Human VS Robot: Who Can Do Nail Art Better? (ultimate battle)

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have you ever seen a person so dedicated trying so hard to win at their own game well hello everyone it's me christine again also known as simply nailogical actress according to google and youtube still waiting for my academy award a couple videos ago i played with one of the latest advancements in technology the nail art printing robot check that video out if you haven't already it is a prerequisite for this class after that video i got so many interesting requests on what other things i could do with the nail printing robot people asked if it could print on toes i don't think i could fit my foot into that little hole so probably not 100 layers of nail art printing you people want me to die don't you nail robot versus the barbie printer now that's a good idea except i've been trying to buy the goddamn barbie printing thing and i can't find it printing a picture of my naked nail and putting it on my naked nail you know i really like that one because it has no point at all and why i have so many emails was another common question i'm just a very popular old lady so many good suggestions but the one that intrigued me the most was nail art robot versus human who can do nail art better yes today is the day that simply their logical will do nail art i haven't done nail art since 2018. wish me luck on this mission in the comments down below it will change the oak i can hear the comments now i'm so early i was here back when simply and illogical did nail art the truth is i'm i'm scared because i'm i'm kind of out of practice now there's a couple ways to do this i could come up with some nail art take a picture of it upload it to the app and then have the robot print that out on my nails or pick some existing nail art styles from the app's image gallery print those on my nails and then see if i'm any better at recreating those designs using actual nail polish and nail art skills i'm gonna try and challenge myself today and see if i can recreate the nail art the robot gallery has so you see my nails i printed them last night i picked five different nail art designs from the o2 digital nail printers nail art gallery and printed them on my nails now that we know how to operate the nail art printing robot it was a pretty easy process and it didn't take me more than maybe one to two hours thanks to the nail art printing robot doing nail art is not a problem anymore so many of you have stupid trim trim humor like me i tried to pick five very different designs that would force me to use different nail art techniques the nail robot technology isn't perfect though because even though i'd finally figured out how to use this thing properly and get my finger in the right position for printing some of the designs did not print that nicely compared to the artwork and the app it looks like maybe the printer doesn't handle the darker inks as well because they kind of look like they were bleeding i mean at least it was the ink and not me that was bleeding so i'm going to recreate the nail art based on the original artwork file in the app and not this slightly less impressive printout no shade actually yes shade lots of shade i unplugged it so it can't talk oh and one more thing instead of doing robot nail art on one hand and human nail art on the other i'm actually going to peel off these printed nails and then recreate the nail art on the same hand so that for comparison's sake the nails will still be the same length and shape because you see my other hand she is very sad she is the reject hand she suffers from doing things in life on a daily basis unlike this one which touches nothing okay first things first let's peel boil her up all right printer nails you were a one night only special yeah oh she gives a good peel show though oh yeah oh yeah i gotta say these peel really well because it's gel polish not nothing to do with the robot perfect now i have some reference work ew the printer ink stains your nails there's that i can't get it off any nails acetone nail cleanser pad doesn't come off so i'm starting at a disadvantage here all right let's start with the pinky and move our way to the thumb i think i'm gonna need some tea first no i'm not stalling bam oh [ __ ] no been sick i can't call ben for tea today he's not feeling well so i have to get vanity all right let's go come follow me you know it's important that i prove that i can do some things for myself oh wow i'm not leaving the house nope to the kitchen perfect then i've got your tea minty you taking care of your dad i'll leave it right here beside your fiji water thank you and we're back and i got my tea myself let's start off with the peel off base coat and while that dries go pick some colors now i think the most ideal way to replicate this would be to do a gradient first and then use a black polish to stamp a rose pattern over top but i don't have that exact rose stamp and i'm not very good at stamping first i'm going to put down the gradient and then we'll figure it out start with the lightest color first and let's slap down some liquid latex now for the gradient we're going to use a makeup sponge something i didn't use this morning these nail polishes haven't been opened in so long they're crusty green at the bottom yellow in the middle coral at the top got it hey not bad for the first pass she's got it [Music] she still got it and now we're gonna peel this is one thing i missed though do a little cleanup and now we're gonna add a quick dry glassy taco because we're gonna add no no we're not gonna add nail vinyls next okay we've got the gradient down now for the hard part so we're gonna try and freehand it i'm gonna need some acrylic paint though because acrylic paint is much easier to work with for fine details than nail polish i learned that from one of my own nail art hack videos from three years ago so while we wait for that to dry let's look at the next nail this looks like a watercolor technique is in order put on a white face color so i could use sharpie inks mixed with rubbing alcohol to create this kind of watercolor effect i think i've done that in a video many many moons ago but i'm gonna try and stick to mostly using nail polish so we're gonna dilute some nail polish with acetone we're also going to add a glossy taco to the nail first so the acetone doesn't eat away at the white base see i remember things [Music] and i'm just gonna go ahead and do a bit of prep work on the other nails it looks like two of them are gonna need a white base so let me just get that done actually looking at the design for the middle finger makes me think i need to make a water marble decal for that and those take some time to dry hold on a second who didn't clean this so some might think a water marble would be the way to go here but not me instead i'm gonna make a drag marble which means putting the polish down on a silicone mat and then dragging it like a beauty guru after a controversy no um and then dragging it with a toothpick on the mat [Music] [ __ ] that doesn't look like it at all with this kind of art you just kind of do it and then it becomes art it doesn't really work if you're trying to recreate existing art all right let's try again this is kind of like acrylic pour none of these look exactly right i knew i was right in doubting myself back to the watercolor one basically we gotta water these nail polishes down by mixing acetone with the nail polish it gives it a watercolor effect wow got my trusty yogurt lid i go through so much yogurt because i make a lot of overnight oats because by the way i'm 30. now with this technique you kind of want it to be messy so finally we have something working in my favor all right that cat kind of looks like it okay well i guess it's not like riding a bike because i don't seem to remember how to do this that well i mean it's not awful but it doesn't really look like watercolor it more looks like i just took a paintbrush and kind of you know spitter spattered the paint on the nail which is exactly what i did but anyways we're gonna go ahead with the acrylic paint line now maybe that'll fix things [Music] what do we think to be fair it is a lot harder to recreate someone else's art than it is to come up with your own so that's my defense all right now that i'm warmed up let's go back to the pinky and try and paint this rose it's tricky because you gotta paint the inverse of a rose if that makes sense so sad covering up my gradient now we can take the toothpick to make the lines a little bit skinnier since it's a lot easier to erase lines that are too thick than it is to draw really thin lines it's like a control z for your nails undo undo the stress of being an artist oh yes this bench so i chose this design because it's the one the girl printed in that tweet of the nail art printer that went viral hmm why did i just like that i'm going crazy help me you did this to me no you did this to me i'm gonna start off by drawing the outline now the nail art image has black outlines around the shapes but the printed one looks kind of pinkish purple maybe it ran out of black ink if it did that was fast printed like maybe eight nails i may not be that great but you're a ripoff eight hundred dollar piece of machinery [Music] i didn't breathe that whole time let's fill in the sides you've changed simply now logical you used to do nail art but now you can i know the me not doing nail art joke is older than me because i'm 30 and old get it okay on a serious note a lot of you guys did subscribe originally for nail art and maybe there's some of you who are kind of sad or disappointed that i'm no longer really doing what you signed up for and i completely understand that that if you moved on from me because i don't do the nail arts anymore then totally get it i guess for all the other people who decided to stick around i would like to say thank you for sticking with me through whatever the hell i decided to upload i was just having more fun and i was more mentally stimulated and interested in making funnier kind of silly videos there's nothing to do with you know trying to get more views or whatever you know i did make one slime video once but aside from that anyways what i'm what i'm trying to say but cannot communicate because i am a sock is thank you for watching my videos and supporting me no matter what i do really means a lot that i can come down here sit at this desk i could basically just sit here and talk to myself and some of you would still stick by me isn't that all my videos i just come here and talk to myself oh the realities of being a youtuber honestly that's one reason why i keep my day job because sometimes i just want to feel like a normal person and you know i want to hate mondays like a normal person i want to go into the office like a normal person i want to sit down at my normal person desk and do my normal person day job okay how how did we even get on this topic wow christine you are losing it anyways all this to say thank you i'm proud of myself for communicating emotions today oh good job christine now i see one glaring issue and that's the white gap at the bottom it's a little too big oops wow okay this one's gonna be a challenge who wants eyeballs on their nails anyways and i'm pretty sure the last time when i used this i chose a different eyeball design why are there more than one eyeball nail art designs in this app oh my god it's because the robots are trying to tell us something they're watching us [Music] yeah well i'm gonna watch you back [ __ ] with with the eyeball that i paint yes myself the human yeah we're all gonna die you know it's really dark but when you think about it we as humans are all gonna die one day but robots may not if you leave them plugged in does this eyeball have white eyelashes wow that's some interesting beauty trend we'll start out by drawing the the rough shape of the eye kind of looks like a lemon and get some streaky looking pink and purple tears is that what those are is she crying this would actually be a pretty sick makeup look maybe simply face logical should do this [Music] all right now we've got to figure out whether this eye has white eyelashes or what this could [ __ ] everything up actually that looks kind of cool pretty close let's add a glassy taco and move on to the final nail i'm gonna have to pick the most similar looking spiral design maybe it's this one there we go i'm gonna put down a black base color give this deco a little trim trim not a trim trim a trim trim i know this is a mess but i'm gonna try and save it and here we are free handing again so much for using different nail art techniques so drop the brush in the bottle we got it ew oh no paint is coming off the brush onto my fingers god damn it what are people gonna do when their friends tell them to watch simply and illogical for great nail art ideas and then they watch this video and they see this i'm just gonna add a tiny bit of yellow at the top because i'm obviously a perfectionist and let's glossy taco that [ __ ] and call it a day or call it a night yes call it a night oh my god i hope ben's okay i haven't seen him in hours i should probably go feed him or something speaking of taking care of bae valentine's day is coming up all right it's time for the final evaluation robot versus human who can do nail art [Music] better [Music] what do you think what do you think i want to know what you guys think comment down below and let me know who you thought did it better we're also going to ask ben okay ben who won mir the robot printer show me the thumb [Laughter] it's pretty good yeah i think you lose on that one yeah why lose every other one i think you did better are you serious i thought this was the best one no i think if you want some intricate design and you want it fast and you don't want to do it yourself and you don't really mind if it looks like it was printed then the nail art robot could be for you if of course you have a spare eight hundred dollars right everybody this was fun but i gotta tend to my drink sleep and make sure he doesn't die simply no logical sign off thanks so much for watching and i'll see y'all later bye [Music] bye
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 6,201,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, cute nail art, simply nailogical, robot nails, nail art printer, nail art robot, nail robot, printing nails, print job, vs, challenge, competition, battle royale, battle time, human vs robot, technology, ai, artificial intelligence, tech, nail challenge, winner
Id: Ke6Cp2e26iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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