Europe’s SPICIEST FOOD 🌶️🌶️ !! Hungarian Fisherman’s Soup 🐟 in Hungary!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens we are in the countryside of Hungary and one of the most special Hungarian food dishes is called ha lastly which is a Hungarian fisherman's suit it's made with lots of paprika there are two main versions each from a different town in southern Hungary and so I thought it wouldn't be an amazing Hungarian food trip to try both versions in their towns off different rivers of origin as well in one single day and so we are on a road trip a food road trip on our way to the first city to a place called Sagan said right adam said to try the first version of fisherman's soup welcome to según which is a town on the banks of the Tisa river and it's home to what is one of the most famous one of the most famous fishermen Hungarian fisherman's soup recipes dishes in Hungary and it's quite a peaceful little place we've come directly to the restaurant which is right on the banks of the river it's scenic it's a beautiful restaurant feels great to be here really I mean when it comes to food around the world and there's two or three variations the only the best way to get a feel for both of them and to compare and contrast both of them is to eat them back to vas of course we're starting inside which is the version and then it just has an English explanation of the version that they the fisherman's soup that they make which is where they boil the fish and lots of onions it says and then mash it through a sieve first dish has arrived and this is kind of like that appetizer but it is fish I said the fishing belly right the fish the fat or the stomach left for the yeah the fish belly deep-fried so that's gonna be fatty and crispy and then also with some onion rings fried as well squeezed on a little lemon to begin with I'm going to part the onion rings and get some of the good stuff down there that all the play little pieces of fried fish belly like that right there and you can just see that kind of like bubbly bubbly fish belly choose Oh fish oil just melting on your mouth with crunchiness this amazing fish fat goodness you can fill the Omega threes just like entering into your system okay let's show you another people excuse with a sauce no man we got a tartar sauce to dip in I think I'll also chase this with an onion a raw onion region for some of these raw onions onion I think would make the perfect complement because it's so oily rich mm-hmm that is so incredibly good once also onion rings as well yeah the lemon also has great who Silla host of lastly go lastly for last winter and this is the official story knew if she set it down on the table and you can smell the aroma a little bit fishy because it's all freshwater fish but then you smell like the undertone of the paprika they use spices they you can see like the top layer is like a Lyra felt like paprika oil I think the red oil the way they make it here is that they boil some of the fish and onions and they mash it through a sieve so you can see like the broth is a little thicker like some kind of like pureed and then we also got a cup of the on the menu it said the milk and the spawn dish some of it out into our bowls first and first we're gonna try that catfish catfish and yeah you can see that that broth is like pure a dish okay thank you and also typically eating with and bread and these are some huge thick slices of bread it's gonna be my first taste the catfish this is the catfish right yeah yeah okay yes mmm it's delicious like it's uh it's not a really strong strong flavor but it's like a mellow slightly fishy because of the river fish the paprika in there and taste the onion undertone it's a bit spicy I'm not sure maybe just for me a little bit spicy a little bit another fact I just remembered okay we can't accept it as a full fact but they said that it's one of them may be the spiciest dish that's native to Europe at least that's what wikipedia said so I don't know if we can pull it roast that but this I mean there's not a lot of spicy dishes native to Europe yeah this one is the carburetor yep next one yeah and as you reach down in the bottom of the the Bo you see more of the chillies the paprika version number two this is what just same same looking soup just different this is carpet oh yeah it's more medium yeah yeah absolutely unless the the catfish has a bit more of a freshwater fish muddy kind of taste to it which I kind of like to but the the carp is a bit cleaner tasting and then we also got to try the special I think this is also the same soup - it's just that yeah it's just the goodies from the from the carp and by goodies I mean the Milt and the spawn a little bit of a little bit of look at that okay I'll try to get a little bit of both in one bite there we go I think this is a gonna be a loaded bite ya know really is the gem of the pan of the soup a little bit creamy with the with the egg so you can you can feel that texture that kind of like crumbly almost cottage cheese texture good then we also wanted to try one of the fried whole fish called a Zander fish and I love how its kind of just curled up perfectly on the plate with fried potatoes gonna be very good with a sprinkle of lemon as well what look at this guy that's awesome you could stand him up nice and fleshy looks like just a little light batter on the fish - there we go and it's hot and fresh very tasty yeah look it's a very neutral medium tasting fish like the texture is really good to children wifey the lemon really helps with the lemon yeah it goes very well you're right that was a fantastic meal and I just a great food experience of Hungary and that's the type of a restaurant you would love to just eat and just kind of hang out and relax there for the rest of that afternoon looking out over the river enjoying the relaxing atmosphere but unfortunately well actually fortunately on last bite we are immediately leaving because we are we need to drive it's about an hour-and-a-half drive to the next place exactly a hundred and nine kilometres from first fishermen soup to second fisherman soup with 135 Cola in 109 kilometers an hour and 35 minutes we will be there [Music] okay that was a good exactly hour-and-a-half Drive welcome to by young and this town is on the danube river so it's a different River a different style of fisherman's soup okay I'm ready to eat again this place is great it's really relaxing place we're kind of in that patio outside area it's like a real like Riverside community here food has arrived fast I'm thrilled this is such like homestyle looking Hungarian food it's really feel like they're just in the owners home and some major differences between the by a style of home lastly lastly and some major differences number one the most evident one is that you can see that the fish the piece of carp is served on the outside of the soup and so you've got like a fish steak plus symbol those are Chili's HIPPA furniture and things chili buds just pop Rico maybe okay we got the color of fisherman stew it's so bright red here I love that color and then there's also egg pasta in it there's so many differences just from the appearance so do you think we should start with Whole Foods yes that would be typically to to start with okay and then we'll move on to the rest of the dishes one fruit soup the cold fruit soup it's a tradition in Hungary right and it's like actual it's actually like a starter yeah you know is that right yeah it's like it remains soup so there's before that's awesome so there's cherries in here there's some other types of fruit as well and then that's like a broth of fruit as well [Music] hmm I love this soup I could see the look on your face you loved it yeah I can see how that's like really refreshing especially on a hot summer day I think something that would be like really really good I mean it's still really good yeah that's great I love how it's actually in hungry eaten like a soup before a meal okay that is really good but I can't wait for them I can't wait for their soup the hot soup try some of the soup and noodles first and then dig into the fish yes all right try the noodles for seven now that we're digging into these noodles you can see the broth how different it is from the second version Bo the second version you can see the the pulp if I'd fish like the puree this and that brownness underneath the red paprika oil this one is just pure like paprika yeah and it's like pure red [Music] oh wow you really taste like more of a straightforward paprika taste to this little more more condensed paprika taste you know I mean even from the color yeah well that's incredible okay but we got it to follow it with some of the carp right and then we can just kind of eat that on its own the carp fish is so creamy and you can taste like the oil almost coming out of it is you take a bite mmm delicious you want to try one of these no it's a good either thing called it doesn't really look like a chili it looks more like a like a tomato but no no no [Music] oh wow oh that is so good there's a I'm pretty sure it's a chilly but it's like almost like tomatoey on the inside it does like gush with like tomato seeds it really tastes like a cross between a tomato and a chilly dip piece it looks like a masterpiece of a dish it is a masterpiece of a dish with that like paprika sauce the catfish the pasta with cottage cheese the fried pork skin yeah isn't baked enough get some of the catfish moving in with some of the pasta with some of the cheese and bacon this sauce on top paprika sauce there we go that's really good that is unbelievable I saw some paprika okay the richness is coming from that sour cream the cottage cheese and the fried bacon on top but that kind of mixes with a paprika sauce the creamy catfish the fatty catfish that's amazing that is amazing Wow that is stunning I can say right off the bat that's one of the best dishes I've had in Hungary let's try the goulash while we're at it and then we'll come back to finish the rest of these dishes the goulash okay so this one is yeah this one is beef again just that thick layer of Africa they know what they're doing with pepper we got this restaurant this is just an extra bonus dish that we just decided order No mm-hmm it's very Oh mate yeah again it's still like it's like the undertone of beefy broth enos on the bottom but the what stands out to me about goulash and the fisherman's stew for sure man super bowl and a lot of Hungarian dishes is kind of a layers of flavor like the media undertone and that prepped paprika is like the it's like the overtone layer flavor fill the bread just like dissolves into your soup actually no you're don't go I got a I'm gonna track ultimate bite here get some of the carp some of the carp on my spoon add one of these beautiful beautiful chillies and then just do a full re reducing submerge oh yes this is probably the best bite that you can get here it looks good and then get it to your mouth before you spill too much too much of it brah [Music] well I'm chilly a spicier mmm then the first one happened mmm just that really has like a serious bite of skin on it rather than it just sucking explodes with like mm-hmm like a fruity tomato chili flavor the creamy fish the bra the noodles what a dish everything yep pick some of that especially some of that bacon and mingle it with the paprika sauce [Music] yep the bacon just like makes it even more alive what a dish so creamy in that like blend into the goes so well oops I had a bit of a party foul on the white tablecloth but I'm sure that has to happen like with everybody who eats here that's just I think that's part of the dish eating the dish and also I think my lips are a little bit red from that paprika that's how you know you've been eating good the best Hungarian food when your lips are red for paprika that meal was absolutely spectacular and Adam said we've got to try one dessert Adam what's this dessert it's like a chestnut puree a common Hungarian yeah yeah I would say so yeah dig deep to get that that chestnut puree it's kind of like almost like greeny and it is actually chestnut and like shredded and chestnut yeah look at that texture it's almost like it almost does look like in little noodles all right to end an amazing day [Music] Wow okay that's something like you have to think about to even gather your thoughts it's like little fluffy little like curly noodles shapes but that totally throws off your mind because it doesn't have that texture at all it's more almost like I'm mashed it is chestnuts but it is like a like a starchy nutty you almost like mashed potatoes I kind of like there's mashed potatoes and then the spice that you really taste immediately as nothing yes lots of nutmeg in there for sure okay Wow I can like for sure I can say that's one of the best probably the best meal I had in Hungary Adam said so bhaiyya for me is abaya because of the fur coat that's way to the fish that was that was amazing for me without a doubt the clear winner and my taste buds is bhaiyya as well because well they're both they're both really good and I think it also really depends on what you like what you like because the the said we were talking the Senate version it's a little less spicy yeah it's a little less like maybe it's more refined blend more complicated it's more it's more you can taste that puree of fish and it's more like it's thicker it's more like stew like not me exactly the by aversion is more spicy and not only more spicy but more like spice yeah you can just taste the paprika way more pronounced way more condensed and it's thinner because it's and they this fish is served on the side and then there's little those little cherry chilies that just burst on the side is that was a highlight for me too and then like you said the part cult that was the winner of a dish here do anyway all of that to say that was just a lot of fun a lot of fun thank you thank you so much thank you so much Adam massive thank you to Adam for driving us for taking us around Adam is so cool huge thank you Adam and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video and if you haven't watched all the videos in this Hungary food series I'll have the link in the description box that you can check out that you can watch all the videos and make sure that you subscribe I'm gonna be publishing a lot more food and travel videos and I'll also click the little bell icon so that you can notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching good bye from bhaiyya and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,075,053
Rating: 4.8808088 out of 5
Keywords: spicy, Europe, Hungary, European food, Hungarian food, best Hungarian food, spicy hungarian food, paprika, Mark Wiens, Szeged, baja hungary, Halászlé, paprikash, hungarian fish soup, hungarian fish stew, Hungarian fisherman's soup, things to do in Hungary, travel hungary, travel vlog, travel videos, food videos, food vlog, Europe travel
Id: DsktPeAxoYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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