What Can You Get for $22 at the Goodwill Outlet?

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all right what's going on you guys we are back here at our local Goodwill Outlet where you pay by the pound not by the item it is currently Friday and it is half price day the line is very long there's so many people here there's a lot of people here so hopefully we can find some stuff this is going to be for our $20 flip house everything that we find here we're going to try and flip online for a profit and then put that back into our house so yeah come with us oh anything good in here I'm not sure though no DS Cas oh no NS that's kind of cute Legos Min figures CH us I really want all of them I just want the Minifigures there's his head okay two Minifigures and a little squish m squish avocado toast cute also glasses case oh we got a big Stitch here what is this can't think of this person's name the girl version of Stitch definitely grabbing that oel hi Miss Haley good morning doing well how are you I've been seen you for a long time in here yeah oh this is dcing oh this is like the vacuum carrying case carries all the accessories or something yeah got a little rooka back backpack here RVCA just like canvas or something kind of cool I've never seen a rooka backpack I've seen t-shirts and shorts and stuff like that got some fuzz on it but good to go aora merid might be good finally got something over here I think little sack yeah sack Roots purse be in good shape kind an interesting pattern to it as well oh look at that cute little penguin also found this owl kind of cute I'm going to pass on the owl he's a little dirty oh cute we have a baron stain or Baron Stein or whatever it is here's another one L those two together horse builda bear in good condition just kind of a weird day I mean there's a lot of stuff here but it's just like not a lot to choose from oh it's one of those little mini trash cans second got one those got a little jug here you guys know I've been a sucker for jugs jug or Croc I'm going to call it a jug I'm going to put it in here and hopefully it doesn't break anti archology that's from uh American Pickers can you me that Beaver mask right there thank you I think it's a beaver why not a little kitty here something get that here's a beer Bradley right here little like tote bag no issues on the handles those internal stains that's an interesting looking bag it's got like a rainbow zipper maybe handmade it's got a little pouch inside I'm going to pick that up just cuz of like the style Tinker Bell Secret Garden Disney showcase interesting okay I'll watch y all the time oh awesome appreciate that I don't know if hay find another Roy or not there's one it's in China I watched that China and so the last one we found are fake because they're supposed to have the rothy logo right there and ours just said Roy so see so that's a real one she'll find another one and then what about m cup yeah yeah for sure yeah but every time you order a beer at the Masters they give you one of these cups for free basically but then they they don't sell for a ton of money but I I left all mine cuz I didn't want to carry them around with me I was like man I wish I would have brought one home so yeah I'm going to keep that what about that just for no um I was going to put it back normally yeah it's just big and we have a lot of stuff in the booth right now yeah I saw I was like I'm tired to carry and stuff so I'm like that's aw where did you find the rafie at um it was back back that way okay yeah and again it's the only one went in a shoe bin so it may be a hit or miss you may or may not well it's worth looking for think thank you I really appreciate that what's your name Dina Dina awesome where are you from here I'm out foran okay yeah I visited y Bo a lot so oh yeah awesome thank you good to talk to you yeah you too got this little wooden Candlestick here it's kind of cool it's kind of heavy but it is half off day so it'll only be like maybe $2 I get that for the booth little salt and pepper shakers are cute they little gourds it's half off day and glass is only 25 cents a pound so I think they would ring it up half price so like 12.2 cents a pound so like I doubt those salt and pepper shakers would cost anything aren't they all right got some more plush over here we got a little aerial who's this Disney Lightyear huh need some cleaning I'm going to grab that we got a little monkey squishmallow or gorilla okay I just found this guy struggling to remember who this is but he does have a Disney tag so I'm going to grab him we got a troll doll right here the one with the super colorful hair good wanted $3 for her but now I can grab her for basically free with the rest of my plush I have we got a big rooster it's kind of cool actually I know it's not a character or anything oh what is this spies in Disguise weird chicken looking thing to grab him got this back here it's definitely leather but the only issue is I don't see a logo anywhere I I'll still get it I guess but a bag of this quality usually have a logo somewhere what does it say Texon I don't know if that's the logo of the purse or just like a brand make sure the zippers work yeah it works I'll get that no brand but definitely a leather look at this bush it's like a unicorn or something with a box of froo Loops hilarious look at this please please be the match look at there oh my gosh it's just sitting there on the end same size good condition it's crazy I got to go show haly Haley yeah it was in the uh the far bin over there yeah oh my goodness is this flounder it is look at ler World Disney Company Korea I will'll take that this is a big squish mow little dirty definitely need some cleaning squish D not that I need him it's my bag so full oh look it's what's his name from Madagascar he's dirty he's definitely dirty but yeah going to grab him all getting a bag from our clch you found anything good L of FL the sack definitely grab that from Macy's oh sorry oh bowls oh got these thank you I'll grab this too be rad dff bag yeah anything wrong with that found this I think it's old It's Made in India it's a brass umbrella fer but it's hand painted it's got some really nice Graphics some color to it get that so we're going through all of our stuff we got the plush bag going we've got Haley's bag with a little bit of my stuff in it and then my bag over here we need we do need to separate out the glass uh cuz they might charge glass differently today and haly found this case I thought it was for vum cuz it said Dyson but upon further review this is actually for one of those Dyson air wrap things like the the blowy um comps are kind of all over the place as low as like $15 plus shipping on auction but there are a couple sold for like $50 to $70 plus shipping we'll get it either way it'll probably cost like two bucks we'll maybe get $15 or $20 for I think it's worth it you guys got a lot today I mean pretty decent got some good plush yeah thank you there's a huge line today only one cash year on the busiest day of the week but we eventually got rang up and we got this whole bag of plush my bag of random stuff haly's bag of random stuff and it cost us a total of $22.74 so found some pretty good stuff for the bins today nothing too crazy obviously it's not the same day I've changed clo but we're here at the Antique Mall got to do a little quarter check we're not restocking anything today I don't really remember if we got anything in today's video that is for the Antique Booth I think we did uh but we've also sold a couple things at our Antique Booth since the last time we here shout out Drew and Dalton came to see me for my birthday thanks guys oh they're building new walls making more booths soon that's exciting with the gumball machine I've kind of given up on the toy section we've been so busy with whatnot Black Friday Cyber Monday all that stuff that I haven't had a chance to do the whole Toy situation what what I told you about like two or three videos ago so unfortunately our toy section is totally empty in the gumball machine but looks like the Skittles have been selling I did restock the gumball any of those I want a gumball Drew's over here getting a quarter all right let's see let's check the back and see oh yeah feel that o look at there that's heavy we got some ice some ey dribbled dribbled on that one that's so they can see their quarters on the video yeah pretty good let's count it out 18 19 20 21 22 even 22 gumballs coloring it on the chart so it's the very next day I'm just coming out to the warehouse to draw in the gumball chart for the $20 and gumballs we sold yesterday but it turns out Drew uh they're still here by the way but he has misplaced his car keys so now we're frantically looking for those any luck I can turn the light on for you this is actually the worst place to have left them because there's so much stuff in here yeah I don't think they're in here either why would you have brought them in here well I think if they were in here they would be on this table on the refrigerator or over here yeah you're silly but you're not that silly to just throw them in a box okay going to get you an air tag so 20 gumballs getting colored in on our Gumball chart if you guys don't know once we fill in all the gumballs here each ball counts for $1 uh that will be $250 and that will be our break even cost for the gumball machine I'm going with brown as always a gumball chart coloring in session is sponsored by my reseller Genie the number one bookkeeping and accounting app for resellers use code dealing with D no use code tornado while they do that for us I'll show you guys the aftermath of our two whatnot shows we did last night so they're like you want to what do you want to do tonight cuz they came for to celebrate my birthday I was like why don't we just sell and whatnot CU it' be nice to have four people like running around grabbing stuff you know writing down names on orders as we as we move so we did one show yesterday before pickle ball and that was everything on that table there's like three IE bags full of stuff everything under there those two sets of Star Wars like there's like four action figures and here I'll show you each one has four figures and a little mini poster in the back and Dalton found all five episodes episode 1 2 3 4 5 or six episodes and each one of these bundles sold for 20 I think $259 plus shipping exactly but there's one listed this complete bundle listed on eBay for 1,000 bucks none sold but $1,000 so I feel like that was pretty cool so that's $500 and stuff just in those things got a whole BN of stuff here A whole BN of stuff here all this stuff under the table and then after pickle ball and the Mexican restaurant which we hope Drew's keys are located there we sold all of this stuff as well and even after both of these whatnot auctions we still have an entire entire Warehouse filled with items I am going to film a video this next week going over this this haul the action figure in Disney in Disney Hall talking about how much stuff we've sold roughly so I can go back on whatnot and see how many items we've sold in each show but some of the items that we sold are bundles so give you a rough rough idea of how many items we sold and a rough idea of how much profit we've made on this haul after fee shipping and all that stuff so stay tuned for that video and there we have it folks full gumball chart updated Dalton d to make a little boo boo right there but uh once we sell four more gumballs we can go ahead and finish coloring that in so pretty good I think we're almost a third of the way there maybe like 25% of the way to our break even cost was this gumball machine a bad idea I don't think so was it a good idea I also don't think so I also want to show you guys these two rothy so earlier in today's video we found this this pair cuz that nice lady gave us one then we found the match and then I said that this other pair we found like two videos ago were fake but Dalton is the shoe Guru and he uh you know he's not nothing's ever 100% certain but he took a look at these and said that he doesn't think they're fake I was worried because these have that little rothy logo and these don't uh and these like the rothy font on this one is slightly thinner but he said this is just a newer like different model and they also discontinued making the rothy's logo on the new model so in his opinion he's a professional shoe reseller he thinks these are also real so these are definitely real and we're like 90% sure 95% sure these are real do you think we can get rothy checked on check check I don't think you can I don't think so if anybody knows of an authentication Service for rothy definitely let us know but either way these are pretty cool I think we can probably get what like maybe like 60 65 bucks for these something like that and probably about the same for those as long as we can prove they're real oh hey MOS I didn't know you were out here come here come here say hello to everybody baby this is your second video in a row you have a little cameo in it oh you're so nice even sat down just to get some scratches so as I was editing today's video I realized that we had $22 worth of quarters in our gumball machine and for some reason I just thought it was 20 when we were coloring in the chart so I added two more gumballs the little orange one right there and the I think that green one right there so this is what the chart looks like got to make sure you guys are fully updated on this also I've told you that we sold some stuff since the last video that is a part of our house flip and I have to go over that so I think we've sold like five things at our antique booth that were part of the house flip so first we sold the second of the the two white ceramic pumpkins from the I think the last video second one also sold for $10 which left us with $9 after fees we sold one more of those South Carolina metal trays those black like metal trays with like the old South Carolina map we had four and we put one at a time in our boots so this is our second one we sold that one sold for $5 leaving us with $4.50 after fees we sold The Jug that we got in today's video uh we actually put that in the booth like I don't know like four or 5 days ago when ever we originally filmed it and that sold for $6 leaving us with $5.40 after fees we sold the salt and pepper shakers the little green gourds from today's video uh those sold for $4 leaving us with $3.60 after fees and we sold the two glasses like those uh two Crystal like drinking glasses those those were from like four or five videos ago surprised those sold actually I was going to drop the price on them oh I guess I did drop the price cuz they sold for $6 I think I originally put them at 10 so we dropped them six they sold leaving us with $5.40 after fees so I think that was everything we sold at the booth that was part of the house spit but we also sold a couple things on eBay actually just one thing on eBay but it was a very good sale so if you guys remember we went to played against Sports to sell that tennis bag like two videos ago and while we were there I bought that long belly vintage ping putter for $14.99 so I think it was I don't know like 16 bucks or so after after tax we already took the money out of the house budget and that sold on eBay for $99 plus shipping the buy was all in $120 84 and then after shipping fees and all that stuff we were left with $794 uh going back into the house budget so really nice we've bought and sold stuff from play's closet in the past but never something that significant in terms of profit which some in the past has been like spend $20 to make 40 not spending 15 to make 80 so really nice flip there and we also did a quick whatnot show just with Plus flush that we've gotten in the house splp budget over the last several videos If you guys remember in the last video we got a ton at the regular Goodwill like the Mario Kart Red Shell new tags the Little Whale guy from Finding Dory it we got like 15 or 20 plush from that one and then several in today's video as well so in that what not show we did like almost a week ago we sold 15 plush total uh I mean they went anywhere as low as $8 as high as $31 so anywhere up in there and then after fees shipping and all that stuff we're left with $23 and 14 from that show if there are any HVAC Professionals in the chat this is our little mini split h h h AC unit that we have for the warehouse and we turn it on hot I think we push the button that has a picture of the sun uh and it's really cold it's like 30° outside right now and it's probably like 40° in here so any tips why is it it's on sun mode why is it not Sun Haley any final uh words for today's video I don't think so we have a lot sh I haven't talking a lot thank you guys so much for today's for today's video thank you guys so much for watching today's video hope you enjoyed it if you did hit the like button hit the Subscribe down below if you haven't already and we'll catch you guys on the next [Music] one
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 90,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -CdIWfBtHls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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