Mama Pickers at the SWAP SHOP Flea Market in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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morning good morning it is 88:18 a.m. we are at the Fort Lauderdale swap shop again we have special guests my parents hello and my parents are parking up right now too so it is a special Mother's Day Edition Mama Pickers of the swap shop uh we're all looking for something they have been recently selling on eBay so we're all looking for the good deals and and we'll see what we find stay tuned this is the same brand that we got from Carol English garden also very H cool look at that little the snack hat food $1 M $1 thank you $1 for the M all right that's not bad those look very cool that looks like Pirates it's corn it's living room Corning those are nice very rare um print as well okay I could look it up but I know what I'm talking about first I see okay how much excuse me ma'am how much how much for these the just the set H yeah this up here there's four of them in there yeah give me$ $3 all right I'll do $3 one all right I'll do $3 nice cooler and cart I wish he had one of those that's out of everything I had to restrain myself look at how it's connect good morning smarter not harder fantastic hello follow the whole time you guys were over there like oh man what's up bro the food was great I I can see that for [Laughter] sure it's the right color Minnie Mouse Crocs very cute special under AR with shoes it's you want to look at sizes as well tiny so you want to look at like common women's sizes common men's sizes to 25 20 to 25 we see cuz it like five bucks hello how much for the 15 okay yeah see she wanted 15 on these so I'm not getting them 15 oh look nice oh let's see oh oh oh nice that's actually awesome both of those together yeah this one oh oh oh I'm sorry I'm sorry okay how much for these the the two $ for both $5 for both okay here hold on let me think about all right we do five bucks for for these we can head off in a random Direction random Direction yeah let go yeah whatever [Music] theie two to clo1 I'll I'll take a [Music] look Banana Republic [Music] large I don't know seems like a knockoff but I don't know what else to get [Music] Marlin this is quite cool how do you know that's what I told him that's the sketchy table that's [Music] cute oh cool I like that this is cool yeah that's this kind of stuff is so risky it's very cool didn't have a name yeah there's nothing sign you have to look it up $10 for all three all right pretty good see right right yeah right for 10 I love it and then maybe he'll us you know that's and then we're brand new yeah ask him how much for those just those with the well we're going to get both of see if we'll do like 12 would you do 12 with these and those three I got okay it's the little Mario those three and then the three painties how much 12 all right 12 for everything I have exact change for you sir a nickel and a nickel oh I don't have a nickel on me all right you have a wonderful day thank you $1 for Jesus $1 that looks like a wise man God bless you uh oh wow it's awesome how did you know you I love it very nice it's awesome how much $10 it's really cheap it's pretty cool 5060 I love the back of it yeah it's awesome very cool figured you out quick it's awesome so cool let me think about it I'm so Lu okay we wait it's extra large it's perfect that's a size we wait out of they're probably looking at [Music] nothing how much for this 155 or 80 bucks can you this up it depends on the the magnification but it may have it on there it may say what it is what's it's the at what yeah it's got the little level in there and everything all right check it out it's a only Disney world that is very cool he wants $10 he won't come down check it did you get it for you guys yeah she got it I think it's EAS you can easily double your money probably and she got her down to eight [Music] bucks nice anybody got a hit I'm uh fill me up I want to try the piece pipe out this is so cool too whoa it hasn't been used in quite a while but that thing is cool you proba asking you got I'd like to try this can you do you have a do you have some history with this can you tell me this is uh from Europe right I got that part of it but uh it's it's uh St that's yeah it's got so it's stag this like stagghorn yeah Rose from from a deer wow but Rosewood and it's got It's got a little crack little crack maybe even that's 100 years old this is what I was saying it's it's got some with The Medallion on the top and everything that's gorgeous wow okay um I'm getting now I got to walk away from that for a minute I got I got how much is it just 12 120 this is also very cool let me think about I know it's this is Jade yeah I paid $4 for that's awesome fensive man so cool man very heavy that's a nice $10 is nothing for that's 40 bucks beautiful very green it's Jade right yeah 47 what you got Polo much for the Hat $5 five polo5 okay here $3 three yeah okay I'll do it for three I cowboys hat with the tag for the yeah okay look at to they ain't going nowh come on son come on son you can do it you can do it son take your time Brea in it's Mother's Day bite for your mother you can't complain hello it's Mother's Day tomorrow is my birthday so I'm going to buy myself a big cup of coffee a big one come on you deserve a little more than a cup of coffee all right 15 a okay I Lov you too you remember that all right yeah hey hey come boy I want 15 all right let's do it boom see told you you never know hey you have to just ask sure it's in there first that PO that that guy got was wor $100 is a magnet hey your dad I offered him 20 bucks for [Music] this one just looks cool this is the inaugural address oh that's cool this is cool yeah this is cool too it's just a test final so crazy we're going not going to take this but we're going to take these two records instead these yes three three okay still buy this and refurbish the whole thing to refurbish and flip it online that's going to be your business I'm telling you that's your retirement job that's your retirement job lady yeah we don't have space yet build Mama shed what do you think 18 going for like brand new 59 59 oh that's nice yeah this is smaller this this is the one I just got and it's yeah 5 Milwaukee brand new how much you know how much this is it's $200 there you go thank you my friend thank you don't get me wrong I'm strong I can I can go all day KY Harvey KY Harvey yeah wonder if it's real gu it is real it is a real Guy Harvey nice it's pretty cool five bucks what size XL better not be five bucks not worth it 2 [Music] XL xck for it's nice that's how much on the gar Hy it's a two perfect worth it yeah it I'll get it for two I think somebody will get that so you know at the end of our video where we have that guy that's pointing at us uhuh he right there oh we're done [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Flipit and Shipit Miami
Views: 755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reseller community, ebay, ebay seller, ebay reseller, flip life, resale, resale not retail, reseller, miami resale, for sale, shop local, thrift, vintage, style, thrifting, secondhand, shop small, resale shop, small business, reselling, side hustle, reselling tips, reselling for beginners, how to resell, flip it and ship it, treasure hunters, ebay flips, how to make money, flea market, swap shop, mothers day, family outing
Id: WgTLgYjpCGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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