This Is How Animals Say Goodbye to the Dead

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hi everyone whether animals have consciousness or not is one of the most controversial questions in science while owners of cats and dogs humanized them and attribute their emotions to their pets many scientists are much more skeptical about the emotional intellect of animals they are convinced that even if animals can feel the way we do their emotional spectrum is still limited however examples from real life prove the opposite today we will show you some videos which will convince even diehard skeptics that animals definitely have emotions and they can grieve over their loved ones just like humans [Music] crows warn earth Allah just have long known that crows behave very strangely when they see corpses of their kin usually they gather around them and let out ear-piercing cause for a long time it was assumed that this is their way to arrange a funeral however this theory has not been confirmed until this experiment happened the experiment was conducted by the American researcher Kaylie Swift for several days she went to Seattle City park to feed local Ravens with peanuts and then she appeared in the same place in a completely different outfit the girl put on a scary mask and was holding a stuffed dead crow in her hands the results of the experiment shocked scientists after noticing Kaylie one of the birds immediately raised the alarm others responded and the whole flock of birds seemed to caught the girl from the trees raising their beak to the sky as if yelling this really looks like some unusual ritual Kaylie however believes that the birds warned their kin from nearby areas about the danger but this isn't the most surprising thing about this experiment the day after the crows funeral Kayleigh returned to the park in her usual guys to feed the birds again they accepted the treat however with greater reluctance and caution according to the researcher they seemed to be alarmed and when Kayleigh once again dressed up like a villain putting on that same mask the incredible happened it turned out that the crows remembered her they immediately began to scream and tried to drive her out of the territory and Marie as you know is the basis of intelligence langur monkeys langur monkey is a species of primate from the circuses today family which mainly lives in India in the course of one experiment reporters discovered these monkeys react to the death of their kin the same way humans do scientists placed an animatronic monkey with video cameras instead of eyes in the forest one of the monkeys grabbed the root and unintentionally dropped it from the tree seeing a little body spread out on the ground he decided that he had accidentally killed the baby the primate immediately began to mourn the body of the robot bending his head down as if feeling guilty soon other monkeys joined him they sniffed to the body of the little robot and gave each other a comforting hug just like at a real funeral it's especially touching to see how the parents hugged their children looking at the dead robot seeing this how can you say animals have no feelings Internet users who have seen this video were amazed by the incredible sense of empathy the monkeys have for each other however they also noticed that carrying out such experiments is cruel because now the monkeys can be tormented by guilt for the rest of their lives those scientists still debate whether animals can feel guilt what do you think chimpanzee the next video is not an experiment but real footage from a nature reserve but before commenting on it we shall note that according to scientists chimpanzees share 90% of their DNA with humans and this means that they can communicate in sign language use tools and make weighted decisions and of course to experience emotions this video was filmed in Zambia Africa where a group of scientists accidentally witnessed an incredible scene the researchers worked in a fenced territory almost one square kilometre an area which was inhabited by a group of chimpanzees with roughly 43 species a pair of chimpanzees found the body of a dead 9 year old male however to the surprise of the researchers dozens of other primates got here - in a few minutes for a long time all chimpanzees remained completely silent as if attending a real funeral only a few of them gently sniffed the body and touched it according to scientists they have never seen anything like it such behavior clearly indicates that chimpanzees realized what had happened but the most amazing thing happened later one of the chimpanzees a mother who recently lost her baby brought its body to the place of grief and sat down a couple of metres away from her kin perhaps she connected these two events in her head and decided to join the grieving still scientists are reluctant to use the term grief for such situations since they don't have enough empirical data pilot whales pilot whales or blackfish are highly developed mammals whose brain is twice as large as that of a human of course the pilot whales mental abilities cannot be compared to ours but they are still pretty smart for animals for example they display highly developed social behavior it is known that they will never leave their kin in trouble which can sometimes lead to sad consequences for example according to some theories pilot whales can beach themselves ashore when one of them dies here you can see a pilot whale mother mourning the death of her calf who died from ocean debris she gently touches his head drags the calf with her along the ocean and opens her mouth as if crying it's clear that the animal refuses to accept the death of its baby and this requires intelligence it is impossible not to feel sad when you look at this scene especially if you realize that humans are responsible for the death of a huge number of sea creatures dolphins now let's talk about ordinary dolphins who are often believed to have human-like qualities and intelligence after this video shot by a group of scientists in the Mediterranean Sea was posted on the Internet many researchers wondered can dolphins experience grief after all how else could you explain the behavior of this animal which has been swimming around its deceased friend for an hour as if trying to wake it from a long sleep scientists admit that dolphins have been known to experience psychological reactions similar to sorrow some female dolphins for example can carry their dead babies in their jaws for weeks at the same time researchers noticed that such behavior is not quite so common among whales biologists attribute this to differences in brain structure in any case the scientific community is still debating whether dolphins and other animals can grieve certainly such studies are complicated by the fact that we can't talk to animals and ask them questions directly so to some extent scientists have to interpret what they see elephants we know that elephants are social animals that are very attached to their family members they not only help their sick but also honor the dead in a special way here for example you can see the unusual ritual performed by elephants when one of them dies usually when other elephants see the body they carefully touch it with their trunks or even try to put their deceased on their feet when they realize what's happened they begin to trumpet loudly then a kind of funeral begins elephants throw leaves and earth on the body of the deceased and then visit the grave for several days they stand next to it for a long time in complete silence as if truly mourning the death of one of their kind what's more amazing is that elephants perform a similar ritual even when they discover the bones of a long dead elephant first they form a closed circle around the remains then turn or lift the bones with their trunks and stroke them scientists analyzing the behavior of these mammals believe that this indicates their understanding of the phenomenon of death and awareness of the loss of loved ones penguins emperor penguins living in Antarctica are used to the harsh climate in winter temperatures there can reach minus 40 degrees with the wind speed of up to 40 meters per second not so long ago scientists found that penguins feathers helped them survive the cold in addition these animals gather together in groups to get warm just like in this video of course the ones in the middle get the most out of this protection they are surrounded by the Penguins minimizing their exposure to the cold but the ones on the windward edge have a hard time to solve this problem penguins came up with a special rotation system they periodically changed their position to give everyone the opportunity to get warm alas for the smallest members of the group this could be risky they can die not only from the cold but also as a result of a tragic accident this baby penguin died during a snowstorm when the mother finally found him it was already too late for some time the mother tried to revive the baby poking him with her beak and crying but it didn't help in a few moments another female approached her and seemed to start comforting her friend morning with her and boy is it difficult to look at this scene without crying take care of animals in nature those scientists have not yet been able to prove other living creatures can feel emotions the videos you saw speak for themselves we are certain that many animals can rejoice grieve and mourn just like humans so keep this in mind and don't let anyone else forget about this [Music]
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Views: 6,254,699
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Keywords: List, Top 10, Facts, Viral, 10 Most, braintime, brain time, brain, time, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, in the world, most, the most, the, list, best, video, people, facts, interesting, interesting facts, This Is How Animals, Animals, Animals Say Goodbye, Say Goodbye, Say Goodbye to the Dead, Dead, Goodbye, animals have consciousness, emotions animals, intellect of animals
Id: twYmI--mYXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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