won't you and this is what happened so the shells in there but it's turned down so to get it right you got to do that and during the crawl and move and the excitement everything I mean you don't you don't think about everything and I think about checking that out of all things you can tell I'm not happy right now all right dance over let's go find another one I wouldn't take it that for breaks my heart man I live for this stuff and that just really hurts me hurts my feelers I mean I'm gonna be doing about this for the next how many miles we get winter so I don't I'm sorry I can just get right now visioning a dead long beard hanging over the front of my new commit right here and it's just he's not there yeah keep looking not that your head back in the game [Music] all right y'all drilling our back we got the guy axe back in the water at this time we are using them for a little bit different purpose we've been plugging rivers and creeks and stuff like that with a lot of get flowing water well we have a friend of ours that has a giant swamp that's flooded and the only way to get to high ground where these turkeys are is to use a boat this is what we've done we've driven into this big road here all the way around now we've gotten like a mile down in here now what we have here starting about right here we are about two or three hundred yards up we have some big food plots that we know it exists but nobody has been able to hone them because of all the rain with you so we've got tax and we about slip up this road right here and we're gonna start : soon as we get this dragged around and try to strike a bird off let's see if we can make it happen [Music] everything is so quoted the birds have to be concentrated on the only drag around here and we know exactly where that is that we're closing in on now so hopefully don't be there lightly exposed to be [Music] wait [Laughter] [Laughter] we all right we just paddled back in here this pretty early it's like I don't know five forty five something like that we yesterday afternoon when we after we party got out after we heard him he ended up moving another two or three hundred yards after we calling him up so we've got about a half a mile long but this is as close as we can get but all without these never would have got right here let's go make it happen [Applause] it's not the point we're about halfway in and what was high driving around yesterday is now flooded properly waist-deep and now we don't know what to do so you got water water see the kind of piece down right here there's some two places yeah he's telling the truth because my swamp that he's under flooded last night see where he flew up from driving down there's a whole wedding out waiting on him to eat a pitch from tree to tree to get down well he's gonna sail all away our setup is coming jacked up cuz he can come five o'clock where are you coming from dad still still in Detroit way out he's another 80 yards in there he's rooster never so much water he can't see dry ground so he's just gonna sit up there all day oh yes not all day eventually he'll just lay off until he sees driving around you know pissed I hate to waste a good morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jordan are back again is May 7th and believe it or not is 41 degrees we're on the river again and crisp clean morning like this just cool cool snap can be detrimental and killing her they love the gobble and strut and show their stop off when he's cool like this we got a couple hundred yards to plug down and I've already got and that is exactly why we don't want to float too far I don't want to run anymore turkeys out of the trees we got about two of the yards and I've got a spot marked on Oh next we're gonna get out slip up on this Bank and ease up on this half point you get y'all see what we can do [Music] I've got where I think the birds gonna be the most I don't know I don't know exactly but it's always good to start on high ground so that's what we're gonna do we just parked the new canoes right here and we just put the hand out of the tree about 50 yards back it's a good sign we slide on the bank right here go to the top see if we get to working here I think we're calm just wait till the Sun comes up starts beating on a little bit we haven't heard anything yet but they love to work out do a clear-cut what's that someone starts popping so I'm gonna camp out right here for just a little bit and see what happens [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] thank you Miss I know his head when I use it when I pull the trigger I mean I just feel that much confident his hair was up I put the beat on his head dude I know you couldn't get it I could see I could barely see his head he was so spooked I mean there was no way he was coming but I was like you know what it's my son they said yes my son and seasons about to be done I've only got a few days before I leave the Wisconsin I've got another spook bird druing off had terrible up and I got to thinking when I caught up to the decoy shave it to him and he saw it and he came just a little bit and that was I'm just looking at it well over 40 are that's the will step it off that's gonna push 50 yards pretty hard he's right here he's that far when he shot yeah [Applause] it's a shake is early I have a killer J in probably 20 years well take that back talked a few accidents over the years but I have just had a royal accident this bird sounded like a big bird he was spitting and drumming over here I didn't think anything about it it the foliage is so thick you can't see their bodies good and I watched him gobble a couple times he raised his head he was like 50 yards and I was like you know just go me now or never so hmm put him down walk up here and it is a Jake thankful for the birthday that's all it is - very thankful this whole season of burning my third one a Jake what have I done I have to kill very huge aches in my life but I have killed Tom and I've made some mistakes and this morning there's one of those I made a mistake look I mean the suckers got a huge head on and you know when you didn't see anything with that head with that the Goblin that he had and wasn't a half gobble it was a pretty strong gobble I didn't even question it so I know most guys won't wouldn't show this or tell this but I made a mistake I killed a Jay he only just as good a long beard there's no doubt about it I'm tickled to death be tied down thanking the Lord for that sinaitic spend some family time with my kids at my wife before I head in Wisconsin tried to get it done at the beer but we still got a float back down the river to get to where we're gonna take you out no just real thankful to have this done this morning the old super Jake Birds got some beard rot I'll just say I call him out because he was I see his beard was rotten John decided that was a cool bird no the coal bird and [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SEEK ONE
Views: 4,066,983
Rating: 4.5470676 out of 5
Keywords: hunting, turkey hunting, kayaking, river
Id: XyAtN2b3shs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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