Testing Dumb Snapchat Nail Hacks and Correcting Them
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 13,449,695
Rating: 4.9270492 out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, cute nail art, simply nailogical, nail hacks, clickbait hacks, snapchat, snapchat stories, testing nail hacks, nail art hacks, beauty hacks, life hacks, trying life hacks, testing hacks, dumb life hacks, dumb hacks, troom troom, dumb nail art hacks, simplynailogical nail hacks, nail art mistakes, common beauty mistakes, how to snapchat
Id: CfKFaODZ9hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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