Humanize MIDI in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm going to show you how to humanize MIDI in Reaper have a project in front of me here where I want to record a piano part now I'm not much of a piano player so I'm probably gonna quantize the performance to correct the timing of what I play so if already set up a track with a piano I'll pay it on it and it sounds like this so I'm going to start off by creating a MIDI item right over here control on a PC come into the Mac and just draw from bar one to bar five because I'm creating a four bar phrase then I go to the track and switch it from a court input to record MIDI overdub this way I can record into this item without creating takes so its record the performance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so as you can tell it's not perfect it's not even very good but we could fix it by quantizing it so I'm going to double-click the MIDI item which opens up the MIDI editor but we could see all the notes I played so the first thing I do is quantize it go up here for the quantize button what you say q and we're gonna use the grid which is set to eighth notes wall notes position and no tenth it okay now it sounds like this [Music] that sounds a lot better no certain extend the notes by selecting them right-click and go down here to set no tends to start of next note which is legato so the notes are going to extend to the next attack hit that so now it looks like this with our notes be more legato and it sounds like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it sounds perfect but that's kind of a problem it doesn't really sound like a live player but we can fix that using the humanize feature let's right-click over here go to edit and go down here to human eyes we could also open this with the H key and that opens up this dialogue but we could humanize our performance which is going to randomize them to be a bit sloppy but more natural right now it's set to suck the notes let's change it to all notes bring up the timing which is gonna randomize the timing just a little bit based on how far we move this slider if we go real far it's gonna be a bit sloppy not very good let's bring it up slowly to hear the difference [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a bit better each note is not perfectly on the grid it's slightly off we could also humanize the velocity which is how hard I play the piano what's view the velocities right here and we could randomize them or humanize them right from here so they change but to that difference [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and down here we can change the timing bias if we leave it at zero some notes are gonna be early and some notes will be late we could push it to be more early or morally right from here I tend to prefer late so it doesn't sound nervous but more relaxed but see that difference [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes it's better to hear this with the click off so it's turn off or click [Music] that's a bit more natural or more human as a person's not going to play right in the grid so my happy with this just hit okay and we have a part now for part like this it could sometimes be more useful to split up how humanize it so it's undo this so it's back to be imperfect and instead let's work on selected notes separately I'm going to select just the downbeats of each bar like here here and here and here so now we just selected the downbeats of each measure so hit H which opens up the dialogue and I'll choose selected notes instead then we could adjust the timing of just the notes we selected and because we chose just the downbeats we could randomize it a lot more just bring this up a bunch just the bias to be a bit late the velocities let's hear that [Music] if we choose right here it's gonna re randomize the humanized feature so each time I hit it it readjusts it randomly so we can hit this into a happy with the performance [Music] notice what happens all the notes that are not selected which is the melody are perfectly in time bro the notes right in the bar are now randomized or humanized so they sound more natural especially we said it this high to sound like cords because each note is hit at a different time like strumming [Music] that's a lot more natural but now we can you man eyes the other notes so it said okay hit the keystroke control I on PC or command I on Mac and that inverts our selection so now we're selecting all the other notes or the melody it's now hit H and now we could humanize these notes a bit more subtly bring us up a bit just a velocities just the timing bias what's here that [Music] that sounds a lot more human it's not perfectly in time but it's also not sloppy hit ok let's hear the difference let's quantize it again let's hear that [Music] it's a little too perfect and here's what it sounds like humanized [Music] this is gonna work for any MIDI track you record for drums bass piano or even synth parts anything you could think of can be humanized or be more natural using this feature so that's pretty much it that's how to humanize MIDI in Reaper I hope you learned something I hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 35,367
Rating: 4.9936757 out of 5
Id: 5SIQVN6pq2I
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Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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