Hunting Giant Spring Salmon - Ocean Adventure - Part 1

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oh my god that's a giant no way that was awesome rose no how do you feel not well no no oh there he is why you don't like the whales do you not like the whales the oils are fun whales are fine you just don't like the bumps we just had a close encounter with a whale wow that was awesome how's it going captain right on you got us on the right chart yeah just going straight across good was that a bait ball there okay oh yeah that's a bait ball we just went right over it see that's why everything is here all the sea life is here it's because of that bait ball they're always right here okay watch the rods girls 51 feet watch the rods she said hey what oh here we go whoa did you you haven't yanked it yet yes no oh my goodness you gotta hold the line hold the line and then yank it good grip you're like a savage okay reel reel it in and then yank it again reel it in reel it in and yank it out we got a real fit oh no it's a rock fish or a cod that's okay we can eat that pull it in yeah right on good one okay let's throw it in the fish locker yeah put them in here nice this one's a different color oh yeah those are beautiful little rockfish we throw him back there no we're gonna eat him are you kidding me okay put them in the bin put them in the fish locker good eye rose see you spotted that one mommy you should have carried that one out okay thanks why do you keep bobbing around like this abby mama is not enjoying the bumps i don't think any of us are no i don't mind them i prefer bumps to like white caps hey white caps splash me and make me salty salmon yeah you put a little baby one little thing oh my looks like a rainbow trout wow beautiful away whoa buddy what a beautiful fish okay well let's get them out unhook them it's barbless so it'll come out are you using my feet what a beauty eh here it goes i thought it's working this little section i need to be like a good inch and a half taller yeah wiper is not as effective as it could be okay wow it sure got wet huh but isn't this just like how fishing is it's just sometimes you just don't catch fish at this moment and for quite a few moments we haven't been catching fish look there's even some other boats out here not catching anything so it's not just us we're all in this [Laughter] together yeah first bow in the back okay what'd you get uh we got a big tangle boy he's so close he's not but little one eh yeah it's not a legal one what a beauty look at dad this i let him go wow yeah here lay them down right on job christina ew for slime oh what a cute little one okay bring it in hey why not huh why not why not what a team effort here yeah that's a beauty that thing is going to be delicious yes with some catching cook yes okay put them in the fish locker yeah yeah don't give him a slap you got him you got a real fish yep take it easy there he is i see him yeah is it a smaller one okay well let's get him in the net anyways oh yeah it might be a bit small but just let it you're right up sorry holy oh what a beautiful fish are you kidding me what how did he do that oh man it's almost a little bit dreary isn't it yeah it'll all change if one of those rod bends over with a spring salmon wow cool thing about the coast is this weather will change in like minutes or could change in minutes hopefully we'll change in minutes so girl look at this this is amazing this kind of reminds me of maui girls we should move to this little island and build a cabin yeah we could live off of seafood our whole lives look at this place it's really pretty it's incredible look at this the driftwood gnarly old spruce and cedar trees then these these crazy rock formations and then look at this it's a white sandy beach i know this is in northern bc this is not i know this is not like a tropical paradigm this is not in the tropics this is not i guess where most people think about beautiful beaches right i don't know maybe i'm crazy but this is this is world class this is what this is what people would travel thousands of miles to see and we are just right here we're already here i think i could just sit here for well until the tide got me i could literally just sit here and just like look at it yeah it's very nice look at all these cool stones look at how this rock is all worn down wow it's different types of rock and they wear differently look this stuff is harder and then this stuff wears away sooner look how smooth that is look at this oh man this is really ironic we still have yet to catch that elusive spring salmon we've been catching them they're just been like little baby ones we're looking for turkey-sized spring salmon yep or bigger a turkey or bigger okay you ready oh baby this is unbelievable we're on the north coast the rugged rugged north coast but still look at this is this the way you guys imagined it yeah really good for you yeah just let her fight when you oh man christina this is awesome if he's fighting really hard just let him go yep just let them go my goodness yeah kind of like play em right that's a big fish christina a little too deep for me so reel him up a little bit more okay this net is kind of way too small right it's another part of the problem [Applause] he broke it oh my he bit the line he only half fit in the net didn't i say something about when you were buying the net it wouldn't fit my salmon yep you were right oh hey there's a little guy he might be legal just take her easy yeah bring him in grab the net because ryan you just lost him i just lost him yep all right we heading out on the big water is i'm gonna drive no what no no no i'm gonna do it no i don't want to you don't want it no are you serious i'm serious wow okay i don't know what makes you guys think i'm so qualified but i'm honored more qualified than abby's okay here we go we've been in this boat a long time haven't we yeah for like 12 hours 12 hours today and like about 30 or 40 hours yesterday about that oh man watch your rods here girls looks like a good spot this is a good spot girls can catch something right now okay [Music] i'm gonna come help you and these girls have done a fantastic job back there yeah man and downriggers rods the motors and yes the captain has done quite well too she's got her radios and her sounders and her navigation and her phones how come there's no country music playing because there's a whale coming up the channel behind you there's a whale oh sounds like the voice of god just watch behind you i got a premonition you got a fish on there are you kidding me oh man you sure you got a fish better not be a seal maybe it's a whale yeah well he's gonna okay listen this has got to come out so take the bring that in anyways and get the get the lure off dad can you like just pay attention yeah i'm gonna try oh yeah you have a very big fish can you just pay attention let me film no just a second just like in a second um i need someone to get this downrigger ball out that would be really nice just lift it up out of the way does this come out of the way can you pull that in because pull it in keep your rod up what is that thing oh man yeah this thing is taking the line wow yeah if he's running you got to let him go put it in neutral yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna try this is gonna take a few minutes okay are you gonna gasp it's gonna take a little bit it's gonna suck me back put that rod in uh there dad are you ready that's a giant salmon okay let it fight okay gotta let it wow let it go it's net i can't undo this net i'm not sure what the problem is can you hold that handle [Music] you want the gas hey look we can't get this come in here okay hold that this is my this is my neck okay around the corner from the front or the back that thing is huge oh [Laughter] wow come look at this thing rose wow what unbelievable pick him up pick him up it's just bouncing wow oh my goodness that is wild that doesn't even make sense this seems like a dolphin he was pulling one before i even noticed he was on i know he just like you didn't even see a bump right even like wow that is insane you did it you did it oh man 20 weights 29 pounds 29 pounds wow wow i have never caught a salmon that big that is amazing when we first bought them i thought i had held that like wow that's what i thought i was like that's not a salmon it's way too big okay that is too much christina give me 5. [Laughter] it doesn't fit in he does fit in girls our fish box has a giant fish in it wow this is the way i imagined our fish [Laughter] like is there anything else to do like can what else can we do now no because if we get we've done it all we crossed open water we went to the white sandy beach and now we caught the most giant salmon of your life it's true you might not ever catch a salmon like that like should we even try to do anything else no i don't think so let's end them i think we should just go back to camp and have smash burgers yes [Applause] you
Channel: Gridlessness
Views: 89,295
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: giant spring salmon, starcraft boat, north coast bc
Id: k7pNzhWNBt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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