Years of Breeding Ruined Popular Dog Breeds

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over the years selective breeding and human influence have drastically changed the appearance of many dog breeds while breeders think they are creating more beautiful dogs they don't realize how much damage they are causing to the animals in this video we will discuss how years of selective breeding has drastically changed some of the most popular dog breeds number 14. the pug the park has been selectively bred to feature an extremely flat face and curly tail while these changes made them more appealing to some buyers they opened up a whole slew of health problems for the breed pugs pushed in face makes them susceptible to breathing difficulties low oxygen levels overheating and dental problems pug's desirable double curl tail is actually a genetic defect that results from their spinal deformity it often causes back pain and can even lead to back leg paralysis number 13 cavalier king charles spaniels the cavalier has a small stature and affectionate personality which make them ideal pets unfortunately years of breeding for a prettier head has resulted in too small of a skull put simply this means their skull is too small for their brain as a result their brain squeezes through the opening leading to the spinal cord causing pain and sometimes facial nerve paralysis number 12 the bull terrier the bull terrier's head along with the rest of his body have transformed drastically over the years due to serious impaired breeding in the past the bull terrier was an athletic good-looking dog with a slim torso and well-proportioned head but modern ball terriers have an egg-shaped head and thick body because of their unnatural head shape today's bull terriers suffer from dental problems as they have too many teeth in their enlarged jaws these dogs also picked up mental deficiencies such as a habit of compulsively chasing their tails and skin vulnerabilities to rash or insect bites number 11. dachshund productions are also known as sausage dogs and were originally used to hunt rabbits foxes and other tunneling animals because of their short-legged compact frame while these dogs have always had stubby legs and long bodies many years ago their legs and back were more proportionate to their size thanks to altered breeding their back has stretched out and their legs have shrunk to a point where they can hardly maneuver over obstacles a few inches off the ground these changes have made ductions at huge risk of intervertebral disc disease and spinal damage which can lead to paralysis number 10 english bulldog in great britain the english bulldog was used for bull baiting a blood sport where dogs were used to bait and attack balls the dog was selective bred to have an even thicker and squatter body today bulldogs unnatural proportions make them incapable of mating or giving birth without medical intervention these dogs also suffer from overheating and breathing problems because of their pushed in face number nine boxer earlier in their existence boxers had pointy ears and long snouts but today they have floppy ears and flatter noses that are more compact unfortunately their shortened snout is a cause of some serious breathing problems boxer's large body requires significant physical exercise but their pushed in nose limits their oxygen intake as a result boxers are unable to work their body to their full potential modern boxers also have more flesh in their mouths so they don't pant as efficiently this means they overheat more quickly and can hardly tolerate hot weather number eight poodles originally the poodle was considered a water retriever meaning they were used to retrieve water birds and darks for hunters mainly because they had a water resistant coat poodles had long stranded coats that almost resembled braids however years of selective breeding has drastically changed the shape and texture of their fur modern poodles have got soft and often curly coats and these changes to their coats came at a cost to their health today's poodles suffer from a skin disease called sebaceous adenitis loss of fur scaly patches and itching to the extent of pulling out hair are common problems for many poodles poodle's fur and skin often require lifelong treatment with options ranging from special shampoos to medications number seven german shepherd before evolving to fit modern standards the german shepherd was considered to be a medium-sized dog with strong legs a deep chest and straight back it was used to herd and guard sheep over time a growing demand emerged for the breed to become larger and more imposing in appearance genetic alteration aimed to provide a solution but this came at a cost to the dog's health today the german shepherd is much heavier and features a back that slopes drastically making them prone to hip dysplasia a condition where the leg bones don't fit properly into the hip socket at some point these dogs could jump over an eight-foot wall but today's german shepherds are no longer the athletic breed they used to be they are instead too big for their own good lack of physical exercise within a domesticated setting is also a cause for concern number six the basset hound bassett hounds have always had large ears and short legs but after displaying this breed at a dog show in 1863 a growing demand to alter its winning features emerged researchers have determined that the basset town's short legs are a result of an extra copy of a certain gene which produces growth protein prior to this genetic mutation the basic hounds had smaller ears and a less droopy face unfortunately these changes have made the breed susceptible to many health problems their excessive skin can lead to dermatitis in the skin folds their droopy eyes are prone to serious eye problems and their short legs can cause spinal problems number five the bearded collie bearded collies have always been considered very friendly lovable and all-round great pets but this breed never had the huge coat that it has today modern bearded collies are shorter and much stockier than they used to be although they do not experience any severe defects due to breeding many bearded collies are prone to skin allergies number four the sun bernard some burners were originally used to rescue lost travelers buried by snow storms and avalanches in the cold mountains of the alps compared to their ancestors today some bernards have bigger skulls with steeper angles between their nose and foreheads the dog is also much larger than its early ancestors and it has a more squished in face and longer fur although once a working dog they now suffer from a variety of health issues such as overheating and entropion a condition in which the eyelid is rolled inward against the eyeball number three the white terrier years ago the white terrier known as the westie was an athletic and working dog with great instincts because of their short stocky frames they were used to hunt rats badgers or other vermin at the farms after years of genetic alteration today's white terrier is not nearly as athletic as its ancestors their coat has become longer and their legs have been stunted this has made them very susceptible to luxating patella a condition in which the kneecap moves out of its natural position while westies make for an incredible family pet they aren't nearly the dog they used to be these days you probably find the white terriers modeling for brands rather than hunting for foxes number two chow chow it is believed that the chow chow dates back to 206 bc of the ancient china because of the similarities found in chinese potteries many years ago the chow chow was a medium-sized dog with a slightly heavy coat however today's chow chow's developed a drastically dense coat and excessive skin which results in reduced peripheral vision and sometimes skin allergies and coat issues number one salukis salukis are known for their lean build these pups are as skinny as supermodels which also means they're really fast studies have shown that salukis might be one of the oldest dog breeds known to man salukis originated in the middle east and the drawings of these dogs dates back to 4200 bc archaeologists have even uncovered mummified salukis in ancient egyptian tombs thankfully the physical appearance of the saluki has not changed much but they are now susceptible to heart defects and certain eye problems you
Channel: Jaw-Dropping Facts
Views: 221,774
Rating: 4.8455453 out of 5
Id: FPj4YjdfKcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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