Human Behaviors that Dogs Hate and Wish You Wouldn't Do

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a dog is more than just a pet they're a family member whose life you're responsible for there are certain human behaviors that dogs secretly hate dogs often tolerate these behaviors because they are loyal and easy going in this video we'll discuss the top 23 human behaviors that dogs hate and wish you wouldn't do number 23 dinnertime interruptions if someone kept touching you during your dinner time you'd get annoyed when your dog is eating respect their bliss and let them be place the dish in a low traffic area and instruct all your family members to let the dog eat in peace minimize dish handling and let your pooch enjoy its meal number 22 same food over and over dogs don't like it when you eat the best food and all they get is dog food prepare a special meal for your furry friend every now and then and let them enjoy their favorite dish luckily you do not need to drastically change your dog's food on a daily basis dogs have only a fraction of the taste buds that humans have which means they don't get bored of eating the same food as often as humans do number 21 being put away when friends come over dogs are very social animals keeping your dog in the backyard and ignoring them when your friends come over is like solitary confinement for your dog by letting them out while your guests are over your dog will get a chance to bond with your friends and they will also learn to behave better around new people number 20 cleaning them too often dogs keep themselves clean in their own special way and their body sense is a way of communicating with other dogs or animals if you wash your dog too frequently when they aren't actually dirty you're doing them no favors likewise when you wash your dog it's important not to use scented products the smell of scented shampoos on their fur may send them running straight outside to roll on the stinkiest thing they can find this is because they want to change their body sense number 19 being scolded without understanding why you may be upset or angry because your dog has done something you don't like but it's important to remember that dogs don't understand what they have done wrong or what is going on by scolding your pet you are passing your anger and negativity without addressing the main problem this can create stress and confusion in your dog by using positive reinforcement you can reward the behaviors you like and ignore the behaviors you dislike number 18 forced socialization although dogs are pack animals it doesn't mean they want to socialize all the time think about it do you want to talk with any person you meet on the street just like humans dogs simply don't like bonding with certain dogs if your furry friend is aggressive towards some dogs don't keep forcing them together expecting them to warm up to each other number 17 over-exercise fit people who go for daily runs or bike rides often take their dogs with them for company but extended runs can be hard or harmful for certain breeds or senior dogs for instance short-nosed breeds like pugs and bulldogs have respiratory issues that are not good for running long distances if your dog is older than eight always consult with your vet and get their advice for the exercise requirement number 16 summer heat unlike humans dogs don't sweat so they don't tolerate high temperatures as well as humans do while your dog does have some sweat glands in their pores these do little to help regulate their body temperature instead a dog's primary cooling mechanism is panting but sometimes panting isn't enough to keep them from overheating make sure to keep your dog in the shade or in an air-conditioned room or car provide them with plenty of water and if it's too hot make your dog wet to cool them down number 15. rough housing children are unpredictable and impulsive they can sometimes agitate or annoy a dog especially one who is unused to their unpredictable and energetic nature kids may pull on a dog's ears or tail poke its eyes or try to ride a big dog before you have kids over ask their parents to explain the protocol to their children if the kids want to play hard and your dog seems concerned put them in a room that is off limits to the children number 13 the baby treatment many dog owners confuse caring for their dogs with treating them like babies it's important to remember that a dog is a dog and it needs to be treated as such expecting a dog to do things he simply cannot or has no understanding of may lead to anxiety and confusion a common example is a dog who chews expensive furniture or defecates in the house by attaching human reason for this behavior you may think the dog is trying to exact revenge in reality the dog could be stressed have separation anxiety is sick or is not properly house trained treating your dog as a baby may lead to ineffective training or misplaced punishment and it means the real problem not only goes unaddressed but could get worse some dog owners discourage their dogs from certain inherent behaviors such as sniffing urine and sniffing each other from behind in these situations we are not caring for our furry friends but preventing them from their own nature it is important that you love your dog for who they are number 12 loud music loud noises are stressful for your dog because dogs have much more sensitive hearing than humans canines can hear sounds four times as far as humans dogs can be very agitated by noises that don't bother us at all thunder fireworks police sirens and loud vehicles are probably the most common noise phobia triggers people who listen to loud music in their cars with their dogs in the car are probably harming their dogs number 12 teasing them with treats it may all be fun and games from your perspective and even seem the same way for your dog but that's hardly the case treats should be used as a reward but not an instrument to tease or trick your pet number 11 arguing in front of them perhaps you are in an argument with your spouse and the conversation gets loud or someone begins to cry it's easy to forget you have a witness watching the fight unfold and it does create stress in your dog dogs may try to break up a fight by barking or coming over to you with a toy some dogs will also steal your favorite belongings because they know you will leave the argument to chase them down whatever they do your dog can sense when something is wrong a hostile environment is not good for you and is certainly not good for your dog number nine too much alone time dogs are very social animals and those who are left alone in a home for 10 or more hours each day can develop behavioral and psychological issues such as separation anxiety destructive behavior excessive barking digging or even escaping some dogs can lose house training skills and urinate or defecate in the house your dog is a member of your family and as such needs to spend time with you if you work long hours ask a friend or a dog walker to stop by once each day to take them for a walk you can also take them to a doggy care if that's not possible be sure to spend quality time with them when you return interaction with others is critical to your dog's well-being so however you do it get them some company number eight you give up owning a dog is a responsibility to be taken seriously there are times when it's best to re-home a dog but then there are the owners who give up without trying to address whatever issues they have with their pets it's important to know that unwanted behaviors such as destructive separation anxiety leash aggression or going potty inside can get better with training and age a dog who has lost its owner will undergo bouts of depression they may pace and search unsuccessfully for their former owners they often hide or cower in fear until they get acclimatised to their new environment and the vast majority of dogs in shelters don't make it out alive number seven being the potty police don't be so pushy on your dog to go potty canines want nothing more than to stop sniff and explore their surroundings rushing your dog through a walk without allowing them to stop and sniff is unkind number six a tight leash dogs can read human tension levels through their leash if you are keeping a loose leash you are telling your dog that everything is fine and relaxed a tight leash on the other hand means you are tense or nervous dogs get irritated if they are being pulled on their leash all the time it is painful and it can injure them and also frustrate them a dog can easily be least trained with the use of a proper harness and positive reinforcement number three being upset recent studies have shown that when humans cry their dogs also feel distress life has its ups and downs you can't expect to be happy all the time however if you are going through a period of depression or stress it is bound to affect your furry friend some dogs will mirror your emotions becoming sad stressed or even sick do your best to keep with some sort of routine and spend time with your dog dogs can offer great emotional support there's a reason dogs are so good at animal assisted therapy number one ignoring them after you have a baby some pet owners ignore their dogs when they bring a baby into their home this can be a difficult time for a dog because they're no longer the center of attention don't ignore your furry friend give your dog plenty of attention when the baby is around studies have shown that dogs make for happier babies having a pet increases levels of serotonin a happy chemical that increases well-being and happiness in humans
Channel: Jaw-Dropping Facts
Views: 1,384,782
Rating: 4.8838201 out of 5
Id: MbuT_TY51_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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