Amazing Munich Food Tour - German CRISPY PORK LEG and Attractions in Munich, Germany!

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Good Morning It's Mark Wiens it's another Beautiful day in munich Germany and Today we're gonna Explore more of munich Eat Some German Food and Visit some of the most famous Attractions Within Munich As Well so stay Tuned is going to be another fantastic day in munich It's about 9 a.m. Right Now and we're on our way first to eat Out of Bakery there's This Really Famous Baked Pastry and it's Just up ahead Oh here it is we made it it's called cafe 3 hut and They Have Just a Little Inside Section or maybe They have an upstairs too but Anyway it's such a Nice day and they Have such a Nice Patio and i Hear That this is the perfect place to sit to of the Jewish Mouths Noodle Place and That's What You've Got. To come here? To eat It's on its way and also a coffee There are these little These These Rounds of Dough That Go into the deep Fryer and Somehow they Kind of They Kind of Deep-fry and Puff Up into an almost in the inner Tube Shape and Then They're so buoyant they float on top of that Oil and then flips them over Just Once So that It's Golden Crispy Fried to Golden Crispy Perfection And It is served Yeah right Out of the oil it is so hot it's so fresh and she said that you can put Sugar on it if you want or i think you can Just eat It As is Mm-Hmm well That's Really Big Good Because it'S so fresh Crispy and Gooey you Know what that tastes like It's very Similar No in thai it's a chinese a chinese? Savory Doughnuts Go taste Very Similar into that It's not it's not Sweet a little Bit Salty to contrast the The Flavor That Needs to be followed Good copy That completes The Experience i guess i will try It with a Little Bit of Sugar on it Just on This on This edge for Now cuz i actually Really love It with no sugar All right oh? and i want to get some of That some of That Center You can See that that Center is Kind of Extra Gooey I Think What i really like about this How the textures It Goes it'S henna it's Crunchy and Gooey and it's Very fresh and That's What Makes It Good i Thought The cafe Is a Little Expensive for What we had but it's a Nice little place and we're Now gonna do some more eating There's a Farmers Market Slash Open-Air Everything Market especially Food Market Right Right Across The street from the cafe so That's where we're gonna go next to eat some more This Is one of The centers for Food Lovers in munich It started off originally As a Farmers Market and Still You'll find Lots of fresh Vegetables Organic fruit and Vegetables and Really Beautiful Looking Produce as Well but it's Also more Than That There's a Lot of cooked Food here as well you can find some Gourmet food you can find Things Like Pickled Things and Preserved Things as Well As a Lot This is this is what you call a wurst a Sausage paradise and Then if You go right in the center There is a Beer Garden Where you can Sit and hang out and Just Enjoy The atmosphere but This Is a Fantastic Market and This Is a Place You have to come to if you love Food in munich There are a Lot of different sausage options at This Market You could You could Eat sausage for Days but i chose To come to This Place Right Here? Because i saw the Sign They have a Type of sausage that i was most looking Forward to eating Here in munich and It'S it's the White sausage and it's a Bavarian sausage specialty But This Is a Traditional Sausage that Is Typically from What i understand Consumed in between breakfast and Lunch So it's 10:00 a.m. Right Now this is perfect sausage time Break These Guys apart well hold That casing and You have to all the the sponginess of that You have to dip it in the sweet mustard? Well That's a Juicy Sausage oh it's really like oh more flavors come as you keep on chewing The texture is? Kind of Almost Like Like Airy Almost Like Foamy It's like Almost Like Whipped tastes and then It has a Saltiness to it plus an herb Flavor and then It has quite a quite a tight casing? I can Tell immediately Why this is such a Popular in between breakfast and Lunch sausage Because it'S so it's Goes Through There They Know how to make Pretzels Perfectly Crispy all Around and i love that that those Rocks of Salt on there It'S a Wonderful Combination Okay that Was delicious now on to the next place By The way one more tip if you come here right at This time it'S 10:30 a.m. It's perfect all the shops are open all the Food is fresh and it's not that Busy but i was here another day at About Noon or 1:00 p.m. And It Was Just Packed and Lines were long Out of Every restaurant so come here Early and you Will be you will be Feasting From Okay here it is the lever cost and i am a Mustard Kind of guy Going in for the Very Good Squeeze Let That Bread Put That Bread Push It out a Whole Whole Whole Beautiful This is another Just Classic a Very neat treat and This is like This is sausage in a totally different form and Shape So that That'S Just the perfect ratio that that Makes me very happy to see the meat Just Just Overwhelming the bun like This There's a mustard mustard mustache i love It when you have to take a Giant bite Just to reach Bread It's really Good it'S a Really Really tender and texture and it'S so smooth and so dense it's it's Just like meat Density i want to tell you a Really quick little Story When i was about 5 Years old My Family and i we Lived in france for One year and My parents and My Sister They all loved to eat Baguettes and ham and For Some reason at That Age i Don't know i don't know Why But some reason i didn't Really like ham back that Now i love Him and so i remember my mom and dad They Would Always Buy me a pack of Baloney and so This so i ate a lot of Bologna When i was in france When i was a Little Kid This Brings Back Memories This tastes Like It tastes Similar to Bologna That Brings back some some Great Childhood Eating Memories While that tastes Great After That Amount of sausage At This Market is Really Nice and It Would Be a Great place to come if you want To try some They have They have the full selection of Classic German Bavarian Food and it's a Nice Place to relax? But Later This afternoon i'm gonna go to a different beer Garden so we're gonna Head on we're gonna proceed onwards from Here for the day i Wanted to go up to the top of the tower at st. Peter's but It'S a Two-hour week so i don't think we're gonna wait Around but i'll Just go take a Look inside of st. Peters It's pretty Amazing Inside The Church especially If you woke up and you see the Ceilings the Paintings on the Ceilings? Right Next to the Market and next to st Peters is Marienplatz It'S a Beautiful public square and Just The architecture is impressive even though This Was the center of munich Starting Way back in 1158 it's still the Center of munich and It Seems Like All The Roads Kind of Lead to Marienplatz Here and it's it's really an Amazing sight to see when you're an eunuch From Here i'm on my way to go eat Lunch and i'm going to what is easily the most famous of all beer Hall restaurants in Munich This Place That we're going to is really a Living Culinary Museum you Walk Around The corner and all of a Sudden There it is the Hofbraeuhaus a an Institution With Unparalleled beer History in munich and This is gonna Be my first time Here Walk in This is like a Huge i know this Is a Gigantic restaurant and i think They have an upstairs level? This is the downstairs i know They have a beer Garden as well They Just have multiple oh and there's going to be a band playing as well maybe We Should Sit on the downstairs level glimpse of the we can Hear the band Playing but I'm Just taking a quick Walk Around before the food comes Have one of The most interesting? Fascinating Things about This beer Hall is that many of there are many locals That are so dedicated to Hofbraeuhaus and so Loyal That They store Their beer mug here so you can see all of the Walks it's like a Lockers for for beer Mugs so they're all locked Up and so you can if you Come here frequently you can Keep your beer mug here and then You Have your own mug when you come here? It's very Citrusy This is what you can Call Munich on a point i had to go for the roast pork Knuckle and it's the Whole Knuckle and That is Just Amazing how crapoly the skin Is and it comes with a Potato Dumpling and Then Doused in gravy and then i also Got a Side order of White asparagus i didn't want to leave munich Without Trying White asparagus Because it's it's in season Right Now and It looks Fantastic if you Pick This Up like a drumstick and Just start eating It That Amount of Meat That Is a Chunk right There but i'll Actually take my knife and Kind of Hacking It All The crackle Well All The Crispness of That is Just insane and peel back that Meat? Wow oh that Looks like some Skin and some Fat underneath there and Maybe This iS more more Meaty Over here on this side? Oh That's Just that is Just solid solid meat When you go in with my fork here i will i will Cut off a piece and then That's meat and then This iS some of the crackling that i that i broke up on that first bite so i Want to get it all together in this first bite With gravy All Right So That's awesome Salty It has Kind of a ham taste to it And it'S so Crunchy and then That's up That's like Your Berry rich Meaty gravy on there Yeah it's Really Really Gooey and Really Kind of Sticking And oh yes this is going to be both meat and skin Altogether look at That i will dip in the Gravy Looking back for a cooling piece right There That Is pork lovers dream come true Seriously oh it's so Good The Meat is tender but it's not like melt-in-Your-Mouth Tender They have some Good texture to it okay now over to try the white asparagus and it's served with potatoes as well it'S hollandaise sauce quick diP into the sauce That's My first time to taste White asparagus it's really Juicy and has a Very Silky texture you know how you Know how Regular Asparagus has that Kind of Snap to it this has more of like a Juicy Silky texture If you take a Big bite it's a Little Bit stringy But then It sort of Dissolves at The same Time It has a Natural Sweetness to it do Break This bone Off There's Still some Good meat Down there You've Got a Lot of different textures going on there's some Rubber Bits of elastic in bits Some soft tender Meaty Bits and then That Crunch from the skin This is really It's like a Palace or a Castle of Salty Fried meat and beer and This is really an Institution in munich You can come here to eat and come you can Come in Here Just it's it's really like a like a Living Museum of munich and This is Definitely a Must Visit When you're in munich not Only if you love Food but Just to see this unique culture in munich It's like a Totally different World in there Mika's taking his afternoon nap But We are Walking Over Towards The english Garden Which is one of the the main Central parks in munich and That's the Next Thing we're Doing today That Was a Fantastic Walk we made It you started I never thought i was going to come to Germany to watch surfing it's called The eyes back wave and It is a Little Portion of White Water That Comes Rushing From The Bridge it's pretty awesome to watch this is Really Really Amusing to see and really fun to watch and this Is a It'S all of The english Garden Is Extremely Beautiful and Actually i was Just reading about The english Garden and it's one of The World's largest Public Parks of any City in the entire World The Surfing Was Really fun to watch and it's Actually Just a Wave of Rushing Water i Have done it's Called the flow house or the flow rider a Couple Times it's like a Fake Wave that you you surf on and That's Exactly What it is but on a Much Stronger Scale we've Been Walking for maybe about an hour and we made it to the beer garden Which is right in the Middle of english Gardens but I have Thoroughly enjoyed This Walk Through The Park It really is It has to be one of the World's Greatest summertime Parks and All here it is? and Right Now the band Just started Playing Over in that Central gazebo pagoda Over there i wanted to eat This Thing This is about everybody eating Thank you Thank you I had to go for another Classic munich mug It is really refreshing something That i've Been wanting to try is this dish Right Here Which is a Type of Mixed Salad With onions and i think Normally you eat It with pretzel i think and i Think you can Kind of scoop Up some of the some of The Salad I'm not Actually sure exactly What it is but i've Just Been seeing a Lot of People Eat It and It Looks Good and with some of The Red onions or a Lot of The Red onions Very Cheesy and then I think it's a cheese diP mmm Really Really rich it's really Thick and Sticky That's a Little Bit of a Oh Yeah it's definitely cheese There's a Little Bit of a Nutty taste as well The Pretzel Will no longer be complete Without this dip and This he said these are beef Sausages and Be There There are these services is really long and Skinny Sausage And You Said it's a lower it's a Bit of a Leaner sausage and Got It with Sauerkraut It's a Pretty dense sausage and You can Tell That it'S quite low in fat compared to other versions at least It'S flavorful it's awesome with that mustard and i love the Sauerkraut This Right Here is What i love so much about munich being Able to hang out in the Garden hang Out with friends and Family Enjoy The social atmosphere in the summer the trees are Just absolutely Beautiful the food Is very Hearty And i think i'm gonna end the day right Here we're gonna Just hang out and then After This we're Just gonna Head back to the apartment so I'm gonna finish this Food tour and this day of Sightseeing and munich Right Now thank you very much for watching I'll leave all The information about everything we did today and Everything i Eat in the description box so you can Get all the details Now let us Say a Big thank you for watching this video please Remember To give it a Thumbs Up if you enjoyed It i'd love to hear from you in the comment Section Below and If you're not Already Subscribed Click subscribe Now for lots more Food and travel videos Goodbye from munich and i'll See you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,522,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Munich food tour, Germany food, German food, German food tour, best german food, Mark Wiens, German food dishes, German beer, Cafe Frischhut, schmalznudel, St. Peter's Church, Marienplatz, Hofbrรคuhaus, Chinesischer Turm Beer Garden, Englischer Garten, Eisbach Wave, German cuisine, German main dishes, traditional german food, German food culture, German drinks
Id: eKieSenmIMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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